- 1.891
Proudly present you TrickDroid for the HTC One S

This ROM is based on the HTC Europe and works on every One S with S4 processor!
- Rooted with SuperSU
- Deodexed
- Zipaligned
- UI Optimization
- Unsecured boot.img
- Newest BusyBox
- Excellent battery life
- GPU UI Rendering
- RAM Optimization
- sysro/sysrw permission
- Better CPU Performance
- init.d scripts support
- Improved EXT4 System
- Removed 3-dot menu by blubbers
- Removed bloatware
- Custom Bootanimation
- 1% stock battery
- Advanced Power Menu
- Extended Quick Settings
- Many other tweaks!

- Unlocked Bootloader
- CWM Recovery (or any other which works)
- Full tutorial

Make sure to use TWRP Recovery or you have to flash the boot.img of the ROM with fastboot in case you use CWM.
- Downloade das ROM
- Boote in das Recovery
- Wipe cache and dalvik cache always (wipe data, wenn ihr von einer anderen Base kommt)
- "install zip from sdcard"
- "choose zip from sdcard"
- Flasht das ROM
- Flasht das tweak package nach einem vollen Reboot
- Flash das boot.img mit dem Boot_Flash_Script direkt nach der ROM, falls ihr nicht auf dem neusten Kernel seid, sonst kriegt ihr nen Bootlop!
Known solutions for cache issues:- If you have issues accessing Sense Widgets, just clear HTC Sense data in app settings. Make sure you backup your Desktop in Titanium Backup, before you clear Sense data.
- If you temporarily loose access to contacts in dialer, reboot in recovery and wipe cache.
Flow-Wolf made a video how to install a ROM with the boot.img, just look here! and you will also find a review of this ROM there!

Before downloading it would be nice to visit my rootzwiki thread and leave a nice comment and rep there, so you could give me something back with this gesture.- Thanks!

- Summer Breeze theme by the awesome he_stheone64
- CoreDroid mod's by Lozone
- Booanimation's by torxx (me
- Gloss Blue Sense theme by alexdiaz
- Launcher's and Lockscreen's guide by Goku80
- HabaSense Theme by Habarug
Everything else you will find in the tweak package!

- j4n87 and everyone who supports him (amazing guy, make sure to give him a donation)
- Especially he_stheone64, he helped me a lot here, thanks!
- DroidXAce.- For the banner
- LeeDroid for being a cool guy
- Virtuous team (mdeejay especially for the kernel and chrisch for being the first porting APM to the One S)
- Paul O'brien
- koush
- Chainfire
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