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Für FeedMe kommt bald ein großes Update. Also für mich übertrifft es dann sogar gReader, wenn alles so klappt. Aber lest selbst:
Release notes of 2.4:
- Add new launch mode (Settings - Interface) : Launch screen is article list, right swipe to open nav side, and back button to article list, and back again to exit.
- Improve subscription 1 : Now you can manager category in subscription page. Tap category to show category setting dialog.
- Improve subscription 2 : Layout (List, Card, etc.) is now remembered for each feed and category.
- Improve subscription 3 : Set different mobilizer for different feed/category.
- Improve subscription 4 : Set keywords for feed to filter articles. Once the keywords seted for feed, only the articles which title contains the keywords will reserved, other articles will mark as read. You can set more than one keyword for one feed, split them by ";". If you want to add a filter which need both meet two keywords or more, connect them by "+".
- Sync mode (Settings - Sync):
= by feed : The sync mode we used before 2.4. Sync articles group by feed. You can disable sync some feeds.
= by category : Sync articles group by category. You CAN'T sync uncategoried feeds. You can disable sync some categories, but CAN'T disable sync some feeds.
= by all : Sync articles just order by time. The fastest way to sync. You CAN'T disable sync some feeds or categories. This is the sync mode if you enable "China Mode" before 2.4.
- Improve dialog width for tablet.
======== IMPORTANT ========
If the test goes well, I will release a beta version 2.4 of this weekend.
And there are some descriptions need improved for clear and short. Need your help.
1. Description for add filter keywords:
"Add reserved keywords. (different keywords split by ";", connect keywords combined by "+")"
2. Description of sync mode:
"Sync group by feed or category, or all."
Release notes of 2.4:
- Add new launch mode (Settings - Interface) : Launch screen is article list, right swipe to open nav side, and back button to article list, and back again to exit.
- Improve subscription 1 : Now you can manager category in subscription page. Tap category to show category setting dialog.
- Improve subscription 2 : Layout (List, Card, etc.) is now remembered for each feed and category.
- Improve subscription 3 : Set different mobilizer for different feed/category.
- Improve subscription 4 : Set keywords for feed to filter articles. Once the keywords seted for feed, only the articles which title contains the keywords will reserved, other articles will mark as read. You can set more than one keyword for one feed, split them by ";". If you want to add a filter which need both meet two keywords or more, connect them by "+".
- Sync mode (Settings - Sync):
= by feed : The sync mode we used before 2.4. Sync articles group by feed. You can disable sync some feeds.
= by category : Sync articles group by category. You CAN'T sync uncategoried feeds. You can disable sync some categories, but CAN'T disable sync some feeds.
= by all : Sync articles just order by time. The fastest way to sync. You CAN'T disable sync some feeds or categories. This is the sync mode if you enable "China Mode" before 2.4.
- Improve dialog width for tablet.
======== IMPORTANT ========
If the test goes well, I will release a beta version 2.4 of this weekend.
And there are some descriptions need improved for clear and short. Need your help.
1. Description for add filter keywords:
"Add reserved keywords. (different keywords split by ";", connect keywords combined by "+")"
2. Description of sync mode:
"Sync group by feed or category, or all."