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Ein neues HTC One im Anmarsch?
"From the prototype image, there is a remark which read “same as M7’s”. The “HTC M7” is also known as “HTC One” and this series is about six years old. Thus, it’s probable that HTC will release the HTC 2Q7A100 in the HTC One series, two years after “abandoning” the One series and commencing U series."
Quelle: HTC to continue the “One series” as HTC 2Q7A100 gets NCC certification
"From the prototype image, there is a remark which read “same as M7’s”. The “HTC M7” is also known as “HTC One” and this series is about six years old. Thus, it’s probable that HTC will release the HTC 2Q7A100 in the HTC One series, two years after “abandoning” the One series and commencing U series."

Quelle: HTC to continue the “One series” as HTC 2Q7A100 gets NCC certification