[ROM][Kernel 3.10.x][Pixel-C][Android 7.1.1_r13] Pure Nexus Substratum [21/01/17][Stable]



die von Pure-Nexus haben auch den Support fürs Pixel C aufgenommen ich zitiere mal vom Originalthread:
[ROM][Pixel-C][7.1.1_r13]★ Pure Nexus ★ Substratum ★[03/17/17]

BeansTown106;70538407 schrieb:

The Pure Nexus Project

We are not responsible for anything that may happen to your phone as a result of installing custom roms and/or kernels. you do so at your own risk and take the responsibility upon yourself.

"This is a user friendly thread. All feature requests will be heard and considered. I am not against anything that doesn't stray too far away from the original idea of the ROM! Helping one another is also encouraged! Please be respectful and you will always be treated the same way, we are all here for a good experience."

The Pure Nexus Project aims to bring stability and features to your Nexus/Pixel device, while keeping Google's vision in line and not straying too far away from that. If you are looking for a stable ROM with true tested features and minimal bugs, then this is the place to be.

*Based on AOSP Android 7.1.1_r13
*Busybox, Init.d, Addon.d support
*Googles Pixel sounds from the factory images not the horrible AOSP ones
*Googles OEM wallpapers from factory images
*Googles Pixel theme and Pixel navbar animation
*Google assistant
*Bug fix's and stability improvements
*UI Improvements (fixed a bunch google forgot to materialize)
*Full Substratum OMS Theme Engine support
*ADB enhancements (ADB over wifi, Hide ADB icon, colored logcat "abd logcat -C")
*Enabled Developer settings by default
*Enabled Night mode for all devices
*Custom night light brightness options
*Disabled forced encryption
*Disabled tether provision checks
*Made preselectable item clickable in app picker dialog
*Added download speed in notification
*Added Advanced Reboot menu
*Added Advanced screenshot functionality (longpress tile/power menu for selectable screenshot)
*Added back volume adjust sounds and toggle
*Added advanced Rotation control and lockscreen rotation toggle
*Added ability to lock app in landscape via rotation tile
*Added Advanced charging sound controls
*Added Advanced seekbar style animation controls
*Added PureAmbient display options
*Added Special keys to all keyboard keys
*Added Quick setting header Longpress actions
*Added ability to see app version when sideloading app
*Added app package name to app info screen
*Added ability to launch app when touching app icon in app info screen
*Added phone info shortcut to about phone/status on top
*Added dynamic vendor image notification
*Added additional battery saver trigger steps
*Added ability to unlink notification volume from ringer volume
*Added Increasing ringtone option
*Added Dialer Lookup, Proximity speakerphone, Incall vibration options
*Removed googles SystemUpdate option
*Removed googles legal information

-PureNexus Settings

Lock Screen
*Lockscreen item option(time, date, alarm text toggles & Clock font style)
*double tap anywhere to sleep
*Long press power for torch
*Option to disable lockscreen media art
*Option to scramble the pin entry layout
*Option to disable the pin ripple background when entering lockscren pin
*Option to disable fingerprint success vibration

Notification Drawer
*quick settings pulldown (left,right,always)
*smart pulldown (no ongoing, no dismissable, no notifications)
*Force Expanded Notifications
*Brightness slider on/off toggle
*Haptic feedback on quick setting on/off toggle
*ability to change quick settings columns (3/4/5)
*ability to change the amount of rows in quick settings
*ability to disable the quick settings title text
*ability to disable quick settings on secure lockscreen
*ability to set contexual or custom header images

*Battery customization(percentage/icon style)
*Carrier Label customization(placement, text)
*Clock customization(show clock, show seconds, alignment, ampm, date, date style, date position, date format)
*Network traffic meter options(enable, display units, update interval, hide arrows, inactivity threshold)
*Statusbar icon blacklist
*Battery percentage/icon options
*Battery bar options
*Double tap on statusbar to sleep
*Status bar brightness control
*Status bar notification count
*Status bar bluetooth battery meter toggle

Navigation Bar
*Navbar toggle and Height/width options
*Navigation bar tuner
*Pixel navbar animation toggle
*Ability to enable one handed mode
*Ability to enabe double tap to sleep
*longpress back to kill
*configurable longpress back to kill timeout

*Option to disable on secure lock
*Add/remove (reboot, screenshot, screen-record, torch, airplane mode, user switcher,settings shortcut, search, voice search, lock now, sound panel)

Volume Rocker
*Volume keys control media volume
*Volume key wake
*Volume key music control
*Volume key orientation swap
*Volume down to enter do not disturb
*Volume up to exit do not disturb
*Do not disturb volume panel switch
*Volume key keyboard cursor control
*Volume up and power action (screen record/selectable screenshot)
*Volume steps customization

*3 finger swipe for screenshot toggle
*expanded desktop options
*option to enable/disable wake on plug
*Battery and Notification LED controls

Media & Notifications
*Ability to turn off camera shutter sound
*Ability to turn off vibration when double tapping power button for camera
*Power notification controls
*Peeking notification option(on/off, timeout, snooze length)
*low battery notification toggle

*force enable or disable scrolling cache
*ability to enable app icon on toast-General
*Based on AOSP Android 7.1.1_r13
*Busybox, Init.d, Addon.d support
*Googles Pixel sounds from the factory images not the horrible AOSP ones
*Googles OEM wallpapers from factory images
*Googles Pixel theme and Pixel navbar animation
*Google assistant
*Bug fix's and stability improvements
*UI Improvements (fixed a bunch google forgot to materialize)
*Full Substratum OMS Theme Engine support
*ADB enhancements (ADB over wifi, Hide ADB icon, colored logcat "abd logcat -C")
*Enabled Developer settings by default
*Enabled Night mode for all devices
*Custom night light brightness options
*Disabled forced encryption
*Disabled tether provision checks
*Made preselectable item clickable in app picker dialog
*Added download speed in notification
*Added Advanced Reboot menu
*Added Advanced screenshot functionality (longpress tile/power menu for selectable screenshot)
*Added back volume adjust sounds and toggle
*Added advanced Rotation control and lockscreen rotation toggle
*Added ability to lock app in landscape via rotation tile
*Added Advanced charging sound controls
*Added Advanced seekbar style animation controls
*Added PureAmbient display options
*Added Special keys to all keyboard keys
*Added Quick setting header Longpress actions
*Added ability to see app version when sideloading app
*Added app package name to app info screen
*Added ability to launch app when touching app icon in app info screen
*Added phone info shortcut to about phone/status on top
*Added dynamic vendor image notification
*Added additional battery saver trigger steps
*Added ability to unlink notification volume from ringer volume
*Added Increasing ringtone option
*Added Dialer Lookup, Proximity speakerphone, Incall vibration options
*Removed googles SystemUpdate option
*Removed googles legal information


PureNexus Changelog

Current Release Download Links:

Vendor Images(flashable by twrp image option):
Vendor-Image über AndroidFileHost.com

Highly Suggested Gapps - Dynamic Gapps:
Google Apps über AndroidFileHost.com

Wer root haben will muss Superuser/Super-SU nachpflegen.
Ich hab meines von diesem Link, bzw gibts das auch beim Onedrive Link darunter:
SuperSU Download

Wichtig: Alle Daten sichern, erst recht die von /Data (bzw /sdcard oder /storage/emulated/0) da es ggf mit der Verschlüsselung der Stock-Version zu Problemen kommen kann.
Ich musste alles ganz neu machen.

das neueste TWRP gibts hier, ubedingt für Android 7.x.x aufspielen:

Es müsste eine AOSP Variante sein, aber es steht nirgends, deswegen hab ich es nicht hin geschrieben, nach CM schauts nicht aus, kann mich auch irren.

Substratum ist eine Theme-Engine mit der ihr eurer Design ändern könnt. Wer also sein OS umfärben möchte, folgende App wird vom Entwickler empfohlen (root benötigt):
substratum theme engine ★ root – Android-Apps auf Google Play


So im generellen funktionierts super und ein paar Spielereien dies so nicht gibt, die man mit Gravitybox nachgerüstet hat, gibts da auch, wie Trafficmeter Kreisbatterie mit Prozent drin und so weiter.
Da Xposed ja unter 7.x noch nicht geht, ist das sehr willkommen.
Ich gehe davon aus, dass das updaten, auch wenn man gerootet hat, mit viel weniger Bauchweh vonstatten geht, da das bei Google durchaus gerne mal zum Drama werden kann :)
Bluetooth, Wlan, Tastatur funktioniert gleich, wie im originalem Rom auch.
Der Akku hält ebenso lange wie unter Stock.
Also wer unter 4-6 die Gravitybox genutzt hat und diese sehr vermisst, kann hier einen guten Teil kompensieren.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Bearbeitet von: devzero - Grund: Update von 01 auf 03
  • Danke
Reaktionen: qu4nd und p1312k
Hmm, gibts eigentlich Interesse an das Rom?

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