[App] QuintessArt for Android - Virtual Museum/Art Gallery

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I present you QuintessArt for Android.

(QuintessArt ist in Englisch und Französisch verfügbar)

QuintessArt für Android ist ein virtuelles Museum, eine virtuelle Galerie, die größten Meisterwerke präsentiert sich in einem schönen Weg über Tab-Navigation (3 verschiedene Aktivitäten gleichzeitig) mit Diashow, Quiz, Lesezeichen, Notizen, Tags, Anregungen, intuitive und schnelle Suche nach Bildern (+ Instant Search) + Austausch von Bildern / Lesezeichen / Notizen per E-Mail / twitter-ähnliche Anwendungen + TwitPic / Facebook / picasa / ..etc. QuintessArt ist pädagogisch und ist eine spielerische Aktivität.

(in English for the rest :) )

QuintessArt for Android is a virtual museum, a virtual gallery that presents greatest masterpieces in a nice way via tab navigation (3 different activities at the same time) with slideshow,quiz, bookmarks,notes,Tags,suggestions, intuitive and speedy search for paintings (+Instant Search)+sharing of paintings/bookmarks/notes by Mail/twitter-like apps+twitpic/Facebook/picasa/..etc. QuintessArt is educational and is a playful activity.


QuintessArt proposes nice user experience when searching for paintings. The application provides cool search interface, making you discover new paintings via suggestions, bookmarks, notes, slideshow,sharing paintings, notes and bookmarks by email and a quiz. It enables in a cool manner to learn more about currents and great painters. For the moment more than 20 painters, 8 currents and more than 1600 paintings...more coming soon.
Want to discover Monet, Manet, Courbet, Klimt, Boticelli ...or Impressionnism, Fauvism, Realism, Romanticism, Symbolism ...QuintessArt !

Some reviews of QuintessArt here: QuintessArt: Thank you all for your interests in QuintessArt !

Materials and complete guide are available at: QuintessArt

a PDF help resource:quintessart.pdf at http://goo.gl/wTp6C

and more screenshots at:
Picasa Web Albums - QuintessArt Andro...

New video Demo available on youtube for QuintessArt: YouTube - QuintessArt - Virtual Museum/Art Gallery for Android and YouTube - QuintessArt - virtual Museum/Art Gallery for Android

Follow us on Twitter:@quintessart
(quintessart (quintessart) on Twitter)

A free version of the application with ads is available (http://market.android.com/details?id=com.masterdevx.quintessart_ads).

QuintessArt (free with ads)

QuintessArt (1euros)

Some features:
*see QuintessArt for details
*see Picasa Web Albums - QuintessArt Andro... for screenshots
*see YouTube - QuintessArt - Virtual Museum/Art Gallery for Android and YouTube - QuintessArt - virtual Museum/Art Gallery for Android for demo

Version 2.2.0
*new sharing options for paintings/notes/tags/bookmarks pictures+text/single or multiple pictures in attachments (mail/twitpic/twitter-like apps/picasa/facebook/ ...)
*download whole thumbnails for a gallery
*bug fix in gallery/thumbnail download
*gallery/long click on missing thumbnails for options+menu

Version 2.1.0
*fullscreen toggle in zoom activity

Version 2.0:

*Tags enabled: to build your own bag of keywords to see in galleries and search; to tag paintings you visit/retrieve/add/edit/share them
*Enhanced search with multiple queries with "OR" and "AND" statement: "gard+wom" will look for "garden OR women";"gard&wom" for "garden AND women";"portr & 186 c.im" for "Portraits in impressionnism in the 60's"
*data selection for download (instead of having to download whole thumbs): in "/menu/data/download thumbs" you can select thumbnails of painters or currents you want to download; in galleries you can download individual thumbs (report button/download thumb);the thumbnail is automatically downloaded when downloading a painting (refresh the gallery or slide on thumbs or click again on thumbnail to see changements); you can also download the thumbs associated to a quiz (actual thumb or whole this quiz thumbnails)
*No more missing thumbs (if any do check again)
*check for Application update (menu/contact or QuintessArt icon on main activity)

Version 1.0:
*Tab navigation between activities
*Activities: galleries from painters,currents,museum,cities,countries/search/slideshow/quiz
*notes:you can edit/save/share notes on paintings you apreciate
*suggestions: this feature enable you to discover new paintings that could interest you through all the available paintings
*Multi-Touch zoom: from a small device you can have even more details than on a computer :)
*3D-animations in gallery
>26 painters;>8 currents;>1600 paintings
*data storage on SDCard
*...enable move to SDCard (via Apps2SD for example)

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: mizch
QuintessArt support forum is launched : http://forum.quintessart.com !

You will find all useful elements to have better experience with QuintessArt (Features/Tips/Help/Questions & Answers/Feedback/Suggestions & Feature requests/Bug-errors Reports).

You will also find topics and categories dedicated to Art Lovers such as:

*Artists dedicated forum/special board: artist can expose/present their exposition/galleries/own works (dedicated forums)

*Art in general: techniques, museums, news

*Masterpieces of Old Masters with dedicated forums to each great painters (see for instance "De Vinci" forum: http://goo.gl/QHnEG )

Several options: polls, sharing with twitter/mail, RSS web feed ...etc

Follow us on Twitter for updates: @quintessart
Our blog:http://quintessart.blogspot.com

A screenshot:

Zuletzt bearbeitet:

QuintessArt update available in the Android Market (version 2.3.0) ;-); new features on home screen+optimization+performances;enjoy !

Blog: QuintessArt

-add 4 home random paintings+associated options in main page (randomize,see painting/painter/current/suggestions/informations...)
-bug fix for OR statement in search (see "wom+portrc.im" for "impressionist portraits or paintings representing women")
-thumbnail download in slideshow
-ui optimization & performance improvement (e.g. randomization/search speedier)
-Size of Application reduced ;-)

Shortcuts in QuintessArt:

Long click on:

*(main) gallery button => notes
*(main) search button => Instant Search
*(gallery tab) missing thumbnail => options for download (one or all missing for this gallery)
*(gallery tab) edit button => Tags
*(gallery tab) share button => web search with painting title/painter/year query
*(quiz) missing thumbnail => options for download (one or all missing for this quiz)

Click on:
*(main) thumbnails in main page => options
*(main) QuintessArt Icon => check update (Application)


A new update available for QuintessArt is available in the Android Market (version 2.4.0) that brings:

*Art Events, Exhibitions,galleries with location,dates,links,contacts...
with filtering options+bookmarks+sharing events via sharing services like twitter/mail/messaging...+add to your calendar options (all fiels are prefilled, including dates :) ) in QuintessArt !

*We add "Top Downloaded paintings of the week" to see more dynamic changements and discover nicely new interesting paintings pointed by QuintessArt users

*We add also a "Less downloaded paintings" to see paintings that have not yet been explored too much :)

Some screenshots below and the rest here:Picasa Web Albums - QuintessArt Andro... (QuintessArt - Picasaweb)

Details for QuintessArt on our blog: QuintessArt - Virtual Art Gallery & Museum (QuintessArt-Blog )
Follow us on Twitter: @quintessart

Enjoy with QuintessArt !

Art Events:

Top Downloaded paintings:


A new version of QuintessArt is available inthe Android Market (version 2.5.0).

This update brings several new features:
  • A new game ! "Find the Intruder !" is a "Spot the Odd one Out " like game in which you have to identify 1 or 2 or ...8 paintings of a given master among a set of paintings from other painters; educative, informative as you can see informations/see the associated paintings in the gallery tab and shuffle through all available thumbnails (1700 available :) for this version); a new design is also proposed for the display in grid view; you can share your scores
  • real-time Top downloaded of the month/week/all the time
  • search option in Art events; filtering options according to cities/countries
  • several bug fixes in gallery/slideshow

Some screenshots below, as usual (see Quintessart on Picasaweb for more screenshots Picasa Web Albums - QuintessArt Andro... ):

First panel in which you analyse/observe/learn paintings of a selected master (you can select a master via menu or let the random choice :) ):

Second panel in which you have to find the paintings of the selected painter amon a set of other masterpieces of other painters:

When a correct painting is validated, the background of the thumbnail becomes green, a little message appears with title and year of the painting:

Follow us on Twitter: @quintessart (quintessart (quintessart) on Twitter )
Our blog: QuintessArt - Virtual Art Gallery & Museum

Enjoy with QuintessArt :)

If you have any suggestions to make QuintessArt better, with art events,paintings,games,smart search,suggestions,bookmarks...etc, do not hesitate, we are "open" :)
We're working presently, besides other developments, on including details of certain paintings in order to have a deep zoom on the detail of the painting.

QuintessArt is an edutainment application and we want to make it a reference for Art Lovers and for discovering, in a playful manner, paintings of greatest masters of history !

See our blog: QuintessArt - Virtual Art Gallery & Museum
Follow us on Twitter: @quintessart (quintessart (quintessart) on Twitter )

Enjoy with QuintessArt !
Thank you all for your interest in QuintessArt ! QuintessArt - Virtual Art Gallery & Museum: Thank you all for your interests in QuintessArt ! (QuintessArt - Virtual Art Gallery & Museum: Thank you all for your interests in QuintessArt !)


You can download materials here: QuintessArt - Virtual Art Gallery & Museum: Links for QuintessArt
Question and answers: QuintessArt - Virtual Art Gallery & Museum: Questions & Answers
Answer to users' comments: QuintessArt - Virtual Art Gallery & Museum: Users' comments

All screenshots available on picasaweb: Picasa Web Albums - QuintessArt Andro...

We presently propose three versions of QuintessArt (Android Market http://goo.gl/dOf3a and amazon appstore Amazon.com: masterdevx: Appstore for Android ):
*QuintessArt (http://goo.gl/EflqM): complete virtual museum (notes, bookmarks,random,advanced search+refine, filters,suggestions,art events, stats...etc)
*QuintessArt Games (http://goo.gl/1cCRC): dedicated to games related to art and paintings
*QuintessArt Gallery Lite (http://goo.gl/hJQIg): discover in a simpler way the list of painters and paintings available in QUintessArt

If you have any suggestions or difficulties, do not hesitate to contact us: masterdevx@gmail.com or quintessart@gmail.com or on twitter @quintessart

Enjoy with QuintessArt !

Some screenshots:


QuintessArt Games

QuintessArt Gallery Lite


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