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Custom Mods of CWM Recovery for HTC Desire S
Here i want to present two custom mods of clockworkmod recovery.
j_r0dd´s modded version:
the first ist based on the newest version, which is v4.0.0.5
it is made by xda developer j_r0dd. so it is totaly his work.
i compiled his stuff to get it working for our HTC Desire S.
check out the screenshots from his original post on xda developers.
[MOD][RECOVERY][6.11.11] Clockwork New wipe & confirm menus. For ALL variants
As you can see it has a cleaned up options menu.
features like "wipe all" and all other wipe options like "wipe cache", "wipe data", "wipe system" or "wipe dalivik" are now included in ONE menu not in 3.
j_r0dd changed the "confirm menu" too. he shorten the options to ONE "YES" and ONE "NO"
these little changes safes a lot of time, cause you needn´t klick so much.
please ignore the version number in screenshots... they seem to be a little outdated.
arco68´s modded version:
the second version is made by xda developer arco68. the same like above... he made it, i compiled it for HTC desire s.
you can find the original post here:
[Recovery] ClockworkMod v3.1.0.2 (with offmode charging)
it´s a little bit older but doing his job very well.
i know this mod from my wildfire days and used it for quite a long time.
the bonus features in this version are a "full wipe" option and an "advanced backup"
sounds not much but for me this advanced backup option is the best i ever used.
you can choose which partionions you want to backup.
for me as rom-chef it´s enough to backup system.img and boot.img to cook a rom from that. taht safes me a lot of sdcard space and time.
for you it could manage your data.img backups. e.g. backup data.img and cache.img, wipe your phone, install newest version of saga lbc mod or another rom, restore your data.img and cache.img with "advanced restore" option.
you can download both modded versions on my developer site
Modded Clockworkmod Recovery - LBC Mod Android Dev
- download zip package you want or need
- put it on the root of your sdcard
- rename it to PG88IMG.zip
- reboot your phone in bootloader
- go into hboot
- hboot will check your sdcard for the PG88IMG.zip and ask if you want to flash radio.img
- confirm flahing
- reboot your phone
- rename the PG88IMG.zip back to something else cause if you are in bootloader, hboot will try to flash that file every time when it is named PG88IMG.zip