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Er enthält ebenfalls keinen Kernel. Also unbedingt auch einen 4.2.2 Kernel flashen!
Hier mal ein Auszug aus den letzten beiden G+ Beiträgen bzgl. Changelog:
Goo.im Downloads - Downloading pa_maguro-3.00-26FEB2013-004559.zip
Er enthält ebenfalls keinen Kernel. Also unbedingt auch einen 4.2.2 Kernel flashen!
Hier mal ein Auszug aus den letzten beiden G+ Beiträgen bzgl. Changelog:
Small status update for todays nightly (23 feb)
Lockscreen: statusbar will stay hidden in extended desktop, that fixes it for apps like currents as well
Pie: cleaner animations, Speed will control the initial delay only, snappoints have been redesigned --- upcoming: colors, colors, colors
Rotation settings are gone for good - until we make it working flawless
HDMI out should be working again for all devices
Minor statusupdate 25. Feb
Not much im afraid, just weeding out minor issues, refinements on Pie, the usual. This is what has accumulated over the last 2 days:
New bionic patches, linaro's optimized ASM functions
The maximize widgest option would not allow widgets to hop into the minized view in extended desktop - fixed
Androids headphone volume fallout is fixed
Pie has a new option that makes it stick the the exact physical side you've set it on, it won't rotate which might be useful for a lot of games and typing of course
Pie segment gaps are even and do not spread out, the ampty-angle is gone and pie displays as a half circle, touchhandling has been impproved for faster and more precise flicking, the animations as well, the layout has been compressed to make way for notifications, new defaults and size presets
(Mako) wireless charging sound is back