- 775
Eine sehr coole Sache!!
Man kann hiermit nach dem Flash nicht nur "Überreste" der alten Rom oder unnötige Apps löschen sondern auch Apps und Daten vor dem ersten Boot wiederherstellen!!
XDA link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1482379
P.S. : Übersetzung folgt!!
Man kann hiermit nach dem Flash nicht nur "Überreste" der alten Rom oder unnötige Apps löschen sondern auch Apps und Daten vor dem ersten Boot wiederherstellen!!
XDA link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1482379
- ROM Cleaner deletes Apps and files from your system based on our default list or users choice
- Backup Apps with Backup Tool and let ROM Cleaner restore all your apps before first boot
- Restore your mail settings, accounts, wifi keys and paired Bluetooth devices with Settings Restorer
- Follow the guide in second post and you will be just fine
If you find this tool good, great, awesome or maybe even the best thing you ever tried, then please send us a beer or hit the "Thanks Button" or leave some feedback
- very nice, simple and fast way to delete stuff from your device
- takes less then 5 seconds to delete all the listed applications and files in the list
- no trash left behind as it will be if you delete files manually using RootExplorer
- more free RAM for apps that you are actually using
- users have reported better battery life and device speed improvements with ROM Cleaner
Before and after pictures.
In this example, Desire HD loaded with ARHD 5.2.5 - Sense 2.1.
Before ROM Cleaner | After default ROM Cleaner
If you get some kind of issues after flashing ROM Cleaner, reflash the ROM and check if the issue still exists.
Important: Don't spam ROM development threads about issues caused by this script. You must always report problems in this thread and we will most likely help you as fast as we can.
Important:If you want to report a problem, give us all log files located in /SDCard/ROMCleaner/Logs and your ROMCleaner_user.txt! Just make a zip of the files and upload it.
HOW-TO-GUIDE --> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=22209372&postcount=2Also make sure to use Notepad++ when editing ROMCleaner_user.txt in Windows.
To be flashed before full wipe and ROM flash
Folder Creator v1.0
Backup Tool v1.1
To be flashed after flashing ROM and before first boot
ROM Cleaner v1.1
ROMCleaner_user.txt from ROM Cleaner v1.1 Right-Click and Save as...
>Follow instructions in second post how to edit this to fit your demands...
To be flashed after first boot
Settings Restorer v1.0
Mods and App Installer v1.0
HtcSetupWizard Remover
Requirements: Rooted and CWM Recovery installed
P.S. : Übersetzung folgt!!
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