
- 342
Da seit einigen Tagen nun auch die MIUI Version 1.3.18 erschienen ist,
welche auf Android 2.3.3 basiert,starte ich hier,wegen neuer Android Version
etc.,einen neuen Thread zu meinem Custom MIUI ROM.
Hier nun mein Custom ROM fürs Desire Z welches auf der aktuellen MIUI 1.4.1 Android 2.3.3 Version basiert.
MIUI 1.5.6 changelog:
MIUI 1.4.29 changelog:
MIUI 1.4.22 changelog
MIUI 1.4.15 changelog
MIUI 1.4.8 changelog
MIUI 1.4.1 changelog
MIUI 1.3.25 changelog
Download v4.7: MIUI-Bread_1.4.29_GaniMod_v4.7
Download v4.6: MIUI-Bread_1.4.29_GaniMod_v4.6
Download v4.5: MIUI-Bread_1.4.29_GaniMod_v4.5
Download v4.4: MIUI-Bread_1.4.22_GaniMod_v4.4
Download v4.3: MIUI-Bread_1.4.22_GaniMod_v4.3
Download v3.9: MIUI-Bread_1.4.22_GaniMod_v3.9
Download v1.6: MIUI-Bread 1.4.1 GaniMod v1.6
Download v1.5: MIUI-Bread 1.3.25 GaniMod v1.5
Download v1.4: MIUI-Bread 1.3.25 GaniMod v1.4
Download v1.1: MIUI-Bread GaniMod v1.1
Download: MIUI-Bread GaniMod
Changelog v4.7: Englisch (Full Wipe needed)
- added new VoiceSearch.apk to data/app
- added googlevoice.apk to data/app
- new Sense 3.0 Flashlight.apk available
- LG weather widget removed and added new GenieWidget
- added new DSPManager
Changelog v4.6: (Englisch nur)
- added "windowsmgr.max_events_per_sec=60".Scrolling should be smoother and more speed
- to safe battery: changed wifi scan interval to 120
- update to latest pershoot kernel (build from May 1 with updates from May 3)
- latest LatineIME (more dictionary)
- Fixed issue in Phone layout when receiving a incoming call
- Fixed Chinese text in Accounts & Sync Settings
- Fixed Typographical errors in multiple apks and string improvements to the following APKs:
AccountAndSyncSettings.apk, Contacts.apk, Gallery.apk, Launcher2.apk,
MiuiMusic.apk, Mms.apk, MiuiCamera.apk, Phone.apk and Settings.apk
Changelog v4.5: (Full Wipe needed)
- update to MIUI 1.4.29
- update to latest pershoot kernel (from 30.April)
- removed chinese strings and unnecessary "manage default accounts" option
from Accounts and Sync settings
- removed chinese strings for "Tools" folder
- Torch App back to default MIUI
- Fixed Browser bug in new stock 1.4.29 build again: If you pressing search button at google site,now it should
goes to the results page
- all apk`s zipalgined and png optimized again
- updated some libs and "so" files
- added 4-way reboot again for MIUI 1.4.29
Changelog v4.4:
- added Swype 2.6.47 for WVGA devices (multilanguage)
- APK`s zipalgined and png optimized again
- added 2 new tweaks
* Force /system dalvik-cache on /data instead of /cache if is not large enough
* mount /data/local/download to /cache/download if cache
partition is too small
Changelog v4.3:
- edited apn settings for Rogers user (hope sending mms works now)
- added Swype to data/app (seems no problems there)
Changelog v4.2:
- added SpareParts to data/app
- latest LatineIME from CyanogenMod
- 4-way reboot Mod included
- little tweaks at "boot.img"
* unpacked and re-packed boot.img
to edit the "init.rc and did some tweaks to the memory parameters for
internal task killer/low memory killer
Changelog v4.1:
- fixed Gallery bug (something was wrong after compiling and re-compiling)
- removed recommended button from Mms.apk (not necessary)
- Monitor.apk layout bug fixed
- fixed some bugs at framework-res.apk
- sliding buttons On/Off now for english users too
Changelog v4.0:
- Update to latest Pershoot kernel (
- removed chinese images from sliding buttons at settings menu (now it shows ON and OFF)
- fixed MIUI Gallery bug (removed chinese string if you want to rename a picture) Now it shows you "Rename and Umbenennen".
- Renamed Gallery back to MIUI Gallery
Changelog v3.9:
23.04.2011 Full Wipe is needed
- German language now available
- fixed lights bug for hardware keyboard (not correct values at german framework/arrays.xml)
Changelog v3.8:
- Update to MIUI 1.4.22 (only english at the moment)
- unpacked and re-packed "boot.img" to edit "default.prop"
where is "timezone" stored (now after flashing you should have
automatically the correct time)
- edited "build.prop" to this: (maybe now users don`t have problems with swype)
* ro.product.brand=tmobile
* ro.product.name=htc_vision
* ro.product.device=vision
* ro.product.board=vision
Changelog v3.7:
- Added Quick Search Box app
- Now back again to LatineIME from CM7 Nightly builds (more dictionary available
- Fixed Browser bug: If you pressing search button at google site,now it should
goes to the results page
Changelog v3.6
- Updated Superuser to
- Updated busybox to 1.19.1
- added new Gallery3D (now it shows Galerie,not Gallerie)
Changelog v3.5:
- Backup.apk translation changed
- Phone.apk translation modified (layout under options was postponed)
- ROM optimized again twice with "optipng" and "PNGOptimizerCL (increased compression strength)
- Apps Zipalgined again
Changelog v3.4:
- german language now available again
- 24 hour bug at statusbar fixed
- SuperUser app colors changed for better readability
- Fixed some typos in ThemeManager
* for these changes it seems you have to do a Full Wipe,otherwise
you don`t have hardware keyboard lights
- changed values for button backlight brightnes
- I compiled and re-compiled framework-res.apk to fix the
boot loop after reboot (if you select english language after german)
Changelog v3.3:
- new MIUI Desktop icons now added to default theme
Changelog v3.2
- now back to latest Pershoot kernel (
- small changes at Updater-Script
* updated to lates english fixes
- english strings for Call notes added
- some chinese text at caller log fixed
Changelog v3.1
- fixed/optimized Button Backlight values for menu,back,search and home button
(should be not so bright now)
Changelog v3.0:
- Update to MIUI 1.4.15 (at the moment,only English,no German)
- added english 1.4.15 v1 pack from miui.dev (Thanks to Mark)
- changed kernel (now back to latest CM7 CyanogenMod kernel)
- removed chinese from new MIUI boot animation
- LatinIME now back to default
- all other tweaks etc.from the other versions included
- added Voice Search app
- small changes at build.prop and updater-script
- now a lot of chinese characters removed from lockscreen,some apps like
(dialer,sms etc...)
Changelog v1.9:
- Fixed Updater-Script bug.Now it shows "MIUI-Bread 1.4.8 Android 2.3.3"
- Now ROM Manager support (Big thanks to g4rb4g3)
- 4-way reboot option added (thanks to sk0t)
It'll work only on lockscreen and you need to uncheck (if checked)
the "disable power button" under button settings.
- Theme Browser app added
- Fixed date and time in status bar does not have space issue
- General translational modifications
- Improved strings in few apps
Changelog v1.8
- Update to MIUI 1.4.8
- unthemed version now
- removed libkineot.so since wifi calling still doesn't work
- fixed framework-res bug (If you change language do english and reboot,phone didn`t start)
- Modell name changed to HTC Desire Z/G2
Changelog v1.7:
- added zipalgin data and system script (automatically zipalgin files at data/app and system/app
- MIUIMusic FC fixed if you select english language
Changelog v1.6:
- Update zu MIUI 1.4.1
- MIUI Gingerbread Boot animation
- Keyboard/Tastatur mit der von CyanogenMod ersetzt
- Modell-Name zu HTC Desire Z geändert
- neues Theme/Icons in der framework-res.apk
- SD Card reading speed hinzugefügt (Cache größe von 128KB auf 2048KB geändert)
Changelog v1.4:
- Themed framework-res App
- Themed Settings App
- Themed SystemUI App
- Buuton Lights optimiert (Home,Menu,Back und Search)
- Hardware-Tastatur Beleuchtung gefixd (framework-res compiled und recompiled)
- Lockscreen-Timeout von 5 Sek. auf 10 Sek.verlängert (android.policy.jar verändert)
- Aktuelles Sprachpaket v2 integriert,mit einigen Fixes (Settings.apk teiweise selbst
etwas geändert z.B.Trackball wake zu "Display aktivieren über Trackpad"
- Update zum aktuellsten Pershoot Kernel (läuft sehr flüssig und schnell nun)
* new adreno205 drivers (latest update from Kernel for HTC 7X30 devices - Vision, Ace, Glacier)
Info: Kali-/htc-kernel-msm7x30
* namespaces support
* v4 block device and data integrity support
* 3d register driver
Changelog v1.1:
- Umlaute der Hardware-Tastatur gefixd (Umlaute funktionieren nun)
- Dalvik und Boot Cache werden beim Flashen automatisch gesäubert
- Update aktuellster Pershoot Kernel (24.März)
- Screenshot Bug behoben,Screenshots können nun wieder gemacht werden (Menü-Taste gedrückt halten und Volume-Taste
nach unten drücken)
- Optional: Schönes Font Pack wie ich finde Fonts.zip
Changelog: (Initial Release)
- Custom Gingerbread DeskClock und Uhr wird nun angezeigt anstatt Clock
- Kamera bearbeitet und komplett Deutsch nun
- Calculator wird nun in Deutsch angezeigt (Rechner)
Update Pershoot Kernel,Mittwoch 23.März
* merge up to kernel.orgs
* defconfig: enable MSM_FLASHLIGHT_DEATH_RAY
* merged (from cyanogenmod htc-kernel-msm7x30):
* mm: Updated ashmem driver from HTC
* video: msm: Updated msm_rotator driver from HTC
* msm: vidc: Update to new version from CodeAurora (gingerbread)
* msm: Use VG pipe for all the userspace requests (gingerbread)
* Brain Fuck Scheduler Support im Kernel
* v4 block device and data integrity support
* 3d register driver
- Netzwerk Fehler behoben (Kein Dienst wird nicht mehr angezeigt)
- Market Bug behoben,wo manche Apps nich angezeigt werden
- Monitor.apk FC behoben
- WiFi Scan Intervall bearbeitet um Akku zu schonen
- Daten Roaming deaktiviert,ist nach dem Flashen also erstmal "AUS"
und kann man manuell wieder einschalten
- Manuelle Netzwerksuche nun möglich
- Aktueller I/O sqlite Performance Patch von heute (Speicherverbrauch und Sync nochmals optimiert)
- Alle APKs Zipalgined und PNG optimiert
- ROM Manager hinzugefügt
- Voice Dialer/Sprachwahl nun auf Deutsch
- Custom Black Miui bootanimation
- Data/App Funktion hinzugefügt (Kopieren der Apps nach Data/app möglich anstatt system/app,leichters
löschen der Apps möglich falls man sie nicht mehr braucht
Optional: (Da es nicht jeder unbedingt möchte/braucht)
Datei ist im Anhang.
A2SD+ support + Dalvik-Cache move to SD-Card
Bug behoben,wenn data/app zu apps2sd symlinked ist
Wichtig für Dalvik-Cache to SD: (z.B.via Terminal Emulator aus dem Market)
a2sd cachesd (move dalvik to sd card)
a2sd cachepart (move dalvik to cache partition)
a2sd cachepartreset (move dalvik to cache partition and clears contents of dalvik-cache)
Weitere Befehle die mir bekannt sind:
a2sd zipalgin
a2sd check
a2sd help
Partition via ADB Befehle/Android SDK und PC überprüfen:
adb shell reboot recovery
adb shell
parted /dev/block/mmcblk1
P.S. Für A2SD+ und Dalvik-Cache to SD sollte man die SD Karte erst Partitionieren,dann
die Zip aus dem Anhang flashen.
Vor dem Flashen sollte man via Recovery Menü erst noch Mount Data
und Mount System durchführen,damit das Pack installiert wird.
Ist nämlich leider ein Fehler im Updater-Script vorhanden.
welche auf Android 2.3.3 basiert,starte ich hier,wegen neuer Android Version
etc.,einen neuen Thread zu meinem Custom MIUI ROM.
Hier nun mein Custom ROM fürs Desire Z welches auf der aktuellen MIUI 1.4.1 Android 2.3.3 Version basiert.







MIUI 1.5.6 changelog:
MIUI 1.4.29 changelog:
MIUI 1.4.22 changelog
MIUI 1.4.15 changelog
MIUI 1.4.8 changelog
MIUI 1.4.1 changelog
MIUI 1.3.25 changelog
Download v4.7: MIUI-Bread_1.4.29_GaniMod_v4.7
Download v4.6: MIUI-Bread_1.4.29_GaniMod_v4.6
Download v4.5: MIUI-Bread_1.4.29_GaniMod_v4.5
Download v4.4: MIUI-Bread_1.4.22_GaniMod_v4.4
Download v4.3: MIUI-Bread_1.4.22_GaniMod_v4.3
Download v3.9: MIUI-Bread_1.4.22_GaniMod_v3.9
Download v1.6: MIUI-Bread 1.4.1 GaniMod v1.6
Download v1.5: MIUI-Bread 1.3.25 GaniMod v1.5
Download v1.4: MIUI-Bread 1.3.25 GaniMod v1.4
Download v1.1: MIUI-Bread GaniMod v1.1
Download: MIUI-Bread GaniMod
Changelog v4.7: Englisch (Full Wipe needed)
- added new VoiceSearch.apk to data/app
- added googlevoice.apk to data/app
- new Sense 3.0 Flashlight.apk available

- LG weather widget removed and added new GenieWidget
- added new DSPManager
Changelog v4.6: (Englisch nur)
- added "windowsmgr.max_events_per_sec=60".Scrolling should be smoother and more speed
- to safe battery: changed wifi scan interval to 120
- update to latest pershoot kernel (build from May 1 with updates from May 3)
- latest LatineIME (more dictionary)
- Fixed issue in Phone layout when receiving a incoming call
- Fixed Chinese text in Accounts & Sync Settings
- Fixed Typographical errors in multiple apks and string improvements to the following APKs:
AccountAndSyncSettings.apk, Contacts.apk, Gallery.apk, Launcher2.apk,
MiuiMusic.apk, Mms.apk, MiuiCamera.apk, Phone.apk and Settings.apk
Changelog v4.5: (Full Wipe needed)
- update to MIUI 1.4.29
- update to latest pershoot kernel (from 30.April)
- removed chinese strings and unnecessary "manage default accounts" option
from Accounts and Sync settings
- removed chinese strings for "Tools" folder
- Torch App back to default MIUI
- Fixed Browser bug in new stock 1.4.29 build again: If you pressing search button at google site,now it should
goes to the results page
- all apk`s zipalgined and png optimized again
- updated some libs and "so" files
- added 4-way reboot again for MIUI 1.4.29
Changelog v4.4:
- added Swype 2.6.47 for WVGA devices (multilanguage)
- APK`s zipalgined and png optimized again
- added 2 new tweaks
* Force /system dalvik-cache on /data instead of /cache if is not large enough
* mount /data/local/download to /cache/download if cache
partition is too small
Changelog v4.3:
- edited apn settings for Rogers user (hope sending mms works now)
- added Swype to data/app (seems no problems there)
Changelog v4.2:
- added SpareParts to data/app
- latest LatineIME from CyanogenMod
- 4-way reboot Mod included
- little tweaks at "boot.img"
* unpacked and re-packed boot.img
to edit the "init.rc and did some tweaks to the memory parameters for
internal task killer/low memory killer
Changelog v4.1:
- fixed Gallery bug (something was wrong after compiling and re-compiling)
- removed recommended button from Mms.apk (not necessary)
- Monitor.apk layout bug fixed
- fixed some bugs at framework-res.apk
- sliding buttons On/Off now for english users too
Changelog v4.0:
- Update to latest Pershoot kernel (
- removed chinese images from sliding buttons at settings menu (now it shows ON and OFF)
- fixed MIUI Gallery bug (removed chinese string if you want to rename a picture) Now it shows you "Rename and Umbenennen".
- Renamed Gallery back to MIUI Gallery
Changelog v3.9:
23.04.2011 Full Wipe is needed
- German language now available
- fixed lights bug for hardware keyboard (not correct values at german framework/arrays.xml)
Changelog v3.8:
- Update to MIUI 1.4.22 (only english at the moment)
- unpacked and re-packed "boot.img" to edit "default.prop"
where is "timezone" stored (now after flashing you should have
automatically the correct time)
- edited "build.prop" to this: (maybe now users don`t have problems with swype)
* ro.product.brand=tmobile
* ro.product.name=htc_vision
* ro.product.device=vision
* ro.product.board=vision
Changelog v3.7:
- Added Quick Search Box app
- Now back again to LatineIME from CM7 Nightly builds (more dictionary available
- Fixed Browser bug: If you pressing search button at google site,now it should
goes to the results page
Changelog v3.6
- Updated Superuser to
- Updated busybox to 1.19.1
- added new Gallery3D (now it shows Galerie,not Gallerie)
Changelog v3.5:
- Backup.apk translation changed
- Phone.apk translation modified (layout under options was postponed)
- ROM optimized again twice with "optipng" and "PNGOptimizerCL (increased compression strength)
- Apps Zipalgined again
Changelog v3.4:
- german language now available again
- 24 hour bug at statusbar fixed
- SuperUser app colors changed for better readability
- Fixed some typos in ThemeManager
* for these changes it seems you have to do a Full Wipe,otherwise
you don`t have hardware keyboard lights
- changed values for button backlight brightnes
- I compiled and re-compiled framework-res.apk to fix the
boot loop after reboot (if you select english language after german)
Changelog v3.3:
- new MIUI Desktop icons now added to default theme
Changelog v3.2
- now back to latest Pershoot kernel (
- small changes at Updater-Script
* updated to lates english fixes
- english strings for Call notes added
- some chinese text at caller log fixed
Changelog v3.1
- fixed/optimized Button Backlight values for menu,back,search and home button
(should be not so bright now)
Changelog v3.0:
- Update to MIUI 1.4.15 (at the moment,only English,no German)
- added english 1.4.15 v1 pack from miui.dev (Thanks to Mark)
- changed kernel (now back to latest CM7 CyanogenMod kernel)
- removed chinese from new MIUI boot animation
- LatinIME now back to default
- all other tweaks etc.from the other versions included
- added Voice Search app
- small changes at build.prop and updater-script
- now a lot of chinese characters removed from lockscreen,some apps like
(dialer,sms etc...)
Changelog v1.9:
- Fixed Updater-Script bug.Now it shows "MIUI-Bread 1.4.8 Android 2.3.3"
- Now ROM Manager support (Big thanks to g4rb4g3)
- 4-way reboot option added (thanks to sk0t)
It'll work only on lockscreen and you need to uncheck (if checked)
the "disable power button" under button settings.
- Theme Browser app added
- Fixed date and time in status bar does not have space issue
- General translational modifications
- Improved strings in few apps
Changelog v1.8
- Update to MIUI 1.4.8
- unthemed version now
- removed libkineot.so since wifi calling still doesn't work
- fixed framework-res bug (If you change language do english and reboot,phone didn`t start)
- Modell name changed to HTC Desire Z/G2
Changelog v1.7:
- added zipalgin data and system script (automatically zipalgin files at data/app and system/app
- MIUIMusic FC fixed if you select english language
Changelog v1.6:
- Update zu MIUI 1.4.1
- MIUI Gingerbread Boot animation
- Keyboard/Tastatur mit der von CyanogenMod ersetzt
- Modell-Name zu HTC Desire Z geändert
- neues Theme/Icons in der framework-res.apk
- SD Card reading speed hinzugefügt (Cache größe von 128KB auf 2048KB geändert)
Changelog v1.4:
- Themed framework-res App
- Themed Settings App
- Themed SystemUI App
- Buuton Lights optimiert (Home,Menu,Back und Search)
- Hardware-Tastatur Beleuchtung gefixd (framework-res compiled und recompiled)
- Lockscreen-Timeout von 5 Sek. auf 10 Sek.verlängert (android.policy.jar verändert)
- Aktuelles Sprachpaket v2 integriert,mit einigen Fixes (Settings.apk teiweise selbst
etwas geändert z.B.Trackball wake zu "Display aktivieren über Trackpad"

- Update zum aktuellsten Pershoot Kernel (läuft sehr flüssig und schnell nun)
* new adreno205 drivers (latest update from Kernel for HTC 7X30 devices - Vision, Ace, Glacier)
Info: Kali-/htc-kernel-msm7x30
* namespaces support
* v4 block device and data integrity support
* 3d register driver
Changelog v1.1:
- Umlaute der Hardware-Tastatur gefixd (Umlaute funktionieren nun)
- Dalvik und Boot Cache werden beim Flashen automatisch gesäubert
- Update aktuellster Pershoot Kernel (24.März)
- Screenshot Bug behoben,Screenshots können nun wieder gemacht werden (Menü-Taste gedrückt halten und Volume-Taste
nach unten drücken)
- Optional: Schönes Font Pack wie ich finde Fonts.zip
Changelog: (Initial Release)
- Custom Gingerbread DeskClock und Uhr wird nun angezeigt anstatt Clock
- Kamera bearbeitet und komplett Deutsch nun
- Calculator wird nun in Deutsch angezeigt (Rechner)
Update Pershoot Kernel,Mittwoch 23.März
* merge up to kernel.orgs
* defconfig: enable MSM_FLASHLIGHT_DEATH_RAY
* merged (from cyanogenmod htc-kernel-msm7x30):
* mm: Updated ashmem driver from HTC
* video: msm: Updated msm_rotator driver from HTC
* msm: vidc: Update to new version from CodeAurora (gingerbread)
* msm: Use VG pipe for all the userspace requests (gingerbread)
* Brain Fuck Scheduler Support im Kernel
* v4 block device and data integrity support
* 3d register driver
- Netzwerk Fehler behoben (Kein Dienst wird nicht mehr angezeigt)
- Market Bug behoben,wo manche Apps nich angezeigt werden
- Monitor.apk FC behoben
- WiFi Scan Intervall bearbeitet um Akku zu schonen
- Daten Roaming deaktiviert,ist nach dem Flashen also erstmal "AUS"
und kann man manuell wieder einschalten
- Manuelle Netzwerksuche nun möglich
- Aktueller I/O sqlite Performance Patch von heute (Speicherverbrauch und Sync nochmals optimiert)
- Alle APKs Zipalgined und PNG optimiert
- ROM Manager hinzugefügt
- Voice Dialer/Sprachwahl nun auf Deutsch
- Custom Black Miui bootanimation
- Data/App Funktion hinzugefügt (Kopieren der Apps nach Data/app möglich anstatt system/app,leichters
löschen der Apps möglich falls man sie nicht mehr braucht
Optional: (Da es nicht jeder unbedingt möchte/braucht)
Datei ist im Anhang.
A2SD+ support + Dalvik-Cache move to SD-Card
Bug behoben,wenn data/app zu apps2sd symlinked ist
Wichtig für Dalvik-Cache to SD: (z.B.via Terminal Emulator aus dem Market)
a2sd cachesd (move dalvik to sd card)
a2sd cachepart (move dalvik to cache partition)
a2sd cachepartreset (move dalvik to cache partition and clears contents of dalvik-cache)
Weitere Befehle die mir bekannt sind:
a2sd zipalgin
a2sd check
a2sd help
Partition via ADB Befehle/Android SDK und PC überprüfen:
adb shell reboot recovery
adb shell
parted /dev/block/mmcblk1
P.S. Für A2SD+ und Dalvik-Cache to SD sollte man die SD Karte erst Partitionieren,dann
die Zip aus dem Anhang flashen.
Vor dem Flashen sollte man via Recovery Menü erst noch Mount Data
und Mount System durchführen,damit das Pack installiert wird.
Ist nämlich leider ein Fehler im Updater-Script vorhanden.
Zuletzt bearbeitet: