- 2.280
We are pleased to welcome you here in this forum, the world's most popular Internet platform of the German speaking Android community!
Therefore, according to our rules, all contributions have to be written in German language! Hence, if you are not able to write in German, please use a translator (e.g. such as those of Google and many others). Adding the text in English is desirable, because it allows the avoidance of misunderstandings / errors due to lack of language skills and / or poor translations.
In general, all content of this forum relates exclusively to the Y300-0100 (if not explicitly mentioned otherwise), because this is the only version available within the European Union. Therefore talking here about the Y300 always refers to the Y300-0100 (aka U8833-1)!
Most of the content will probably also apply for the other three versions (Y300 (aka T8833) & Y300-0000 (aka U8833) & Y300-0151) of this smartphone, but there is absolutely no guarantee!
In case of problems related to the forum please contact one of the team members.
Kind regards,
We are pleased to welcome you here in this forum, the world's most popular Internet platform of the German speaking Android community!
Therefore, according to our rules, all contributions have to be written in German language! Hence, if you are not able to write in German, please use a translator (e.g. such as those of Google and many others). Adding the text in English is desirable, because it allows the avoidance of misunderstandings / errors due to lack of language skills and / or poor translations.
In general, all content of this forum relates exclusively to the Y300-0100 (if not explicitly mentioned otherwise), because this is the only version available within the European Union. Therefore talking here about the Y300 always refers to the Y300-0100 (aka U8833-1)!
Most of the content will probably also apply for the other three versions (Y300 (aka T8833) & Y300-0000 (aka U8833) & Y300-0151) of this smartphone, but there is absolutely no guarantee!
In case of problems related to the forum please contact one of the team members.
Kind regards,