[ROM][I9100][4.4.4] *12.11.14* SPIRIT v1.7 [OFFICIAL]

  • 355 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum


[ROM][KK][4.4.4][SPIRIT][v1.x OFFICIAL][I9100]

Galaxy S2-I9100

Deine Garantie ist nun ERLOSCHEN!
Das Spirit ROM Team erinnert dich daran Custom ROMs auf deine eigene Verantwortung zu nutzen, diese Builds sind AUSSCHLIEßLICH für das Galaxy S2 [I9100]
Das Spirit Team übernimmt keine Haftung für das 'Bricken' deines Gerätes!





http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2397942 [PA Gapps] (4.4.4)


Folge uns noch heute für Updates/Spirit Grafik/Problembehebung

Bekannte Probleme
- Diese ROM ist mit vielen Features bepackt & stabil (und effektiv)
-Probleme meldest du uns, Logcat oder es gibt keine Fehler!!


  • ROM wurde mit SaberMod 4.8 toolchain erstellt
  • Kernel wurde mit SaberMod 4.9 toolchain erstellt
  • erstellt mit -O3 level optimization
  • erstellt mit Strict Aliasing Regeln (die meisten patches kommen aus dem Linaro Gitweb)
  • ARMv7 and Cortex-A9 optimized string Bearbeitungsroutinen hinzugefügt


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: hrjde, Printer, Pr0TuRk38 und 3 andere
Danke @j1gga84 fürs aufmachen des Threads. Ich wollte es schon seit Wochen machen und vergaß es immer :) aber nun zur Rom. Diese läuft echt prächtig zwar nicht so gut wie meine geliebte SlimSaber aber dass kann auch Einbildung sein. Ich weiß grade nicht welche Gapps du verlinkt hast aber die von SlimRoms laufen auf jedenfall.
Build 20140511 is uploaded

Changelog :

- Recents: Google Recents
- Some improvements for active display
- Statusbar clock font style
- Allow disabling non intrusive incall ui + Add a non-intrusive dialog for incoming calls
- Notification drawer: full swipe to switch detection
- New CM theme engine
- Fix Lockscreen notification (proximity sensor)
- OMNI's performancecontrol
- TRDS: Dark InCallUI
- In-Call UI from blue to white
- All repositeries updated, see github...
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Pr0TuRk38 und j1gga84
Build 20140518 is uploaded

Changelog :

- Navbar toggle
- Audio theme
- Added ads blocker in settings instead of AdAway
- Up to date with CM repos

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 23:36 Uhr wurde um 23:37 Uhr ergänzt:

Schade nur dass niemand diese Rom hier benutzt
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Pr0TuRk38
Also ich nutze diese ROM schon eine Weile und bin fast vollkommen zufrieden. Hatte vorher beanstalk und C-ROM drauf.

Das fast zufrieden bezieht sich nur auf eine optische Kleinigkeit. Man kann den Netzwerktraffic nicht ausblenden, wenn keine Daten gesendet werden (war bei beanstalk möglich). Ja, ich weiß, dafür gibt es ein xposed - Modul.
Es gibt eine Version. Link steht ja im Opener und der Changelog folgt später laut Nico60
Build 20140531 is uploaded
Changelog :

- ads blocker removed
- Old-school (JB like) battery percents style
- Compass tile
- AOKP custom system animations updated
- Equalizer tile
- DocumentsUI: Add a standalone File Manager
- System app remover
- InCallUI: Add "Answer Via Speakerphone" Glowpad Target
- Up to date with CM repos
... and as always, for a full change log, have a look here
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ein neuer Build ist da. Changelog poste ich wenn Nico ihn bekannt gegeben hat.

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 11:46 Uhr wurde um 12:40 Uhr ergänzt:

Build 20140608 is uploaded

Changelog :

- Updated to 4.4.3
- SaberMod Toolchain updated to 4.8.4

Project name: bionic
  *Elliott Hughes - Fix pthread_detach for already-exited threads.

Project name: android_kernel_samsung_smdk4412
  *Muhammed Nazim - Linaro build Fixes

Project name: android
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - Track our own copy of chromium.org's openssl, AGAIN
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - 4.4.3_r1 -> 4.4.3_r1.1
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - 4.4.2_r2 -> 4.4.3_r1
  *Nico60 - Update SaberMod toolchain to 4.8.4
  *Nico60 - Revision change
  *Nico60 - Track my own toolchains

Project name: android_system_netd
  *Chad Brubaker - Move VPN routing decisions from iptables to ip

Project name: android_system_media
  *xplodwild - [2/3] audio_effects: Add a stereo widening effect
  *xplodwild - [1/3] AudioEffects: Add center frequency param to bassboost

Project name: android_external_libnfc-nxp
  *Vladislav Koldobskiy - Stop "LLC length mis-match" log spam

Project name: android_external_exfat
  *fusionjack - Compile with -Os to fix broken exfat

Project name: android_external_sqlite
  *Yuri.Sh - Restore NO Sync Patch for every row, only when finish adding.

Project name: android_external_bash
  *Paul Beeler - Fix build with GCC 4.8

Project name: external_skia
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - TEMPORARY: Disable qc-perf

Project name: android_external_fuse
  *fusionjack - Compile with -Os to fix broken exfat

Project name: external_bluetooth_bluedroid
  *Sumit Bajpai - BT:Don't open SCO on state change for multi party call on DUT.
  *pramod kotreshappa - Bluetooh: Fix for BTIF context stuck while updating INQ Responses
  *Pramod Sivaraman - Bluetooth: Handled delayed info rsp from remote during SDP
  *Satish kumar sugasi - Bluetooth : Ignores Included service read response event of HOGP remote
  *Nitin Arora - Bluetooth: Prevent unpairing if encryption returns conn timeout
  *Pramod Sivaraman - Bluetooth:CoreStack: DUT Stack Logging
  *AnubhavGupta - Bluetooth: Handle Open after set_config
  *Gaurav Asati - Bluetooth: Proper AV state movement.
  *AnubhavGupta - Bluetooth: Set rendering bit in COD for A2DP Sink
  *Nitin Shivpure - Bluetooth: Start preload timer before sending preload request
  *Hemant Gupta - HID: Prevent freeing buffer twice during set report
  *Hemant Gupta - HID-D: Don't always remove pairing on reception of VC unplug
  *Hemant Gupta - Bluetooth: Set sniff subrate with optimize latency value on HID link

Project name: openssl
  *Torne (Richard Coles) - Cherrypick "OpenSSL: add CVE fixes from 1.0.1h"

Project name: android_external_chromium_org
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - Revert "Webview: Implement the suspend/resume operation in webview of chromium"
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - Revert "gpu: Refactor GpuMemoryBuffer framework for multi-process support."

Project name: android_external_whispersystems_WhisperPush
  *Adnan - WhisperPush: Force unregister on IOError.
  *Adnan - WhisperPush: Update gcm registration id weekly.
  *Adnan - WhisperPush: Fix spelling.
  *Adnan - WhisperPush: Get a new registration id on each request.
  *Adnan - WhisperPush: Don't allow adb backup.

Project name: external_openssl
  *Dr. Stephen Henson - Fix for CVE-2014-0195
  *Dr. Stephen Henson - Fix for CVE-2014-0224
  *Dr. Stephen Henson - Additional CVE-2014-0224 protection.
  *Dr. Stephen Henson - Fix CVE-2014-0221
  *Dr. Stephen Henson - Fix CVE-2014-3470

Project name: android_device_samsung_galaxys2-common
  *fusionjack - Enable OPT_MEMORY
  *fusionjack - Enable SUPPRES_UNUSED_WARNING
  *fusionjack - Enable STRICT_ALIASING
  *Nico60 - Build with SaberMod and -O3 optimizations
  *sbrissen - galaxys2-common: fix front cam video recording

Project name: android_device_asus_grouper
  *Nico60 - Build with SaberMod and -O3 optimizations
  *dhacker29 - Update fingerprint to 4.4.3
  *The Android Open Source Project - Snapshot to 3fac2c96ae27d71378b421affda0caef6e5572c1

Project name: frameworks_base
  *Dan Pasanen - CameraTile: Launch default gallery app when long pressing active camera tile
  *Nico60 - Revert "Revert "[1/4] Dialer lookup""
  *Nico60 - Revert "Frameworks: Open source google dialer and more (4/5)"
  *Nico60 - Fix 4.4.3 merge
  *Lars Greiss - fix display does not turn off
  *Lars Greiss - fix listanimation mode
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - Fix layout recreation check
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - Add a HAF access permission
  *Jorge Ruesga - appops: enforce appop for bluetooth disabled action
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - Merge tag 'android-4.4.3_r1' into HEAD
  *Andy Mast - Don't cleanup overlay mapping for non-theme apps
  *Danesh M - UsbDebuggingManager : Handle race condition when toggling rapidly
  *nuclearmistake - Themes: uninstallThemeForAllApps shouldn't check if map is empty if it's null
  *Veeti Paananen - Temporarily hide lock screen unlock targets if opening a widget
  *Tom Marshall - fw: media: Handle NPE due to threading race
  *Roman Birg - WallpaperCropper: do not display null bitmaps
  *Ethan Chen - Themes: Update last postFinish call
  *Danesh M - Change defaultDreams to com.android namespace
  *Clark Scheff - Make theme change broadcast a protected broadcast.
  *Clark Scheff - Themes: Add '|' delimited list of components to broadcast
  *Andy Mast - Themes: Delete icon resources during uninstall
  *Andy Mast - Themes: remove unused code
  *Andy Mast - Cleanup app->{theme1,theme2...} mapping on uninstall
  *Andy Mast - Themes: Handle apps using "original-package" tag
  *Jorge Ruesga - apn: national roaming for ONO (Spain)
  *Flamefire - Fix resource leaks
  *Adam77Root - Fix hiding ADB notification
  *Steve Kondik - perf: Send a boost hint when a key on the navbar is pressed
  *Steve Kondik - perf: Don't persist the perf profile across a reboot
  *Jorge Ruesga - appops: Fix WIFI_SCAN AppOp permission index

Project name: frameworks_av
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - MediaExtractor: Add more skip conditions for the second-pass extractors
  *Praveen Chavan - stagefright: yield callbackDispatcher to writer only for video
  *Preetam Singh Ranawat - libstagefright: Fix to handle EAGAIN error on first read to source
  *Divya Narayanan Poojary - audio: mute duration at the beginning of recording
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - camera: Disable extra HDR frame on QCOM_HARDWARE

Project name: frameworks_opt_telephony
  *Jorge Ruesga - Telephony: Mock SMS (2/4)
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - Merge tag 'android-4.4.3_r1' into HEAD
  *Ethan Chen - Don't write blank baseband version

Project name: android
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - Track our own copy of chromium.org's openssl, AGAIN
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - 4.4.3_r1 -> 4.4.3_r1.1
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - 4.4.2_r2 -> 4.4.3_r1
  *Nico60 - Update SaberMod toolchain to 4.8.4
  *Nico60 - Revision change
  *Nico60 - Track my own toolchains

Project name: android_bootable_recovery-cm
  *Doug Zongker - fix vulnerability in bspatch

Project name: android_bootable_recovery
  *philz-cwm6 - fix compiler warnings
  *Matt Mower - Version
  *Steven Luo - Remove obsolete check on device_flash_type() before trying to read args from BCB
  *Matt Mower - Match AOSP get/set_bootloader_message() layouts
  *philz-cwm6 - f2fs: fix nandroid restore to f2fs partitions
  *philz-cwm6 - Support selinux context inside tar archive
  *philz-cwm6 - Fix 'media' exception:
  *philz-cwm6 - cleanup preserve data/media workaround
  *philz-cwm6 - fix null struct exception
  *philz-cwm6 - cleanup unused code
  *philz-cwm6 - do not include dead code

Project name: android_prebuilts_gcc_linux-x86_arm_sabermod-arm-linux-androideabi-4.8.4
  *Nico60 - 4.8.4

Project name: build
  *Ethan Chen - Generate extra userdata partition if needed
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - Merge tag 'android-4.4.3_r1.1' into HEAD
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - Merge tag 'android-4.4.3_r1' into HEAD

Project name: android_libcore
  *Mathieu Chartier - Fix java.util.Random performance regression.
  *Bernhard Rosenkraenzer - libcore/luni: Use -fno-strict-aliasing for now

Project name: vendor_cm
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - disabled packages: Add new GMS updater activity names
  *Arne Coucheron - cm: Enable KSM deferred timer for kernels supporting it

Project name: packages_apps_Mms
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - Merge tag 'android-4.4.3_r1' into HEAD

Project name: android_packages_apps_PackageInstaller
  *Dirk Rettschlag - PackageInstaller: Show current & new version

Project name: android_packages_apps_OmniSwitch
  *Lokesh Chamane - Fix the build
  *Vineeth Raj - Fix CA translations. This was breaking builds.
  *“choldimir” - OmniSwitch: update CA translations
  *maxwen - OmniSwitch: rework scroller fling
  *“choldimir” - OmniSwitch: Es translation

Project name: packages_apps_InCallUI
  *Nico60 - Revert "Revert "[3/4] Dialer lookup""
  *Nico60 - Revert "InCallUI: Open source google dialer and more (2/5)"
  *Nico60 - Fix 4.4.3 merge
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - Merge tag 'android-4.4.3_r1' into HEAD

Project name: android_packages_apps_Trebuchet
  *Raj Yengisetty - Fix bug: Scroll Effect issues in Workspace
  *Raj Yengisetty - Trebuchet:    Themes shortcut should take you to ThemeSettings preference fragment    instead of ThemeChooser

Project name: packages_apps_Settings
  *Jorge Ruesga - Settings: Mock SMS (3/4)
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - Merge tag '4.4.3_r1.1' into HEAD
  *Dirk Rettschlag - data usage chart: move color values to resource file
  *Roman Birg - Settings: give boot_completed receiver higher priority
  *Nalla Kartheek - P2P : Fix for P2P group name
  *kaiyiz - Settings: Fix error when input WLAN Direct name with long Chinese name
  *kaiyiz - Setting: Fix error when turn on wifi hotspot with long Chinese Ssid issue
  *Roman Birg - Settings: add TEME_SETTINGS intent and SHORTCUT category to ThemeSettings intent
  *Steve Kondik - settings: Move headset option, hide MoreDeviceSettings if empty
  *Michael Bestas - Settings: Remove screen rotation from accessibility
  *pramod kotreshappa - Bluetooth: Fix for device gets stuck in pairing
  *Smriti Gupta - Bluetooth: Acquire wakelock to turn on lcd during Connection

Project name: packages_apps_Calculator
  *Michael Bestas - Calculator: Remove unused string
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - Tie decimal and grouping separators to the locale

Project name: android_packages_apps_CMAccount
  *Lokesh Chamane - Fix the build for PAC
  *Roman Birg - CMAccount: offer to use WiFi to sign into Google Services
  *Chris Soyars - CMAccount: Use new hardware abstraction permission
  *Roman Birg - CMAccount: add HexoIcons notification on application of Hexo

Project name: packages_apps_Dialer
  *Dan Pasanen - OpenCnameReverseLookup: fix import class
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - ReverseLookup: Don't return OpenCNAM errors as caller IDs
  *Xiao-Long Chen - Dialer: Add support for OpenCNAM paid accounts
  *Nico60 - Revert "Revert "[4/4] Dialer lookup""
  *Nico60 - Revert "Dialer: Open source google dialer and more (1/5)"
  *Nico60 - Fix 4.4.3 merge
  *Yorke Lee - Fix jank in no favorites screen when showing/hiding dialpad DO NOT MERGE
  *Ethan Chen - Dialer: Correct geocode resource typo
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - Merge tag 'android-4.4.3_r1' into HEAD
  *Ihab Awad - New appearance and look and feel for dialpad.
  *Tyler Gunn - UX Changes: Dialer actionbar, tabs and searchbox. See CL 423036 for the searchbox text changes.
  *Yorke Lee - Add drag to remove for favorites in Dialer
  *Yorke Lee - Always call through to super.onBackPressed in DialtactsActivity
  *Yorke Lee - Hide voice search button if intent cannot be handled
  *Dan Pasanen - OpenCnameReverseLookup: fix import class
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - ReverseLookup: Don't return OpenCNAM errors as caller IDs

Project name: android_packages_apps_VoicePlus
  *Koushik Dutta - Fix received message duplication.

Project name: android_packages_apps_Bluetooth
  *Juffin Alex Varghese - Bluetooth-OPP: Avoid calling incoming notification if already notified
  *Pradeep Panigrahi - Bluetooth: Map: Add support to add CC list recipients in get Message
  *AnubhavGupta - Bluetooth: Allow A2DP Src connection while connecting other profiles
  *Ajay Kumar - Bluetooth :Fix to avoid the access of JNI gloabal reference object
  *AnubhavGupta - Bluetooth: Looging for A2DP
  *Pradeep Panigrahi - Bluetooth: Map: Bug fixes on Map Code.
  *Smriti Gupta - PBAP: Acquire wakelock on incoming connection
  *Gubbala Venugopal Rao - Bluetooth: Free bd_addr in avrcp getRcFeature callback
  *Rohit Singh - Bluetooth: Making Intent for pairing in foreground.
  *Gaurav Asati - Bluetooth: Update Current Track and Total Track number.
  *Pradeep Panigrahi - Bluetooth: Catch RuntimeException while setting system property

Project name: packages_apps_ContactsCommon
  *Nico60 - Revert "ContactsCommon: Open source google dialer and more (5/5)"

Project name: android_packages_apps_ThemeChooser
  *Clark Scheff - Allow filtering components when viewing a specific theme.

Project name: packages_services_Telephony
  *Nico60 - Revert "Revert "[2/4] Dialer lookup""
  *Nico60 - Revert "Telephony: Open source google dialer and more (3/5)"
  *Nico60 - Fix 4.4.3 merge
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - Merge tag 'android-4.4.3_r1' into HEAD
  *Roman Birg - Telephony: respect quiet hours vibration settings when ringing

Project name: packages_providers_DownloadProvider
  *Ricardo Cerqueira - Merge tag 'android-4.4.3_r1' into HEAD
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Truckerdidi und Pr0TuRk38
Build 20140610 wurde hochgeladen
Changelog :

Project name: android_kernel_samsung_smdk4412
*Nicolas Pitre - ARM: 7670/1: fix the memset fix
*Ivan Djelic - ARM: 7668/1: fix memset-related crashes caused by recent GCC (4.7.2) optimizations

Project name: external_bluetooth_bluedroid
*Schischu - bluedroid: increase uhid report buffer size for wiimote

Project name: android_external_chromium_org
*Robin Humble - reduce cookie tracking (1/4): add a way to count cookies

Project name: android_device_samsung_galaxys2-common
*fusionjack - galaxys2: Disable healthd battery polling log
*fusionjack - Increase wifi scan interval to 300 seconds

Project name: frameworks_base
*Andy Mast - Themes: Check CRC of APK MANIFEST.MF at install
*Matt Garnes - GEL Integration (1/3)
*Andy Mast - Theme special volumeup+down volume panel
*Andy Mast - sync status bar transparency state on theme change
*Andy Mast - synchronize updateStringCache on mAccessLock
*Andy Mast - Themes: Avoid compiling icon packs every boot
*roeefriedman - inputdevices: update from aosp (master)
*Jorge Ruesga - base: remove extra checks
*Vladislav Koldobskiy - SystemUI: modify AOSP RU translation
*maxwen - base: check also for mLayoutParams before calling checkForRelayout
*GwonHyeok - Keyguard: LockScreen Glowpad DoubleTap Gesture[2/2]
*MallardDuck - Modify the '+' shortcut & Other things/fixes
*Jorge Ruesga - appops: do not prune apps that are not present
*Martin Blumenstingl - MtpDatabase JNI: Fixed a memory-leak in getObjectPropertyValue().
*Nico60 - Revert "Revert "Fliptile animation: Compass Tile""
*Jacob Mueller - framework: Add compass tile (1/2)
*Nico60 - Revert "framework: Add compass tile (1/2)"
*Nico60 - Revert "Fliptile animation: Compass Tile"
*Robin Humble - reduce cookie tracking (3/4): add a way to count cookies
*Digish Pandya - Use alpha channel instead of red in drawCachedGlyphBitmap
*Digish Pandya - Correct stride for drawing to cached glyph bitmap
*namagi - SystemUI: prevent NPE on clear recents double press

Project name: frameworks_av
*Steve Kondik - av: QC AAC encoder supports 320KBps
*Jesper Tragardh - Fix memory leak when filtering commands in insertCommand_l()

Project name: frameworks_opt_telephony
*Martin Gross - Changing getPdus to use provided senderAddress to construct PDUs

Project name: android_frameworks_webview
*Robin Humble - reduce cookie tracking (2/4): add a way to count cookies

Project name: android_bootable_recovery-cm
*Bjorn Andersson - screen_ui: Initialize text buffer
*Doug Zongker - restore minui support for paletted images with < 8 bits

Project name: build
*fusionjack - Update flags with configurable suppress-unused-warning
*fusionjack - Update flags with configurable strict aliasing
*fusionjack - Update flags with memory optimizations

Project name: packages_apps_Mms
*Vladislav Koldobskiy - Hide "Insert smiley" if emoticons are disabled
*Vladislav Koldobskiy - Mms: disable SplitActionBar

Project name: android_packages_apps_OmniSwitch
*Lokesh Chamane - Fix the build
*maxwen - OmniSwitch: fix quick switcher derps

Project name: packages_apps_InCallUI
*Michael Bestas - InCallUI: Improve latest CAF strings
*Ricardo Cerqueira - Replace deprecated string resources.

Project name: packages_apps_Browser
*Robin Humble - reduce cookie tracking (4/4): onResume deletion of cookies

Project name: android_packages_apps_Trebuchet
*Raj Yengisetty - Update Icons - Default home - Themes icon
*Raj Yengisetty - When CustomContent is enabled prevent it from displaying in OverView mode
*Raj Yengisetty - Include settings check for displaying SearchBar

Project name: packages_apps_Settings
*Vladislav Koldobskiy - Hide "Volume adjustment sound" option on non-voice capable devices
*Adnan - Settings: Fix isPackageInstalled logic.
*Jorge Ruesga - settings: FC on quick settings editor on tablets without a vibrator
*Vladislav Koldobskiy - Settings: modify AOSP RU translation
*GwonHyeok - Keyguard: LockScreen Glowpad DoubleTap Gesture[1/2]
*Jacob Mueller - Settings: Add compass tile (2/2)
*Nico60 - Revert "Settings: Add compass tile (2/2)"
*Michael Bestas - Settings: Move home answer & power end call options
*Michael Bestas - Settings: Use consistent title for button wake up

Project name: android_packages_apps_PerformanceControl
*fusionjack - Added ability to disable logging
*fusionjack - Don't treat PerformanceControl as system app

Project name: packages_apps_Camera2
*Michael Bestas - Camera2: Fix AOSP mismerge
*Michael Bestas - Camera2: Fix AOSP mismerge

Project name: packages_apps_Dialer
*Yorke Lee - Hide shadow overlay for contact tiles with letter tile avatars
*nadlabak - Dialer: Update landscape layout to match 4.4.3 codebase
*Lars Greiss - Dialer: update TRDS for new 4.4.3 Dialer

Project name: android_packages_apps_Bluetooth
*Christian Hanner - Use round() instead of ceil() in calculation of a2dp vol slider position

Project name: packages_providers_MediaProvider
*hanpengx - Deactivate the MiniThumbFile when it is not needed.
*Mattias Nilsson - Clean up cursors in try/finally
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Pr0TuRk38 und j1gga84
Build 20140617 wurde hochgeladen

Project name: kernel_samsung_smdk4412
*Thomas Gleixner - Fix CVE-2014-3153
*fusionjack - Add arm flags
*Janson Kang - makefile: kernel faults with -fschedule-insns2 in GCC 4.8.2

Project name: android
*Jorge Ruesga - manifest: Add PhotoPhase repo
*Nico60 - Update kernel toolchain to SM 4.8.4

Project name: android_external_sepolicy
*Steve Kondik - sepolicy: Fix a few denials when using backup service

Project name: Superuser
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_external_whispersystems_WhisperPush
*Adnan - WhisperPush: Don't query active session if token is null.
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Toha - Bypass session provider if not registered.
*Adnan - WhisperPush: Create protected active session provider.

Project name: android_external_whispersystems_TextSecure
*Toha - Skip phone number formatting if local number is null.

Project name: device_samsung_galaxys2-common
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: frameworks_base
*Andy Mast - Don't create idmap if app doesn't have resources.arsc
*Clark Scheff - Fix icon support for secondary users.
*BigBrother1984 - HOVER: Theme Engine compatibilities and some resources tweaks
*Raj Yengisetty - Updating ActivityIntentResolver so that queryIntents doesn't return protected applications.
*Ethan Chen - SystemUI: Update UserTile from Google 4.4 code
*d34d - Themes: Set bounds on iconUpon
*Nico60 - White-space
*kaiyiz - Keyguard: Distinguish the TextView id of pinEntry
*fuzz - PackageManagerService: Prevent sending a SIGKILL while the device shutting down
*fuzz - tests: Hide new private APIs
*Clark Scheff - Themes: Get resources with an explicit theme attached.
*d34d - Don't log an error if we cannot open icon hash
*Nico60 - Remove duplicate floating mode in Slim RecentPanelView
*Nico60 - Revert "Add reboot tile (1/2)"
*cristianomatos - Fix soft reboot using power menu through tile, navring and recent long press
*cristianomatos - Power menu QS tile (1/2)
*Nico60 - Blame Hover
*lion0738 - frameworks: Fix blacklist in floating notification launch with expanded desktop on
*BigBrother1984 - HOVER: Fix a couple of things:
*BigBrother1984 - HOVER [1/2]
*lion0738 - Frameworks: Prepare for Hover (1/2)
*Nico60 - Revert "Floating window: Enable transparent layer"
*BigBrother1984 - Frameworks: Store dialpad showing state (1/2)
*cristianomatos - HALO: change holo blue to holo grey matching new drawables
*cristianomatos - New Halo drawables thanks to Arz Bhatia and PA team
*lion0738 - SlimRecents: add floating window menu
*lion0738 - SlimRecents: development shortcut
*Jubakuba - SystemUI: Add LongClick SwitchButton
*lion0738 - Frameworks: fix equalizer tile
*Nico60 - Duplicated strings
*Clark Scheff - Themes: Add categories to theme change intent.
*Raj Yengisetty - Add the appropriate @hide flag so we can build!
*Raj Yengisetty - Fix compile time error with Protected Apps
*Raj Yengisetty - Protected App [1/3] PackageManager: Add support for Protected App Components Adding protect flag to ApplicationInfo
*Unpublished - Core: DE translation
*Jorge Ruesga - listview: ensure active views are filled prior than scrap views
*Clark Scheff - Themes: Don't kill launchers that handle the theme change
*Clark Scheff - Themes: Don't set icons for iconpack that is applied.
*Clark Scheff - CM11 Themes: Add support for composed icons [1/2]
*Mihir Patel - hwui: Always enable the scissor while composing layer
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Andy Mast - Themes: PhoneWindowManager UI context on demand

Project name: frameworks_av
*Preetam Singh Ranawat - libstagefright: Fix app crash during pcm offload playback
*Krishnankutty Kolathappilly - libstagefright: Use channel count if channel mask is zero.
*Amit Shekhar - libstagefright: Fix incorrect comparison of mimetype

Project name: android_bootable_recovery
*philz-cwm6 - stop showing the background icon progress outside it's scope
*Matt Mower - Progress thread: less aggressive redraw
*Matt Mower - Enable cmdline nandroid backup of vold volumes
*Matt Mower - Refresh nandroid progress without on-screen text
*philz-cwm6 - enhance the progress thread update
*Matt Mower - Only chmod backup/blobs directory if it exists
*Matt Mower - Fixup nandroid-md5.sh with legitimate return code

Project name: android_prebuilts_gcc_linux-x86_arm_sabermod-arm-eabi-4.8.4
*Nico60 - 4.8.4

Project name: build
*Nico60 - Change build zip name (2/2)

Project name: development
*Ryuinferno - development: Remove QuickSearchBox

Project name: vendor_cm
*Nico60 - Change build zip name (1/2)
*Harindra - Added apn settings for Mobitel and Etisalat, Sri Lanka (MCC=413)
*Michael Bestas - Build FFMPEG plugin for all targets

Project name: android_packages_apps_CMUpdater
*Roman Birg - CMUpdater: update channels to reflect release structure
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_LockClock
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Mms
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Email
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_InCallUI
*Lorenzo M - InCallUI: ES translations (AOSP)
*Jorge Ruesga - incallui: make navigation bar translucent + other fixes
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*dankoman - InCallUI - Dialpad key digit color TRDS update
*dankoman - InCallUI - fix dialpad digits color while TRDS is on

Project name: packages_apps_Torch
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_CMWallpapers
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Browser
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Trebuchet
*Danesh Mondegarian - Trebuchet : Persist sorting mode
*Roman Birg - Trebuchet: don't crash when updating the "All apps" shortcut
*Raj Yengisetty - Revert "Trebuchet : Icon pack support"
*Raj Yengisetty - Remove old preference activity
*Clark Scheff - Use theme change categories and clear widget preview cache
*Raj Yengisetty - Trebuchet : Default workspace improvements
*Raj Yengisetty - Move Scrolling Wallpaper to new Trebuchet Settings
*Raj Yengisetty - Fixed: Empty status for Protected Apps any other non-state settings don't get cached view information from other settings.
*Matt Garnes - GEL Integration (2/2)
*David Marble - Improve margins for all tablets
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Raj Yengisetty - Protected App [3/3] Trebuchet - Protected Apps - Build fixed to work with LOCAL_SDK_VERSION - Fixed adding components to protected folders and adding protected folders to other folders - Fixed issues with EditText for FolderName - Adding support for Settings hooks - Uses Setting's LockPattern for Protected Apps - Add Read from Settings Secure DB (DO NOT WRITE!) - Protecting a folder updates Launcher without restart - Batch send component visibility
*David Marble - Improve margins for small tablets
*Clark Scheff - Handle theme changes

Project name: packages_apps_Calendar
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Settings
*black - Settings: Modify volume override summary for JA translation
*black - Integrate quite hours active period strings for JA translation
*black - Settings: Modify & add AOSP JA translation
*Danesh M - Settings : Fix CustomScreenColor when picking an image
*Nico60 - Revert "Add reboot tile (2/2)"
*cristianomatos - Power menu QS tile (2/2)
*BigBrother1984 - HOVER [2/2]
*lion0738 - Settings: Prepare for Hover (2/2)
*Michael Bestas - Move protected apps strings to cm_strings
*Raj Yengisetty - Protected App [2/3] Protected Apps Settings -> Apps: - Added Receiver which can send in a call to PackageManager to toggle a components protected status. - Add Protected Apps activity (available from Apps fragment) - Reads from ApplicationInfo state - Requires Pattern Lock to view/modify protected apps - Updates Settings Secure DB with protected components - Support resetting protected apps pattern lock
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*black - Settings: Modify AOSP JA translation
*Danesh M - Settings : Launch only contacts picker for blacklist entry

Project name: android_packages_apps_Apollo
*Shareef Ali - Apollo: Allow reading external storage
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Calculator
*Ricardo Cerqueira - Drop remnants of broken local locales
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_DeskClock
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_CMAccount
*Roman Birg - CMAccount: fix hideThemeSwitch comparison logic
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_DSPManager
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Camera2
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_CMFileManager
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_SamsungServiceMode
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Contacts
*Adnan - Contacts: Add indicators to quickcontact fragment.
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Adnan - Contacts: Add whisperpush indicator.

Project name: packages_apps_Dialer
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_VoicePlus
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Bluetooth
*Andrew Wyman - CYAN-3419: Major cleanup of email over Bluetooth MAP -Removed MIME hardcoding passing through to MCE -Restructured email address formatting and handling to stop confusing MCE -Added phone book lookup of contact name

Project name: packages_apps_ContactsCommon
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_ThemeChooser
*Andy Mast - Add 'Get More' Menu option
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*d34d - Remove all icons in onPreExecute()
*Clark Scheff - CM11 Themes: Add support for composed icons [2/2]

Project name: packages_apps_Gallery2
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_BluetoothExt
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_services_Telephony
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_inputmethods_LatinIME
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_PhaseBeam
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_PhotoPhase
*Jorge Ruesga - photophase: fix proguard flags
*Jorge Ruesga - Update license headers
*Jorge Ruesga - Tweak layouts
*Jorge Ruesga - Use the new google overflow button
*Jorge Ruesga - Notify data changed after return to albums view
*Jorge Ruesga - Integration clean up
*Jorge Ruesga - Bump version (1.0.6)
*Jorge Ruesga - Handle back button on ChoosePictureFragment
*Jorge Ruesga - Reduce synchronized lines
*Jorge Ruesga - Fix random disposition bug
*Jorge Ruesga - Fix NPE from getActivity() call

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_Galaxy4
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_providers_ThemesProvider
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*fuzz - ThemesProvider: Fix query compilation error

Project name: android_packages_providers_UserDictionaryProvider
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_hardware_qcom_audio-caf
*Shreyas Nagasandra Chandrasekhar - audio: Close the file descriptor in error scenarios
*Pavan Chikkala - audio: Force route call on HAL during device disconnection

  • Danke
Reaktionen: Truckerdidi, m3stolo und Spaulding89
Habe die Rom gestern installiert und bin bisher sehr zufrieden. Wo kann ich Einstellungen für Hover vornehmen?
Build 20140622 is uploaded

Changelog :

Welcome to 4.4.4

Project name: android
*Ricardo Cerqueira - 4.4.3_r1.1 -> 4.4.4_r1
*Matt Garnes - Add CMHome application.

Project name: android_external_busybox
*Michael Gernoth - stat: fix printing selinux context and null-dereference

Project name: WebKit
*Mikhail Naganov - Fix Java Bridge wrapper properties cleanup for multi-frame pages
*Mikhail Naganov - Cherry-pick "Export WebCore::forgetV8ObjectForNPObject"

Project name: openssl
*Torne (Richard Coles) - Cherrypick "OpenSSL: add CVE fixes from 1.0.1h"

Project name: android_external_chromium_org
*Mikhail Naganov - Backport "Recycle old V8 wrapper objects on navigations"
*Mikhail Naganov - Block access to java.lang.Object.getClass in injected Java objects

Project name: external_openssl
*Brian Carlstrom - Fix Early CCS bug

Project name: frameworks_base
*Nico60 - Duplicated strings
*Adnan - HeadsUp: Clean up.
*dankoman - FB: Add Dialpad key padding [2/3]
*gwindlord - SystemUI: Update circle battery UI to be in line with CM
*dankoman - FB: Add color values for ease of TRDS theming
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Clark Scheff - Themes: Theme immersive mode cling.
*Utkarsh Gupta - Floating window: Fix possible NPE
*Schubi - Slim Recents: Always show topmost task collapsed
*Lars Greiss - Frameworks: SlimRecents: user configurable default expanded mode (1/2)
*Schubi - Slim Recents: Option to show topmost task [1/2]
*Der-Schubi - HOVER: Option to exclude topmost app [1/2] Originally taken from Tigger2014: Tigger2014/android_frameworks_base-1@5af0e1c
*cristianomatos - Hover notification timeout (1/2)
*Der-Schubi - Hover settings (1/2)
*Jacob Mueller - QS: New torch icon
*Adnan - SystemUI: Expose heads up.
*Ricardo Cerqueira - Merge tag 'android-4.4.4_r1' into HEAD
*d34d - Fix PackageManagerService WTF in systemReady()
*Roman Birg - WallpaperCropper: include wallpapers from themes!
*Roman Birg - Add "Turn WiFi off" action to "Open networks" notification
*Ricardo Cerqueira - Revert "Vpn: Setup routes."
*Clark Scheff - Add status bar and navigation bar to ThemesContract
*d34d - Install themes and icon packs for secondary users.
*diesputnikdie - Fix for default USB debugging in eng builds.
*Michael Bestas - Remove lockscreen slide delay option (2/2)

Project name: android_frameworks_webview
*Marcin Kosiba - Sanitize selector Intent when handling intent: scheme.

Project name: android
*Ricardo Cerqueira - 4.4.3_r1.1 -> 4.4.4_r1
*Matt Garnes - Add CMHome application.

Project name: android_bootable_recovery-cm
*Doug Zongker - add the functions for multi-stage packages to updater

Project name: build
*Ricardo Cerqueira - Re-evaluate the pathmap if there's a recovery variant in play
*The Android Automerger - "KTU84P"
*Bart Sears - MR2.1 - Version 4.4.4. Here we go! DO NOT MERGE
*Ricardo Cerqueira - ota: Let devices specify their own recovery-from-boot.p installer
*Doug Zongker - add option to generate two-step recovery files
*Martin Blumenstingl - Fixed building incrementals when "no separate recovery" is specified.
*nuclearmistake - colorize non-fatal javac stderr yellow (and actually display it... at all)

Project name: cts
*Stuart Scott - DO NOT MERGE Update for version bump
*Alex Klyubin - CTS test for OpenSSL's early CCS issue (CVE-2014-0224)
*Unsuk Jung - Disable host side holotests also
*Nicholas Sauer - CTS report MUST not display raw performance numbers. bug:13347703
*Lajos Molnar - media: Refactor and improve robustness of AdaptivePlaybackTest
*Alex Klyubin - Fix a concurrency bug in OpenSSLHeartbleedTest.
*Alex Ray - hardware: consumerir: Increase test pattern length
*Alex Ray - hardware: consumerir: Fix time discrepancy
*Alex Klyubin - CTS test for Heartbleed vulnerability in SSLSocket.

Project name: vendor_cm
*Nico60 - Welcome 4.4.4
*Matt Garnes - Add the CMHome application to common.mk

Project name: packages_apps_Mms
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Darescu Ionut - Mms: Prevent popup window from closing

Project name: packages_apps_Email
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_InCallUI
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_CMHome
*Matt Garnes - Remove launcher icon for now.

Project name: packages_apps_Browser
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Trebuchet
*Matt Garnes - Fix CustomContent/CMHome bugs with settings.
*black - Trebuchet: Change icon labels option strings
*Raj Yengisetty - Adjust layout for readability in different languages
*Raj Yengisetty - Fix layout issues in Trebuchet
*Raj Yengisetty - Fix protected folder behavior
*Matt Garnes - Add a custom home screen to Trebuchet.
*Jorge Ruesga - trebuchet: custom home
*Michael Bestas - Revert font change support

Project name: packages_apps_Calendar
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Settings
*Nico60 - How i didn't see this before
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Nico60 - Heads up to head
*Schubi - Slim Recents: Option to show topmost task [2/2]
*Lars Greiss - Settings: SlimRecents: user configurable default expanded mode (2/2)
*cristianomatos - HOVER: Option to exclude topmost app [1/2]
*cristianomatos - Hover notification timeout (2/2)
*cristianomatos - Hover settings (2/2)
*Nico60 - Move expanded desktop to display settings
*Roman Birg - Settings: remove 'Brightness adjustment' from auto brightness dialog
*Roman Birg - Settings: Do not disable "Brightness control" setting
*Roman Birg - Settings: remove auto_brightness_adjustment_title string
*Adnan - Settings: Add HeadsUp setting.
*Steve Kondik - settings: Various cleanups
*Nico60 - Need some clean after the last commits
*Raj Yengisetty - Protected Apps:
*Adnan - Settings: Remove owner info from lockscreen options.
*fitsnugly - Settings: Remove V+ pref if V+ isn't present
*Michael Bestas - Settings: Fix lockscreen security strings
*Michael Bestas - Remove lockscreen slide delay option (1/2)
*Michael Bestas - Remove 'More device settings' menu

Project name: packages_apps_Calculator
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_CMFileManager
*black - CMFileManager: Update strings

Project name: packages_apps_Contacts
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Dialer
*dankoman - Dialer: Add Dialpad key padding [1/3]
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_ContactsCommon
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_ThemeChooser
*Eddy Witkamp - ThemeChooser: fix theme apps link
*Andy Mast - Hardcode 'Get More' entries
*Clark Scheff - Call launchGetThemesWebView if ActivityNotFound.
*Abhisek Devkota - FUUUU Camels

Project name: packages_services_Telephony
*dankoman - Telephony: Dialpad key padding [3/3]
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_inputmethods_LatinIME
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_PhotoPhase
*Jorge Ruesga - photophase: update strings
*Jorge Ruesga - photophase: restrict max value for background dim
*Jorge Ruesga - photophase: remove unnecessary flag
*Jorge Ruesga - photophase: force world redraw before put GLView in sleep mode
*Jorge Ruesga - photophase: remove unnecessary calls
*Abhisek Devkota - Update strings

Project name: android_packages_providers_ThemesProvider
*Clark Scheff - Make sure to update theme capabilities.

Project name: packages_providers_DownloadProvider
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Pr0TuRk38, j1gga84, Spaulding89 und eine weitere Person
Build 20140629 is uploaded


Changelog :
Project name: kernel_samsung_smdk4412
*fusionjack - Update flags

Project name: android
*Nico60 - Update arm-eabi toolchain to SaberMod 4.9.1

Project name: android_external_busybox
*Tanguy Pruvot - busybox-full: enable some new applets
*Tanguy Pruvot - tar: fix prototype typo, not for android config

Project name: external_skia
*Clark Scheff - Theme fallback font derp fix.
*Clark Scheff - Themes: Add system font families missing from theme

Project name: android_external_whispersystems_WhisperPush
*Adnan - WhisperPush: Respect blacklist on incoming messages (1/2).

Project name: frameworks_base
*Alex - Added Screenshot Tile [1/2]
*cristianomatos - Hover: underp tick not animating when app is blacklisted
*BigBrother1984 - HOVER: Don't process and/or show foreground app notifications - Don't show notification of foreground app - Animate the ticker in this case so user can see it
*David96 - HOVER: Fix notification content not being updated
*BigBrother1984 - HOVER: Ensure to clear after reparenting all notifications
*BigBrother1984 - HOVER: Match notification width on tablets too
*BigBrother1984 - StatusBarView: Avoid unnecessary calls to mHandler.post() Signed-off-by: Carlo Savignano <stevewatersy@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: David L.-W. <xD_e-mail@gmx.de>
*BigBrother1984 - ExpandHelper: Improve one finger expanding forced handling Instead of force returning false if view is null, setup a boolean to force it with custom views like hover. Cherry-picked from CM.
*BigBrother1984 - StatusBarView: Ensure to not overload in/out animations - Post animate call in main thread, thanks @David96 - Handle animation checking current view visibility
*Jacob Mueller - QS: Update heads up tile icons
*Nico60 - Revert "Halo: Add master switch to disable Halo (1/2)"
*cristianomatos - Halo master switch (1/2)
*Marco Nelissen - Fix thumbnail bug
*Viorel Suman - Fixed VM memory leak in AudioSystem JNI interface
*Maunik Shah - Fixing parcel leaks to avoid virtual memory leak
*Lars Greiss - SystemUI: Fix percentage charging color does not apply
*Lars Greiss - SlimRecents: Rework show top most task feature
*Lars Greiss - TRDS: Fix Volume panel background
*Nico60 - Fix reboot permission for Slim shortcut
*Kyrylo Mikos - SystemUI: Improve HeadsUp expanding performance.
*Adnan - HeadsUp: Respect system decorations when adding view.
*Adnan - HeadsUp: Add heads up quicksettings tile. (1/2)
*Adnan - HeadsUp: Add heads up blacklist options. (1/2)
*Clark Scheff - Themes: Use default_wallpaper for HOLO lockscreen wp
*Adnan - HeadsUp: Fix resetHeadsUpDecayTimer.
*Clark Scheff - Themes: Use first asset entry for lockscreen wallpaper
*Quallenauge - Wifi: Use bss->age identifier for wifi scan results
*Ethan Chen - PackageManager: Add option for single threaded dexopt
*Ethan Chen - PackageManager: Fix logic around upgrading text display
*Jorge Ruesga - keyguard: force marquee effect for carrier text
*Tom Marshall - MountService: Handle UUID in list response
*Roman Birg - Add "Turn WiFi off" action to "Open networks" notification
*Xiong Li - Activity chooser "Always" button is not working
*Dirk Rettschlag - Keyguard: fix NPE setting lockscreen wallpaper
*Danny Baumann - Fix frontOfTask assignment.
*Dirk Rettschlag - Theme IME switcher alert dialog
*Jorge Ruesga - accounts: don't remove accounts while device is in safe mode
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*d34d - Themes: Use INSTALL_LOCATION_INTERNAL_ONLY for legacy icon packs
*sssemil - Show notification on adb over network too
*Lorenzo M - InputDevices: ES translations (AOSP)
*Jorge Ruesga - base: don't show global actions if shutdown sequence was started
*Jorge Ruesga - base: properly check that quickboot is enabled
*Nico60 - Duplicated strings
*Adnan - HeadsUp: Clean up.

Project name: android_bootable_recovery-cm
*Pawan Kumar - recovery: Add support for split display

Project name: android_bootable_recovery
*Matt Mower - MD5: handle no newline at end of nandroid.md5
*Matt Mower - MD5: add a missing bounds check
*Matt Mower - Show logo bckgnd after install, backup, restore
*Matt Mower - Use OpenSSL libcrypto for MD5 checking
*Matt Mower - Allow selective restore of more than one partition
*Matt Mower - Code clean-up

Project name: android_prebuilts_gcc_linux-x86_arm_sabermod-arm-eabi-4.9
*Nico60 - 4.9.1

Project name: build
*Michael Bestas - build: Update supported languages
*Nico60 - Revert "[test] pass TARGET_THUMB_STRICT and -O3 to clang"

Project name: vendor_cm
*Lorenzo M - disabled packages: Add new GMS updater activity name
*Brinly Taylor - vendor:cm: fix an annoying typo
*Jorge Ruesga - vendor cm: Add PhotoPhase LWP
*Ethan Chen - Show LTE icon instead of 4G on all devices

Project name: android_packages_apps_CMUpdater
*Roman Birg - CMUpdater: select default update type if an invalid one is provided

Project name: packages_apps_Mms
*black - Mms: Change message counter string for JA translation
*Roman Birg - Mms: add MobilePaperShowActivity
*Jorge Ruesga - Mms: update new messages notification count
*Vladislav Koldobskiy - Mms: use Holo Light theme
*Jorge Ruesga - Mms: remove unnecesary reference to xxhdpi/ic_menu_call.png
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_PackageInstaller
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_InCallUI
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_UnifiedEmail
*Jorge Ruesga - email: prevent stock email app to unset firstSnippet on mark/unmark as read

Project name: android_packages_apps_Trebuchet
*Matt Garnes - Fix GEL integration for RTL mode.
*Raj Yengisetty - Fixed small Search Bar bug
*Matt Garnes - Fix CustomContent display issue.
*daeiron - Improve NL translation
*Michael Bestas - Update sw600dp allapps icon to kitkat
*Raj Yengisetty - Customizeable Dynamic Grid:
*Raj Yengisetty - Protected Folder Fragment: Add remove Shortcut from list.

Project name: packages_apps_Settings
*Alex - Added Screenshot Tile (2/2)
*Adnan - Settings: Remove unnecessary padding from HeadsUpSettings.
*Danesh Mondegarian - Settings : Use split action bar when entering profiles externally
*Michael Bestas - Settings: Fix strings for crowdin
*cristianomatos - Halo master switch (2/2)
*Nico60 - Revert "Add Option to HALO On / Off"
*Nico60 - Revert "Updates for HALO"
*Danny Baumann - Add some system packages to package list adapter.
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*M1cha - DisplaySettings: Add hardware-framework support for color enhancement
*Adnan - Settings: Fix switch state being out of sync.
*Adnan - Settings: Add heads up quicksettings tile. (2/2)
*Danny Baumann - Hide heads up settings and show a notice if heads up is disabled.
*Danny Baumann - Remove SystemSettingSwitchPreference.
*Danny Baumann - Deduplicate adapter-of-installed-packages code.
*Adnan - Settings: Add heads up blacklist options. (2/2)
*Raj Yengisetty - Reset Pattern: - If user cancels while creating new pattern, old pattern is restored
*Nico60 - How i didn't see this before

Project name: android_packages_apps_Apollo
*Shareef Ali - Apollo: fix npe when there is no data in the errorelement.

Project name: android_packages_apps_CMFileManager
*Jorge Ruesga - cmfm: create new activity stack when opening a new external intent
*Jorge Ruesga - cmfm: tweak flingerlistview

Project name: packages_apps_SamsungServiceMode
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Contacts
*Jorge Ruesga - quickcontact: fallback to default secondary action drawable

Project name: packages_apps_Dialer
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Bluetooth
*Michael Bestas - Bluetooth: Move cm_strings to cm_caf
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_ThemeChooser
*Clark Scheff - Cache ThemedTypefaceHelpers for better performance
*Clark Scheff - Only load system typefaces that do not exist in theme

Project name: packages_services_Telephony
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_inputmethods_LatinIME
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_PhaseBeam
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_PhotoPhase
*Michael Bestas - PhotoPhase: Fix typos
*Jorge Ruesga - photophase: adjust number of lines for disposition summary view

Project name: android_packages_providers_ThemesProvider
*Clark Scheff - Define reapply delay as a constant
*Clark Scheff - Reapply theme components in a runnable.
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Clark Scheff - Reapply theme components when theme updated.

Project name: packages_providers_DownloadProvider
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_providers_TelephonyProvider
*Danny Baumann - Fix accesses to MmsSms.CONTENT_CONVERSATIONS_URI.
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_hardware_qcom_display
*myfluxi - display: Fix build with current msm mdp kernel header

Project name: android_hardware_ti_omap3
*Dheeraj CVR - hwc: add a flag for devices with displays initialized by bootloader
*Steven Luo - hwc: only assemble debug logging info in hwc_set() if debug logging is enabled
*Steven Luo - hwc: disable idle timeouts until hwc_set() has been called at least once
*Steven Luo - hwc: fix initialization race condition

  • Danke
Reaktionen: The Dark Knight, Spaulding89 und Tommi33
Build 20140710 is uploaded


Changelog :
Project name: android
*Matt Garnes - Add CyanogenMod cardslib fork to default.xml.
*Chris Soyars - manifest: Remove duplictes, alphabetize
*Chris Soyars - manifest: Add android_external_jsr330

Project name: system_core
*ApurupaPattapu - audio: Add support for FLAC in compress offload path

Project name: android_external_jsr308
*Les Prock - Initial Commit

Project name: android_external_busybox
*Denys Vlasenko - lzop: add overflow check

Project name: android_external_JakeWharton_butterknife
*Les Prock - Android.mk for butterknife

Project name: android_external_square_javawriter
*Les Prock - Android.mk for javawriter

Project name: android_external_square_dagger
*Les Prock - update copyright notice for android.mk
*Les Prock - Android.mk for dagger and dagger-compiler

Project name: android_external_icu4c
*Ricardo Cerqueira - Refresh ICU data file

Project name: Superuser
*Michael Bestas - Revert "Superuser: Don't duplicate 'Allow' string"
*Michael Bestas - Superuser: Don't duplicate 'Allow' string
*black - Superuser: Add a string for JA translation
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_external_cardslib
*Matt Garnes - Altered CardArrayAdapter setEnableUndo to take a parentView to search instead of defaulting to searching the context for the UndoBar view. This assumption is wrong when we use cardslib in Trebuchet.
*Matt Garnes - Keep mInternalObjects in sync for CardArrayAdapter

Project name: android_external_whispersystems_WhisperPush
*Michael Bestas - WhisperPush: More kitkat ActionBar fixes
*Michael Bestas - WhisperPush: Update ActionBar to match Settings
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_device_samsung_d2lte
*Dave Daynard - d2lte: enable wifi display
*Drew Davis - d2lte:update init
*Dave Daynard - Revert "more cache tweaks"
*Dave Daynard - apexq: update compass for new sensors
*Dave Daynard - d2lte: add permissions for color calibration

Project name: device_samsung_galaxys2-common
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_device_samsung_qcom-common
*Arne Coucheron - qcom-common: Remove mpeg4/h263/h264 ffmpeg entries
*Drew Davis - qcom-common: remove cpufreq permissions now set by uevent

Project name: android_device_samsung_msm8960-common
*Dave Daynard - DisplayColorCalibration: Increase range
*Dave Daynard - cmhw: add DisplayColorCalibration tunables
*Spegelius - Fix jactivelte CameraWrapper crash

Project name: frameworks_base
*Roman Birg - WallpaperCropper: load wallpapers in the background
*Clark Scheff - Themes: Add URI for querying previews of applied components.
*Andy Mast - Themes: Add method to "apply all" a theme
*Jorge Ruesga - quiethours: do not play screenshot sound
*Roman Birg - frameworks: set default expanded desktop style
*Jorge Ruesga - quiethours: inclusive start hour
*Nico60 - Hover switch (1/2)
*Clark Scheff - HeadsUp: Only remove heads up if attached to window
*Michael Bestas - Revert "InputDevices: ES translations (AOSP)"
*Adnan - SystemUI: Clear disappearing children and remove HeadsUp on recreate.
*Danny Baumann - Fully fix interaction between torch and camera usage.
*Roman Birg - add framework torch service
*Satya Krishna Pindiproli - Revert " Audio: SetForceUse config check in AudioService"
*Dante Russo - Use a content observer for getting the default APN
*Sagar Regmi - server: clear forwarding rules when tethering is disabled
*Maunik Shah - frameworks/base: Fix binder parcel leak with getMetadata() API
*Kenny Root - Use the correct package name for CHOOSER.
*Kenny Root - KeyChain: add explicit package for getPrivateKey.
*Jim Miller - Fix crash in widget pager - DO NOT MERGE
*Clark Scheff - Themes: Style, boot animation, and wallpaper previews
*Danny Baumann - Allow subclasses to override bindPreferences().
*Willi Ye - [1/2] CPUFreq Tile
*neighbors28 - Show Seconds next to StatusBar Clock [1/2]
*Adnan Begovic - Revert "listview: ensure active views are filled prior than scrap views"
*Ethan Chen - MountService: Check for null pointer when looking for vold code
*Michael Bestas - Fix translatability of External media format message
*Adnan - BaseStatusBar: Dismiss heads up on backpress.
*Clark Scheff - Themes: Add icon previews to ThemesContract
*Clark Scheff - Add previews to the themes contract.
*Clark Scheff - Use systemui's applied theme for notifications.
*Clark Scheff - Allow specifying a theme when creating a Context
*Clark Scheff - Add getThemedResourcesForApplicationAsUser()
*Andy Mast - Modify config to support app specific themes [1/4]
*Andy Mast - Use ArrayListExtra for broadcasting theme changes [1/2]
*Adnan - PhoneStatusBar: Readd headsup view when theme change occurs.
*Clark Scheff - Themes: Update LoadedApk resources.
*Clark Scheff - Revert "Send broadcast when package is 'about' to be removed"
*neatchee - Virgin Mobile (MNC07) considered non-roaming on Movistar (MNC02)
*neatchee - Noverca (MNC07) considered non-romaing on TIM (MNC01)
*neatchee - Telenet (MNC05) considered non-roaming on Mobistar (MNC10) wq
*jiayuanr - Remove getBoundTexture().
*Digish Pandya - hwui: fix possible null pointer de-refrence
*Lu, Shenghua - update parameters in uploadToTexture() for GLES20
*jiayuanr - Fix the texture ID reuse issue in HWUI.
*mengsun - Common: Add the api to parse the string to current language
*Venkata Narendra Kumar Gutta - audio: Inform audio HAL if it is a voice call initiated by Telephony
*Uma Maheshwari Bhiram - Frameworks: Fix to avoid crash when the tab is not set.
*Uday Kiran jandhyala - Added validity check for Pointer Index
*Ramjee Singh - audio: Fixed dead lock in AudioService during volume change
*radhakrishna - base: Add support for FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS
*Uma Maheshwari Bhiram - Fixing IndexOutOfBounds Exception in ActivityManager
*kaiyiz - MMS: Fix Messaging will force close after tap one item in suggestion list
*Abhishek Arpure - Applications crash observed while selecting words from suggestion list
*wangjing - base: App crash when select suggestion's length more than specified.
*Abhishek Arpure - IndexOutOfBoundsException observed rarely in ProcessStats
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Frant1c - base: LT translations
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Jorge Ruesga - base: fix volumen panel traslucent after stream icon click
*Jorge Ruesga - systemui: SignalClusterTextView fixes and optimizations

Project name: frameworks_av
*myfluxi - libstagefright: getHFRRatio should return 1 by default
*Steve Kondik - media: Fix visibility of destructor
*Li Sun - httplive: fix issues during httplive streaming seek
*Santhosh Behara - libstagefright: Disable smoothstreaming for secure playback
*Praveen Chavan - stagefright: Do not drop encoded frames when writer is paused
*Preetam Singh Ranawat - audioflinger: remove wake lock implementation from APS
*Praveen Chavan - stagefright: avoid crash while seeking MKV content
*Ricardo Cerqueira - stagefright: OMX.ffmpeg.* are software decoders, ensure they're treated as such
*Steve Kondik - stagefright: More custodial engineering
*Steve Kondik - libstagefright: Don't invoke FFMPEG for MP3
*Eric Laurent - stagefright: fix offloading HE-AAC sampling rate.
*Steve Kondik - mp3dec: Hide legacy stuff
*Satish Babu Patakokila - frameworks/av : Add Null check for Audio Track
*Steve Kondik - stagefright: Fix the input channel count
*Robert Shih - Added support to query ACodec whether adaptive playback is enabled.
*Santhosh Behara - RTSP: Don't post AUTimeout check during pause when EOS is nearing
*Daniel Bonnevier - Set the correct audio bit rate for camera recorded content
*Guoliang Ji - accelerate camera recording start up speed
*Wang Liyong - Fix for getPosition after seek
*Sharad Sangle - audioflinger: Ensure SRS effects are applied on active tracks
*Divya Narayanan Poojary - audio:Avoid AudioTrackThread if Track creation fails
*Ricardo Cerqueira - stagefright: OMX.ffmpeg.* are software decoders, ensure they're treated as such
*Arne Coucheron - libstagefright: Fix wrong ifdef
*Ethan Chen - Camera: Update MemoryHeapIon

Project name: frameworks_native
*Ethan Chen - egl: Fix typo
*Michael Bestas - Fix QCOM_BSP ifdef
*Alberto96 - egl: Add support for BGRA_8888 format
*Mathias Agopian - reduce PB size from 2MB to 512KB
*Ethan Chen - binder: update MemoryHeapIon
*Jeykumar Sankaran - frameworks/native: Reset dirtyRect after every queuebuffer call.
*Ramkumar Radhakrishnan - sf: Validate display device id and disable dirtyrect composition

Project name: android
*Matt Garnes - Add CyanogenMod cardslib fork to default.xml.
*Chris Soyars - manifest: Remove duplictes, alphabetize
*Chris Soyars - manifest: Add android_external_jsr330

Project name: android_bootable_recovery-cm
*Tom Marshall - sr: Always format data on non-datamedia devices
*Tom Marshall - Fix build for !QCOM_BSP

Project name: android_bootable_recovery
*Matt Mower - Version
*Matt Mower - Only show Mount USB storage if UMS possible
*Matt Mower - Support capacitive touch keys
*Tom Marshall - Improve touch code
*Matt Mower - MD5: Abort on errors for cmdline nandroid restore
*Matt Mower - Expose ui_has_initialized
*Pawit Pornkitprasan - recovery: SEARCH should work as SELECT_ITEM

Project name: build
*Michael Bestas - build: Disable Tamil locale
*Brint E. Kriebel - releasetools: Properly handle custom values for tools
*Brint E. Kriebel - img_from_target_files: Create md5 hashes for each file
*Brint E. Kriebel - releasetools: Fix error text in ota_from_target_files

Project name: vendor_cm
*neatchee - Cricket merged with AIO, add APN

Project name: proprietary_vendor_samsung
*ljzyal - superior:workaround for some media error

Project name: android_packages_apps_CMUpdater
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Jorge Ruesga - cmupdater: run abort in a non-uithread

Project name: android_packages_apps_LockClock
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_VoiceDialer
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_VideoEditor
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Mms
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Exchange
*Jorge Ruesga - exchange: use port returned by autodiscover response
*Jorge Ruesga - exchange: try all autodiscover entrypoints
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Email
*Michael Bestas - Email: Set untranslatable
*Michael Bestas - Email: Fix for crowdin
*Jorge Ruesga - email: fill from autodiscover data when available
*Jorge Ruesga - email: hide send feedback menu if feedback uri is empty
*Jorge Ruesga - email: add auto fetch attachments for POP3 accounts
*Jorge Ruesga - email: prevent NPE in EmailProvider
*Jorge Ruesga - email: display a "load more" button
*Jorge Ruesga - email: fix save attachment to storage for pop3 accounts
*Jorge Ruesga - email: don't report blank attachment location for dummy attachments
*Michael Bestas - Email: Fix for crowdin
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_PackageInstaller
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_InCallUI
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Stk
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Torch
*Danny Baumann - Make torch shutdown by camera usage work properly.
*Roman Birg - Torch: signal to framework TorchService not to kill us
*Roman Birg - Torch: Allow torch to be toggled off without knowledge of state
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_CMWallpapers
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Browser
*Tom Marshall - browser: Fix occasional NPE
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_UnifiedEmail
*Michael Bestas - UnifiedEmail: Update "Fetching message" string
*Jorge Ruesga - unifiedemail: display a "load more" button
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Trebuchet
*Raj Yengisetty - Fix for disappearing icons bug.
*Raj Yengisetty - Fixes: - Hide search bar if live settings are toggled in overview mode - Restore workspace outlines in overview mode after live settings changes
*Raj Yengisetty - Fixing issues introduced in 31cc95a0: - HotSeat needs go visible/invisible when transitioning in and out of overview mode - Animation listener for setting alphas needs to remove itself when the animation finishes
*Roman Birg - Trebuchet: launch framework WallpaperPicker
*Raj Yengisetty - Smooth out slide in/out animation for the overview panel
*Raj Yengisetty - Minimize greedy UI updating for Live Settings
*Roman Birg - Trebuchet: always set initial wallpaper offsets
*Matt Garnes - Fix CMHome related bugs.
*Matt Garnes - Fix Settings Panel bug causing frozen overview.
*Danny Baumann - Clean up protected apps code (2/2)
*Andy Mast - Use ArrayListExtra for broadcasting theme changes [2/2]
*black - Trebuchet: Change multiplication sign
*fuzz - Trebuchet: Adjust the grid size screen layout for sw600dp
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Nfc
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Calendar
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Settings
*Roman Birg - Settings: update default expanded desktop style
*Nico60 - Hover switch (2/2)
*black - Settings: Update strings
*Frant1c - Settings: LT translations
*Danesh Mondegarian - Settings : Add tap/pay help url
*Danny Baumann - Check locale when populating DB instead of using separate receiver.
*Danny Baumann - Improve search UX prior to load being finished.
*Adnan - Settings: Disable search item in some fragments.
*Dan Pasanen - DisplayColor: Properly handle a minValue
*Adnan - Settings: Bump SettingsSearch db version.
*Danny Baumann - Improve search performance.
*Danny Baumann - Highlight search string match.
*Danesh Mondegarian - Settings : Scroll to preference on search and highlight
*Adnan - Settings: Don't match action bar parent for search on tablets.
*Danny Baumann - Clean up protected apps code (1/2)
*Willi Ye - [2/2] CPUFreq Tile
*neighbors28 - Show Seconds next to StatusBar Clock [2/2]
*Danesh M - Settings : Preserve title id
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Fix duplicate notification light string
*Michael Bestas - Fix translatability of modified ADB strings
*Michael Bestas - Fix translatability of modified dev countdown strings
*neatchee - Change "Stay Awake" description to match behavior
*Michael Bestas - Partially revert "Settings: Fix strings for crowdin"
*Danny Baumann - Show parent fragment name in option search.
*Danesh M - Settings : Get actionbar post extra retrieval
*Danesh M - Settings : Make search locale friendly
*Danny Baumann - Clean up search code.
*Clark Scheff - Allow changing theme to Holo.Light without crashing
*Adnan - Settings: Check to see if menu items are null onPause.
*Adnan - Settings: Make settings searchable.
*Danny Baumann - Fix heads up action bar switch handling for tablets.
*Christopher R. Palmer - settings: Auto-brightness levels shouldn't fill the screen
*Christopher R. Palmer - settings: Unbreak wifi display on tablets
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Apollo
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Calculator
*Xlythe - Calculator: fix exponents in matrices
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Frant1c - Calculator: LT translations
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_DeskClock
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_PerformanceControl
*Vineeth Raj - add missing drawable-mdpi resources (were causing resource.not.found exceptions)

Project name: packages_apps_CMAccount
*Michael Bestas - Fix typo in AndroidManifest.xml
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_SoundRecorder
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_DSPManager
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Tag
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Camera2
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Frant1c - Camera2: LT translations
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_CellBroadcastReceiver
*Nico60 - Merge branch 'cm-11.0' of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andro...adcastReceiver into kitkat

Project name: android_packages_apps_CMFileManager
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_HTMLViewer
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_SamsungServiceMode
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Contacts
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Dialer
*Danny Baumann - Improve callstats number matching code.
*Danesh M - Dialer : Don't hold on to views used in listviews
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_KeyChain
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Bluetooth
*Michael Bestas - Fix typo in AndroidManifest.xml
*Michael Bestas - Bluetooth: Fix the build
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_ContactsCommon
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_ThemeChooser
*fenghn888 - Update ChooserBrowseFragment.java
*Andy Mast - Modify config to support app specific themes [2/4]
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Gallery2
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_BluetoothExt
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_services_Telephony
*Ricardo Cerqueira - FDN: Don't crash when attempting to change the PIN2 without a SIM
*Jorge Ruesga - Telephony: update number of missed calls in notifications
*Dan Pasanen - Network Settings: move APN to common area, both CDMA and GSM use this
*Dan Pasanen - toggleLTE: switch to Global mode on devices that default to it
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_screensavers_PhotoTable
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_screensavers_Basic
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_inputmethods_LatinIME
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_PhaseBeam
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_NoiseField
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_PhotoPhase
*Danny Baumann - Improve preference summary strings.
*Danny Baumann - Fix color picker layout.
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_MusicVisualization
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_HoloSpiral
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_Galaxy4
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_LivePicker
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_Basic
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_MagicSmoke
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_providers_ThemesProvider
*Andy Mast - Themes: Only reapply fonts, icons and overlays
*Clark Scheff - Modify config to support app specific themes [3/4]
*Clark Scheff - Don't call insertCapabilities for legacy icon packs.
*Clark Scheff - Revert "Reapply theme components in a runnable."
*Clark Scheff - Revert "Listen for ACTION_PACKAGE_BEING_REMOVED"
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_providers_DownloadProvider
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_providers_MediaProvider
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_providers_UserDictionaryProvider
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_providers_CalendarProvider
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_providers_ContactsProvider
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_providers_TelephonyProvider
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Jorge Ruesga - blacklist: normalize phone numbers to E164 standard

Project name: android_hardware_qcom_display-caf
*synergy dev - libgenlock: Remove <linux/libgenlock.h> include
*synergydev - caf: hwcomposer: build with gcc
*synergydev - libhwc: Lower optimization level

Project name: android_hardware_qcom_media-caf
*Nico60 - Fix aliasing violations

Project name: android_hardware_qcom_audio-caf
*nuclearmistake - alsa_sound: Fix aliasing violations (properly)
*Ramjee - audio: Starting proxy thread when there is an active stream
*Manish Dewangan - mm-audio: Remove omx decoder components from mm-audio folder
*Haynes Mathew George - mm-audio: aenc: timestamp fixes
*Gopikrishnaiah Anandan - hal: fix mutex unlock issue
*Karthik Reddy Katta - alsa_sound: call voice volume api for direct output also
*Preetam Singh Ranawat - policy_hal: Set the output devices in ascending order of outputs
*Mingming Yin - Revert "audio: primary desc check for sonification"
*Zhou Song - audio_policy: force cancel unexecuted device routing command

Project name: hardware_libhardware_legacy
*Zhou Song - audio_policy: Fix for audio routing speaker though BT is connected
*Chaithanya Krishna Bacharaju - audio: Handle sonification for last stream in stopOutput
*ApurupaPattapu - audio: New audio format for FLAC

  • Danke
Reaktionen: Spaulding89, Tommi33 und m3stolo
Hallo in die Runde,
ich habs Update bei mir leider wieder runterschmeissen müssen da meine gekaufte SystemTuner-App danach verschwunden war und obwohl im Playstore vorhanden wollte sie einfach nicht mehr installiert werden, warum auch immer. Da hätte ich ja noch drauf verzichten können aber nachdem ich den Dori wieder drauf hatte bekam STweaks kein Root mehr, kann sein das sich SU und SuperUser nicht entscheiden konnten wer nun die Berechtigung geben darf, jedenfalls war das dann der Grund warum ich wieder zur vorigen Version zurück bin. Falls jemand auch den Dori benutzt und STweaks bei ihm funzt wäre ich für eine kleine Hilfe wie das geht dankbar.

Hallo ! Versuch mal über die Recovery die SuperSU neu zuinstallieren :thumbup:


  • UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.01.zip
    1,2 MB · Aufrufe: 207
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Tommi33
Hi Sourly, werde ich gleich mal ausprobieren, schaun mer mal. Nachtrag: Läuft, Danke Dir.

@Darkmenneken: ich weiss zwar nicht was du gegen den Systemtuner hast aber ich finde die App nunmal ganz nützlich um mich zum Beispiel über den Systemstatus fix zu informieren, tunen tue ich darüber nix, da dreh ich an anderen Schrauben

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Startpost entsprechend dem aus dem xda-Thread angepasst :)

  • Danke
Reaktionen: Spaulding89

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