- 692

Custom Rom for HTC Desire S (HTC Saga)
do everything at your own risk!
i´m not responsible for a bricked device!

saga lbc mod v0.5.4 update
this is the changelog for v0.5.4:
- added download of the rom via RomManager
- added OTA Update support
this is only a little service update to upgrade your phones with OTA update support
this is just only one file (/system/build.prop)
this is the changelog for v0.5.3:
- ROM is cooked with the newest Version of dsixda's HTC Android Kitchen 0.171
- cleaned up some configuration files (Device changed everywhere to Desire S, removed all HTC Scenes)
- enabled custom wallpaper for this project in HTC Wallpaper Gallery
- put in some more improvements to the build.prop and /data/local.prop inspired by autokiller app and zeppelinrox
- decreased ringer delay (means instant ringing when receiving call)
- adding some tweaks to rosie launcher preferences (smoother scrolling in launcher and lists, better launcher performance, bulletproove launcher mod)
- added a "automatic" battery calibrating script made by seo
- fix for "sms app has no contact pictures after fix permissions"
- corrected some colors in framework-res.apk
- added new market v3.0.26
- all google-apps and titanium backup updated to the latest version
- Updated ChainsDD Superuser.apk to as well as 'su' binary to 2.3.2-efgh
- Unity Kernel V2 *fixed Version*
- added first beta versions of language add-ons for hebrew and arabic (still under development) check HERE
- added stock framework (without any mods) for building your own stuff like another battery mod, glow color or smilies etc with UOT Kitchen check HERE
Read more about the Sense 3.0 Content
see more screenshots here: lbc mod android development - screenshots

build from RUU_Saga_Telstra_WWE_1.36.841.3
removed the Telstra software branding
NEW KERNEL (OC/UV) with custom gouveners and more made by m-deejay
usecured boot.img
busybox run-parts support (/etc/init.d scripts support)
nano text editor installed
bash shell support
/system/framework is deodexed
/sytsem/app is deodexed
zipaligned system
zipalgins all apps in /data on boot (by Wes Garner)
tweaked Memory Usage (tuned up the internal android min free memory manager)
improvements to the build.prop and /data/local.prop inspired by autokiller app and zeppelinrox
decreased ringer delay (means instant ringing when receiving call)
tweaks for rosie launcher preferences (smoother scrolling in launcher and lists, better launcher performance, bulletproove launcher mod)
OTA Update Support
Download via RomManager
huge APN List
Gingerbread CRT Screen Off Animation
new bootanimation / shutdown animation
custom boot animation allowed in /data/local
moved bootsound to /data/local, you can delete it or use your own (rename it to android_audio.mp3)
CM7 list scroll glow effect in green
advanced reboot and power button menu
browser can now handle 16 !!! open tabs not 5
added googlecarhome, titaniumbackup and explorer
NEW Google Talk App with Audio/Video Call Support
added google apps from AOSP ROM from Nexus S which are newer than in the market (Gmail.apk ->, GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk ->, googlevoice.apk ->, Street.apk ->, VoiceSearch.apk 2.1.1 -> 2.1.3, GoogleMusic3.apk, Vending.apk v3.0.2.6)
*ATTENTION* if you use "fast" settings for window speed and transison the crt screen off effect is gone. if you want to use crt than always choose "normal" settings
Sense 3.0 from HTC Kingdom: Lockscreen, Weather, Cam, modded Stock SMS/MMS App (backup/Restore), Task Killer App, USB-Connection App - thx seo
HTC Keyboard with Arrow Keys from Incredible S Stock Rom
modded framework-res.apk (Cricle Battery Mod with UOT Kitchen)
custom smilies
fix for wifi range made my gtg465x
ext4 speed hack thx to supercurio
custom lower-auto-brightness-tweak inspired by slopppy
sdcard speed hack thx to avetny
added virtuous overclocking daemon by rmk40 introduced here: [ROM][Jun 14] Virtuous Unity 1.24.0 Sense 3.0 based on Pyramid
"automatic" battery calibrating script made by seo
fix for "sms app has no contact pictures after fix permissions"
added some tweaks to the build.prob
wifi.supplicant_scan_interval=60 (old 15) (this caused that the phone didn´t spend so much time on scanning for WiFi conections)
dalvik.vm.heapsize=64m (old 32m) (since we have soooo much RAM on our device let´s pimp this a little up)
some tweaks for mobile connections. this should improve network speeds. this should perform better if you are on edge and give some more speed on 3G.
removed following apps
Updater.apk we can´t use HTC OTA´ Updates also battery drain
HtcCompressViewer.apk stupid zip file viewer with NO features
FieldTest.apk a stupid app with no sense
HtcFeedback.apk we won´t tell HTC that we have a cooler Rom than the original one
HtcLaputaInstaller.apk disabled the Laputer Launcher and doubbled HTC Car Launcher in App menu
SoundRecorder.apk HTC Voice Recorder still works
Protips.apk we are pros these tipps are stupid
HtcTipWidget.apk the app is the same like Protips.apk
packags to remove sense 3.0 cam, if there are problems and revert back to sense 2.1 cam
package to revert back to htc stock kernel
package to use old (Sense 2.1) and new (Sense 3.0) weather app sounds
package to "wipe all" with update.zip in recovery
package for stock framework-res.apk
All Add-Ons or Add-Offs can be found here - LBC MOD - Add-Ons
NEW RADIO IMAGE - All Versions can be found HERE.
How to flash a RADIO IMAGE? Look HERE
[KERNEL][May28]-=MDJ's V2=-[][SENSE 2.1][OC/UV][CIFS/TUN][SLQB][V(R)] by m-deejay
[DEV] KINGDOM Lockscreen, Camera, SMS & Weather for Sense 2.1 GB Roms by seo
[FIX] For wifi connection dropping too easily/often by gtg465x
Auto-Brightness Settings for FROYO / GINGERBREAD Sense ROMs by slopppy
[REF] Ext4 speed improvement with a safe mount option on /data by supercurio
[Script][CWM] SD Card reading speed fix !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!by avetny
*ATTENTION* if you use "fast" settings for window speed and transition the crt screen off effect is gone. if you want to use crt than always choose "normal" settings
Bug or Feature (that´s the question)
- You tell me...
Before you ask
for all who might think they have battery issues please follow this workaround to reset the battery log correctly. if you dont know how take a look HERE
please also flash the newest radio.img which you can find HERE
remember.... this will only work if you are s-off
- thank you again HCDR.Jacob for helping me out with my updater_script. you are my hero... again... remember, this guy made the custom recovery possible and fixed the bugs in it.
- and a big thx to dsixda for his great kitchen which i used to cook and mod this rom. all features of that rom are made with his kitchen. you can find it here:[KITCHEN][APR. 22 '11] HTC Android Kitchen, v0.157 [Linux / Mac / Windows]
- thx again to seo and his team, who work hard to port Sense3.0 apps read more:[DEV] KINGDOM Lockscreen, SMS & Weather for Sense 2.1 GB Roms
- thx to mendozinas for his great UOT Kitchen which i used to tweak the framework and some other stuff. read more: [KITCHEN][05/11] UOT Kitchen (Ultimate Online Theme Kitchen)version 4.0
- thx for a great kernel mod to m-deejay source: [KERNEL][May28]-=MDJ's V2=-[][SENSE 2.1][OC/UV][CIFS/TUN][SLQB][V(R)] - please discuss this kernel in m-deejay´s post - thx

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