- 303
Devil2 - Linaro 4.8.3 - AOSP&Sammy - Dualboot - Android 4.3/4.4
Möchte Euch hier den Kernel von DerTeufel1980 vorstellen.
Dieser Kernel ist sowohl für Samsung ROM´s als auch für AOSP-ROM´s geeignet.
Dieser Kernel ist sowohl für Samsung ROM´s als auch für AOSP-ROM´s geeignet.
Weder ich, noch Android-Hilfe.de, übernehmen eine Garantie auf Erfolg oder die Haftung für jegliche Beschädigungen an eurem Note 2.
Wenn ihr nicht sicher seid, was ihr macht, könnt ihr hier gerne Fragen stellen, aber wenn ihr danach immer noch nicht genau wisst, was ihr tut: Lasst es bleiben!
Daher flashen auf eigene Gefahr.
Weder ich, noch Android-Hilfe.de, übernehmen eine Garantie auf Erfolg oder die Haftung für jegliche Beschädigungen an eurem Note 2.
Wenn ihr nicht sicher seid, was ihr macht, könnt ihr hier gerne Fragen stellen, aber wenn ihr danach immer noch nicht genau wisst, was ihr tut: Lasst es bleiben!
Daher flashen auf eigene Gefahr.
- merges samsung open source update12
- dual sound engine
- compiled with linaro gcc 4.8.3
- updated Linux Kernel base to 3.0.101
-zram, zsmalloc and lowmemorykiller updated from 3.9
- DevilQ cpu governor (default)
- block updated from Linux 3.3 (better i/o performance)
- row i/o scheduler updated from Linux 3.4
- fiops v2 i/o scheduler
- working for Aosp and Sammy at once (Big thx to Gokhanmoral for making this possible)
- Portet Ezekeel's Touchwake Feature (from nexus s)
- Oc up to 1.8 Ghz
- Backport from Linux 3.5 smp driver parts
- Wifi driver updated from note3
- backported zswap from linux 3.13 (this replaces zram now)
- backported cpu-boost driver
- possibility to set high/low power mode for wifi when screen is off
- LulzactiveQ cpu governor (from siyahkernel, thx again to Gokhanmoral)
- Hotplug Cpu Governor
- Proportional Rate Reduction for TCP
- improve memcopy/memmove
- Using Voodoo Sound and Boeffla Sound
- LED Control by yank555-lu
- ExFat support (thx to samsung for opensourcing the driver)
IMPORTANT: As per notice of 01.11.2013, my CM10.2 kernels do NOT support proprietary Custom Rom frameworks anymore. So if your Custom Rom did not implement the generic framework class framework-2.jar but his own naming convention, you will receive a boot loop. Do not cry about this here but advise your Custom rom cooker to fix this. I will not change this ever again.The most prominent custom kernels for CM will follow the same approach (aligned between Yank555, Googy, LordBoeffla, Psndna, Temasek and me).
So please do pass this message along to your favorite ROM devs.
If they don't fix their rom, it won't be compatible with custom kernels any more!
- dual sound engine
- compiled with linaro gcc 4.8.3
- updated Linux Kernel base to 3.0.101
-zram, zsmalloc and lowmemorykiller updated from 3.9
- DevilQ cpu governor (default)
- block updated from Linux 3.3 (better i/o performance)
- row i/o scheduler updated from Linux 3.4
- fiops v2 i/o scheduler
- working for Aosp and Sammy at once (Big thx to Gokhanmoral for making this possible)
- Portet Ezekeel's Touchwake Feature (from nexus s)
- Oc up to 1.8 Ghz
- Backport from Linux 3.5 smp driver parts
- Wifi driver updated from note3
- backported zswap from linux 3.13 (this replaces zram now)
- backported cpu-boost driver
- possibility to set high/low power mode for wifi when screen is off
- LulzactiveQ cpu governor (from siyahkernel, thx again to Gokhanmoral)
- Hotplug Cpu Governor
- Proportional Rate Reduction for TCP
- improve memcopy/memmove
- Using Voodoo Sound and Boeffla Sound
- LED Control by yank555-lu
- ExFat support (thx to samsung for opensourcing the driver)
if your rom is based off PAC, Bam, Fusion, ... :
IMPORTANT: As per notice of 01.11.2013, my CM10.2 kernels do NOT support proprietary Custom Rom frameworks anymore. So if your Custom Rom did not implement the generic framework class framework-2.jar but his own naming convention, you will receive a boot loop. Do not cry about this here but advise your Custom rom cooker to fix this. I will not change this ever again.The most prominent custom kernels for CM will follow the same approach (aligned between Yank555, Googy, LordBoeffla, Psndna, Temasek and me).
So please do pass this message along to your favorite ROM devs.
If they don't fix their rom, it won't be compatible with custom kernels any more!
Kernel App DevilTools: Klick
Bitte beachten:
Dieser Kernel unterstützt nur ROMs von Android-Version 4.3 (Sammy und AOSP) und darüber!
Nutzt ihr den Kernel auf einem AOSP basiertem ROM und möchtet auf einen anderen Kernel wechseln, müsst ihr die ROM nochmal "dirty" flashen um alle geänderten Dateien wiederherzustellen!
Originalthread und Downloads bitte hier lang: Klick
Solltet ihr auf XDA angemeldet sein, vergesst bitte nicht dem Dev DANKE zu klicken.

Dualboot FAQ - Unbedingt lesen!
Achtung Wichtig: Wenn ihr den Kernel für Dualboot nutzen möchtet, muß
man das Devil CWM Recovery installieren!!
Information über das Recovery:
- Das Recovery mountet /cache, /system or /data nicht Standardmäßig. Wenn ihr das Rom modifizieren wollt (zip instal zb Theme oder MOD, wiping data, erstellen/wiederherstellen von nandroid, fixing permissions,...),
muß mann zuerst in das Dualboot Menü
In diesem Menü kann man:
* erstellen der secondary system partition (Muß man einmal ausführen um eine Sec Rom zu installeren)
* aktiviert mounting des primary filesystem
* aktiviert mounting des secondary filesystem
aktiviert das mounting eines Dateisystems( sec Rom, pri. Rom), alle oben erwähnten Aktionen werden jetzt auf das ausgwählte Dateisystem installiert.
Das Dateisystem bleibt aktiv bis man entweder Rebootet oder im Menü ein anderes Rom mountet.
Install-zip menu:
Ihr werdet ein neues Menu vorfinden, in dem man auswählen kann welche Datei man flashen will !!
wenn Ihr kernel, rom or recovery,wählt wird die zip installiert wie sie ist
wenn Ihr zip to pri./sec. wählt das Dateisystem, it is selfexplanary
wenn Ihr rom to secondary Fs,wählt wird der zip modifiezirt um den zip als sec. fs zu installieren
Wenn man die Datei als Primeri Dateisystem installieren kann man die selbe Datei Verwenden!!!!
Wie installiert man eine second rom:
Bevor ihr eine Sec. Rom installiert geht sicher das Ihr eine Sec. Systempartition erstellt!! dies kann einige Minuten dauern !,5 GB!!
Der sicherste Weg ist ein Nandroid wieder herzustellen!!
Wenn ihr noch keines habt mach jetzt eins.
geht zu Dualboot Menu, enable mounting of primary fs geht zum Nandroid menu und macht ein Nandroid.
geht zurück ins Dualboot menu, enable mounting of secondary fs, danach zum Nandroid menu, und wiederherstellen des Backup.
Nun ist man in der Lage in die beiden Roms zu booten die jetzt natürlich gleich sind!! (bei einem zuvor erstellten Backup natürlich nicht)
jetzt kann man eine ander Rom als Primary installieren!
wenn Ihr eine neue Rom direkt als Sec. Rom installiert
geht sicher das kein spaces im Filnamen sind !!!
danach zum CWM Menüpunkt install zip.
Ihr werdet ein neues Menu vorfinden, in dem man auswählen kann
welche Datei (Rom, zip, Kernel...) und auf welche Rom man flashen will !!
Wenn man rom to sec. fs, auswählt wird der Rom zip automatisch bearbeitet um die zip als sec. Rom zu installieren ,
das dauert ein wenig weil die Datei wieder gezipt werden muß!!
Achtung wichtig : this file is permanently modified. if you think you need it later again, you should redownload it, because the modified one would always install as secondary.
installing a rom as primary, a zip to primary or secondary fs, does not modify the zip.
Zusätzliche Informationen
roms coming with an Aroma installer are hard to handle, as every dev can place own commands into it. It's impossible for me, to take care of every possibility. Because of this, it should be the best method, to flash a rom with aroma installer as primary one (and then move it to secondary, by using the nandroid method, if you want it to be secondary).
adb/mtp connections seems not to be working on second rom i still try to find the cause of it, but it seems like no one knows anything about adb
i myself got a working mtp on secondrom, by restoring a nandroid of my sammy rom to secondary fs (for which mtp already was working).
man das Devil CWM Recovery installieren!!
Information über das Recovery:
- Das Recovery mountet /cache, /system or /data nicht Standardmäßig. Wenn ihr das Rom modifizieren wollt (zip instal zb Theme oder MOD, wiping data, erstellen/wiederherstellen von nandroid, fixing permissions,...),
muß mann zuerst in das Dualboot Menü
In diesem Menü kann man:
* erstellen der secondary system partition (Muß man einmal ausführen um eine Sec Rom zu installeren)
* aktiviert mounting des primary filesystem
* aktiviert mounting des secondary filesystem
aktiviert das mounting eines Dateisystems( sec Rom, pri. Rom), alle oben erwähnten Aktionen werden jetzt auf das ausgwählte Dateisystem installiert.
Das Dateisystem bleibt aktiv bis man entweder Rebootet oder im Menü ein anderes Rom mountet.
Install-zip menu:
Ihr werdet ein neues Menu vorfinden, in dem man auswählen kann welche Datei man flashen will !!
wenn Ihr kernel, rom or recovery,wählt wird die zip installiert wie sie ist
wenn Ihr zip to pri./sec. wählt das Dateisystem, it is selfexplanary
wenn Ihr rom to secondary Fs,wählt wird der zip modifiezirt um den zip als sec. fs zu installieren
Wenn man die Datei als Primeri Dateisystem installieren kann man die selbe Datei Verwenden!!!!
Wie installiert man eine second rom:
Bevor ihr eine Sec. Rom installiert geht sicher das Ihr eine Sec. Systempartition erstellt!! dies kann einige Minuten dauern !,5 GB!!
Der sicherste Weg ist ein Nandroid wieder herzustellen!!
Wenn ihr noch keines habt mach jetzt eins.
geht zu Dualboot Menu, enable mounting of primary fs geht zum Nandroid menu und macht ein Nandroid.
geht zurück ins Dualboot menu, enable mounting of secondary fs, danach zum Nandroid menu, und wiederherstellen des Backup.
Nun ist man in der Lage in die beiden Roms zu booten die jetzt natürlich gleich sind!! (bei einem zuvor erstellten Backup natürlich nicht)
jetzt kann man eine ander Rom als Primary installieren!
wenn Ihr eine neue Rom direkt als Sec. Rom installiert
geht sicher das kein spaces im Filnamen sind !!!
danach zum CWM Menüpunkt install zip.
Ihr werdet ein neues Menu vorfinden, in dem man auswählen kann
welche Datei (Rom, zip, Kernel...) und auf welche Rom man flashen will !!
Wenn man rom to sec. fs, auswählt wird der Rom zip automatisch bearbeitet um die zip als sec. Rom zu installieren ,
das dauert ein wenig weil die Datei wieder gezipt werden muß!!
Achtung wichtig : this file is permanently modified. if you think you need it later again, you should redownload it, because the modified one would always install as secondary.
installing a rom as primary, a zip to primary or secondary fs, does not modify the zip.
Zusätzliche Informationen
roms coming with an Aroma installer are hard to handle, as every dev can place own commands into it. It's impossible for me, to take care of every possibility. Because of this, it should be the best method, to flash a rom with aroma installer as primary one (and then move it to secondary, by using the nandroid method, if you want it to be secondary).
adb/mtp connections seems not to be working on second rom i still try to find the cause of it, but it seems like no one knows anything about adb
i myself got a working mtp on secondrom, by restoring a nandroid of my sammy rom to secondary fs (for which mtp already was working).
Many Thanks to:
- RichMD (I wouldn't have this device without him)
- Gokhanmoral
- Andreilux
- DAGr8
- simone201
- ptmr3
- Stratosk
- RolloS
- kasper_h
- all the others mentioned in the changelogs
Spende an "Der Teufel"
- RichMD (I wouldn't have this device without him)
- Gokhanmoral
- Andreilux
- DAGr8
- simone201
- ptmr3
- Stratosk
- RolloS
- kasper_h
- all the others mentioned in the changelogs
Download des Kernel.zip und speichern auf eurem Note II.
Danach in den CWM Recovery booten (Volume up - Powerknopf - Homebutton gleichzeitig drücken).
Danach den Kernel.zip von eurem Note II installieren.
Download des Kernel.zip und speichern auf eurem Note II.
Danach in den CWM Recovery booten (Volume up - Powerknopf - Homebutton gleichzeitig drücken).
Danach den Kernel.zip von eurem Note II installieren.
Spende an "Der Teufel"
+ merged mk9 source drop
+ fixed usb connection
+ fixed execution of some init.d scripts
+ changed calculation of next freq in pegasusq (based off a commit by stratosk to ondemand governor, which giot merged into linux 3.11)
+ fixed gyroscope sensor again
+ reverted Sec Oom Killer (maybe causeing some random reboots)
+ switched to latest linaro toolchain (4.8.3 of 12/2013)
+ fixed video recording on aosp roms
+ cleanly merged update13 (thx to yank555-lu), my previous merge was messed up
+ addded async fsync by htc (ported by faux123)
+ fixed sensors agqain
+ merged samsung update13
+ switched back to O2 compiling mode (smaller kernel image, maybe better stability)
+ hardware keys backlight options working for samsung roms as well now
+ re-added oc up to 2 ghz (for those whos device can handle this, mostly added for note2)
+ re-added devil kernel boot logo
+ updated adbd binary to get rid of countless errors in logcat
+ reverted some config changes which may have introduced gpu crashes
+ samsung 4.3 roms: added new additional mountpoint for external sdcard ( /extSdCard)
+ aosp 4.4.x roms: export path of external storage, needed by some apis
+ merged samsung update for note2 (contains fixes for memory management, mali driver, lowmem killer option SEC_OOM_KILLER, new modem driver, ...)
+ backported cpu boost driver
When certain bursty and important events take place, it might take a while for the current cpufreq governor to notice the new load and react to it. That would result in poor user experience. To alleviate this, the cpu-boost driver boosts the frequency of a CPU for a short duration to maintain good user experience while the governor catches up. Specifically, this commit deals with ensuring that when "important" tasks migrate from a fast CPU to a slow CPU, the frequency of the slow CPU is boosted to be at least as high as the fast CPU for a short duration. Since this driver enforces the boost by hooking into standard cpufreq ADJUST notifiers, it has several advantages: - More portable across kernel versions where the cpufreq internals might have been rewritten. - Governor agnostic and hence works with multiple governors like conservative, ondemand, interactive, etc. - Does not affect the sampling period/logic of existing governors. - Can have the boost period adjusted independent of governor sampling period.
+ improve swap per google's suggestion
+ enabled SEC_OOM_KILLER:
This enables 'Android-Style oom-killer' The way to select victim by oom-killer provided by linux kernel is totally different from android policy. Hence, it makes more sense that we select the oom victim as android does when LMK is invoked.
+ switched to zswap (backported from linux 3.13) + vnswap instead of zram
+ gpu control: voltages are applied as deltas internally (no noticable change for users, this just was needed for the second change below)
+ gpu control: if gpu freq. gets changed by user, only reset its matching voltage, all other voltages stay untouched.
+ reverted adb binary to the one from samsung's 4.3 release (seems to be the most compatible and should fix some mtp issues)
+ disabled: swap, zram, zcache, cleancache and frontswap to see if this fixes lags for some users
30.11.2013 part2:
+ fixed boot for omni rom again
29.11.2013 part2:
+ fixed apllying of custom gpu voltage
+ removed intellyplug driver (wasn't working properly, consumed much battery, made boot up take longer and it was unstable)
+ added support for omni rom (primary or secondary)
+ fixed: secondary rom no longer stuck at max freq.
+ n7100: fixed gps
+ gpu control: automatically set voltages according to changend freq (ported from yank555-lu), you can apply your own voltages after you have changed all freq (changing a freq, causes the voltages to be reset again)
recovery: bug fixes, to be sure never to wipe/backup/restore the wrong filesystem
+ partial updated mali driver from SEA update 1 (this also fixes a typo in original implementation)
+ properly applied dualsound engine support, boeffla and scoobidoo (unlike other devs, this implementation only allows one sound mod to be active at a time. if you switch on boeffla (in boeffla app for example), scoobidoo gets disabled automatically. if you turn on scoobydoo in deviltools (new option), boeffla gets disabled automatically)
+ fixed hardware keys backlight settings and added more options to Deviltools
+ small mdnie related corrections
+ added gpu control, needs to be set manually for now.
+ ARM: SMP: use a timing out completion for cpu hotplug
+ init.d support for sammy 4.3
+ dualboot support for all supported roms (i couldnt try this. be careful!)
+ merged samsung update12
+ updated wifi driver from note3
+ fixed installing zips
+ added support for android 4.4
+ backport interacctive governor from googles linux 3.4 kernel source + enabled it
+ updated zzmove cpu governor
+ cpufreq: Save and restore min and max frequencies.
+ cpufreq: Save user policy min/max instead of policy min/max during hotplug
+ cpufreq: Only apply driver limits for scaling_min/max_freq writes
+ linux 3.0.101 (last update)
+ revert: zram: use zram->lock to protect zram_free_page() in swap free notify path
+ added support for latest cm nightlies
+ some cleanup by removing non used code
+ linux 3.0.100
+ added support for pac rom
+ reverted some autohotplug related commits which aren't useful if there are only governors with own hotplug logic
+ reverted cpu oc from 2000 to 1800 (stability testing in connection to undervolting)
+ zram: use zram->lock to protect zram_free_page() in swap free notify path (thx to stsdema28 for suggeting this patch)
+ some patches to improve general swap performance (especially zram)
+ minor update to block kernel subsystem (io schedulers)
+ linux 3.0.98
+ fixed zram kernel crashes
+ fixed triangle away (thx ckh469)
+ memcopy improvement (also thx to ckh469)
27.09.13 Vers.0.36.0
+ updated linux to latest 3.0.96
+ Revert "wakelock: use single threaded workqueueus" (supposed to fix android os bug)
+ compiled using linaro 4.8.2 gcc
+ surprise (many thanks to umberto1978 for this)
18.08.2013 Vers. 0.35.0
- added exfat support
- support for android 4.3 (only primary rom or single boot)
10.08.2013 Vers. 0.33.7
- fixed sysfs of led control to be readable/writable by deviltools
- re fixed mtp/ums and adb root
09.08.2013 Vers. 0.33.5
- backported zram_for_android from linux 3.4 (i9500) and enabled it again
- updated zram to latest official version (linux 3.11
- updated android binder driver
- added led control by yank555-lu
25.07.2013 0.28.0
- cpufreq: zzmoove governor 0.6 (thx to zanezam)- include most of touchwake 1.1 changes. thanks to yank555-lu- bcmdhd: update back to version used by andreilux. big thx to xda forum member gondsman:*xda-developers - View Profile: gondsman should drastically reduce wifi wakelocks)
24.07.2013 Vers. 0.27.6
- reverted compiler option "optimze_for_size" to fix cam on aosp roms
23.07.2013 Vers. 0.27.3
reverted wifi driver to cm version, to fix wifi tethering, additional disabled multicast in suspend for power savings
22.07.2013 Vers. 0.27.2
- linux 3.0.86
- disable touchwake during call
- se linux support
- wifi driver from andreilux sammy kernel (should
27.06.2013 Vers. 0.23.1
- linux 3.0.83
- fixed mounting of internal sdcard on secondary 4.2.2 aosp roms
- reverted JRcu
- dyn fsync updates from faux123
- two upstream fixes to row i/o scheduler
- added latest cm changes (UMS: f_mass_storage: Added cdrom option to UMS-lun-devices, Samsung i9300 Update 10)
12.06.2013 Vers.0.22.1
- linux 3.0.81
- fixed internal storage on 4.2.2 secondary roms
- reverted cpufreq driver back to "default", to try fixing being stuck at max. freq for some users
06.06.2013 Vers 0.21.5
- merged update9 changes from cm team
- wifi changes which hopefully reduce wakeup time
- built nfs as module (was built-in before)
29.05.2013 Vers 0.21.3
- update to linux 3.0.80
- reverted a commit from 3.0.79 which caused the cpu to be stuck at max. freq
- fix touchwake/proximity sensor for i9300
- cpufreq: fix handling of offline cpus
- dynamic fsync: fixes from faux123, to prevent data loss, in case of kernel panic/unexpected shutdown
- CPU hotplug, writeback: Don't call writeback_set_ratelimit() too often during hotplug (from francisco franco)
- freezer: allow tasks to be frozen faster (1ms if possible, instead of 10 ms)
- freezer: skip waking up tasks with PF_FREEZER_SKIP set, to make suspend/resume more efficient
- t0ltecdma: fixed sprint compatibility
15.05.2013 Vers 0.21.0
important: please uncheck in deviltools to apply settings on boot! gpu voltage changes would cause the device to freeze on startup!
- reverted gpu voltage to be displayed as before (this fixes incompatibility with trickstermod or other apps)
- DevilQ: turn/keep second core online on screen touch
- add PM_SUSPEND_FREEZE powerr state (if used, it does save little less power, but PM_SUSPEND_FREEZE has less resume latency
Erik Gilling - sync: don't log wait timeouts when timeout = 0
Ørjan Eide - sync: Fix race condition between merge and signal
Erik Gilling - sync: add Documentation/sync.txt
Erik Gilling - sync: add tracepoint support
Erik Gilling - sync: refactor sync debug printing
Erik Gilling - sync: use proper barriers when waiting indefinitely
Erik Gilling - sync: update new fence status with sync_fence_signal_pt
Erik Gilling - sync: protect unlocked access to fence status
Erik Gilling - sync: dump sync state of fence errors
Erik Gilling - sync: improve timeout dumps
Erik Gilling - sync: use correct signed type when handling SYNC_IOC_WAIT
Erik Gilling - sync: dump sync state to console on timeout
Erik Gilling - sync: clean up compiler warnings
Erik Gilling - sync: fix erase-o in sync_fence_wait
Erik Gilling - sync: change wait timeout to mirror poll semantics
Rebecca Schultz Zavin - sync: Fix error paths
Erik Gilling - sync: add reference counting to timelines
Erik Gilling - sync: add internal refcounting to fences
Erik Gilling - sync: optimize fence merges
Erik Gilling - sync: reorder sync_fence_release
Erik Gilling - sync: export sync API symbols
Erik Gilling - sync: allow async waits to be canceled
- ext4: prevent kernel panic in case of uninitialized jinode
- mutex: dynamically disable mutex spinning at high load Date Thu, 4 Ap (faux123)
- mutex: restrict mutex spinning to only one task per mutex (Waiman Long)
- mutex: Make more scalable by doing less atomic operations (Waiman Long)
- hrtimer: Prevent enqueue of hrtimer on dead CPU When switching the hr (franciscofranco)
- hrtimer: Consider preemption when migrating hrtimer cpu_bases When sw (franciscofranco)
- fs/buffer.c: remove redundant initialization in alloc_page_buffers() (clouds-yan)
- time: cast ->raw_interval to u64 to avoid shift overflow We fixed a b (faux123)
- vmscan: comment too_many_isolated() Comment "Why it's doing so" rathe (Wu Fengguang)
- mm/vmscan.c: avoid possible deadlock caused by too_many_isolated() Ne (Wu Fengguang)
- input: evdev: Move wake_lock_destroy call (halaszk)
- wakelock: use single threaded workqueueus (halaszk)
- linux 3.0.78
- added own cpu governor, DevilQ (based off lulzactiveq by gokhanmoral)
- improved touchwake (acting like swipe2wake now, if delay is set to 0, to prevent false wake ups)
- pegasusq: readd some of andreilux's changes
- gpu: allow oc up to 800 mhz
- added option to disable touch boost
- updated wifi driver from s4 (commit by cm team)
- disabled swap, zram and cleancache
- linux 3.0.75
- fixed cam preview on note2 lte
- new tunables for pegasusq:
* early_demand: to enable this functionality (disabled by default). ( echo 1 > sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/pegasusq/early_demand, to enable it. 0 disables it)
* grad_up_threshold: over this gradient of load we will increase
frequency immediately. ( echo xx > sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/pegasusq/grad_up_threshold, to set value. xx has to be betwenn 11 and 100, default 50)
- updated block to linux 3.3
- updated row i/o scheduler to linux 3.4
- added fiops v2 i/o schedler
- readded gokhanmorals sammy/aosp mod more cleanly
- lulzactiveq: small fixes
- cpufreq_pegasusq.c: revert to stock
- Enabled AIO support
- improved aio: Asynchronous I/O latency to a solid-state disk greatly increased between the 2.6.32 and 3.0 kernels. By removing the plug from do_io_submit(), we observed a 34% improvement in the I/O latency.
- added zzmoove governor
- Andreilux:
* mdnie-control: Digital brightness control
* s6e8aa0: Allow manual brightness to 300 candela
* ARM: decompressor: Enable unaligned memory access for v6 and above
- Fixed patch: "LOAD_FREQ (4.61 s) avoids loadavg Moire (thx to Klaus Ripke)", many thx to AndreiLux for pointing and fixing this
- Added Franciscofranco's Touch Boost Control (input boost frq., when screen touched can be set with trickster mod app), including the additions from simone201, but fixed to not beeing stuck at high freq.
- removed LCDFreq scaling mechanism (using touch boost instead)
- fixed charging while device off
- applied a bluetooth patch from cm (might help with bt issues some users were reporting)
+ merged mk9 source drop
+ fixed usb connection
+ fixed execution of some init.d scripts
+ changed calculation of next freq in pegasusq (based off a commit by stratosk to ondemand governor, which giot merged into linux 3.11)
+ fixed gyroscope sensor again
+ reverted Sec Oom Killer (maybe causeing some random reboots)
+ switched to latest linaro toolchain (4.8.3 of 12/2013)
+ fixed video recording on aosp roms
+ cleanly merged update13 (thx to yank555-lu), my previous merge was messed up
+ addded async fsync by htc (ported by faux123)
+ fixed sensors agqain

+ merged samsung update13
+ switched back to O2 compiling mode (smaller kernel image, maybe better stability)
+ hardware keys backlight options working for samsung roms as well now
+ re-added oc up to 2 ghz (for those whos device can handle this, mostly added for note2)
+ re-added devil kernel boot logo
+ updated adbd binary to get rid of countless errors in logcat
+ reverted some config changes which may have introduced gpu crashes
+ samsung 4.3 roms: added new additional mountpoint for external sdcard ( /extSdCard)
+ aosp 4.4.x roms: export path of external storage, needed by some apis
+ merged samsung update for note2 (contains fixes for memory management, mali driver, lowmem killer option SEC_OOM_KILLER, new modem driver, ...)
+ backported cpu boost driver
When certain bursty and important events take place, it might take a while for the current cpufreq governor to notice the new load and react to it. That would result in poor user experience. To alleviate this, the cpu-boost driver boosts the frequency of a CPU for a short duration to maintain good user experience while the governor catches up. Specifically, this commit deals with ensuring that when "important" tasks migrate from a fast CPU to a slow CPU, the frequency of the slow CPU is boosted to be at least as high as the fast CPU for a short duration. Since this driver enforces the boost by hooking into standard cpufreq ADJUST notifiers, it has several advantages: - More portable across kernel versions where the cpufreq internals might have been rewritten. - Governor agnostic and hence works with multiple governors like conservative, ondemand, interactive, etc. - Does not affect the sampling period/logic of existing governors. - Can have the boost period adjusted independent of governor sampling period.
+ improve swap per google's suggestion
+ enabled SEC_OOM_KILLER:
This enables 'Android-Style oom-killer' The way to select victim by oom-killer provided by linux kernel is totally different from android policy. Hence, it makes more sense that we select the oom victim as android does when LMK is invoked.
+ switched to zswap (backported from linux 3.13) + vnswap instead of zram
+ gpu control: voltages are applied as deltas internally (no noticable change for users, this just was needed for the second change below)
+ gpu control: if gpu freq. gets changed by user, only reset its matching voltage, all other voltages stay untouched.
+ reverted adb binary to the one from samsung's 4.3 release (seems to be the most compatible and should fix some mtp issues)
+ disabled: swap, zram, zcache, cleancache and frontswap to see if this fixes lags for some users
30.11.2013 part2:
+ fixed boot for omni rom again
29.11.2013 part2:
+ fixed apllying of custom gpu voltage
+ removed intellyplug driver (wasn't working properly, consumed much battery, made boot up take longer and it was unstable)
+ added support for omni rom (primary or secondary)
+ fixed: secondary rom no longer stuck at max freq.
+ n7100: fixed gps
+ gpu control: automatically set voltages according to changend freq (ported from yank555-lu), you can apply your own voltages after you have changed all freq (changing a freq, causes the voltages to be reset again)
recovery: bug fixes, to be sure never to wipe/backup/restore the wrong filesystem
+ partial updated mali driver from SEA update 1 (this also fixes a typo in original implementation)
+ properly applied dualsound engine support, boeffla and scoobidoo (unlike other devs, this implementation only allows one sound mod to be active at a time. if you switch on boeffla (in boeffla app for example), scoobidoo gets disabled automatically. if you turn on scoobydoo in deviltools (new option), boeffla gets disabled automatically)
+ fixed hardware keys backlight settings and added more options to Deviltools
+ small mdnie related corrections
+ added gpu control, needs to be set manually for now.
+ ARM: SMP: use a timing out completion for cpu hotplug
+ init.d support for sammy 4.3
+ dualboot support for all supported roms (i couldnt try this. be careful!)
+ merged samsung update12
+ updated wifi driver from note3
+ fixed installing zips
+ added support for android 4.4
+ backport interacctive governor from googles linux 3.4 kernel source + enabled it
+ updated zzmove cpu governor
+ cpufreq: Save and restore min and max frequencies.
+ cpufreq: Save user policy min/max instead of policy min/max during hotplug
+ cpufreq: Only apply driver limits for scaling_min/max_freq writes
+ linux 3.0.101 (last update)
+ revert: zram: use zram->lock to protect zram_free_page() in swap free notify path
+ added support for latest cm nightlies
+ some cleanup by removing non used code
+ linux 3.0.100
+ added support for pac rom
+ reverted some autohotplug related commits which aren't useful if there are only governors with own hotplug logic
+ reverted cpu oc from 2000 to 1800 (stability testing in connection to undervolting)
+ zram: use zram->lock to protect zram_free_page() in swap free notify path (thx to stsdema28 for suggeting this patch)
+ some patches to improve general swap performance (especially zram)
+ minor update to block kernel subsystem (io schedulers)
+ linux 3.0.98
+ fixed zram kernel crashes
+ fixed triangle away (thx ckh469)
+ memcopy improvement (also thx to ckh469)
27.09.13 Vers.0.36.0
+ updated linux to latest 3.0.96
+ Revert "wakelock: use single threaded workqueueus" (supposed to fix android os bug)
+ compiled using linaro 4.8.2 gcc
+ surprise (many thanks to umberto1978 for this)
18.08.2013 Vers. 0.35.0
- added exfat support
- support for android 4.3 (only primary rom or single boot)
10.08.2013 Vers. 0.33.7
- fixed sysfs of led control to be readable/writable by deviltools
- re fixed mtp/ums and adb root
09.08.2013 Vers. 0.33.5
- backported zram_for_android from linux 3.4 (i9500) and enabled it again
- updated zram to latest official version (linux 3.11
- updated android binder driver
- added led control by yank555-lu
25.07.2013 0.28.0
- cpufreq: zzmoove governor 0.6 (thx to zanezam)- include most of touchwake 1.1 changes. thanks to yank555-lu- bcmdhd: update back to version used by andreilux. big thx to xda forum member gondsman:*xda-developers - View Profile: gondsman should drastically reduce wifi wakelocks)
24.07.2013 Vers. 0.27.6
- reverted compiler option "optimze_for_size" to fix cam on aosp roms
23.07.2013 Vers. 0.27.3
reverted wifi driver to cm version, to fix wifi tethering, additional disabled multicast in suspend for power savings
22.07.2013 Vers. 0.27.2
- linux 3.0.86
- disable touchwake during call
- se linux support
- wifi driver from andreilux sammy kernel (should
27.06.2013 Vers. 0.23.1
- linux 3.0.83
- fixed mounting of internal sdcard on secondary 4.2.2 aosp roms
- reverted JRcu
- dyn fsync updates from faux123
- two upstream fixes to row i/o scheduler
- added latest cm changes (UMS: f_mass_storage: Added cdrom option to UMS-lun-devices, Samsung i9300 Update 10)
12.06.2013 Vers.0.22.1
- linux 3.0.81
- fixed internal storage on 4.2.2 secondary roms
- reverted cpufreq driver back to "default", to try fixing being stuck at max. freq for some users
06.06.2013 Vers 0.21.5
- merged update9 changes from cm team
- wifi changes which hopefully reduce wakeup time
- built nfs as module (was built-in before)
29.05.2013 Vers 0.21.3
- update to linux 3.0.80
- reverted a commit from 3.0.79 which caused the cpu to be stuck at max. freq
- fix touchwake/proximity sensor for i9300
- cpufreq: fix handling of offline cpus
- dynamic fsync: fixes from faux123, to prevent data loss, in case of kernel panic/unexpected shutdown
- CPU hotplug, writeback: Don't call writeback_set_ratelimit() too often during hotplug (from francisco franco)
- freezer: allow tasks to be frozen faster (1ms if possible, instead of 10 ms)
- freezer: skip waking up tasks with PF_FREEZER_SKIP set, to make suspend/resume more efficient
- t0ltecdma: fixed sprint compatibility
15.05.2013 Vers 0.21.0
important: please uncheck in deviltools to apply settings on boot! gpu voltage changes would cause the device to freeze on startup!
- reverted gpu voltage to be displayed as before (this fixes incompatibility with trickstermod or other apps)
- DevilQ: turn/keep second core online on screen touch
- add PM_SUSPEND_FREEZE powerr state (if used, it does save little less power, but PM_SUSPEND_FREEZE has less resume latency
Erik Gilling - sync: don't log wait timeouts when timeout = 0
Ørjan Eide - sync: Fix race condition between merge and signal
Erik Gilling - sync: add Documentation/sync.txt
Erik Gilling - sync: add tracepoint support
Erik Gilling - sync: refactor sync debug printing
Erik Gilling - sync: use proper barriers when waiting indefinitely
Erik Gilling - sync: update new fence status with sync_fence_signal_pt
Erik Gilling - sync: protect unlocked access to fence status
Erik Gilling - sync: dump sync state of fence errors
Erik Gilling - sync: improve timeout dumps
Erik Gilling - sync: use correct signed type when handling SYNC_IOC_WAIT
Erik Gilling - sync: dump sync state to console on timeout
Erik Gilling - sync: clean up compiler warnings
Erik Gilling - sync: fix erase-o in sync_fence_wait
Erik Gilling - sync: change wait timeout to mirror poll semantics
Rebecca Schultz Zavin - sync: Fix error paths
Erik Gilling - sync: add reference counting to timelines
Erik Gilling - sync: add internal refcounting to fences
Erik Gilling - sync: optimize fence merges
Erik Gilling - sync: reorder sync_fence_release
Erik Gilling - sync: export sync API symbols
Erik Gilling - sync: allow async waits to be canceled
- ext4: prevent kernel panic in case of uninitialized jinode
- mutex: dynamically disable mutex spinning at high load Date Thu, 4 Ap (faux123)
- mutex: restrict mutex spinning to only one task per mutex (Waiman Long)
- mutex: Make more scalable by doing less atomic operations (Waiman Long)
- hrtimer: Prevent enqueue of hrtimer on dead CPU When switching the hr (franciscofranco)
- hrtimer: Consider preemption when migrating hrtimer cpu_bases When sw (franciscofranco)
- fs/buffer.c: remove redundant initialization in alloc_page_buffers() (clouds-yan)
- time: cast ->raw_interval to u64 to avoid shift overflow We fixed a b (faux123)
- vmscan: comment too_many_isolated() Comment "Why it's doing so" rathe (Wu Fengguang)
- mm/vmscan.c: avoid possible deadlock caused by too_many_isolated() Ne (Wu Fengguang)
- input: evdev: Move wake_lock_destroy call (halaszk)
- wakelock: use single threaded workqueueus (halaszk)
- linux 3.0.78
- added own cpu governor, DevilQ (based off lulzactiveq by gokhanmoral)
- improved touchwake (acting like swipe2wake now, if delay is set to 0, to prevent false wake ups)
- pegasusq: readd some of andreilux's changes
- gpu: allow oc up to 800 mhz
- added option to disable touch boost
- updated wifi driver from s4 (commit by cm team)
- disabled swap, zram and cleancache
- linux 3.0.75
- fixed cam preview on note2 lte
- new tunables for pegasusq:
* early_demand: to enable this functionality (disabled by default). ( echo 1 > sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/pegasusq/early_demand, to enable it. 0 disables it)
* grad_up_threshold: over this gradient of load we will increase
frequency immediately. ( echo xx > sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/pegasusq/grad_up_threshold, to set value. xx has to be betwenn 11 and 100, default 50)
- updated block to linux 3.3
- updated row i/o scheduler to linux 3.4
- added fiops v2 i/o schedler
- readded gokhanmorals sammy/aosp mod more cleanly
- lulzactiveq: small fixes
- cpufreq_pegasusq.c: revert to stock
- Enabled AIO support
- improved aio: Asynchronous I/O latency to a solid-state disk greatly increased between the 2.6.32 and 3.0 kernels. By removing the plug from do_io_submit(), we observed a 34% improvement in the I/O latency.
- added zzmoove governor
- Andreilux:
* mdnie-control: Digital brightness control
* s6e8aa0: Allow manual brightness to 300 candela
* ARM: decompressor: Enable unaligned memory access for v6 and above
- Fixed patch: "LOAD_FREQ (4.61 s) avoids loadavg Moire (thx to Klaus Ripke)", many thx to AndreiLux for pointing and fixing this
- Added Franciscofranco's Touch Boost Control (input boost frq., when screen touched can be set with trickster mod app), including the additions from simone201, but fixed to not beeing stuck at high freq.
- removed LCDFreq scaling mechanism (using touch boost instead)
- fixed charging while device off
- applied a bluetooth patch from cm (might help with bt issues some users were reporting)
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