Ambitioniertes Mitglied
- 6
Ich würde gern eine ROM aus dem xda-dev Forum vorstellen, die mir ziemlich gut gefällt. Ist noch ziemlich Stock, aber es ist ja auch die erste Beta.
Bilder gibts im xda Thread.
This is based on the Desire X 1.14.401.1 RUU with amidabuddha's Tweaked 3 X kernel.
original post xda: [ROM][22Dec]Desire XS RC1 [Sense 4.1 lite] [Android 4.0.4]
Task manager in quicksettings shows wrong memory values
Finish the smali edits to remap recent apps to long press Home
Feel free to let me know
Quick Settings
HTC keyboard with trace
Camera (All modes)
Camcorder (All modes)
Beats Audio
Everything else.
inludes chainfire superSU,
busybox and init.d support
4EXT Recovery Updater
-Full Wipe
-zip flashen
Falls es zu Fehlern kommt und ihr habt die ROM mit wipe Cache + Dalvik installiert, flasht bitte erstmal mit einem Full Wipe.
Dev-Host: Desire XS RC 1
Battery Percentage mod by teadrinker: Battery % Desire XS RC 1
Desire XS RC 1
hwcomposer.msm7x30.so bug at boot is now fixed
HTC sound enhancer modded to include extra profiles (all credit belongs to lyapota.)
Google Now added as an optional extra. (not sure where I first got this so all credits to the original dev.)
Users now have the option to install a Rosie with seven homescreens instead of the usual five. (My thanks the lowveld for his guidance on this.)
Disappearing lockscreen icons will no longer be an issue
Video Preview should be fixed for those few who had some corruption when leaving the preview active
Autobrightness and captive backlight levels tweaked
fonts updated, all dialectic's should be fixed
other bits and pieces that I'm forgetting about
Desire XS beta 2.01
Cleaned out lib partition and all apps that can be downloaded from the app store removed from /system partition, users will now have around 60-70MB of free space in /system to play with (That is assuming you install all the additional mods.)
Tidied up build.prop, a number of tweaks have been removed while I go through and see which ones are really needed.
Auto brightness levels adjusted, those who had problems please test and let me know if they need tweaking further.
Removed Network Selection and settings from Quick settings, we're not a cdma device
Install is now aroma scripted so people can choose mods at install.
GPU rendering will no longer be enabled by default in dev options.
A few bits and pieces I have probably forgotten about.
This is the first time I have ever scripted aroma so please ensure you backup before installing just in case (I would also backup your sdcard after you backup your rom to be double safe, unlikely that anything that bad would happen but never hurts to be over cautious. The script will offer to do a full wipe, I would advise you use it as it will also clear out some files on your sdcard that are used by the system.
I have taken the system dump from my phone where everything seems to be working fine so hopefully bugs will be to a minimum and everything will work as it should for everybody.
Oh also this script is a little rough and it occurs to me that some apps I perhaps should have had left singular in the options menu of the installer,(such as Gmail and youtube) if people let me know what apps in particular they would like to be able to choose individaly, I will update the script accordingly for the next release (which if all goes well and people no longer report camera issues etc I hope to be at least the RC version.)
Desire XS beta 2
Added APM
Added a basic menu to Rosie
Activated QuickSettings
(Experimental) Added some tweaks to build.prop
(Experimental) Patched services.jar ready for Supercharger script
(Experimental) Activated HTC Recent Apps Fusion.
All the experimental parts are things that could have an effect on performance and maybe removed depending on reports from users.
All Smali edits have been down by hand so if there are any problems I should be able to track down the issue fairly quickly.
Ich würde gern eine ROM aus dem xda-dev Forum vorstellen, die mir ziemlich gut gefällt. Ist noch ziemlich Stock, aber es ist ja auch die erste Beta.
Bilder gibts im xda Thread.
This is based on the Desire X 1.14.401.1 RUU with amidabuddha's Tweaked 3 X kernel.
original post xda: [ROM][22Dec]Desire XS RC1 [Sense 4.1 lite] [Android 4.0.4]
Task manager in quicksettings shows wrong memory values
Finish the smali edits to remap recent apps to long press Home
Feel free to let me know
Quick Settings
HTC keyboard with trace
Camera (All modes)
Camcorder (All modes)
Beats Audio
Everything else.
inludes chainfire superSU,
busybox and init.d support
4EXT Recovery Updater
-Full Wipe
-zip flashen
Falls es zu Fehlern kommt und ihr habt die ROM mit wipe Cache + Dalvik installiert, flasht bitte erstmal mit einem Full Wipe.
Dev-Host: Desire XS RC 1
Battery Percentage mod by teadrinker: Battery % Desire XS RC 1
Desire XS RC 1
hwcomposer.msm7x30.so bug at boot is now fixed
HTC sound enhancer modded to include extra profiles (all credit belongs to lyapota.)
Google Now added as an optional extra. (not sure where I first got this so all credits to the original dev.)
Users now have the option to install a Rosie with seven homescreens instead of the usual five. (My thanks the lowveld for his guidance on this.)
Disappearing lockscreen icons will no longer be an issue
Video Preview should be fixed for those few who had some corruption when leaving the preview active
Autobrightness and captive backlight levels tweaked
fonts updated, all dialectic's should be fixed
other bits and pieces that I'm forgetting about
Desire XS beta 2.01
Cleaned out lib partition and all apps that can be downloaded from the app store removed from /system partition, users will now have around 60-70MB of free space in /system to play with (That is assuming you install all the additional mods.)
Tidied up build.prop, a number of tweaks have been removed while I go through and see which ones are really needed.
Auto brightness levels adjusted, those who had problems please test and let me know if they need tweaking further.
Removed Network Selection and settings from Quick settings, we're not a cdma device
Install is now aroma scripted so people can choose mods at install.
GPU rendering will no longer be enabled by default in dev options.
A few bits and pieces I have probably forgotten about.
This is the first time I have ever scripted aroma so please ensure you backup before installing just in case (I would also backup your sdcard after you backup your rom to be double safe, unlikely that anything that bad would happen but never hurts to be over cautious. The script will offer to do a full wipe, I would advise you use it as it will also clear out some files on your sdcard that are used by the system.
I have taken the system dump from my phone where everything seems to be working fine so hopefully bugs will be to a minimum and everything will work as it should for everybody.
Oh also this script is a little rough and it occurs to me that some apps I perhaps should have had left singular in the options menu of the installer,(such as Gmail and youtube) if people let me know what apps in particular they would like to be able to choose individaly, I will update the script accordingly for the next release (which if all goes well and people no longer report camera issues etc I hope to be at least the RC version.)
Desire XS beta 2
Added APM
Added a basic menu to Rosie
Activated QuickSettings
(Experimental) Added some tweaks to build.prop
(Experimental) Patched services.jar ready for Supercharger script
(Experimental) Activated HTC Recent Apps Fusion.
All the experimental parts are things that could have an effect on performance and maybe removed depending on reports from users.
All Smali edits have been down by hand so if there are any problems I should be able to track down the issue fairly quickly.
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