Der Akku-Thread zum Nexus 4: Akkulaufzeiten, -Probleme und mehr

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Was synchronisierst du denn alles?

Gesendet von meinem Nexus 4 mit Tapatalk 2
Meinst du mich? Ich mein nur Candy Crush. Das schickt ständig Zeug ans Internet, weil das ja crossplatfom ist. Also wenn ich quasi verliere, muss das ins Internet, damit das auch überall gleich ist. Und beim Gewinnen sowieso. Wäre ja sonst auch ärgerlich.

Aber ich bin ja auch zufrieden.
Achsooo, okay, ja ich meinte dich ^^

Gesendet von meinem Nexus 4 mit Tapatalk 2
Nein nein, alles gut ^^
Hallo Leute :D
Ich weiss nciht ob ich hier richtig bin aber von der Suche und Google bin ich nciht schlau geworden.
Wie hoch ist der Batterieverbrauch beim Spielen von z.B. Modern Combat 4? Kann man denn problemlos 1Std spielen, ohne 50% Akku zu verlieren? So sah es nämlich bei meinem altem gerät aus.
Ob es jetzt nach 1 Stunde 50% sind kann ich dir nicht sagen.
Aber bei solchen Spielen ist der Stromverbrauch auf jedenfall extrem.

Und das ist bei jedem Smartphone so.
Ist ja auch irgendwie klar wenn man Quadcore und hübsche Spiele will, dass man dann auf Laufzeit verzichten muss.
Daanyy schrieb:
Wie hoch ist der Batterieverbrauch beim Spielen von z.B. Modern Combat 4? Kann man denn problemlos 1Std spielen, ohne 50% Akku zu verlieren? So sah es nämlich bei meinem altem gerät aus.


ich spiele häufig MC4 und verliere bei 1h Gaming mit dem N4 etwa 40% des Akkus. Ist aber eher normal bei diesem Spiel.

Gesendet von meinem Nexus 4 mit der App
40% sind immerhin 10% weniger als zuvor. Wie ist das Handy dabei eingestellt? Displayhelligkeit; Stock; Aktives WLAN oder Internet?
Automatische Displayhelligkeit, kein Root, Nova Launcher, WLAN.


Gesendet von meinem Nexus 4 mit der App
Daanyy schrieb:
40% sind immerhin 10% weniger als zuvor.
Ähm, nicht wirklich.
Wenn dein Akku vorher deutlich weniger Kapazität hatte, dann können die 40% auch wesentlich mehr als deine 50% sein.
Kommt doch immer auf das Modell und die sonstigen Apps an, die noch im Hintergrund arbeiten.
Oder auf den Empfang an dem Ort, wo du spielst.
Naja also ich habe einfach gedacht, dass ich bei gleicher Spielzeit 10% mehr Akkukapazität übrig haben würde als beim anderem Handy. Aber das ist ja nun nicht so sehr wichtig. Wie es aussieht ist es ja ein anständiger Wert.
Ist das normal dass der Power Manager Service das Gerät so lang wach hält?!
Das Ganze von 96% auf 86%.

~ via Nexus 4


  • uploadfromtaptalk1367822430251.jpg
    54,9 KB · Aufrufe: 389
Powermanagerservice ist die gesamtzeit deiner Partial wakelocks... Da scheint irgendeine app Mist zu bauen, guck mal nach


Gesendet von meinem Nexus 4 mit Tapatalk 2
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Fabipro
Power manager services steht für alle partial wakelocks zusammengerechnet. Also dort mal schauen ob was zu holen ist..

Gesendet von meinem Nexus 4 mit Tapatalk 2
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Fabipro
Naja, ich hab nur so halb eine "Erklärung" dafür: Habe während der Autofahrt etwa eine halbe Stunde Musik gehört (Google Music) aber ansonsten kann ich mir das nicht erklären.

Aktualisierte Screenshots:

~ via Nexus 4


  • uploadfromtaptalk1367825843008.jpg
    55,7 KB · Aufrufe: 547
  • uploadfromtaptalk1367825856893.jpg
    52,1 KB · Aufrufe: 559
Ja eben. PowerManagerService ist der Platzhalter bei den Kernel Wakelogs, der deine Partial Wakelogs zusammenfasst.

was hält mein nexus wach?
General Information
BetterBatteryStats version:
Creation Date: 2013-05-07 17:25:22
Statistic Type: Unplugged to Current
Since 10 h 57 m 12 s
BRAND: Google
DEVICE: mako
MODEL: Nexus 4
OS.VERSION: 3.4.0-faux123-mako-custom
FINGERPRINT: google/occam/mako:4.2.2/JDQ39/573038:user/release-keys
TAGS: test-keys
USER: unknown
PRODUCT: occam
RADIO: M9615A-CEFWMAZM-2.0.1700.48
Rooted: true
Battery Info
Level lost [%]: Bat.: -74% (100% to 26%) [6,8%/h]
Voltage lost [mV]: (4258-3649) [55,6%/h]
Other Usage
Deep Sleep (): 6 h 14 m 19 s (22459 s) Ratio: 57,0%
Awake (): 4 h 42 m 52 s (16972 s) Ratio: 43,0%
Screen On (): 2 h 33 m 52 s (9232 s) Ratio: 23,4%
Phone On (): 1 m 3 s (63 s) Ratio: 0,0%
Wifi On (): 8 h 13 m 36 s (29616 s) Ratio: 75,1%
Wifi Running (): 8 h 13 m 35 s (29615 s) Ratio: 75,1%
No Data Connection (): 7 h 17 m 54 s (26274 s) Ratio: 66,6%
No or Unknown Signal (): 7 h 17 m 54 s (26274 s) Ratio: 66,6%
Moderate Signal (): 3 h 39 m 17 s (13157 s) Ratio: 1,5%
Screen dark (): 1 h 1 m 47 s (3707 s) Ratio: 9,4%
Screen dimmed (): 1 h 24 m 45 s (5085 s) Ratio: 0,6%
Screen medium (): 39 s (39 s) Ratio: 0,0%
Screen light (): 31 s (31 s) Ratio: 0,0%
Screen bright (): 6 m 7 s (367 s) Ratio: 0,0%
ActivityManager-Launch (Android-System): 4 m 48 s (288 s) Count:1225 0,7%
sendinactive (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 4 m 29 s (269 s) Count:343 0,7%
AlarmManager (com.levelup.beautifulwidgets.BeautifulWidgets): 4 m 11 s (251 s) Count:637 0,6%
FbClientConnManager (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 3 m 31 s (211 s) Count:200 0,5%
GTALK_ASYNC_CONN_ (Google-Dienste): 2 m 46 s (166 s) Count:548 0,4%
GTALK_ASYNC_CONN_ (Google-Dienste): 2 m 10 s (130 s) Count:297 0,3% (Google-Dienste): 2 m 3 s (123 s) Count:2984 0,3%
*vibrator* (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 1 m 33 s (93 s) Count:112 0,2%
FacebookService (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 1 m 25 s (85 s) Count:30 0,2%
RILJ (Telefon): 1 m 14 s (74 s) Count:768 0,2%
ConnectivityService (Android-System): 1 m 13 s (73 s) Count:2387 0,2%
f (com.facebook.orca.Messenger): 51 s (51 s) Count:62 0,1%
PhoneApp (Telefon): 45 s (45 s) Count:9 0,1%
AudioOut_2 (1013): 39 s (39 s) Count:38 0,1%
show keyguard (Android-System): 39 s (39 s) Count:127 0,1%
AlarmManager (Android-System): 39 s (39 s) Count:2350 0,1%
GpsLocationProvider (Android-System): 34 s (34 s) Count:1363 0,1%
SyncLoopWakeLock (Android-System): 29 s (29 s) Count:2699 0,1%
BWL (com.levelup.beautifulwidgets.BeautifulWidgets): 29 s (29 s) Count:648 0,1%
AudioOut_3 (1013): 21 s (21 s) Count:16 0,1%
ActivityManager-Sleep (Android-System): 21 s (21 s) Count:2514 0,1%
NetworkStats (Android-System): 18 s (18 s) Count:501 0,0%
AlarmManager (Google-Dienste): 17 s (17 s) Count:3530 0,0% ( 16 s (16 s) Count:273 0,0%
GTALK_CONN (Google-Dienste): 13 s (13 s) Count:2723 0,0%
Checkin Service (Google-Dienste): 9 s (9 s) Count:3199 0,0%
GSM (Telefon): 9 s (9 s) Count:85 0,0%
fullsync (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 9 s (9 s) Count:344 0,0%
AlarmManager ( 7 s (7 s) Count:137 0,0%
BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BetterBatteryStats): 6 s (6 s) Count:5 0,0%
DownloadManager (Medien): 5 s (5 s) Count:3 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 5 s (5 s) Count:250 0,0%
Event Log Service (Google-Dienste): 5 s (5 s) Count:570 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 4 s (4 s) Count:395 0,0%
*vibrator* (com.facebook.orca.Messenger): 3 s (3 s) Count:69 0,0%
GTALK_IDLE_ALARM (Google-Dienste): 3 s (3 s) Count:1141 0,0%
NfcService:mRoutingWakeLock ( 2 s (2 s) Count:323 0,0%
WeatherUpdateService (com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.cLock): 2 s (2 s) Count:178 0,0%
keyguardWakeAndHandOff (Android-System): 2 s (2 s) Count:1619 0,0%
AlarmManager (Telefon): 2 s (2 s) Count:82 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.facebook.orca.Messenger): 1 s (1 s) Count:128 0,0%
Kernel Wakelocks
"PowerManagerService" (): 26 m 37 s (1597 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1854/0/0 4,1%
"msm_hsic_host" (): 20 m 22 s (1222 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1544/195/0 3,1%
"alarm_rtc" (): 8 m 39 s (519 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)773/288/123 1,3%
"suspend_backoff" (): 7 m 42 s (462 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)47/0/47 1,2%
"radio-interface" (): 2 m 26 s (146 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)335/0/0 0,4%
"deleted_wake_locks" (): 2 m 4 s (124 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)429/0/0 0,3%
"sns_async_ev_wakelock" (): 1 m 27 s (87 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)433/0/0 0,2%
"alarm" (): 1 m 13 s (73 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1687/1/0 0,2%
"PowerManagerService.Broadcasts" (): 33 s (33 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)270/0/0 0,1%
"qcril" (): 11 s (11 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2078/0/0 0,0%
"KeyEvents" (): 9 s (9 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)81557/0/0 0,0%
"power-supply" (): 2 s (2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)764/1/0 -0,0%
"mmc0_detect" (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)10838/0/0 0,0%
"qmuxd_port_wl_9" (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6256/0/0 0,0%
"smd_sns_dsps" (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)9981/0/0 0,0%
Alarms (requires root)
====================== (): Wakeups: 331
Alarms: 195, Intent:
Alarms: 113, Intent:
Alarms: 0, Intent:
Alarms: 1, Intent: {
Alarms: -462, Intent: {

com.facebook.katana (): Wakeups: 143
Alarms: 131, Intent: com.facebook.common.util.WakingExecutorService.ACTION_ALARM
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.4
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.5
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.6
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.9
Alarms: 0, Intent: Orca.KEEP_ALIVE
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.orca.database.ACTION_ALARM
Alarms: 12, Intent: {com.facebook.katana
Alarms: -374, Intent: {com.facebook.katana
Alarms: -374, Intent: {com.facebook.katana
Alarms: -374, Intent: {com.facebook.katana
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.3
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.18
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.20
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.14
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.24
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.16
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.323
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.1400
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.26
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.41
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.34
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.33
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.15
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.12
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.19
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.28
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.38
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.30
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.39
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.21
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.22
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.25
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.23
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.27
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.32
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.17
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.36
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.10
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.115
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.29
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.42
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.7
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.208
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.37
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.44
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.111
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.40
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.2
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.45
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.35
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.31
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.48
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.109
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.95
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.124
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.11
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.958
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.89
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.568
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.51
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.49
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.orca.push.ACTION_ALARM
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.261
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.265
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.770
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.315
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.287
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.274
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.163
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.263
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.99
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.400
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.269
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.13
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.186
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.832
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.113
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.220
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.97
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.103
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.277
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.91
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.296
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.43
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.59
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.295
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.212
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.204
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.72
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.283
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.107
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.196
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.278
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.321
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.1020
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.1206
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.101
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.56
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.47
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.105
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.188
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.200
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.85
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.246
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.214
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.344
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.121
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.202
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.117
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.335
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.194
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.57
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.216
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.222
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.221
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.242
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.556
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.586
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.224
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.648
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.155
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.293
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.190
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.151
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.50
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.462
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.896
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.62
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.524
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.1082
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.290
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.8
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.83
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.192
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.247
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.236
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.76
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.73
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.135
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.281
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.184
Alarms: 0, Intent: Orca.KICK
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.206
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.272
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.319
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.291
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.267
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.46
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.63
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.230
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.210
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.150
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.52
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.86
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.1144
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.218
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.712
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.60
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.213
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.75
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.53
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.317
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.440
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.119
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.1396
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.123
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.1307
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.125
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.1334
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.1308
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.198
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.189
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.289
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.285
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.55 (): Wakeups: 136
Alarms: 132, Intent:
Alarms: 0, Intent:
Alarms: 4, Intent:
Alarms: 0, Intent:

com.whatsapp (): Wakeups: 125
Alarms: 0, Intent: ALARM_ACTION
Alarms: 32, Intent: com.whatsapp.MessageService.RECONNECT
Alarms: 0, Intent: ALARM_REPORT_SYNCS
Alarms: 0, Intent: ALARM_ROTATE_LOGS
Alarms: 0, Intent: ALARM_CLIENT_PING_TIMEOUT (): Wakeups: 73
Alarms: 73, Intent:
Alarms: 0, Intent:
Alarms: 0, Intent:

com.facebook.orca (): Wakeups: 50
Alarms: 50, Intent:
Alarms: 0, Intent: {com.facebook.orca
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.orca.database.ACTION_ALARM
Alarms: 0, Intent: {com.facebook.orca
Alarms: 0, Intent: {com.facebook.orca
Alarms: 0, Intent: Orca.KEEP_ALIVE
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.orca.push.ACTION_ALARM
Alarms: 0, Intent: Orca.KICK (): Wakeups: 44
Alarms: 44, Intent: {

android (): Wakeups: 30
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
Alarms: 0, Intent:
Alarms: 0, Intent:
Alarms: 15, Intent:
Alarms: 5, Intent: android.content.syncmanager.SYNC_ALARM
Alarms: 8, Intent:
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.intent.action.DATE_CHANGED
Alarms: 1, Intent: android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE
Alarms: 1, Intent:
Alarms: 0, Intent:

com.levelup.beautifulwidgets (): Wakeups: 11
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.levelup.beautifulwidgets.core.ACTION_REFRESHTIME
Alarms: 11, Intent: com.levelup.beautifulwidgets.core.ACTION_UPDATEWEATHER

com.cyanogenmod.lockclock (): Wakeups: 7
Alarms: 7, Intent: {com.cyanogenmod.lockclock (): Wakeups: 4
Alarms: -12, Intent: {
Alarms: -25, Intent: { (): Wakeups: 2
Alarms: 2, Intent: {
Alarms: 0, Intent: send_events
Alarms: -74, Intent: { (): Wakeups: 2
Alarms: 1, Intent:
Alarms: 1, Intent:

Network (requires root)
10058 (Wifi) ( Play Store): 5.0 MBytes 34,9%
10105 (Mobile) (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 2.0 MBytes 17,7%
10055 (Wifi) (örterbuchbereitstellung): 1.0 MBytes 11,8%
10105 (Wifi) (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 1.0 MBytes 9,4%
10038 (Wifi) (de.stephanwiesner.fotocommunity.fc): 994.0 KBytes 5,8%
10092 (Wifi) (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 687.0 KBytes 4,0%
0 (Wifi) (0): 543.0 KBytes 3,2%
10092 (Mobile) (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 472.0 KBytes 2,8%
10108 (Wifi) ( 327.0 KBytes 1,9%
10035 (Mobile) (Google-Dienste): 251.0 KBytes 1,5%
10100 (Wifi) (com.facebook.orca.Messenger): 228.0 KBytes 1,3%
10059 (Wifi) ( 226.0 KBytes 1,3%
10086 (Mobile) (com.appspot.swisscodemonkeys.jokes.Lustige Witze): 120.0 KBytes 0,7%
10035 (Wifi) (Google-Dienste): 117.0 KBytes 0,7%
10077 (Wifi) ( 108.0 KBytes 0,6%
0 (Mobile) (0): 98.0 KBytes 0,6%
10077 (Mobile) ( 71.0 KBytes 0,4%
10072 (Wifi) (com.levelup.beautifulwidgets.BeautifulWidgets): 50.0 KBytes 0,3%
10103 (Wifi) ( 44.0 KBytes 0,3%
10100 (Mobile) (com.facebook.orca.Messenger): 40.0 KBytes 0,2%
1000 (Wifi) (Android-System): 24.0 KBytes 0,1%
10098 (Mobile) ( 18.0 KBytes 0,1%
1000 (Mobile) (Android-System): 17.0 KBytes 0,1%
10098 (Wifi) ( 15.0 KBytes 0,1%
10072 (Mobile) (com.levelup.beautifulwidgets.BeautifulWidgets): 15.0 KBytes 0,1%
10058 (Mobile) ( Play Store): 7.0 KBytes 0,0%
1014 (Wifi) (1014): 5.0 KBytes 0,0%
10059 (Mobile) ( 1.0 KBytes 0,0%
10017 (Wifi) (Medien): 406.0 Bytes 0,0%
CPU States
162 MHz (): 1 h 44 m 37 s 15,9%
216 MHz (): 19 m 7 s 2,9%
270 MHz (): 10 m 9 s 1,5%
324 MHz (): 4 m 23 s 0,7%
378 MHz (): 4 m 42 s 0,7%
384 MHz (): 13 s 0,0%
486 MHz (): 4 m 13 s 0,6%
594 MHz (): 3 m 32 s 0,5%
702 MHz (): 9 m 34 s 1,5%
810 MHz (): 5 m 55 s 0,9%
918 MHz (): 4 m 22 s 0,7%
1,03 GHz (): 3 m 22 s 0,5%
1,13 GHz (): 1 h 13 m 17 s 11,2%
1,24 GHz (): 33 s 0,1%
1,35 GHz (): 21 s 0,1%
1,46 GHz (): 30 s 0,1%
1,51 GHz (): 33 m 56 s 5,2%
Deep Sleep (): 6 h 14 m 19 s 57,0%
Reference overview
ref_unplugged: Reference ref_unplugged created 9 d 15 h 39 m 33 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 22elements; NetS: 78 elements; Alrm: 20 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 21 elements)
ref_charged: Reference ref_charged created 9 d 15 h 39 m 33 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 22elements; NetS: 78 elements; Alrm: 20 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 21 elements)
ref_current: Reference ref_current created 10 d 2 h 36 m 45 s (Wl: 41 elements; KWl: 22elements; NetS: 80 elements; Alrm: 20 elements; Proc: 75 elements; Oth: 14 elements; CPU: 21 elements)

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 17:33 Uhr wurde um 17:33 Uhr ergänzt:

was hält mein nexus wach?
General Information
BetterBatteryStats version:
Creation Date: 2013-05-07 17:25:22
Statistic Type: Unplugged to Current
Since 10 h 57 m 12 s
BRAND: Google
DEVICE: mako
MODEL: Nexus 4
OS.VERSION: 3.4.0-faux123-mako-custom
FINGERPRINT: google/occam/mako:4.2.2/JDQ39/573038:user/release-keys
TAGS: test-keys
USER: unknown
PRODUCT: occam
RADIO: M9615A-CEFWMAZM-2.0.1700.48
Rooted: true
Battery Info
Level lost [%]: Bat.: -74% (100% to 26%) [6,8%/h]
Voltage lost [mV]: (4258-3649) [55,6%/h]
Other Usage
Deep Sleep (): 6 h 14 m 19 s (22459 s) Ratio: 57,0%
Awake (): 4 h 42 m 52 s (16972 s) Ratio: 43,0%
Screen On (): 2 h 33 m 52 s (9232 s) Ratio: 23,4%
Phone On (): 1 m 3 s (63 s) Ratio: 0,0%
Wifi On (): 8 h 13 m 36 s (29616 s) Ratio: 75,1%
Wifi Running (): 8 h 13 m 35 s (29615 s) Ratio: 75,1%
No Data Connection (): 7 h 17 m 54 s (26274 s) Ratio: 66,6%
No or Unknown Signal (): 7 h 17 m 54 s (26274 s) Ratio: 66,6%
Moderate Signal (): 3 h 39 m 17 s (13157 s) Ratio: 1,5%
Screen dark (): 1 h 1 m 47 s (3707 s) Ratio: 9,4%
Screen dimmed (): 1 h 24 m 45 s (5085 s) Ratio: 0,6%
Screen medium (): 39 s (39 s) Ratio: 0,0%
Screen light (): 31 s (31 s) Ratio: 0,0%
Screen bright (): 6 m 7 s (367 s) Ratio: 0,0%
ActivityManager-Launch (Android-System): 4 m 48 s (288 s) Count:1225 0,7%
sendinactive (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 4 m 29 s (269 s) Count:343 0,7%
AlarmManager (com.levelup.beautifulwidgets.BeautifulWidgets): 4 m 11 s (251 s) Count:637 0,6%
FbClientConnManager (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 3 m 31 s (211 s) Count:200 0,5%
GTALK_ASYNC_CONN_ (Google-Dienste): 2 m 46 s (166 s) Count:548 0,4%
GTALK_ASYNC_CONN_ (Google-Dienste): 2 m 10 s (130 s) Count:297 0,3% (Google-Dienste): 2 m 3 s (123 s) Count:2984 0,3%
*vibrator* (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 1 m 33 s (93 s) Count:112 0,2%
FacebookService (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 1 m 25 s (85 s) Count:30 0,2%
RILJ (Telefon): 1 m 14 s (74 s) Count:768 0,2%
ConnectivityService (Android-System): 1 m 13 s (73 s) Count:2387 0,2%
f (com.facebook.orca.Messenger): 51 s (51 s) Count:62 0,1%
PhoneApp (Telefon): 45 s (45 s) Count:9 0,1%
AudioOut_2 (1013): 39 s (39 s) Count:38 0,1%
show keyguard (Android-System): 39 s (39 s) Count:127 0,1%
AlarmManager (Android-System): 39 s (39 s) Count:2350 0,1%
GpsLocationProvider (Android-System): 34 s (34 s) Count:1363 0,1%
SyncLoopWakeLock (Android-System): 29 s (29 s) Count:2699 0,1%
BWL (com.levelup.beautifulwidgets.BeautifulWidgets): 29 s (29 s) Count:648 0,1%
AudioOut_3 (1013): 21 s (21 s) Count:16 0,1%
ActivityManager-Sleep (Android-System): 21 s (21 s) Count:2514 0,1%
NetworkStats (Android-System): 18 s (18 s) Count:501 0,0%
AlarmManager (Google-Dienste): 17 s (17 s) Count:3530 0,0% ( 16 s (16 s) Count:273 0,0%
GTALK_CONN (Google-Dienste): 13 s (13 s) Count:2723 0,0%
Checkin Service (Google-Dienste): 9 s (9 s) Count:3199 0,0%
GSM (Telefon): 9 s (9 s) Count:85 0,0%
fullsync (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 9 s (9 s) Count:344 0,0%
AlarmManager ( 7 s (7 s) Count:137 0,0%
BBS_WAKELOCK_WHILE_SAVING_REF (com.asksven.betterbatterystats.BetterBatteryStats): 6 s (6 s) Count:5 0,0%
DownloadManager (Medien): 5 s (5 s) Count:3 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 5 s (5 s) Count:250 0,0%
Event Log Service (Google-Dienste): 5 s (5 s) Count:570 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 4 s (4 s) Count:395 0,0%
*vibrator* (com.facebook.orca.Messenger): 3 s (3 s) Count:69 0,0%
GTALK_IDLE_ALARM (Google-Dienste): 3 s (3 s) Count:1141 0,0%
NfcService:mRoutingWakeLock ( 2 s (2 s) Count:323 0,0%
WeatherUpdateService (com.cyanogenmod.lockclock.cLock): 2 s (2 s) Count:178 0,0%
keyguardWakeAndHandOff (Android-System): 2 s (2 s) Count:1619 0,0%
AlarmManager (Telefon): 2 s (2 s) Count:82 0,0%
AlarmManager (com.facebook.orca.Messenger): 1 s (1 s) Count:128 0,0%
Kernel Wakelocks
"PowerManagerService" (): 26 m 37 s (1597 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1854/0/0 4,1%
"msm_hsic_host" (): 20 m 22 s (1222 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1544/195/0 3,1%
"alarm_rtc" (): 8 m 39 s (519 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)773/288/123 1,3%
"suspend_backoff" (): 7 m 42 s (462 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)47/0/47 1,2%
"radio-interface" (): 2 m 26 s (146 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)335/0/0 0,4%
"deleted_wake_locks" (): 2 m 4 s (124 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)429/0/0 0,3%
"sns_async_ev_wakelock" (): 1 m 27 s (87 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)433/0/0 0,2%
"alarm" (): 1 m 13 s (73 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)1687/1/0 0,2%
"PowerManagerService.Broadcasts" (): 33 s (33 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)270/0/0 0,1%
"qcril" (): 11 s (11 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)2078/0/0 0,0%
"KeyEvents" (): 9 s (9 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)81557/0/0 0,0%
"power-supply" (): 2 s (2 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)764/1/0 -0,0%
"mmc0_detect" (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)10838/0/0 0,0%
"qmuxd_port_wl_9" (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)6256/0/0 0,0%
"smd_sns_dsps" (): (0 s) Cnt:(c/wc/ec)9981/0/0 0,0%
Alarms (requires root)
====================== (): Wakeups: 331
Alarms: 195, Intent:
Alarms: 113, Intent:
Alarms: 0, Intent:
Alarms: 1, Intent: {
Alarms: -462, Intent: {

com.facebook.katana (): Wakeups: 143
Alarms: 131, Intent: com.facebook.common.util.WakingExecutorService.ACTION_ALARM
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.4
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.5
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.6
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.9
Alarms: 0, Intent: Orca.KEEP_ALIVE
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.orca.database.ACTION_ALARM
Alarms: 12, Intent: {com.facebook.katana
Alarms: -374, Intent: {com.facebook.katana
Alarms: -374, Intent: {com.facebook.katana
Alarms: -374, Intent: {com.facebook.katana
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.3
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.18
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.20
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.14
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.24
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.16
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.323
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.1400
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.26
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.41
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.34
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.33
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.15
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.12
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.19
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.28
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.38
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.30
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.39
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.21
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.22
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.25
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.23
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.27
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.32
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.17
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.36
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.10
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.115
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.29
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.42
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.7
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.208
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.37
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.44
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.111
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.40
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.2
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.45
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.35
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.31
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.48
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.109
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.95
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.124
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.11
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.958
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.89
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.568
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.51
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.49
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.orca.push.ACTION_ALARM
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.261
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.265
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.770
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.315
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.287
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.274
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.163
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.263
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.99
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.400
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.269
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.13
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.186
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.832
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.113
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.220
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.97
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.103
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.277
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.91
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.296
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.43
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.59
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.295
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.212
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.204
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.72
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.283
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.107
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.196
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.278
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.321
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.1020
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.1206
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.101
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.56
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.47
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.105
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.188
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.200
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.85
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.246
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.214
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.344
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.121
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.202
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.117
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.335
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.194
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.57
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.216
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.222
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.221
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.242
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.556
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.586
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.224
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.648
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.155
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.293
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.190
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.151
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.50
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.462
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.896
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.62
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.524
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.1082
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.290
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.8
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.83
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.192
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.247
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.236
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.76
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.73
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.135
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.281
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.184
Alarms: 0, Intent: Orca.KICK
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.206
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.272
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.319
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.291
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.267
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.46
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.63
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.230
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.210
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.150
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.52
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.86
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.1144
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.218
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.712
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.60
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.213
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.75
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.53
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.317
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.440
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.119
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.1396
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.123
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.1307
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.125
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.1334
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.1308
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.198
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.189
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.289
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.285
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.katana.service.55 (): Wakeups: 136
Alarms: 132, Intent:
Alarms: 0, Intent:
Alarms: 4, Intent:
Alarms: 0, Intent:

com.whatsapp (): Wakeups: 125
Alarms: 0, Intent: ALARM_ACTION
Alarms: 32, Intent: com.whatsapp.MessageService.RECONNECT
Alarms: 0, Intent: ALARM_REPORT_SYNCS
Alarms: 0, Intent: ALARM_ROTATE_LOGS
Alarms: 0, Intent: ALARM_CLIENT_PING_TIMEOUT (): Wakeups: 73
Alarms: 73, Intent:
Alarms: 0, Intent:
Alarms: 0, Intent:

com.facebook.orca (): Wakeups: 50
Alarms: 50, Intent:
Alarms: 0, Intent: {com.facebook.orca
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.orca.database.ACTION_ALARM
Alarms: 0, Intent: {com.facebook.orca
Alarms: 0, Intent: {com.facebook.orca
Alarms: 0, Intent: Orca.KEEP_ALIVE
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.facebook.orca.push.ACTION_ALARM
Alarms: 0, Intent: Orca.KICK (): Wakeups: 44
Alarms: 44, Intent: {

android (): Wakeups: 30
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
Alarms: 0, Intent:
Alarms: 0, Intent:
Alarms: 15, Intent:
Alarms: 5, Intent: android.content.syncmanager.SYNC_ALARM
Alarms: 8, Intent:
Alarms: 0, Intent: android.intent.action.DATE_CHANGED
Alarms: 1, Intent: android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE
Alarms: 1, Intent:
Alarms: 0, Intent:

com.levelup.beautifulwidgets (): Wakeups: 11
Alarms: 0, Intent: com.levelup.beautifulwidgets.core.ACTION_REFRESHTIME
Alarms: 11, Intent: com.levelup.beautifulwidgets.core.ACTION_UPDATEWEATHER

com.cyanogenmod.lockclock (): Wakeups: 7
Alarms: 7, Intent: {com.cyanogenmod.lockclock (): Wakeups: 4
Alarms: -12, Intent: {
Alarms: -25, Intent: { (): Wakeups: 2
Alarms: 2, Intent: {
Alarms: 0, Intent: send_events
Alarms: -74, Intent: { (): Wakeups: 2
Alarms: 1, Intent:
Alarms: 1, Intent:

Network (requires root)
10058 (Wifi) ( Play Store): 5.0 MBytes 34,9%
10105 (Mobile) (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 2.0 MBytes 17,7%
10055 (Wifi) (örterbuchbereitstellung): 1.0 MBytes 11,8%
10105 (Wifi) (com.facebook.katana.Facebook): 1.0 MBytes 9,4%
10038 (Wifi) (de.stephanwiesner.fotocommunity.fc): 994.0 KBytes 5,8%
10092 (Wifi) (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 687.0 KBytes 4,0%
0 (Wifi) (0): 543.0 KBytes 3,2%
10092 (Mobile) (com.whatsapp.WhatsApp): 472.0 KBytes 2,8%
10108 (Wifi) ( 327.0 KBytes 1,9%
10035 (Mobile) (Google-Dienste): 251.0 KBytes 1,5%
10100 (Wifi) (com.facebook.orca.Messenger): 228.0 KBytes 1,3%
10059 (Wifi) ( 226.0 KBytes 1,3%
10086 (Mobile) (com.appspot.swisscodemonkeys.jokes.Lustige Witze): 120.0 KBytes 0,7%
10035 (Wifi) (Google-Dienste): 117.0 KBytes 0,7%
10077 (Wifi) ( 108.0 KBytes 0,6%
0 (Mobile) (0): 98.0 KBytes 0,6%
10077 (Mobile) ( 71.0 KBytes 0,4%
10072 (Wifi) (com.levelup.beautifulwidgets.BeautifulWidgets): 50.0 KBytes 0,3%
10103 (Wifi) ( 44.0 KBytes 0,3%
10100 (Mobile) (com.facebook.orca.Messenger): 40.0 KBytes 0,2%
1000 (Wifi) (Android-System): 24.0 KBytes 0,1%
10098 (Mobile) ( 18.0 KBytes 0,1%
1000 (Mobile) (Android-System): 17.0 KBytes 0,1%
10098 (Wifi) ( 15.0 KBytes 0,1%
10072 (Mobile) (com.levelup.beautifulwidgets.BeautifulWidgets): 15.0 KBytes 0,1%
10058 (Mobile) ( Play Store): 7.0 KBytes 0,0%
1014 (Wifi) (1014): 5.0 KBytes 0,0%
10059 (Mobile) ( 1.0 KBytes 0,0%
10017 (Wifi) (Medien): 406.0 Bytes 0,0%
CPU States
162 MHz (): 1 h 44 m 37 s 15,9%
216 MHz (): 19 m 7 s 2,9%
270 MHz (): 10 m 9 s 1,5%
324 MHz (): 4 m 23 s 0,7%
378 MHz (): 4 m 42 s 0,7%
384 MHz (): 13 s 0,0%
486 MHz (): 4 m 13 s 0,6%
594 MHz (): 3 m 32 s 0,5%
702 MHz (): 9 m 34 s 1,5%
810 MHz (): 5 m 55 s 0,9%
918 MHz (): 4 m 22 s 0,7%
1,03 GHz (): 3 m 22 s 0,5%
1,13 GHz (): 1 h 13 m 17 s 11,2%
1,24 GHz (): 33 s 0,1%
1,35 GHz (): 21 s 0,1%
1,46 GHz (): 30 s 0,1%
1,51 GHz (): 33 m 56 s 5,2%
Deep Sleep (): 6 h 14 m 19 s 57,0%
Reference overview
ref_unplugged: Reference ref_unplugged created 9 d 15 h 39 m 33 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 22elements; NetS: 78 elements; Alrm: 20 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 21 elements)
ref_charged: Reference ref_charged created 9 d 15 h 39 m 33 s (Wl: 0 elements; KWl: 22elements; NetS: 78 elements; Alrm: 20 elements; Proc: 0 elements; Oth: 8 elements; CPU: 21 elements)
ref_current: Reference ref_current created 10 d 2 h 36 m 45 s (Wl: 41 elements; KWl: 22elements; NetS: 80 elements; Alrm: 20 elements; Proc: 75 elements; Oth: 14 elements; CPU: 21 elements)
dein display ist es ;)

wenn dein display 2 stunden 30min an ist und es insgesamt 11 stunden an war ist ein verlust von 26% doch sehr gut
Naja.... Ich hab normal viel bessere laufzeiten erreicht. Weiß nicht was los ist.

Gesendet von meinem Nexus 4 mit Tapatalk 2
Die eBay App und WLAN

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