- 686
WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Weder ich, noch Android-Hilfe.de, übernehmen eine Garantie auf Erfolg, oder die Haftung für jegliche Beschädigungen an eurem "Samsung Galaxy Nexus". Wenn ihr nicht sicher seit, was ihr macht, könnt ihr hier gerne Fragen stellen, aber wenn ihr danach immer noch nicht genau wisst, was ihr tut: Lasst es bleiben!
- Device muss gerootet sein HowTo
- ClockworkMod Recovery muß installiert sein HowTo
EaglesBlood v2.0.4 download
MD5: a8a619afff7d9270ce412fc7c0943e96
Full-Backup mit dem ClockworkMod Recovery erstellen
Tipp: Alle USER-Apps plus zugehöriger Daten, können mit der App TitaniumBackup im Batchverfahren gesichert und nach der Installation des Custom-ROM wieder eingespielt werden.
Full-ROM Installieren (Erstinstallation)
Update auf eine neue Version
Hinweis: Es bleiben alle Einstellungen und Apps erhalten.
Full-Backup wieder zurückspielen
E N D E - E N D E - E N D E - E N D E
EaglesBlood v2.0.4
(Update vom 07.05.2012)
(Update vom 07.05.2012)
- Device muss gerootet sein HowTo
- ClockworkMod Recovery muß installiert sein HowTo
- Full AOSP built from source 4.0.4 IMM76I (ROOTED)
- SU and Superuser
- Busybox
- Deodexed
- Unsecured Kernel
- Ganoptimezer thanks to Caynogen and his team
- Neon Optimizations for Arch-Arm7 from code Aurora
- Fully optimized
- Smoother/Faster UI
- Optimizations for better handling cache
- Notification drawer toggles and settings under Display
- Performance settings under Developer options
- Launcher2 Tweaked by me faster/smother
- 180 Degrees hardware rotation
- Distinguishable data between 3G/H
- Auto brightness patch
- Reboot/Recovery to power menu
- NEW 4 way lockscreen
- Extension button for camcorder
- Power Shutter to camera
- Added STK (sim tool kit)
- SMS split and templates gestures
- Mark all read option to email.apk
- File manager since our phones don't have one
- Shortcut button for sound recorder
- Hard press back button kills app
- Google Wallet
- Gapps included
- SU and Superuser
- Busybox
- Deodexed
- Unsecured Kernel
- Ganoptimezer thanks to Caynogen and his team
- Neon Optimizations for Arch-Arm7 from code Aurora
- Fully optimized
- Smoother/Faster UI
- Optimizations for better handling cache
- Notification drawer toggles and settings under Display
- Performance settings under Developer options
- Launcher2 Tweaked by me faster/smother
- 180 Degrees hardware rotation
- Distinguishable data between 3G/H
- Auto brightness patch
- Reboot/Recovery to power menu
- NEW 4 way lockscreen
- Extension button for camcorder
- Power Shutter to camera
- Added STK (sim tool kit)
- SMS split and templates gestures
- Mark all read option to email.apk
- File manager since our phones don't have one
- Shortcut button for sound recorder
- Hard press back button kills app
- Google Wallet
- Gapps included
- Added etc init.d support
- Added STK (sim tool kit)
- Added busybox
- Added Bash
- Added Nano
- Added Lsof
- Added Libncurses
- Added Rsync
| Dev: Team EB | Homepage | xda-forum |- Added etc init.d support
- Added STK (sim tool kit)
- Added busybox
- Added Bash
- Added Nano
- Added Lsof
- Added Libncurses
- Added Rsync
EaglesBlood v2.0.4 download
MD5: a8a619afff7d9270ce412fc7c0943e96
[B]EaglesBlood v2.0.4[/B]
[COLOR="Red"][B]Noch nicht veröffentlicht! Wird nachgereicht![/B][/COLOR]
[B]EaglesBlood v2.0[/B]
- Added notification drawer toggles and settings under Display (Pedlar)
- Added Performance settings under Developer options
- Added Power Shutter to camera
- Added SMS split and templates gestures
- Added mark all read option to email
- Fixed playback mkv files with lacing (Pawit.P)
- Hide media from folder with .nomedia file
[B]EaglesBlood v1.9[/B]
- Fully/Most Stable Fastest release out yet bug free
- Neon Optimizations for Arch-Arm7 from code Aurora :cool:
- All Png's optimized
- Option for disabling/enabling debug notification under settings/Developers options
- Updated Dsp Manager
- Added Transition Effects to launcher credit nebcat
- Louder volume output
- Overall faster/smother UI
[B]EaglesBlood v1.8[/B]
- Added pulse notification
- New launcher build off Trebuchet and tweaked by me
- Launcher to settings menu
- Bunch of speed/battery tweaks
- Added dev/shorcut under settings widget
- Removed system updates from settings menu
- Incognito tab to browser
- Nfc take 3 needs testing
- Dsp manager build from CM choose under setting/sounds/music effects
- Added Rom Manager
- Fixed force close issue with superuser when using Rom manager
- Added terminal
- Removed performance settings for now
- Enabled extra keys for keyboard
- Fling velocity can be adjusted in build.props
- Fixed permissions for init.d
- Moved cache to dalvik cache
[B]EaglesBlood v1.7[/B]
- Fixed MMS goodbye blurry MMS pics
- Fixed NFC take 2 :p needs testing
- Distinguishable data between 3G/H
- Added 180 Degrees hardware rotation
- Added etc init.d support
- Added busybox
- Added Bash
- Added Nano
- Added Lsof
- Added Libncurses
- Added Rsync
- Added mobile data networks settings shortcut to pulldown (Thanks Xoomdev)
- Added Performance setting to menu settings (Thanks Kejar31/JRummy16)
- Changed Launcher2 velocity faster/smother
- More Tweaks one of the fastest/smoothest EGB releases yet and YES STOCK KERNEL
[B]EaglesBlood v1.6[/B]
- Added T9 Dialer per ppl request
- NFC should be fixed need's testing i don't have tags
- Added Italian translation to Power menu option [Thanks to andrew2511 for translation]
- Speed up rotation from portrait to landscape and vice verse
- More speed tweaks to framework results Fast/Smooth/Butter ;)
- Updated Calendar/Gmail to 4.0.3
- Added "Nexus" notification sound (thanks Peter Alfonso)
[B]EaglesBlood v1.5[/B]
- Updated Launcher2 more speed tweaks
- Optimizations for better handling cache
- Hard press back button now kills app to enable under System settings/Developer options/Kill app back button/check box
- Google wallet included in the rom
- Added EBloodmod version/about phone
[B]EaglesBlood v1.4[/B]
- New 4 shortcuts lockscreen added phone/mms (Thanks to Xoomdev)
- Added FB sync (Thanks to paulobrien and Romanbb)
- Minor fixes and tweaks
- Gapps included with this build as well
[B]EaglesBlood v1.3[/B]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=red]ACHTUNG: Da bei dieser Version die GAPPS mit in dem Installationspaket sind, ist vor der Installation ein Full-Wipe erforderlich![/COLOR][/SIZE]
- Added Ganoptimezer thanks to Caynogen and his team
- Fixed graphic glitches
- Smother/Faster
- Launcher2 Tweaked by me faster/smother
- Gapps included on this build no need to flash Gapps
- Added option for restoring all your apps soon as you sign in
- Better battery life
- Fixed effect option on camcorder no more fc
- All apps should show up in the market now
- Bootanimation fixed thanks to x0xhellx0x :)
- Added all missing live wallpapers
- Removed AOSP music added music2
[B]EaglesBlood v1.2[/B]
- Added reboot option to power menu
- Added file manager
- Few clean ups and minor changes
[B]EaglesBlood v1.1[/B]
- New base 4.0.3 IML74K
- Unsecured kernel
- Added EB bootanimation [COLOR=darkgreen]thanks to x0xhellx0x[/COLOR]
- Updated build.props
- Added shortcut for voice recorder
- Added shortcut for camcorder
- Added menu button to home screen and removed it from lockscreen
- Disabled keyboard popup from showing up in status bar
- All ICS compatible apps should show up in the market now
- Removed CM launcher added back stock launcher
[B]EaglesBlood v1.0 (initial release)[/B]
- Full AOSP built from source 4.0.1 ITL41F(ROOTED)
- Superuser
- Unsecured Kernel
- Two Rom versions one with stock kernel, and one with 1.2 SMARTASS V2 (Thanks to mathkid95):)
- Auto brightness patch
- Added Reboot/Recovery to power menu
- Added extension button for camcorder
- Added CM Launcher from source with few extra features
- Added STK (sim tool kit)
- Added menu button
- Added file manager since our phones don't have one
- Added shortcut button for sound recorder
Full-Backup mit dem ClockworkMod Recovery erstellen
(1) in das CMR booten
(2) backup and restore
(3) Backup
(4) warten bis das backup erstellt wurde
(5) reboot system now
Hinweis: Der Ordner mit den Backupdateien liegt auf der /sdcard im Ordner clockworkmod und heißt clockworkmod/backup/jjjj-mm-dd.hh.mm.ss.(2) backup and restore
(3) Backup
(4) warten bis das backup erstellt wurde
(5) reboot system now
Tipp: Alle USER-Apps plus zugehöriger Daten, können mit der App TitaniumBackup im Batchverfahren gesichert und nach der Installation des Custom-ROM wieder eingespielt werden.
Full-ROM Installieren (Erstinstallation)
(1) ROM runterladen und auf /sdcard ablegen
(2) in das ClockworkMod booten
(3) mount and storage > format /system, /cache, /data
(4) wipe data/factory reset
(5) advanced > wipe dalvik cache
(5) install zip from sdcard > choose zip from sdcard > zip-Datei suchen und auswählen
(6) warten bis die Installation durch ist
(7) reboot system now
----------(2) in das ClockworkMod booten
(3) mount and storage > format /system, /cache, /data
(4) wipe data/factory reset
(5) advanced > wipe dalvik cache
(5) install zip from sdcard > choose zip from sdcard > zip-Datei suchen und auswählen
(6) warten bis die Installation durch ist
(7) reboot system now
Update auf eine neue Version
Hinweis: Es bleiben alle Einstellungen und Apps erhalten.
(1) Full-ROM oder die Udate-Datei runterladen und auf /sdcard ablegen
(2) in das ClockworkMod booten
(3) backup and restore > Backup
(4) warten bis das backup durch ist
(5) advanced > wipe dalvik cache
(6) wipe cache partition
(7) install zip from sdcard > choose zip from sdcard > zip-Datei suchen und auswählen
(8) warten bis das ROM installiert ist
(9) reboot system now
----------(2) in das ClockworkMod booten
(3) backup and restore > Backup
(4) warten bis das backup durch ist
(5) advanced > wipe dalvik cache
(6) wipe cache partition
(7) install zip from sdcard > choose zip from sdcard > zip-Datei suchen und auswählen
(8) warten bis das ROM installiert ist
(9) reboot system now
Full-Backup wieder zurückspielen
(1) in das ClockworkMod Recovery booten
(2) mount and storage > format /system, /cache, /data
(3) wipe data/factory reset
(4) advanced > wipe dalvik cache
(5) backup and restore > Restore > gewünschtes BackUp wählen
(6) warten bis die Installation durch ist
(7) reboot system now
----------(2) mount and storage > format /system, /cache, /data
(3) wipe data/factory reset
(4) advanced > wipe dalvik cache
(5) backup and restore > Restore > gewünschtes BackUp wählen
(6) warten bis die Installation durch ist
(7) reboot system now
E N D E - E N D E - E N D E - E N D E
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