[Kernel][Samsung]Perseus Alpha 36.3[26/04]

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Alright, below this, I will include an almost full guide to setting up STweaks (for those who do not want to use the provided profiles)

The CPU section contains the frequencies and voltages that you want to run at.
200mHz is the minimum speed, 1800mHz is the maximum speed. You can change these to affect your overall performance or battery life. Mine is currently set to 200mHz minimum, 1800mHz maximum. I have seen no hit on battery life at all (might be miniscule.)

Now for the voltages.. Each and every person will have a different set of voltages, as every CPU will be a little bit different. You can manually set your frequency to a certain level, use a CPU stress testing app (stability test) and drop the voltage by SMALL increments until you start to lose stability (system crashes, app force closes, etc.) I usually go UP one voltage step over the borderline stable voltage. I will post my voltages, but take caution, as my voltages are set pretty low compared to stock values on the kernel.
1800mHz - set to 1200000 uV or 1.2 volts.
1704mHz - set to 1175000 uV or 1.175 volts.
1600mHz - set to 1112500 uV or 1.1125 volts.
1500mHz - set to 1100000 uV or 1.1 volts.
1400mHz - set to 1062500 uV or 1.0625 volts.
1300mHz - set to 1025000 uV or 1.025 volts.
1200mHz - set to 1000000 uV or 1 volt.
1100mHz - set to 975000 uV or 0.975 volts.
1000mHz - set to 962500 uV or 0.9625 volts.
900mHz - set to 937500 uV or 0.9375 volts.
800mHz - set to 912500 uV or 0.9125 volts.
700mHz - set to 887500 uV or 0.8875 volts.
600mHz - set to 862500 uV or 0.8625 volts.
500mHz - set to 837500 uV or 0.8375 volts.
400mHz - set to 812500 uV or 0.8125 volts.
300mHz - set to 800000 uV or 0.8 volts.
200mHz - set to 787500 uV or 0.7875 volts. * BE CAREFUL WITH THIS ONE, it can cause your device to lock up when the screen is off, and need a battery pull if the voltage is too low.

CPU Scaling Section - this controls how your device will turn up the speed when it needs to.

Governor - This contols how the device will respond overall (power management, sleep, etc.) I will keep mine set to the Pegasusq governor unless I am running a benchmark, in that case, use perfomance (which locks the device to full speed and all 4 cores online)
Sampling Rate - how often the device will 'think' about changing the CPU speed. I have mine set to 15000 uS (1.5 milliseconds) so it is more responsive.
Sampling Down Factor - This enables you to create 'lag' when the device is at full speed, so it doesn't jump down frequencies when you don't want it to. I leave mine at default 1 sample, because I see no need for this.
Up Threshold - When a core hits this % utilization at a set frequency, then it will scale up to the next frequency. I have mine set to 96%, so the device will scale up slower and more reliably (keep in mind it makes this decision every 1.5 milliseconds.)
Down Differential - When the device scales down, (drops frequency) it must get below this % utilization to scale down ( UP THRESHOLD minus DOWN DIFFERENTIAL ) I have mine set to 5%, so it drops frequency at or below 91% utilization.
Frequency for Responsiveness - This helps keep the device smooth at lower frequency, and when the frequency is below the set spot, it will use a DIFFERENT up threshold so the device scales up faster and doesn't lag. My frequency setting is 500mHz, and the up threshold for it is set at 70%.
Frequency for Fast Down - this sets the frequency at which the device can use aggressive down scaling, much like the opposite of frequency for responsiveness. I have mine set to 1400mHz, and the up threshold is set to 98%, so the device only scales up if it really needs to.
Frequency Step - This applies to the Fast Down setting, and whenever the device gets above 98% utilization, then it will increase the frequency by a SET percentage of the maximum frequency. So if you set 10%, and are have 1800mHz max, it will increase to the closest step that adds 180mHz. I have mine set to 6%, so it increases by 108mHz.
The up threshold and frequency step decrease confuse me for this, but I have the up threshold set to 2%, and the frequency step set to 3%.
I didn't touch the flexrate settings, as everything else should control this area.

CPU Hotplug - This section will control how the device turns its cores on and off.

CPU Up Rate - How many samples you want to take until a core decides to turn on. (Sampling rate times your setting) I have mine set to 12, so if the conditions are correct, it takes 18 milliseconds to turn a core on.
CPU Down Rate - How many samples you want to take until a core decides to turn off. (Same thing as CPU up rate) Mine is set to 10, so it takes 15 milliseconds to turn off a core if it isn't being used.
Core Upbring Count - How many cores you want to bring online when the conditions are right. Mine is set to 1, I'm sure more will increase performance and hurt battery life.
Configuration Overrides - These can set you device to always have a certain amount of cores online, I don't use them (leave at 0.)
Hotplug Conditionals - These perameters are set to control when the cores turn on and off. Below are MY values
Hotplug 1 Core to ONLINE (make 2 cores online) - 600mHz
Hotplug 2 Cores to OFFLINE (make 1 core online) - 500mHz
Hotplug 2 Cores to ONLINE (make 3 cores online) - 700mHz
Hotplug 3 Cores to OFFLINE (make 2 cores online) - 600mHz
Hotplug 3 Cores to ONLINE (make 4 cores online) - 800mHz
Hotplug 4 Cores to OFFLINE (make 3 cores online) - 700mHz
The rest of this section, I left at DEFAULT values, because I did not understand them.

GPU - This section controls the frequencies and voltages of your GPU.
Maximum Frequency - How high you want your GPU to clock to, mine is set to 733mHz.
Minimum Frequency - How low you want your GPU to clock to, mine is set to 108mHz.
Up Threshold - Like the CPU setting, the percentage of utilization you achieve before the GPU scales up. Mine is set to 90%.
Down Differential - When you want your GPU to scale down lower, (Up threshold minus down differential.) Mine is set to 10%, so when the GPU hits 80% utilization on a speed, it drops to a lower frequency.
Utilization Timeout - Basically is the sampling speed of the GPU (how fast you want it to make decisions to change speed.) Mine is set to 25 milliseconds.
Voltages - Test these the same way as the CPU, get a GPU stress testing app, and set a certain frequency. When you see artifacts or glitches on your screen, then the voltages are too low. Below are MY values.
54mHz - 825mV
108mHz - 875mV
160mHz - 950mV
266mHz - 975mV
350mHz - 1050mV
440mHz - 1100mV
533mHz - 1125mV
640mHz - 1150mV
733mHz - 1175mV
800mHz - 1200mV (This clock speed proved to be slightly unstable at 1175mV, though still usable)

I/O section - These values/settings control how your device writes/reads things from the SD card, or internal storage.
I left both of my storage schedulers at ROW but you can change them and play around. I believe that deadline is the best for overall performance, but can be unstable sometimes.
I/O Read Ahead - These control the cache file on the internal/external storage. I have my internal set to 1536kB, and external set to 2048kB, because those values gave me overall good write/read speeds.
Dynamic Fsync - From what I know, this helps keep the data from being corrupted by creating a buffer between data being written and the storage. Correct me if I'm wrong. I kept it enabled.

CPU Max - 1800mHz
CPU Min - 200mHz
Voltages from OP

Pegasusq governor
Sampling Rate - 15000uS
Sampling Down Factor - 1
Up Threshold - 90%
Down Differential - 10%
Frequency for Responsiveness - 600mHz
Up Threshold @ Min Freq - 60%
Frequency at Fast Down - 1400mHz
Up Threshold at Fast Down - 94%
Frequency Step - 25%
Up Threshold Differential - 5%
Frequency Step Decrease - 10%
Flexrate Enabled - 700mHz, 10000uS

CPU Up Rate - 8 samples
CPU Down Rate - 10 samples
Core Upbring Count - 1
*Default Configuration Overrides*
1 Core to Online - 300mHz
2 Cores to Offline - 200mHz
2 Cores to Online - 400mHz
3 Cores to Offline - 300mHz
3 Cores to Online - 500mHz
4 Cores to Offline - 400mHz
*Runqueue Depths*
1 Core to Online - 155
2 Cores to Offline - 155
2 Cores to Online - 250
3 Cores to Offline - 250
3 Cores to Online - 340
4 Cores to Offline - 340
CPU Online Load Bias - 2 cores
CPU Online Bias Up Threshold - 50%
CPU Online Bias Down Threshold - 30%

GPU Max - 733mHz
GPU Min - 160mHz
Up Threshold - 85%
Down Differential - 5%
Utilization Timeout - 25ms
Voltages from OP

Internal/SD Card Schedulers - SIO
Internal/SD Card Read Ahead - 2048kB
Dynamic FSync - Enabled

STweaks Guide - xda-developers
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Robby57, Martl74 und mtm87
Ich bin wieder zurück zum Stock Kernel, der Akkuverbrauch scheint mit dem Perseus zwar minimal besser zu sein (ist vielleicht auch nur Einbildung), aber beim Seitenwechsel auf dem Homescreen und auch bei einigen Apps (Tapatalk, usw.) läuft der Stock einfach ruckelfreier.

Sicherlich alles per STweaks noch optimierbar, aber ich habe keine Lust mehr auf stundenlange Tests. :razz:
Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob es am Kernel oder am custom rom liegt, aber der Akku Verbrauch hat sich bei mir erheblich verbessert. Wieder auf stock 4.1.1 Niveau
Mal eine ganz andere Frage: Hat der Perseus-Kernel Unterstützung für OpenVPN? Also entweder ein Modul namens "tun.ko" oder halt fest in den Kernel einkompiliert?
Wenn nicht, welcher Kernel für das Note 2 käme da in Frage?
Danke im voraus für Eure Hilfe

So heute im Laufe des Abends hab ich mein neues Note 2 *freu*
Natürlich kommt direkt wie beim S2 eine eigene Kernel drauf
Ich habe die Threats mal alle durchgelesen und meine Entscheidung neigt sich Richtung Perseus

Mag vielleicht noch wer von seinen Erfahrungen mit dieser Kernel berichten?
Ich bin da lieber sehr vorsichtig
Perseus ist momentan neben stock eine sehr gute wahl, auch weil es die beiden bugfixes hat.

Gesendet von meinem GT-N7100 mit Tapatalk 2
  • Danke
Reaktionen: iari
Wer mit STweaks experimientieren möchte, fährt mit den Perseus sehr gut, wer einfach nur ein schnelles und stabiles N2 haben möchte, ohne Schnick Schnack, fährt mit dem Stock wunderbar.

Ansonsten selber testen und entscheiden.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Robby57
Muss ich zwingend mit STweaks arbeiten? Habe Set CPU und den Green Power am laufen. Was würdet Ihr mir raten?

Gesendet von meinem GT-N7100 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Grundsätzlich kannst Du verwenden was Du willst und Dir gefällt, solange keine Komplikationen mit SetCPU auftreten.
Stweaks ist aus dem Blickwinkel toll, da es Einstellungsmöglichkeiten ohne Ende bietet, nichts kostet und wenn ich mich recht entsinne auch vordefinierte Profile hat ;)

Gesendet von meinem GT-N7100 mit Tapatalk 2
Echt, bei STweaks gibts Profile, wo?

Gesendet von meinem GT-N7100
Dachte ich, kann auch sein, dass ich was verwechsel, ist ne Weile her, dass ich stweaks genutzt habe ;)

Gesendet von meinem GT-N7100 mit Tapatalk 2
Also bei STweaks kann ich keine Voreinstellung finden. Denke das muss man alles manuell eingeben. Wenn ich STweaks nutzen will muss ich Set CPU abschalten, sonst zwicken die sich. Green Power Batterie App, habe ich mir gerade gekauft, denke das bringt auch was an Akku. Aber ansonsten muss ich bis jetzt sagen das ich nicht viel Unterschied zu dem original Kernel merke. Das kann aber auch sein, weil ich in der Zwischenzeit mehr Apps am laufen habe. ;-) :D

Gesendet von meinem GT-N7100 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Es gibt eine App für Profile von S Tweaks aber da muss man soweit ich weiß die ganzen Werte auch selbst eingeben, kann diese dann aber abspeichern. Die App heißt S Tweaks profile und gibt es wie gesagt kostenlos bei XDA.
Also so wie ich das lese sind die Einstellungen für den Siyah Kernel und für das S3?

Gesendet von meinem GT-N7100 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Perseus alpha32 (29/01):
  • Charging control implemented. This is my own version.

    Charging currents:
    • Charging currents are dictated by input and charging current limits. The input current is the current flowing into the device through the USB port at 5V. The charging current is the current delivered to the battery at usually 4.35V. The device can have a higher charging current than input current because of the voltage differential, usually a 15% discrepancy. You can also have much higher input currents than charging currents, this can be useful when you are using the device in situations like gaming and charging your battery at the same time, provided your charger actually can provide the power.
    • There are 3 USB charger type categories: DCP / Dedicated Charging Ports which also includes AC chargers, but also special USB plugs; SDP / Standard Downstream Ports which usually includes almost all data enabled USB ports, and CDP / Charging Downstream Ports which includes also data enabled USB ports but which are designed to provide more power, usually on newer laptops where the USB port has a lightning logo next to it. More info here. - Technical explanation here.

    Charging logic:
    • Stable margin removal option. The charger chip is capable of detecting unstable charging sources; it dynamically reduces the input current in 100mA steps until it detects a stable voltage input [We don't have the charger chip datasheet, so the technical explanation is a bit blurry here on how it decides that it's unstable]. It further reduces it by 100mA as a safety margin, you can disable this now.
    • Complete disabling of unstable power detection. This simply ignores unstable power sources and leaves the input current limit at its set up value. This will fix charging problems people have been reporting. However, please use it at your own risk, the S3 chargers which have had these symptoms clearly have some issue in their hardware so you might actually kill them with this option enabled as there is no protection from the phone's side anymore.

      The actual input current limit can be read out in /sys/devices/platform/samsung-battery/power_supply/battery/current_max, so you can see the real limit there, it's the closest thing we have to the actual charging current on stock values since there is no hardware to read out the live currents.

    Voltage control:
    • Hard voltage control: 4.20, 4.35V, and 4.40V charging voltages are available. This is included for anybody running on third-party batteries, whom most of them have a 3.7V battery chemistry as opposed to the 3.8V on the stock battery. These batteries should be charged at 4.2V instead of 4.35V.
    • Soft voltage control: As opposed to the hard voltage control which is the voltage which the charger chip provides to the battery while charging, the soft-voltage is the battery voltage itself. 3.7V batteries have a top-off voltage of 4.2V and 3.8V again 4.35V. The default limit on the stock battery is 4.30V before the charger logic stops and considers the battery as full. This is also merely provided for 3rd party batteries which should be charged at lower voltages. If you overcharge your battery beyond these what are safe considered voltages, such as raising the default 4.30 top-off voltage to the design 4.35V or even higher, you are running into the risk of damaging the battery or even causing it to melt-down. Use at your own discretion.
  • mDNIe sharpness and RGB/YCM chroma saturation control in STweaks:

    I started implementing sharpness control in STweaks and went a bit over-board instead of a simple checkbox; You now have controls over the mDNIe registers as a delta offset value compared to the stock register values. I'm applying the offset to all mDNIe profiles and scenarios which have the specific post-processing effect active in that specific scenario. Meaning, that you start with the default profile; Dynamic / Standard / Natural / Movie and have the delta offset applied on top of that.
    • Sharpness delta. This is what brought most of the quality difference in hardcore's original tweaks. You can now fine-tune it to your own taste, and also take into regard that it produces a different effect for each screen profile while having the same delta - the base values between the profiles are different.
    • DE control - I don't know what this actually does and I couldn't discern much difference between the values, but it used to be disabled in hardcore's tweaks.
    • Chroma saturation control: This is composed of 2 values for each RGB/YCM channel. See the Munsell color system for a visual representation of the values controlled here. The chroma curve control describes the curve weight based on chroma intensity, the chroma gain is the chromatic gain that is being applied on the respective channel. Chromatic saturation weight is again another multiplier for all channels combined. I have not managed to properly identify the chroma grey threshold and its effects.

    Basically this is like an RGB control on steroids, and enables you to tune your screen to your own liking and calibrate it as you wish. Please note that not all scenarios in the profiles have chroma saturation effects, the Movie profile for example has no effect applied to the UI so chromatic control has no effect on it.

    I also want to state that the above are my deductions and theories on the descriptions of these controls, I'm not familiar enough on colour theory to be able to confidently say that these descriptions are correct, and the controls are a work-in-progress for now. Experts are welcome to contribute here.
  • Front buffer early suspend delay option for those who have issues with the CRT animation.
  • Did some refactoring on the Mali drivers and fixed a bug which may have caused less capable undervolting than the stock implementation.



Der Kernel hat noch einen Fehler, sobald man die Galerie oder die Kamera öffnet wird der Bildschirm dunkel. Haben schon alle auf XDA gemeldet.
Komisch, bei mir isset nicht so...Galerie sowie Kamera funzen normal

Gesendet von meiner kleinen analogen Buschtrommel (GT-N7100) mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Stimmt, bei mir geht Kamera und Galerie auch nicht, die Farben werden ganz dunkel. :-(

Gesendet von meinem GT-N7100 mit Tapatalk 2
Bei mir läuft auch alles fehlerfrei. :thumbup:
Bei mir nicht, so jetzt wieder zurück auf 31.2 und alles ist wieder gut ;-) :D

Gesendet von meinem GT-N7100 mit Tapatalk 2

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