Hen Ry
- 1.668

xTraSmooth 100% Odex - First Real Optimized ROM Based on 100% Factory.img
100% Odex , xTraSlim only core minimal gapps , xTraBatteryLife , No Forced Encription , Native DT2W , xTraSmooth Sound Stereo Boost and more........
Drastische Erhöhung der Batterielebensdauer: Das System und der Kernel müssen einige Ladezyklen zur Anpassung absolvieren.
Batterieverbrauch xTraSmooth Rom reduzieren
3 benutzerdefinierte Profile, oder mit
- franco Kernel updater Free / franco Kernel updater (4,75€)
- Kernel Adiutor (ROOT) free / Kernel Adiutor Donate (0,49€)
- Kernel Toolkit
Delta Update: um zu vermeiden das immer die ganze Rom herunterladen werden muss wird der xTraSmooth Updater für beste OTA Ergebnisse empfohlen
Downloads: xTraSmooth Updater Free
Neue Version: MRA58R__Shamu.zip
631.1MB Nov 18, 2015 | 11:57PM
- Added xposed framework (only framework intall latest xposed apk)
Version: xTRaSmooth_MRA58R_Shamu_07.11.2015_V3.zip
630.1MB Nov 07, 2015 | 06:41PM
- Updated to latest factory.img MRA58R
- Updated Busybox 1.24.1 (V3)
Version: xTraSmooth_MRA58N_Shamu_04.11.2015.zip
656.2MB Nov 03, 2015 | 09:31PM
- Updated to new factory MRA58N
- Updated Supersu to 2.56
- Same Other Features, Dirty Flash Work 100% from old xTraSmooth
Version: xTRaSmooth_MRA58K_Shamu_29.10.2015.zip
630.5MB Oct 29, 2015 | 08:47PM
Neue Version: xTRaSmooth_MRA58K_Shamu_13.10.2015.zip
630.2MB Oct 12, 2015 | 08:58PM
Version: xTRaSmooth_MRA58K_Shamu_12.10.2015.zip
630MB Oct 12, 2015 | 03:48AM
- For Users request replaced Hells Core with EX Kernel 3.0 Stable
- Soft CPU OC +77 Mhz
- Great Performance Boost respect 06/10/2015 xTraSmooth , run a benchmark for test it
- DT2W enabled as Default
- Sweep To Sleep on navigation bar
- Enabled Launcher Rotation
- Enabled MW
- Enabled Led Notifications use light flow to controll it
Version: xTraSmooth_MPZ79M_Shamu_Final.zip
594.1MB Aug 12, 2015 | 05:41PM
- Rebuilded from 0
- Updated Hells Core Kernel To latest M2 Update
- Replaced Chrome Dev with Latest Stable Release with fully working synch
- Fixed all Bluetooh issue
- increased headphones boost
- Removed xTraSmooth Name from build number (this is 100% stock factory optimezed rom)
Version: xTraSmooth_MPZ79M_Shamu_26.07.2015.zip
597.1MB Jul 27, 2015 | 07:28PM
- Udated Hells Core Kernel
- Removed unnecessary init.d tweaks
- Mixed Cleanup in system
- Now very extreme battery life
- Based on latest android M2 MPZ79M system.img
- Fully Odex
- Kernel HellsCore B3 M
- No force unecrypt as default
- Unlocked tethering
- Enabled Double tap to wake
- Pre-Rooted with Latest Supersu 2.49
- Busybox
- OTA Update with xTraSmooth Updater
- Support Multi Rom
- Layer compatible
- Only xTraSmooth minimal gapps
- Reduced running services and improved ram usage
- Super Fast and Stable 4 Daily Driver
- xTraSmooth Sound Stereo Boost , boosted speaker and headphones with no distorctions , best stereo mod with MusicFX , no other equalizers are necessary.
- No ads
- Unlocked Android M Multiwindow
- Fully led control with LightFlow
- No boot error msg
- Fully Odex
- Kernel HellsCore B3 M
- No force unecrypt as default
- Unlocked tethering
- Enabled Double tap to wake
- Pre-Rooted with Latest Supersu 2.49
- Busybox
- OTA Update with xTraSmooth Updater
- Support Multi Rom
- Layer compatible
- Only xTraSmooth minimal gapps
- Reduced running services and improved ram usage
- Super Fast and Stable 4 Daily Driver
- xTraSmooth Sound Stereo Boost , boosted speaker and headphones with no distorctions , best stereo mod with MusicFX , no other equalizers are necessary.
- No ads
- Unlocked Android M Multiwindow
- Fully led control with LightFlow
- No boot error msg
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