Endlich ein Musicplayer inkl. Album Art: Rockon

  • 35 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum
Hello everyone,

I am the developer of RockOn and I am very happy to see interest from the community on it. I was just browsing the thread to see what your feedback was like, but although I understand a bit of german I could not understand most of it. So I would like to just tell you that if you have questions, recommendations, probems or any sort of feedback (and can write a little bit of english), please let know. My contact is filipe.abrantes@gmail.com, and also check the website if you want more info:

RockOn for Android

Just to clarify also a little bit on the availablity of RockOn: it is free for download from the website, and in the Android Market for ~1.33 GBP/1.5€/1.99USD (if you want to support further development. I am totally ok with people getting it for free from the website, so dont worry if you dont buy it, Ill listen to you anyway!

I have a litle Problem with sampler album.
The interpreter from the first title is shown as the Interpreter of the entire album.
And the First Title/ Interpreter is used for the Cover instead of the Albumtitle.

Thanks for your great Work
Hey Filipe,

great to have you here! Thanks for the good work, the layout is awesome, but "forwarding" is a bit difficult. Futher I had the issue, that the RockOn Icon appears in the status bar - although I don't play any titles - even if I just started the phone.

So far for the moment, keep up the good work :)
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Thanks a lot for the feedback, I will take your suggestions into consideration. Namely making the icon in the status bar less persistent and also putting the correct artist name (for the cases of album with different artists).

It's really great to have the opportunity to get feedback so directly!

Have fun!
My problem with the interpreter is fixed, the "cover problem" is still there.

MFG DevilX
well... the cover problem is caused by rockon not being able to find the art from your album title. Could you post some of the titles (as they are in the mp3 id tags) so I can try them?

It can be that last fm simply does not have the art of those albums too.

Album: Jägermeister Rockhits der 80er
first title interpret : Europe
titel: The Final Countdown

The shown cover is unkown for me.

The same with:

Album: Jägermeister Rockhits der 70er
Album: Jägermeister Rockhits der 60er

Album: 100% Rock Vol.3
Album: 100% Rock Vol.2
This two has 6 Subfolder like 100% Rock Vol.2 (CD 1), 100% Rock Vol.2 (CD 2) and no cover is shown... could there be the problem?


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It is nice to hear from you. A home widget (for 1.5 users) would be awesome. :)
Hi Filipe,

first of all: thank u for the great rock on program!
But I ve a little problem with it: I choose a song as my ringtone and everytime when my phone rings, rock on starts. Unfortuanetly sometimes the phone connection break down, I guess that’s why rock on is searching for covers … can u fix that problem?


hi all,

check the latest version of RockOn. It fixes the starting to play when call finishes + more. It also allows you to send bug reports when rock on crashes.


(or through the android market)

Is it possible to ad an equilizer to the App?? That would be awsome:D
thx for all the updates and fixes fabrantes!
an EQ is not possible atm (at least not with an insane amount of work), as Android does not allow you to access to the raw sound channel
Hi Filipe,
first of all thank you for this great player, I love it.
I have one question / request though. Is it possible to display embedded album covers instead of the ones rockon gets from last.fm (I guess thats where they get downloaded from right?)?
I embedded cover arts into the mp3 files but rockon still shows the downloaded ones, which often times aren't the correct ones, especially for samplers with different artists etc.
Thank you and keep up the good work

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