[ROM-ICS] Black ICE Kangorade 33.33 (20.04.2012)

  • 49 Antworten
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Fortgeschrittenes Mitglied
SO es gibt was schönes neues, hab ich seit paar Tagen drauf.
Hab den bei Rootzwiki gefunden.

WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Weder ich, noch Android-Hilfe.de, übernehmen eine Garantie auf Erfolg, oder die Haftung für jegliche Beschädigungen an eurem "Samsung Galaxy Nexus". Wenn ihr nicht sicher seit, was ihr macht, könnt ihr hier gerne Fragen stellen, aber wenn ihr danach immer noch nicht genau wisst, was ihr tut: Lasst es bleiben!

Ersteller und damit alle Credits gehen an travp624



This is my daily driver right here mostly built for me but since I built it from AOKP's beautiful source. I figured I would share with everyone! Its Aokp in everyway and at no time will I try to take credit for their beautiful source. I only sync'd it modified it to my liking and themed the hell outta it!
And it now is my pleasure to announce a joining of Mastur Mods and StyGian Studios so in the spirit of that. Mastur Mods and StyGian Studios gives you!!!

Black ICE

features copy and pasted from AOKP thread
This is full AOKP as its built from teamkangs source slightly and only slightly modified by me! ​
  • built from AOKPsource (source)
  • power menu (source)
  • ICS style toggles
  • superuser & busybox built from source, included
  • deodexed & unsecure boot.img (for adb remount)
  • Facebook contact sync
  • Black ICE Control application lets you take control of your ROM. Customize it how you want it. (Full credit to Roman for making this. I only themed it (no more unicorns))
    • Navigation Bar options & layouts (search bar layout, menu visibility options,etc) -- long press search button enabled
    • IME Switcher toggle (show/hide notification when you type)
    • Customize your carrier label
    • Override lockscreen timeout (ie, use Android's timeout when turning the phone off, so it won't lock itself)
    • LED pulse timing options
    • Statusbar toggle options
    • much much more in there
  • battery mods built in (including circle mod)
  • Unique Power Saver functionality
    • Turn data off while your screen is off
    • manually sync at a time interval for all your accounts (Gmail, etc)
    • Check out all the options in ROM Control

  • add cm filemanager
  • add dspmanager
  • removed status bar notification icons dimming effect (me)
Theme'd entire Rom to be as Black and Dark as possible and Includes All my inverted apps! (except voice and plus but you can get them in the themers thread)

Change LogsInstead of builds like AOKP we will go with Kangs and match the no. to AOKP builds

  • Kang 23
    • sync'd updates from aokp source (thanks teamkang)
    • replaced launcher2 with trebuchet (thanks cyangenmod)
    • centered lockscreen clock (me)
    • added cm9 Messaging instead of stock
    • new 1-100% battery icons (mastur mods)
    • new charging animation (mastur mods)

  • Kang 23.1
    • merged up AOKP source
    • special init.d scripts provided by DroidTh3ory which gives extra special smooth butter to Black ICE
    • Lockscreen wallpaper chooser in Black ICE control(courtesy of Roman of Course)for all lockscreen types (me)
    • Fixed Power Btn Flashlight
    • Fixed Alternate Toggle on/off btn size
    • Fixed lockscreen clock and text now Center (All Lockscreen types)
    • Other small fixes I don't remember

  • Kang 23.23
    • merged up AOKP source sorta LOL
    • fixed custom targets on lockscreen (thanks roman)
    • fixed DSPManager (my stupid ass used gingerbread version, Now ICS version)
    • added Hide Navbar to power menu. (Use with caution)(Zaphod-Beeble's code implented by me into Black ICE)
    • fixes to lockscreen wallpaper (credit roman)
    • fixed up stock status bar images (Mastur Mynd)
    • MasturModsSettings now baked in (app and source from Mastur Mynd baked in by me)
    • Others I forgot already
  • Kangorade 24.1
    • merged up AOKP 24 (#teamkang)
    • fixed up Navbar hide its instant now (thanks to Zaphod-Beeblebrox)
    • lots of bug fixes! (me and #teamkang)
    • others !


I Recommend a Wipe with Kang 23.23 but if you choose not that is on you!


Only use these plz or market invert will get screwed up and not purchase apps


Install Instruction
I will always recommend a data wipe and very important make a nandroid always!!
If you choose not to use my Gapps you or follow instructions then you will need to ask yourself why isn't this or that working right!
1. Make sure your using latest cwm
2. These must be followed exactly
2. Download all 3 and place on phone
3. I recommend wiping data/factory reset (especially if on another rom)
4. Flash Rom
5. Flash Black_ICE_stock-Gapps zip
6. Reboot go thru setup sign in to google account!
7. Get thru setup. (If you wanna let market restore your apps wait but try not to open market LOL)
7a. If you opened market before rebooting go into settings>apps>all apps and uninstall market updates!
8. Reboot back into cwr and flash Black_ICE-gapps zip

(history of why the two gapps packages if you followed my inverted apps thread at all you would know that a fresh install of inverted apps just is a no go. The edited manifest just don't take. But thru alot of trial and error I figured out a hack around it and so the need for the stock gapps comes from that.)

Upating instructions if already on Black ICE
1. Flash Rom update
2. Flash Black_ICE-gapps only
3. (Optional) if you wanna wipe cache and wipe data-dalvik
4. Reboot

Preparation for the UPCOMING Kang 23.2 App needed after hiding the navbar (if you don't know what I'm talking about then this ain't for you and you will need to read up and make sure you know what your doing). I highly recommend LMT you can get it here There are others as well but can't remember there names.

Now the Credit
  • The entire team at teamkang without them the gnex plus many more devices wouldn't be so buttery smooth!
  • The entire team at cyangenmod awesome source
  • Mastur Mynd for being awesome and for asking me to join mastur mods
  • DroidTh3ory for his decision to help somewhat!
  • Google of course
  • Everyone in the community who helps in the spirit of open source
  • And anyone I forgot to mention or include
Forgot to mention this is my first attempt at learning to dev. and obviously here I have to thank a wonderful source for a beautiful rom already. As I hopefully learn more I can try taking this entirely in my direction. However saying that there really isn't a think I would wanna change except a few tweaks here and there!

Usual disclaimers all apply here!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
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Reaktionen: Sv En
Ich habs mir grad geflasht, sieht sehr gut aus und die akkulaufzeit hat sich bei mir um einiges verbessert, was mich ziemlich wundert
briker schrieb:
Ich habs mir grad geflasht, sieht sehr gut aus und die akkulaufzeit hat sich bei mir um einiges verbessert, was mich ziemlich wundert

Du hast es dir "grad geflasht" und kannst jetzt schon etwas zur Akkulaufzeit sagen? :ohmy:
Ab der Version 24.1 auch bei uns auf World-of-Nexus zu finden. Aktuell ist im übrigen 25.1 ;)
Neue Version 26.26 Online:

  • Merged latest AOKP changes (weather on lockscreen etc.)
  • Change to latinIME to hopefully speed it up a little.
  • Hopefully got the music widget to look a little better on octo, quad, regular lockscreen!
  • Plucked newest handle_compcache from cm9 nightlies (makes it a little bit snappier LOL)
  • Moved Mastur mods settings to the System control menu in settings now! No drawer icon!
  • other small things!
Hatte wirklich schon einige ROM´s drauf aber dieses ist mit das Beste ever.
Der Akku macht richtig gut mit was mir Persönlich extrem wichtig ist.
Schnell und Stabil ist das ROM auch zudem.
Nutze es allerdings mit dem Go Launcher EX gefällt mir einfach besser.
Die Einstellungs Möglichkeiten sind der absolute Hammer.
Bitte weiter so.
So habe euch hier mal einige Screenshots zusammen gestellt damit ihr mahl sehen könnt was so alles machbar ist.

Screenshot_2012-03-02-09-08-57.png Screenshot_2012-03-02-09-09-13.png Screenshot_2012-03-02-09-09-29.png Screenshot_2012-03-02-09-09-34.png Screenshot_2012-03-02-09-09-57.png Screenshot_2012-03-02-09-10-02.png Screenshot_2012-03-02-09-10-06.png Screenshot_2012-03-02-09-10-09.png Screenshot_2012-03-02-09-10-15.png
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
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Reaktionen: milden
Neue Version online: Kangorade 27.27

    • Merged with latest AOKP build (thank them please) (their Chanelogs)
      • ​New navbar feature
      • New WeatherPanel choose-able
      • Faceunlock fixed
    • Fixed some of the stuff I f'd up
    • This is only for Bamf team "Completely original features" LOL Just joking Teamkang ftw!
Das kann ich aber einfach drüber flashen oder?

Gesendet von meinem Galaxy Nexus mit Tapatalk
Das dieses ROM sich sehr nahe am AOKP entwickelt dürfte das kein Problem sein. zumindest wenn du schon auf 25 oder 26 bist. Nicht vergessen den Cache und den Dalvik Cache zu formatieren.
Aber wenn ich das Formatiere sind dann nicht meine app´s und so weg?
Nein, da wie schon geschrieben du nur den Dalvik Cache und den Cache formatieren sollst. :winki:
Hallo, die 38.1 hab ich auch drauf. Das Rom schon seit 2 Monaten. Läuft ohne irgendwelche Abstürzte oder sonstige Probleme. Auch viele Einstellmöglichkeiten. Mit dem Trinity Kernel absokut Top, bin begeistert.

Gesendet von meinem Galaxy Nexus mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Na sorry, hab mein Gnex erst seit letzte Woche. Da das im entsprechenden Thread nicht erwähnt wurde, hab ich's einfach mal gemacht.

Sent from Gnex...
Ich hab's gestern kurz probiert, weil ich an sich ein Fan von black themed ROMs bin, allerdings schmiert mir laufend das Lockscreen-Menü ab, wenn ich es aufrufe ...
kosmogon schrieb:
Ich hab's gestern kurz probiert, weil ich an sich ein Fan von black themed ROMs bin, allerdings schmiert mir laufend das Lockscreen-Menü ab, wenn ich es aufrufe ...

Ja das ist das einzige was nicht funktioniert

Gesendet von meinem Galaxy Nexus mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
  • Danke
Reaktionen: kosmogon
Meint ihr das Lookscreen Menü unter den Einstellungen/Rom Manager ? Wenn ja, stellt oben die Sprache auf Englisch anstatt auf Deutsch
Mittlerweile sind wir bei Build #39. Ist ganz frisch (Release 17.06.) Ich finds sehr klasse :)

[ROM] BlackICE maguro Kangorade 39 (6-17) - [GSM] Galaxy Nexus Development - RootzWiki

  • Fully built from AOKP source (source)(website and donate to aokp/teamkang)
  • Added Cyanogenmods FileManager! (CM)
  • Added DSPManager (CM)
  • Replaced Mms apk with hybrid CM9 combined with AOKP (me)
  • Custom DroidTh3ory "Gofaster" Butter (DroidTh3ory)
  • Custom MasturModsSettings Built-in (Mastur Mynd)
  • Custom Dark Ass theme (Me)
  • Imported handle_compcache latest from CM9 (CM)
  • Removed the Japaneses IME stuff (Me)
  • Removed status bar notification icons dimming effect (me)
  • Custom BlackICE boot animation (Kwesley1020)
  • All Inverted Gapps Gmail, Gtalk, etc. (Me)
  • Custom Toggles (AOKP)I just restored icon on/off state and other minor tweaks!
  • Theme Chooser (all credit to cyanogenmod)
Die Changelogs findet man normalerweise hier --> TeamICEmods | Just another WordPress site

...doch für #39 fehlt der dort noch.

Downloads--> Kangorade 39 | TeamICEmods

der Changelog für die Version #39 ist jetzt da

Kangorade 39

  • cherry picked to aokp b39 (all credit aokp aokp changelog here)
  • fixed some other issues.
  • not sure how but this kang includes the cm9 kernels not sure if aokp did that or I did. (this is what breaks fast charge as this kernel doesn’t support it!)
  • fixed boot animation audio now working right with disable in blicecontrol>generalUI
  • fixed the other missing commits from aokp!
  • fixed end call button in notification pulldown.

Edit#2: Travor hat wohl einiges vergessen und die Rom schon neu hoch geladen (Datum bei Goo vom 18.06)

just deleted all kang 39 builds totally I missed a bunch of shit will be rebuilding and reuploading a completely new 39! if not tonight.....
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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Reaktionen: jenzy und Dirk64

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