[KERNEL][AOSP 4.2.2/Samsung]RedPill - Brutally Efficient|Blazing Fast[26/04]

  • 222 Antworten
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"This is your last chance.
After this, there is no turning back.
You take the blue pill - the story ends,
you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the red pill- you stay in Wonderland
and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."
- Morpheus, The Matrix
(Copyright belongs to the Wachowski Brothers... Larry and Andy)

Kernel Source: RedPill Source Based on N7100 Source Drop
MatrixPills Image by Corinne Wilger. Visit her site HERE.

What Some HyperDroid RedPill Users Have Said:

"so far this the only kernel which gives me the least wakelocks.. or hardly any.... good job..
i dont care about benchmarks which ppl are whining about.. i would say this kernel rockz" - xinfinityoO
"Batterywise the best kernel on my device - had not encountered just 2% loss in 7 hours at night for a very long time"- zikarus
"first impressions... blazing fast...smooth...amazing recovery... hopefully no issues
(well never had one with previous releases anyways)...cheers pongster!"- jermitano
"I am stunned. The battery life looks great. Very smooth and stable and great response. Great work guys."- mariosraptor
"Awesome work! That's the least I could say. Real development and all that done during free time.
I've made donations but that won't be enough to show my gratitude.
I know you don't do that for money but that's the only way I can think of tell you all how grateful I am."- mbutandola

RedPill Features
  • Ramfs from Stock Kernel + Busybox and its various functions in /sbin
  • Based on Samsung Galaxy Note 2 N7100 Source Drop Release 1
  • Included patches for performance, stability and battery life
  • Init.d support
  • SetCPU, ROM Toolbox and Voltage Control Support
  • No CPU & GPU Overclocking and Undervolting
  • Enable or Disable File Syncing
    (fsync disabled by default as I've tweaked the system for optimum latency designed for Flash Storage)
  • CFS Autogroup by Mike Galbraith Enabled
  • CPU Topology and Sched_MC enabled
  • AFTR and LPA enabled
  • A lot of tunables via sysfs included (Use ROM Toolbox or similar Utility to easily change it)
  • Git Implementation of SHA-1 for 12% faster boot time
  • CPU set at 1.6Ghz at Boot for faster boot time (Thanks to Imoseyon)
  • LZO compressed kernel using optimized values for the size of the kernel for faster boot time
  • CIFS Support (cifs.ko located in /lib/modules) | Tweaked Ext4 Filesystem
    (Patches + Mount Options + Tweaked IO Schedulers leaning towards latency for Flash Storage)
  • SIO | noop | deadline (tweaked for better latency and balanced throughput for Mobile NAND based devices)
  • Tweaked the mount options for Ext4 to adapt to the current focus on latency
  • pegasusq | conservative CPU Governors
  • WiFi Multicast Blocked (Thanks to Entropy512)
  • Black Crush fix (Thanks to AndreiLux)

Power Saving Features:
  • AFTR + LPA enabled
  • sched_mc enabled (set at 2 by default)
  • ARM CPU Topology enabled
  • No HZ enabled

Boot Time Features:
  • Used git Implem of SHA-1 for 12% Boot time improvement
  • Added [PATCH] arm: remove "optimized" SHA1 routines by Linus Torvalds <torvalds@linux-foundation.org>
  • Added [PATCH] arm: remove stale export of 'sha_transform' Linus Torvalds <torvalds@linux-foundation.org>
  • Set Clockspeed at 1.6Ghz at Boot time to ensure all critical tasks have enough power to perform them while
    the governors/maxfreq isn't set yet. (Thanks to Imoseyon for this hack)

CPU Features
  • No CPU Overclocking or Undervolting
  • No GPU Overclocking or Undervolting
  • pegasusq | conservative CPU Governors pegasusq set as default

Filesystem Features (Currently Supported)
  • ExFat (Using Proprietary Samsung Modules)
  • Fat32
  • Ext2/3/4
  • CIFS

I/O Schedulers
  • SIO (2012 0.2 version) (tweaked for Flash) Set as Default
  • deadline (tweaked for Flash)
  • noop
  • Tweaked values in deadline and SIO I/O scheduler to give better than average throughput
    while attemting to improve latency (if not more aggressive). Based on our initial (indicative, not conclusive... yet)
    testing, having these in line with the vm dirty, expire, writeback values + ext4 mount options to "schedule" write outs
    as fast as the system can handle it works quite well to balance throughput with latency expected in a mobile device.
    We took the big picture view and tested our tweaks instead of copy pasting random "known" good values and challenged
    some assumptions even we had at the start. The result is a mobile device tuned for average throughput and
    balanced battery life with good latency (not the lowest latency out there, but given the benefits of better I/O throughput
    and potential battery savings + extending the lifetime of NAND Based storage I think it was a compromise worth taking)
    I could have tweaked it for extremely great throughput and battery savings but that wouldn't be fun to use.
    I hate micro-lags myself.
  • Our Test Data regarding I/O schedulers and Kernel Tweaks can be found HERE.
  • The blog post that describes what we are trying to do can be found on my blog post HERE. (Thanks to s2d4)

Memory Features
  • Custom minfree values tweaked for 2GB RAM
  • Tweaked vm values in sysctl that's optimized for latency

Display Features
  • Black Crush fix (Thanks to AndreiLux)
  • Stock mdnie values for more vivid details on the current generation of AMOLED Displays

Performance Patches Enabled

Mike Galbraith's Ultimate CFS Performance Patch (CFS Autogroup)<efault@gmx.de>
*More info on this here: https://lkml.org/lkml/2010/11/20/91

Added the CGroup Patch:*Added [PATCH] cgroup: Provides a way of tasks grouping by timer slack value
by Kirill A. Shutemov <kirill@shutemov.name> Based on patch by Jacob Pan. Introduces per cgroup timer slack value
which will override the default timer slack value once a task is attached to a cgroup. It's useful in mobile devices where
certain background apps are attached to a cgroup and minimum wakeups are desired.

Experimental Latency Related Patches
  • Enabled "fsync disabled"
    (can be disabled by doing an echo "1" > /sys/module/sync/parameters/fsync_disabled
    in a terminal emulator or as a script for gscript or scriptmanager) (Thanks to Ezekeel)
    Using the tweaked Ext4 filesystem + scheduler and mount options leaning towards latency + vm values in the kernel
    makes the most of the speed of Flash Storage based devices. At the speed at which the data is written to and from the kernel
    to the Fast Storage devices, you would only lose up to 1 second worth of data at most IF the kernel crashes.
    I don't plan on that happening so I enabled the system to get the maximum possible performance in this area.
  • Tweaked Ext4 Filesystem (Patches + Mount Options + Tweaked IO Schedulers leaning towards latency)
  • SIO | noop | deadline (tweaked for better latency and balanced throughput for Mobile NAND based devices)
  • Tweaked the mount options for Ext4 to adapt to the current focus on latency

3rd Party Kernel Apps Support
  • ROM Toolbox by jrummy
  • SetCPU by michaelhuang
  • Voltage Control by xan

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Milchbeck, bergheil, XtremeAt und eine weitere Person
mann der läuft wirklich sehr flott und flüssig:thumbsup:
Lief das note 2 jemals nicht flott und flüssig?
Sag ich doch :-D
  • Danke
Reaktionen: bergheil
Hab ihn jetzt auch mal drauf und muss sagen Top Speed:D

Send with Note 2
Wanam 1.4
Motomoto00 by Raubkatze

Powered by Mr. Tapa & Mrs. Talk
Läuft bei mir seit heute morgen... bisher auch wunderbar, bis ich ein Foto schießen wollte!

Kamera angehalten :( - noch jemand dieses Problem?

Datei ist nicht korrupt, MD5 passt!
Welche Recovery habt ihr benutzt?

Kein Problem habe gerade ein Foto zum testen gemacht! Auch ein Video klappt:D

Send with Note 2
Wanam 1.4
Motomoto00 by Raubkatze
Oki, danke.

Seltsam, das Problem tritt auch bei manchen Nutzern auf xda auf. Scheint nicht ROM abhängig zu sein??

Was nutzt Du denn für ne Recovery? TWRP oder CWM?
Woschdi schrieb:
Läuft bei mir seit heute morgen... bisher auch wunderbar, bis ich ein Foto schießen wollte!

Kamera angehalten :( - noch jemand dieses Problem?

Datei ist nicht korrupt, MD5 passt!
Welche Recovery habt ihr benutzt?


Kamera läuft auch bei mir :thumbup:
Oki, danke... was das wohl sein mag :(
Knipse funzt einwandfrei

Powered by Mr. Tapa & Mrs. Talk
Ich werde den kernel morgen auch mal testen und dann bzgl. der kamera feedback geben.

Gesendet von meinem GT-N7100 mit Tapatalk 2
Wie sieht es mit der Akkuleistung aus ?

Gruß Kiruu

Gesendet von meinem GT-N7100 mit Tapatalk 2
kiruu schrieb:
Wie sieht es mit der Akkuleistung aus ?

seit heute morgen früh im betrieb, einige telefonate, web, mails und noch 82%...
Kamera wird bei mir auch immer angehalten. Omega V5
kamera läuft bei mir (omega 6.0) einwandrei... sowohl foto wie auch video
Super: Mit Black-Crush-Fix. :)
Dank Siyah-Kernel hatte ich diesen Fix auch. Echt blöd, dass externe Entwickler die miese Samsung-Kalibrierung des Displays ausgleichen müssen (sollen sich mal ein Beispiel an Apple nehmen, das iPad 3/4 und iPhone 5 sehen fantastisch aus und sind ab Werk (meistens) perfekt kalibriert!)

Freue mich schon auf mein Note 2 (trotz der schlechten Displaykalibrierung :D)
Für was braucht man beim Note 2 einen "Black Crush Fix"?

Hier gibt es das Problem doch gar nicht?

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