[ROM] CyanogenMod

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Welche CyanogenMod 10 Nightly verwendet ihr?

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  • Umfrage geschlossen .
ich hab ähnliche erfahrungen gemacht wie gkul was die akkuleistung mit cm (und wohl oder übel auch andere customroms) betrifft.
mit dem stock rom kam ich rund 3 tage durch (mobile daten + 3g netz immer aktiviert außer in der nacht flugmodus), mit cm10 sinds nur mehr 2. in beiden fällen mit dem 2000mah akku.
den trinity kernel hatte ich mal mit dem stock rom in verwendung, nur um zu erfahren ob da noch luft nach oben ist aber es war das gegenteil der fall. mit den 1036mhz hab ichs natürlich auch mal versucht aber da konnte ich keinen unterschied feststellen was die laufzeit betrifft. außerdem kam mir das handy flüssig vor aber wenn man zurück auf die 1200mhz stellt, fällt einem erst auf, dass alles schneller ist mit dem hören takt. es poppt einfach alles schneller auf und ich fands als ganzes reaktionsfreudiger als mit 1036mhz also ergab sich für mich daraus absolut kein vorteil.
nichts desto trotz bin ich gerade mit dem cm10 derivat paranoid android unterwegs, weil man sich einfach an die vielen einstellungsmöglichkeiten gewöht hat.
Wollte eigentlich beim GN das Stock ROM drauflassen, aber man gewöhnt sich doch sehr an die vielen Einstellungen.

Gesendet von meinem Galaxy Nexus
Ich habe das Problem das WLAN sich manchmal selbstständig deaktiviert doch aber auf on zeigt nach einem neu Start ist wieder alles in Ordnung
Das passiert mehr mals am Tag

Kent jemand das Problem und eine Lösung
Ich frage mich grad, ob "Project Butter" an den Stock Launcher gekoppelt ist oder ob man auch alternative nutzen kann ohne auf Project Butter verzichten zu müssen?
Okay.. WO, BEIM BARTE DES PROPHETEN, versteckt sich der OTA updater?!
desty schrieb:
Okay.. WO, BEIM BARTE DES PROPHETEN, versteckt sich der OTA updater?!

einstellungen->über das telefon :cool2:
THX ;-)

Gesendet von meinem Galaxy Nexus mit Tapatalk 2
T-REX600 schrieb:
Versucht doch mal den Trinity auf 1036 MHz einzustellen
genau, und "unten" 307 MHz.
Habe den Eindruck so akkuschonend war noch nix auf dem GNex.
Trinity63 und CM10 passt einfach!

... von unterwegs
Soweit ich es dem Funk Android Changelog entnehmen kann betrifft das meiste nur das Nexus 7, gibt wenig neues für unser GN:

** Project : device/samsung/maguro
8194bb9 Strip board-info.txt for AOSP
708ac51 Update board-info.txt

** Project : device/samsung/tuna
d59ae3b tuna: Kernel prebuilt
5fa370b tuna: prebuilt kernel (USB audio use after free) -- DO NOT MERGE
6b6fdeb tuna: prebuilt kernel (HSMMC1 suspend fix)
b69d5d1 tuna: kernel prebuilt DO NOT MERGE
32c13ca tuna: kernel prebuilt

** Project : external/bouncycastle
806ca81 Fix cert blacklisting by public key
ffa4874 Added patch to the README and android.patches.

** Project : external/emma
77b9074 Backport from master.

** Project : external/openssl
9b4b062 Use OPENSSL_NO_HEARTBEATS for better wpa_supplicant interoperability

** Project : external/skia
1d6fa96 Reduce embolden effect. DO NOT MERGE

** Project : external/webkit
465864a DO NOT MERGE Null check
28c43cf DO NOT MERGE Fix memory leak
0e8bb60 Null check to fix crash

Der Rest sind meist Framework und App Bugfixes

** Project : frameworks/base
4873a48 DO NOT MERGE - Full (local) restore security changes
199bc56 Show plmn in emergency call allowed mode.
a9d7d85 Get your own cursor Drawables, WebViewClassic!
de3debd Fix notification gestures.
40c6ae4 Single finger notification expansion.
2370126 DO NOT MERGE - Make WebView track focal points more accurately
9d9fe3d DO NOT MERGE - Delay starting scale gesture events until a touch slop threshold
77bf72a Revert "Update Back softkey icon Bug: 6020915"
c104d16 DO NOT MERGE GestureDetector - Mask action when checking POINTER_UP
21ee2ca DO NOT MERGE Remove dead code
8be03ac DO NOT MERGE - Use focal point for scrolling in GestureDetector
48c7c6c DO NOT MERGE - New implementation for ScaleGestureDetector
dba8a81 Fix CDMA decoding of multipart UTF-16 SMS messages.
c44ba47 Doc update: client javadoc fix for @value.
5a45dd9 Update TabCompat training sample code download.
b44b13a Empty DC's apnList when the DC is free.
962daf9 Update Back softkey icon Bug: 6020915
a18cfcc Doc change: Remove japanese localized index page.
bf3bf7c Fix system server restart
8631701 Allow enabled accessibility service to toggle tocuh exploration after an upgrade to JellyBean.
2d9063b docs: Add a few links and small edits to a couple layout guides
02d74a2 docs: fix markup bug; remove extra </div>
911711f revise info on Search button availability... behavior not guaranteed either bug: 6966922
d632b43 docs: change download URLs for design assets. These new URLs are dummies that are handled by a redirect rule for all /downloads/... paths, that points to http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/androiddevelopers/ Using this redirect allows us to change the storage location of the download assets in the future.
5333400 show 3G icon for CDMA/1xRTT
183bf11 docs: misc bug fixes from external issues
0212363 Multiple design styleguide fixes -Changing extras to videos -new bullet item in swipeviews -new in 4.0 removal -Ui overview notification info -reppling typo fixed
438a0ef Do not eject internal ASECs when storage unmounted
cb0b2df fix misc doc bugs from external issues
0099d67 Fix typo in UsbManager javadoc.
607079d docs: SDK r20.0.3, Support Library r10 Release Notes plus some OCD cleanup to the ADT install steps
2f8cc17 cherrypick from ics-mr1 docs: source for nw app Change-Id: If50f407a0e56fa802fe9beedaa650e3a131872b2
ed12067 updated downloads for styleguide -new illustrator stencil
252d23d Revert "Group revert of the following commits for design docs:"
b111b57 docs: fix hdef variable
40eee61 docs: fix broken links and update sitemap text file
53b0fda misc doc bugs. Fix sdk samples path Fix method signature in fragment doc code snippet Fix typo in a11y javadoc code snippet Fix markup error in brands page Fix markup error on content providers doc Fix typo on about>start page
41508f0 Fix a logging NPE problem
73b9c29 Notification panel on tablet does not handle back and home key events.
5baafab Doc change: add trademarks attribution.
a18e0b4 fix markup for gl pie
a65d0e7 Doc change: 4K -> 4kb
ec4ec27 cherrypick from master docs: Battery class C2DM -> GCM Change-Id: If5fe0034ae0bb72c321b591f84e79acbaf2e36f1
c950641 Group revert of the following commits for design docs:
dd983ad cherrypick from master docs: GCM changes Change-Id: Id5454e70455bae14ab4605021a6c1bcab0292ae9
613d0b1 Doc update: Misc minor GCM updates.
2b1584c new confirming page and updates to progress and iconography
0bd664d Add missing docs to notification style rebuilder functions.
45c159e dashboard update for 8/1
37eecc7 docs: Add Device Art Generator for Nexus devices to d.a.c/distribute.
f05e34a fix more broken links
353474c moving accessibility image to callouts
6a681af new extras section linking to design talks
f284d49 docs: fix broken links
d5a3fe7 docs: add downloads directory with initial set of current files. This directory is not included in the final docs output, but is merely here as a "master" source for the downloadable bits that we upload and serve from elsewhere, such as from Google Cloud Storage.
ae652cc Fix AccountManagerServiceTest
969c243 Initial commit of wireless connectivity/discovery class.
be13fa0 removing recents icon in tabs ss
5b1f037 Change KeyStore to use Modified UTF-8 to match NativeCrypto
1edd4ae help image updates
5ac5a32 new accessibility section
27855ac Doc change: fix title and API level reference.
6443ca4 actionbar and tabs image updates
bdd8d0f dialog example update
26ff662 Delay AccountManagerService initialization
8874ab0 help, notificaion page updates and typos -changed copy to remove instances of eg
515087d Explicitly set lib dir permissions during unlink
48c5eb0 DO NOT MERGE. Add package-name-prefix blacklist for location updates.
36e055b Doc change: fix typo.
4a9df8d No longer parceling FixedSizeRemoteViewsCaches
dd4ef49 Persistent 'emergency calls' banner in the notification panel.
cdd0c59 docs: add links to new Settings dev guide
bfd070c Use correct layout style for Theme.Holo.Light.
591ff97 Fixing cache pruning to avoid pruning those in the visible range
baecca6 Delete everything from the shareables/ directory to save space on dac. All of the training ZIPs are now located in development/samples/training/zips/ Added a readme file to explain this change toward using cloud storage instead.
bbb3f41 docs: add Settings dev guide; a few changes to javadocs
c5e128c fix broken links bug 6879771
a45746e Fix several cases of broken droiddoc syntax external issue 35214
9af376e Fix NPE on some phones at startup.
cb1aec3 Remove old unused DreamsDockLauncher.
335c3b6 Caching the FixedSizeRemoteViewsCaches across rotation
fe3b1cb misc doc bug fixes
4c359b7 docs: fix a bunch of links from javadocs to api guides and add some attributes to Spinner and Switch
375d72b docs: Added docs for lint tool. Change-Id: I06192262b56e0333bcfbcac223395788f7b0d072 Bug: 5942358
0ae2927 Fix 6804479: "Emergency calls only" in notification shade
e38a6c5 Initial commit of GCM lesson for Cloudsync class.
7b661fb Implement CMAS service category program results.
8e49278 Fix tethering APNs
0804b6d docs: specify that adt v20 or higher is required for class
82f9196 Fix 5608959: Make keyguard follow user setting for orientation
cb58e6b docs: ADT r20.0.2 Release Notes, bug fixes - reprise of reverted: Change-Id: I66cfcb46c5f8a4825f1a12640dacc3c2c42ff348
eb48884 typo fix
9f061e2 fix information about layout overrides bug: 6852515
39871b7 docs: update Building Your First App class to reflect changes to New Project setup in eclipse
eef8340 doc: fix for NDK r8b release notes
7e5cb84 Revert "docs: ADT r20.0.2 Release Notes, bug fixes"
67922bb docs: add new IO videos playlist and update blog posts to show N7 post and Tools 20
15c257e Fix detection of CDMA cell broadcast messages.
4d5f968 Fix issue #6860828 Non-root shell can't grant permissions
b235bf6 docs: remove link that points to empty page
a5a0687 Prevent crash in AppWidgetHost that can be triggered by an AppWidget
aeffc93 Don't send terminal response without cmd details.
04364be docs: ADT r20.0.2 Release Notes, bug fixes
ce470e1 copy and image updates to patterns and building blocks
b949d41 update Google IO announcement on homepage
095cd2e Fix aapt -G to properly support class attr in fragment.
eebabd6 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
12a5475 docs: update hw accel attribute's default behavior and fix link to l10n tutorial
f4019af Improve test key names to reproduce public issue
ed930e5 Fix stuck status bars.
3409e72 Correctly pre-clip paths when recording display lists Bug #6836448 External bug: http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=34946
cd940ef docs: Updating <uses-sdk> docs, bug fix: b/6836256
0e9a5a7 Doc change: add button link to developer console.
67e6e0e docs: SDK/ADT r20.0.1, NDK r8b, Platform 4.1.1 Release Notes
65bc1c2 docs: fix broken links
7d55136 Fix our interpretation of apn setting's bearer.
28a3897 docs: re-add download.jd file to support archived SDK downloads
7b38133 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
d0e84d3 docs: Add link to action bar design pattern.
65363a8 docs: adjustments to correct text alignment
60c8f99 Doc update: GCM doc cleanup, continued.
e582746 Fixing issue where you couldn't set null RemoteViews for a widget
6b7b9b4 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
7b756e6 Doc change: API diffs for 16.
77cfe91 Doc change: Fixes to IAB purchase state docs.
a07ea5d Fixed the problem where getEntityAndIncrementCursor would always return "0" for attendeeIdentity & attendeeIdNamespace instead of the actual string.
0a386ff Text shadow alpha handling incorrect DO NOT MERGE
3b1ca78 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
bcf21e9 Properly switch MediaRouter to wired audio over a2dp.
0f8e402 Force invalidates on non-visible views. DO NOT MERGE
d792ef7 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
23edefc Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
3458009 Handle keyguard visibility states separately. DO NOT MERGE
d2d6c09 docs: ADK 2012 IDE for Windows download link update, plus minor content fixes/updates
f333f5f Handle keyguard visibility states separately. DO NOT MERGE
2ba2815 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
507c312 Doc change: New TTL error code.
514bdc3 Replace AndroidEmoji.ttf for UI optimization
25a916d Remove gradients from navbar glow highlights.
e60393a Remove the unnecssary intent call.
8e136f8 Fix for bug 6716343. Use correct offset for mPos reset. DO NOT MERGE
7cd6dcd Doc update: GCM doc cleanup.
9075248 Properly resize paletted bitmaps when adjusting for density
54a18ef Replace LruCache implementation for layoutlib. do not merge.
40a4ab1 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
333c099 Changed to obtain a parcel in each notify() call in jni.
e469e74 docs: new sitemap text file
01e1b83 docs: add largeHeap attribute to app manifest doc external issue 33967
fd51698 docs: misc bugs from external tracker
099fd80 docs: add throws notice for isPlaying per external issue 33610
fd29e8a DOC CHANGE: AOSP33968 Typo
67970e8 DOC CHANGE: AOSP 33831 - Typo
88eee99 docs: fix urls on homepage for offline docs
68e6649 Preserve retryCount when retrying.
1157e1a When reconnecting disassociate dc and apnContext.
74d762a Fix bug in parsing attributes for MediaRouteButton

** Project : frameworks/support
b41a213 Add missing docs to notification style rebuilder functions.

** Project : frameworks/testing
f612e6a more tweaks to visibility of methods, variables
ddc1008 UI Automator public API cleanup
50f012f Allow "click" logging to appear in logcat
2045d7d resolved conflicts for merge of 9858df8b to jb-dev-plus-aosp
467cca7 Noticed some clicks are fired but going ignored during tests
d367349 add API to get screen size in dp, and a skeleton test
bc0f493 Generate api stubs for uiautomator library.
3d50587 Clean up of code comments and fixed UiSelector clone

** Project : libcore
0bcfe10 Tracking DSA Signature.verify behavioral change
5e1acf9 Tracking DSA Signature.verify behavioral change
1f9fe21 Increment OpenSSLKey EVP_PKEY reference when it is selected for use with SSL_use_PrivateKey
6012ba8 Add test for isPubkeyBlacklisted
f9ace73 Tests for the CertBlacklist.
281be77 Fix even more CipherTest flakiness due to implicit random IV values
02e0e9b Make ZipFileTest#testHugeZipFile faster, and reduce ZipFile memory usage.
f19b9c4 Address more CipherTest flakiness due to random IV values
d3298cd Fix URLConnectionTest#test_getAllowUserInteraction.
3ff7a80 Signature.verify should not throw if called twice
4f81a06 TLS + SNI + proxy => bug : the SNI at the TLS layer is the hostname of the proxy instead of the hostname in the URL
2ac3f4d Address flakiness of doFinal and unwrap CipherTests

** Project : packages/apps/Calendar
02fd982 Modify doScroll to move based on the average of the touch points
298f397 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
08e839e Change loading background of widget items to match event background, so there is less flashing when rotating the screen.
e10180f Import translations. DO NOT MERGE

** Project : packages/apps/Camera
16687a1 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
d97a4ef Fix the crash when choosing pick your video in effects recording.
a4d59d4 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE

** Project : packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver
d716ca0 Add message ID cache to detect duplicate broadcasts.
21f2b9a Implement CMAS service category program results.
eef14be Fix CellBroadcastReceiver to ignore duplicate broadcasts.

** Project : packages/apps/Contacts
2dd9917 Removing code to handle "call" action from QSB suggestion

** Project : packages/apps/Email
48f9758 Don't set DPM password expiration unless it has changed

** Project : packages/apps/Exchange
f9ee00f DO NOT MERGE Fix calendar availability
09dff53 DO NOT MERGE Fix EAS backoff behavior

** Project : packages/apps/Gallery
d734c20 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE

** Project : packages/apps/Gallery2
ae04537 Do not accept fling gesture after we changed from/to filmstrip mode.

** Project : packages/apps/Launcher2
2efda95 Fixing landscape delete drop target padding.
fa4086d Fixing issue where selected tab did not match AllApps page upon rotation.
8ed3752 Fix issue where widget resize frame overlaps widget (issue 6493388)
c93e5ae Binding AllApps synchronously. (Bug 6855061)
1462de3 Ensuring that restoreInstanceState is being called promptly for synchronously bound page
a13a2f2 Fixing issue where defered unbind was running after synchronous bind. (Bug 6858398, Bug 6863181)
36e6c5b Disabling synchronous binding when returning home from another app while orientation has changed. (Bug 6792288)

** Project : packages/apps/Mms
364d926 SMS isn't converted to MMS even after 7 segments of messages
e2955da Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
e9023ad Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
1e1be6f Widget returning view type count of 1, uses 2

** Project : packages/apps/Nfc
43f2263 Fix type of collision resolution record.
327d0e7 Implement connection handover LLCP service.

** Project : packages/apps/Phone
36255b7 Adding contextual "Voice Mail" text to in-call dialpad.
12c60e4 Using SystemVibrator in the cases other than Ringer.java

** Project : packages/apps/Settings
ba60a45 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
c5acc13 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
059b123 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
3eee86b Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
ca511a8 Fix appwidget bind dialog
d7ae05d Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
723bdf1 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
eaeb8b6 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
4e53a0c Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
8442db2 Move Google-apps specific location settings to a Google package
c31f6b2 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
5419954 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
4635ec6 Strings for upcoming location settings changes.
13be546 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
509cfa1 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
35e404c Import translations. DO NOT MERGE

** Project : packages/apps/VideoEditor
0aa129b Use focal point for scrolling.
863925d Use a local copy of HorizontalScrolllView.

** Project : packages/inputmethods/LatinIME
c565eeb DO NOT MERGE: Clear cache of the user dictionary when a word is added

** Project : packages/providers/CalendarProvider
485a184 Fix event color query (which fixes the failing CTS test).
f98ed2e Fixed the problem where updating event colors would cause exceptions

** Project : packages/providers/ContactsProvider
ff91ec3 Tolerate crashes during re-aggregation.
084a9d5 Don't sort contacts supplied to global search app.

Ich denke auch, dass die Jungs von CM nicht lange brauchen werden und das relevante updaten! :)

via Google Galaxy Nexus
Auf meinem Galaxy Tab 2 habe ich die CM10 4.1.2 gerade draufgespielt :D Nexus ist am laden...

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Elting
Ui. Schon auf 4.1.2 Basis?

Das ging aber extreeeem flott :eek:

via Google Galaxy Nexus
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Egooktamuck
tomtom.z schrieb:
Ich habe das Problem das WLAN sich manchmal selbstständig deaktiviert doch aber auf on zeigt nach einem neu Start ist wieder alles in Ordnung
Das passiert mehr mals am Tag

Kent jemand das Problem und eine Lösung

jop ich habe das gleiche Problem schon seit einigen Wochen.
Hoffe mit jedem Release das es endlich gefixt ist.

kann mir bitte jemand sagen, ob bei CM10 ein lokaler Kalender vorinstalliert ist oder, ob es nur den Google Kalender gibt?
Google Kalender, ich selbst nehme aCalendar, der greift auch auf den Google Kalender zu.

Btw: Nightly von heute hat 4.1.2
  • Danke
Reaktionen: master84
Bondar schrieb:

Btw: Nightly von heute hat 4.1.2

In der offiziellen? Kann im Chanchelog nichts dazu finden, kann aber auch an mir liegen..;)

Gesendet von meinem Galaxy Nexus mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Also ich nehme dann mal an du hast die Offizielle genommen..

Dann lade ich mal;) Gapps wie gehabt vom 26.7?

Edit: Ok... der download ist leider extrem langsam.... muss es dann wohl später noch mal versuchen!

Gesendet von meinem Galaxy Nexus mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Korrekt, Offizielle.
Habe nur wipe cache und dalvik gemacht und drübergezimmert, an den Gapps habe ich mal nichts gemacht.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Eifel Pit
Im Changelog steht aber nichts davon, oder?
Komisch... normalerweise gilt doch auch für CM: tue Gutes und sprich darüber...

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