[Kernel][JB] Devil3_1.9.5[06/12/12]

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Devils Kernel

Seine Homepage:
Devil's Kernel 4.0.x (ICS)
Devil's Kernel 4.1.x. (JB)
Devil's Kernel 4.2.x. (JB)

  1. Der neuste Devil Kernel trägt die Versionsnummer (3_)1.4.1 (für 4.0.x) / (3_)1.9.5 (für 4.1.x) / 4.2 (für 4.2.x)
  2. Testkernels werde ich hier nicht eintragen, außer vllt. Wenn mir jmd. Den Link zum entsprechenden Post per PN schickt.;)
  3. Basis des Kernels ist der Teamhacksung Kernel 3.0.8, von TheDevil geupdated wurde.
  4. Bei Problemen immer erst wieder den Stock Kernel flashen, und schauen, ob diese dann behoben sind.

    Ich habe diesen Threat jetzt übernommen und werde ihn jetzt auch aktuell halten


- 378, 390 and 402 Mb Ram available (selectable in kernel, no need for a patch (403 mb breaks 720p) only reboot required)
- SIO scheduler
- V(R) scheduler
- BFQ V4 I/O Scheduler
- Fiops I/O Scheduler
- init.d
- Voodoo Sound and CM9 Color Adjusment / Voodoo Color (VC version)
- Devil Idle
- BLN V9 (thx to mialwe)
- USB Host mode driver (for more information about this, and for saying thanks to the guy, who ported this for our phone, please visit this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1450298 )
- Ezekeel's Live_Oc
- Ezekeel's Deep Idle V2
- Touchwake
- vibrator intensity control (by mialwe)
- BLX (Batterie Life Extender, I don't think we need it, but maybe one feels better by using it )
- backports from Linux 3.2 and 3.3
- Swap/Zram support
- Zcache, Cleancache and Frontswap
- Smooth_ui included to ondemand, conservative, smartass, lulzactive, lagfree and lazy governor (only one setting for activating/deactivating it in general)
- 3 cpu governor presets (smooth, normal, powersave) for ondemand, conservative, smartass, lulzactive, lagfree (only one setting for switching the mode in general)
- many other small features and improvements

Download, Installation, Changelog, Apps und FAQ in Post 2



Vielen Dank an:

Many Thanks to:
TK Glitch
sztupy, for his great work, to get usb host mode driver
F4k for the idea to flash bigmem libs
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: olex. und fitsbie


103- steht für die Version 3_1.0.3
110- steht für die Version 3_1.1.0
113- steht für die Version 3_1.1.3




1. Kernel herunterladen
2. Ins Recovery Menü booten (Root ist erforderlich)
3. Evtl. KernelCleaning Script durchlaufen lassen
3. Auf install zip file from sd card und dann auf choose...(jeweils mit der Power Taste bestätigen)
4. Die Kernel suchen und flashen.

Hier ein sehr schönes Video von Imperianer. Habe es hier verlinkt, da es gleich sehr viele Fragen zum kernel beantwortet. Vielen Dank an dieser Stelle dafür.
imperianer schrieb:

Changelog der neusten Version

- new partition layout
- synced initramfs with cm team
- synced lowmemorykiller with google and steve kondik

älterer Changelog:

JB 02.08.12

- bug fix to bln, to prevent kernel panic in some situations (thx to thalamus)
- switched from deep_idle 2 to idle2 (also thx to thalamus)
- updated kernel to linux 3.0.38
- dockaudio sysfs for captivate and fascinate

IDLE2 can be enabled with the following command:
echo 0 > /sys/module/cpuidle/parameters/idle2_disabled
IDLE2 can be disabled with the following command:
echo 1 > /sys/module/cpuidle/parameters/idle2_disabled
Stats can be obtained from the standard cpuidle interface, which, for
IDLE2 is located at:
where * = 1, 2, 3

- updated recovery (no "sdcard format"-bug anymore, external sd card is named correctly)
- vibrant: hopefully fixed froyo ril
- jellybean: galaxy s settings working now

- updated kernal base to linux 3.0.36
- updated "block" to linux 3.3
- readded fiops io scheduler (kept cfq this time)
- updated cwm recovery to (please create a new nandroid, because of possible incompatibilities between old/new recovery)
- compiled with linaro toolchain (gcc 4.7.1) and O3 compiler flags
- made uksm scan less often (save cpu time and power)
- at first boot: only delte init.d scripts created by other kernels
- increased usb write performance
- lowered ram and display voltages a little bit
- fixed some bugs related to devil settings (they should stick now after reboot, if set by one of the devil apps)
- support for scripts in /system/etc/shutdown.d (thx to Efpophis)
all scripts placed at /data/local/shutdown.d or /system/etc/shutdown.d get executed at shutdown/reboot
you can use this, to play a shutdown sound for example.
by default 00shutdown gets created, which plays a music file, when it is placed at one of these folders/places
- disabled some debugging options
- audio (and for fascinate: camera fixes) by Efpophis+
- patch for improving batterie life by CML
- nfts read/write driver built in (for use with usb host mode)
- reverted refreshrate_mod and gpu_oc mod, as both weren't working

- some changes to load balancing
-added ultra ksm (metioned by zach thx for this my friend)
- readded fiops io scheduler (still experimental and could cause instablilities)
- using snappy compression for zram now (2 times faster, but only 2% less compression)
- added the possibility to change zram size (at /data/local/devil/zram_size, with valid values: 50, 75, 100 and 150 (all in mb))
- fixed the applying of user_min/max freq after reboot
- vibrant: fixed gps
- fascinate: fixed nandroid in cwm recovery

what is ksm? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_...e_Merging_(KSM)
uksm is more optimized and also working for single core systems. using this should give much better ram usage, but at the cost of more cpu usage

############# most probably not working (yet)##############
i have added seperate gpu oc from jt1134's galaxy_tab (to switch between 200 and 250 mhz), but i did not get any improvements in antutu...further tests needed
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/pvr_oc/pvr_oc (for 250 mhz)
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/pvr_oc/pvr_oc (for 200 mhz), no reboot needed

and also have changend default screen refreshrate from 60 to 56, with the possibility to change it:
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/refreshrate/enable (60 hz)
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/refreshrate/enable (56 hz)
################################################## ####
cwm recovery:
- fixed mounting of external sd card to pc

- picked two commits from linux 3.0.32 (avoid a possible memory leak, small fix to ext4 driver)

- fixed wrong mount points

- updated Zram and Zcache from linux 3.3
- updated android binder driver from linux 3.3
- fixed restoring of backups within TWRP recovery
- added virtual buttons to cwm recovery (Attention: they still don't work!)
- call vol hack from tk glitch (take a look at init.d folder and edit the script to make changes to call vol hack)
- bigmem values get applied at first boot after power on (if there is a value at /data/local/devil/bigmem, 1 for 391 mb and 2 for 403 mb (the last one breaks 720p)
- prevent phantom key presses (from tk glitch)

- Smooth_ui included to ondemand, conservative, smartass, lulzactive, lagfree and lazy governor (only one setting for activating/deactivating it in general)
- 3 cpu governor presets (smooth, normal, powersave) for ondemand, conservative, smartass, lulzactive, lagfree (only one setting for switching the mode in general)
- no need for activating/deactivating of selective live_oc anymore --> just change target low and target high
- BLX back in
- fixes to devil idle to be more stable while in call
- 1,5 mb more ram (thanks to mialwe)
- added aroma filemanager to cwm recovery
- added fully working TWRP recovery optional to cwm recovery (to use TWRP, just create a file named "twrp" at /cache)
- added option to select ram config in kernel --> no need for flashing an other kernel to get more ram (thanks to stratosk)
- switched to new initramfs from stratosk and mialwe ( now there will be cmw zip and odin tar file of every kernel version)
- added possibility to use Zram instead of Swap
- no need for flashing/using special scripts to make swap/zram working anymore
- added zcache
- added frontpage
- added cleancache
- added fudgeswap (thanks to ezterry and faux123)

- all changes from cm9 stock kernel (including mount points option)
- some fine tuning to deadline and sio
- Devil Idle: limiting bus/ram/gpu speed to 100 mhz for 100-800 mhz cpu freq, while screen off (automatic mode) or always (permanet), both modes automatically reduce the int voltages of the affected freq by 50 mV
- compiled with swap support
- added stratosk's smooth_ui to lulzactive governor (activated by default)
- rest oc_value to 100 while screen off, and back when screen turns on (combined with devil idle automatic, can't be turn on/off without devil idle)
- added posibility for different voltages while screen off (also bundled with devil_idle, with default settings, stock arm voltages are applied, because of live_oc set to 100)
- added the possibility to set freq limits while screen off (min and max freq)

- even better fix to selective live_oc (last one (in test kernel) generated some overhead)
- fixed sampling rate of ondemand and conservative (have ported mialwe's/stratosk's sleep multipliers)
- new tunables for ondemand and conservativ

sleep multiplier and tunables:
mialwe and stratosk had the great idea, to change the sampling rate of conservative and ondemand governor while display of. for this, he introduced the sleepmultiplier (in his case factor 3). this means, if you set sampling rate to 20000, it changes to 60000 while screen off, and back, when screen on.

for ondemand and conservative:
i have made this multipliers tunable. proper values are between 1 and 5, because one could want a higher multiplier while screen off, if sampling rate is very low while screen on (higher sampling rate means, less checking for work load --> better batterie, worse performance). with this tunables you get better batterie, without making the performance worse while screen on.

two other tunables: up_threshold_min_freq and responsiveness_freq
the first one is a very low threshold while on low freq (by default 40), to make the governor scale up faster, until the responsiveness_freq is reached.

the responsiveness_freq is set to 400000 (400 mhz) by default. while the freq is below this value, up_threshold is the same as up_threshold_min_freq, and freq jumps to responsiveness_freq, with skipping the freq between the actual one and the responsiveness_freq. (conservative governor does not jump up to this step)

responsiveness_freq can be set to values between 100000 and 1400000
up_threshold_min_freq can be set to the same values as the normal up_threshold.

not tunable: while screen off, up_threshold is set to 95, no matter your other settings, to save more batterie.
up_threshold_min_freq is disbaled by default for conservative governor

for lulzactive:
for this governor, i did similar things, but they are not tunable till now.

when screen off:
- inc_cpu_load is set to 90, and back to the original value, when screen turns on
- up_sample_time is set to 50000, and back to the original value, when screen turns on
- down_sample_time is set to 40000, and back to the original value, when screen turns on

other changes:
- fix to touchwake from ezekeel, and another fix from stratosk
- upstream fix to compass
- building for i9000B now, too (big thanks to F4k for the hints by pn )
- removed some typos from recovery
- removed some annoying "no's" and "yes" from recovery in misc menu
- fixed wifi mode switch (pm_fast is the one with better signal)

- new b versions (only stock ram) changend to 377 mb, VC version needs the 720p fix from my ftp server. cmc version already patched

- updated wifi driver
- added the possibility to switch between wifi PM_Fast and PM_Max mode (Pm_Fast = better signal, PM_Max = better batterie, default is PM_Max)
- user interface to disable fsync (this gives more performace, at the risk of data loss on a crash, taken from ezekeel, so it should be ok ), default is off, to be safe

- fixed voodoo color kernels (these have the VC in their names)

- added vibrator intensity control (by mialwe), presets can be changend in recovery
- stock ram version now available (348 mb ram), XL (390 mb), XL_bm (402 mb)
- removed 1080 mhz freq for now
- small correction to touchwake
- small correction to selective live_oc (now the low freq really are not live_oc'ed)

- fixed bug in selective live_oc, which caused the target high not taking affect to the highest freq, if highest freq equals target high
- fixed another bug in selective live_oc, which could lead to gpu crashes due to overclocking the ram, but not the cpu freq (for low steps)
- added a switch to change between "normal" and selective live_oc
by changing the live_oc mode while using it, live_oc value is set back to 100, to prevent strange things

- added possibility to set max. freq for boot (in recovery). This freq is set until init.d is executeted (it is automatically set to 1000 at this point, to make sure there are no conflicts with other cpu settings from users)

#Already in the last version, but i forgot about it:
- deep idle fixes from stratosk (many thanks)
- added possibility to underclock by using live_oc (limit is 90 now, which means lowering all freq and bus speed by 10%, to save more batterie when really needed)

For now there are three different RAM versions:
- stock mem kernel has 379 mb ram, everything working
- "slim ics" (XL) kernel comes with 390 mb, this is breaking playback of some high resolution videos
- XL_BM is coming with 402 mb ram, but breaking 720p
(while flashing the kernel, the modded rom files are also flashed, so you don't need to flash a new rom to get 379 or 390 mb)

-added new frequency: 1080 mhz (1100 does not like live_oc)
- fixed SmartassV2 for live_oc (after changing live_oc value, you have to change the smartass values, too, but then they automatically apply to the live_oc value (although you can only select 800 mhz in nstools (for example))
- touch recovery with custom devil menu (for some reason it takes a few seconds to load the first time, missing virtual keys is a warning, because there are no virtual keys yet)
-fast charge (thx to chad0989 for this), disabled by default.

you also can use the widget from chad (to place on homescreen) to toggle the fast_charge mode
while fast charge is activated you cannot connect as usb device

- added datafix script to init.d (this script is deactivated by deafult. to make it work, you have to creat a file named datafix and placed in /data/local/)
- reworking and cleaning many parts to get more ram, speed, and stability

- updated sio i/o scheduler to latest version
- small updates to ondemand and conservative governor from linux 3.2
- bettter performance for CFS kernel due to tuning and patches
- tuning to deadline scheduler
- better i/o performance
- changed bootlogo (probably not the last time )

- finally working bln V9 (no need for LED2 anymore)
- fixed lockscreen freezes
- reverted memory tweaks, which could be the reason for lagging after using a day
- again wlan fixes from tk-glitch
- tweaked conservative and ondemand governor (conservative still is not too aggressive)
- added dm-cache again (who has removed this from my github? )
- improve usb signal quality
- xcaliburinhand's dock audio support (untested, do not have a dock)
- less debugging
- fixed kernel version not displayed under "about phone"

- Added newest Fiops scheduler (tuned for more performance)
- When Gpu is active, min CPU freq is set to second lowest step
- fixes to live_oc and custom voltage
- default mount parameter NOATIME and NODIRATIME (faster)
- updated Wifi drivers (thanks to tk-glitch)
- tuned intellidemand for better performance
- removed some stuff (zram, swap, tweaks to cpufreq untill I know what was causing the instabilities of last build)

- added Touchwake
- added BLX
- upgraded BLN from V8 to V9 (working for missed calls, blinking or static light, configurabel by using NSTools or BLN Pro App)
- added Intellidemand governor
- added mdnie settings to voodoo color version
- readded deep idle v2 again (I think it is the best/only working one, although
- version with CFS (instead of BFS) now also available (maybe better multitasking and batterie life, but slower)
- removed BFQ I/O Scheduler
- tons of smaller fixes and improvements

-revert: Voodoo Sound now to be set with DSP Manager

- Linux kernel 3.1.10
- Deep Idle from Eugene373 (always enabled, no stats)
- added BFQ v 3.1 I/O Scheduler
- Voodoo Sound now to be set with DSP Manager
- Zram (can be disabled by removing Zram file from init.d)
- Zcache and Cleancache (not working yet?)
- optimized rwsem algorithm
- USB Host V5

- init.d support (the folder is not created by the kernel. You have to do it for yourself)
- Deep Idle V2 back in
- new Cpu governors: MinMax, Lagfree, Lulzactiv
- LED V2 (you can set blinking by using nstools, also working for missed calls in most cases (sometimes it is not working for missed calls, don't know why at the moment))
- Backlight Dimmer (only LED version): used to turn led backlight of, while screen is on, after defined period of time. Deactivating it, makes your backlight stay on all the time
- I/O-less dirty throttling completely backported from kernel 3.2
- Ext4 with 3.2 patches
- Proportional Rate Reduction for TCP - by Google
- USB Host V 4

- Usb Host drivers integrated
- Cm9 Color adjustment
- Removed Deep Idle because of Bluetooth problems (hopefully it will come back, still testing)

- Updated Kernel basis to Linux 3.1.9

- fixed bug in cpu spy, caused by live_oc
- still using voodoo color for now, maybe two additional kernel versions tomorrow

Apps zum konfigurieren der Kernel:

Die Kernel hat sehr viele Einstellungsmöglcihkeiten, manche kann man im Recovery (DEVIL) tätigen, für andere braucht man diverse Apps:
Devil Kernel Config

Devil Kernel Manager

Ihr müsst die Apps einfach nach dem Flashen, die Apps runter laden. Danach müsst ihr den Apps SU Permissions geben. Für die Meisten Einstellungen müsst ihr euer i9000 nach dem einstellen rebooten.

Man kann natürlich auch alles per Hand in einem Terminal machen. Hier die Befehle dazu:
IDLE2 can be enabled with the following command:
echo 0 > /sys/module/cpuidle/parameters/idle2_disabled
IDLE2 can be disabled with the following command:
echo 1 > /sys/module/cpuidle/parameters/idle2_disabled
Stats can be obtained from the standard cpuidle interface, which, for
IDLE2 is located at:
where * = 1, 2, 3

you can change ram setting by doing the following ( to make these settings even stick after power off, you also have to echo the same value to to /data/local/devil/bigmem):
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/bigmem/enable (this gives you xl mem of 391 mb)
echo 2 > /sys/kernel/bigmem/enable (this gives you bm mem of 403 mb (this is breaking 720p))
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/bigmem/enable (this gives you cm9 default mem of 378 mb)
you have to reboot to make changes work

With setting this, your desired swap mode gets automatically applied at boot time. For swap, you have to create a swap partition at your external sd card before
echo 1 > /data/local/swap_use (for using swap partition on external sd card, you have to create this partition before)
echo 2 > /data/local/swap_use (for using Zram, no other modifications required)
you have to reboot to make changes active. You can't use swap and Zram at the same time

These are the settings for devil idle:
activate automatic:
echo 1 > /sys/devices/virtual/misc/devil_idle/bus_limit
permanent on:
echo 2 > /sys/devices/virtual/misc/devil_idle/bus_limit
echo 0 > /sys/devices/virtual/misc/devil_idle/bus_limit_automatic
to set different voltages while screen off (this only is working, if devil idle automatic mode is activated)
this is an example, how to apply screen_off arm voltages:
echo 1450 1400 1350 1275 1075 975 875 800 > /sys/class/misc/customvoltage/arm_volt_screenoff

this way, it is possible to undervolt while screen off, but overvolt and overclock while screen on

for now, the int voltages can not be changend
set freq limits while screen off (min and max freq)
enable the limits:
echo 1 > /sys/devices/virtual/misc/devil_idle/user_min_max_enable
echo 0 > /sys/devices/virtual/misc/devil_idle/user_min_max_enable

set values to be applied if activated:
echo 100000 > /sys/devices/virtual/misc/devil_idle/user_min
echo 800000 > /sys/devices/virtual/misc/devil_idle/user_max

both are independent from devil_idle, and get applied when screen turns off
by default 100 and 1000 mhz are set.
values which can be put here are all "stock" freq (without live_oc level) multiplied with 1000. live_oc values get applied automatically.

to set responsiveness_freq, up_threshold_min_freq or sleep_multiplier for ondemand and/or conservative governor, you have to do it like this:

echo VALUE > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/VARIABLE_NAME
echo VALUE > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/conservative/VARIABLE_NAME

echo 400000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/responsiveness_freq
echo 50 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/up_threshold_min_freq
echo 5 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ondemand/sleep_multiplier

up_threshold_min_freq is disbaled by default for conservative governor
(to disable it for ondemand you have to set up_threshold_min_freq to 100.

switch between wifi PM_Fast and PM_Max mode (Pm_Fast = better signal, PM_Max = better batterie, default is PM_Max)
echo 1 > sys/module/bcmdhd/parameters/uiFastWifi (pm_fast)
echo 0 > sys/module/bcmdhd/parameters/uiFastWifi (pm_max)
user interface to disable fsync (this gives more performace, at the risk of data loss on a crash, taken from ezekeel), default is on, to be safe
echo 1 > /sys/devices/virtual/misc/fsynccontrol/fsync_enabled (fsync enabled)
echo 0 > /sys/devices/virtual/misc/fsynccontrol/fsync_enabled (fsync disabled)

to set the values for vibrator intensity:
echo value > /sys/class/timed_output/vibrator/duty (where value is between 20000 and 43640)
if you want the changes to be applied at boot, you have to use one of the presets from recovery, use an init.d script, or:
echo value > /etc/devil/vibrator (where value is between 20000 and 43640)

activate fast charge: echo 1 > /sys/kernel/fast_charge/force_fast_charge
deactivate fast charge
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/fast_charge/force_fast_charge

you also can use the widget from chad (to place on homescreen) to toggle the fast_charge mode


Was bedeuten die Abkürzungen im Kernel Namen?
CFS: Completely Fair Scheduler
BLN: Benachrichtigungs-LEDs Mod
CMC: CyanogenMod Colour
VC: Voodoo Colour

Danke Shaman2009
Q: Wha]t are BFS and CFS?
A: The Brain Fuck Scheduler (BFS) is a task scheduler designed for the Linux kernel in August of 2009 as an alternative to the Completely Fair Scheduler and the O(1) scheduler.[2] BFS was created by veteran kernel programmer Con Kolivas.[3]
The objective of BFS, compared to other schedulers, was to provide a scheduler with a simpler algorithm, that did not require adjustment of heuristics or tuning parameters to tailor performance to a specific type of computation workload. The BFS author asserted that these tunable parameters were difficult for the average user to understand, especially in terms of interactions of multiple parameters with each other, and claimed that the use of such tuning parameters could often result in improved performance in a specific targeted type of computation, at the cost of worse performance in the general case.[4] BFS has been reported to improve responsiveness on light-NUMA (non-uniform memory access) Linux mobile devices and desktop computers with fewer than 16cores.

Q: Why are the LEDs lightning during boot and in recovery?
A: It's a "bug" due to porting bln V9 from Nexus S to i9000. Backlightdimmer is turning the lights off, after booting has finished.

Q: What the hell are all these governors?

Q: What's a good setup for live_oc??
A: No one knows. Every phone is different. It seems like the folling setup is running well for some (many?) users. If you get reboots with it, you have to find the setup for yourself.

if you are satisfied with this configuration, please hit the thanks button of Crack: xda-developers - View Single Post - [Kernel][ICS] Devil2_0.94 [24/05/12] - i9000 and i9000B
.:Crack:. schrieb:
OK, these are mine. Rock stable ;)

LiveOC 117% -> 1200 MHz -> 1404 MHz


low freqs could possibly be tweaked harder but stability was my fist goal ;)

Q: What is Touchwake? Can you explain it?
A: With Touchwake, the touchscreen still recognices your fingers, after turning off (for a predefined time (NSTools)). For a detailed explenation, take a look at Ezekeel's thread: [MOD][KERNEL] Touch Wake - xda-developers

Q: How can I make Voodo Color settings been saved after reboot?
A: You have to use Voodoo Pro App, because of changes between Gingerbread and ICS, and only the Pro app is updated till now.

Q: Which is the best IO Scheduler?
A: I think SIO and V(R) are the fastest.

Q: How can I enable DeepIdle/Live_Oc?
A: You have to use NSTools. You find it on market. It's free.

Deep Idle Questions:
Q: What's the meaning of TOP=Off and TOP=On when I look at the Deep Idle status?
A: When TOP=Off is used, the best powersaving state is used. TOP=ON will be shown, when bluetooth or gps are running.

Q: In Idle status I only see TOP=Off. What's wrong here? I don't use Bluetooth or Gps.
A: You have to flash the modded framework-res.apk, because ICS does not fully deactivate bluetooth by default. Even if you never use it.

Q: Idle Stats only are showing Idle, but no Deep Idle. Why?
A: An App is preventing the use of Deep Idle. At first, you should try closing the cam, running in the background. Also rebooting should solve this problem.

Q: Which CPU governor is the best for use with Deep Idle?
A: As Ezekeel stated, one should use LAZY
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: pjozsef54 und fitsbie
Hat jemand einen Rat wie ich meine Klingeltöne wiederbekomme? Hab den aktuellen Kernel und die aktuelle JB von pawtip.

Mit dem Stockkernel gibts auch manchmal nachm flash Probleme, dass die Klingeltöne weg sind (d.h. unter Einstellungen-> Töne kann ich keine Töne auswählen weder "original" Töne noch eigene Töne), das lässt sich aber durch dismount und mount + reboot der SD KArte beheben.
Aber mit dem Teufel Kernel geht das nicht!

Kann mir jemand den Pfad zu den Systemklingeltönen bzw. Benachrichtigungstönen geben? Dann kann ich zur Not die entsprechenden Files dazu kopieren.
Wollte nur Bescheid sagen, für alle die nach der datadata Version suchen. Die HB Version ist eine!

Aber scheint trotzdem nicht mit dem Elite Rom kompatibel, musste System neu aufsetzen.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9000 mit Tapatalk 2
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
[FONT=&quot]07/08/2012 12:59 120 Devil3_1.1.3_JellyBean_i9000_CFS_BLN_CMC_20120807. sha256sum

[FONT=&quot]07/08/2012 13:02 6225920 [FONT=&quot]Devil3_1.1.3_JellyBean_i9000_CFS_BLN_CMC_20120807. tar[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
07/08/2012 13:04 6519487 [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Devil3_1.1.3_JellyBean_i9000_CFS_BLN_CMC_20120807. zip[/FONT][FONT=&quot]

07/08/2012 13:02 119 [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=&quot]Devil3_1.1.3_JellyBean_i9000_CFS_BLN_VC_20120807.s ha256sum

[FONT=&quot]07/08/2012 13:04 6225920 [FONT=&quot]Devil3_1.1.3_JellyBean_i9000_CFS_BLN_VC_20120807.t ar[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
07/08/2012 13:06 6519752 [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Devil3_1.1.3_JellyBean_i9000_CFS_BLN_VC_20120807.z ip[/FONT][/FONT]

Quelle: http://rootaxbox.no-ip.org/derteufel...ean/i9000/113/
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi, punsch03 und beicuxhaven
Der ist anscheinend noch nicht verfügbar...
jetzt noch datadata / nodatadata Infos bitte.
Welchen Devil brauche ich denn für die CM10 Nightly? Den mit /datadata oder den ohne?
eigentlich den

aber der hat mir mein system so richtig zerschossen, dass ich mit GB anfangen musste über ODIN
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Wenn man den flasht dann bootet er eben nicht mehr. Man braucht dann aber nicht das ganze System neu aufsetzen, sondern nur den Semaphore (2.0.5) flashen dann lüppt es wieder.
Ja, das dachte ich auch und habe es versucht. über RECOVERY und über ODIN. nach einer halben stunde semaphore zeichen im bildschirm habe ich dann abgebrochen.
mhh Komisch bei mir hat es so geklappt.
Ich hab aber bevor ich zum Semaphore bin noch das Kernel Cleaning Script ausgeführt, vielleicht hat es deshalb bei mir funktioniert.
DAs Kernel Cleaning Script habe ich auch benutzt. Ich hab es hier ja angepriesen zu nutzen. Nur hat es nichts gebracht. Ist ja für ICS und bringt bei JB Kernel vielleicht nichts, da nicht alle unterstützt werden
@ beicuxhafen

welche von den vier Versionen war den der Übeltäter ?

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