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c0de schrieb:Moment, die Darstellung von Pfeilen kostet Energie?! Also ja, werden sie wohl zu einem geringen Teil, aber wenn das die offizielle Erklärung ist, dann kann ich nur herzlich lachen.
Ist schon einleuchtend, dass es Energie braucht, aber ich bin auch der Meinung, dass es vernachlässigbar ist.
Hier mal die Quelle: A Google Engineer Explains Why KitKat Has White Status Bar Icons And Only Shows Connectivity In Quick Settings
"So this (the removal of the little in/out data traffic arrows from the RSSI) was mostly a performance consideration, believe it or not. The way the data bits are bubbled up and drawn was not only causing a ton of extra rendering work, but actually forcing a layout (!) in the status bar as well. We could have more aggressively cached the bitmaps (rather than creating new BitmapDrawables from resource IDs every time, which was causing the relayout) but that would still have left all the drawingmultiple times per second in some casessucking away precious CPU and GPU from your game or Launcher animations or whatever. In the end it seemed like a lot of work (and battery) for what was effectively visual noise, so this too was booted to Quick Settings where it would be available for us nerds."