[ROM][I9100][4.4.4] *12.11.14* SPIRIT v1.7 [OFFICIAL]

  • 355 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum
Hallo an alle. Habe seit heute Nachmittag einen Fehler mit dem Akku Symbol. Das Akku Symbol zeigt an das es geladen wird obwohl das Handy nicht lädt. Wenn ich das Handy ausschalte kommt auch display das grosse akku laden Symbol. Kann mir da jemand weiterhelfen?

Cache partition und dalvik schon probiert.
Könnte sein dass dein USB Port verschmutzt ist.
Mit Zahnbürste reinigen oder auswechseln
Hatte ich auch schon 2 mal
Wie kann ich den denn am besten sauber macher? Hab mit einer kleinen Bürste gereinigt. Keine Wirkung. Wenn ich stark reinpuste geht es kurz auf normal. Fängt dann aber sofort wieder an zu laden.
Wenn das keine Wirkung hat kannste wirklich nur noch tauschen.

Entweder wenn 2 Jahre noch nicht rum sind --> Garantie

Oder selber machen:
Besorg dir sowas:
Original Galaxy S2 / I9100 Ladebuchse Mikrofon Dock Connector Flex Micro USB | eBay

und folge der Anleitung:
Samsung Galaxy S2 USB Flexkabel austauschen [Deutsch|HD] - YouTube

Ich habe es damals getauscht ohne das Mainboard auszubauen.
ein bissle anheben und das Flexkabel drunter schieben.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: seeWood
Ja vielen dank für die info. Hab jetzt nochmal etwas doller mit ner Zahnbürste gemacht. Das mag das Handy ja gar nicht ne;-) display aus/an, Uhrzeit komisch angezeigt. Bildschirm flackerte. Naja richtig gehen tut es nicht. Hmmmmm

Als ich jetzt das Handy ans laden gesteckt hab kam die Meldung Automodus aktiviert. Habe direkt deaktiviert. Glaube das hängt mit dem USB Anschluss zusammen. Automodus hab ich vorher noch nie gehabt
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Jupp, den Automodus hatte ich auch mal ohne Auto. Bei mir hat vorsichtiges Ausblasen mit Druckluft geholfen danach war wieder alles in Ordnung.

  • Danke
Reaktionen: KST66, Peider, j1gga84 und 3 andere
Gruezi Miteinander

Changelog für die v1.6 !

Project name: bionic
*Xin Qi - Use memmove from krait for cortex-a53 target
*Pracheer - msm8916: Enable QCOM bionic optimizations

Project name: android_kernel_samsung_ks01lte
*solk2 - sec_debug: Fix building.
*Maheshwar Ajja - msm: vidc: Send resolution along with output buffer
*solk2 - msm: serial: Fix for bluesleep crash.
*Laxminath Kasam - wcd9xxx: core: Fix crash while headset insert and remove
*Haynes Mathew George - ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Fix for cmd status overwrite
*Sudheer Papothi - ASoC: wcd9xxx: Set chopper settings for UHQA mode
*solk2 - mmc: Fixes after updates. Fixed CMD52 CRC Errors.
*solk2 - bluesleep: Revert changes after latest updates.
*solk2 - sec_debug: Update forgotten files. Fix reboot to normal mode when... ...SEC_DEBUG not set.
*solk2 - fs: cifs: Fix warning.
*Steve Kondik - msm: qdsp6v2: Allow 320K AAC encoding
*solk2 - ks01lte: Genereated full defconfig.
*solk2 - ks01lte: Update defconfig.
*solk2 - wcd9xxx-mbhc: Merged with OPPO. Fixes BCL lock issues.
*solk2 - Use correct type for system_rev.
*solk2 - barcode_emul: Removed barcode_emul_ice4_hlte from Makefile.
*solk2 - ARM: DT: Fixes and cleanup in msm8974-sec.dtsi:
*solk2 - ARM: DT: Set jack-type to 4-pole.
*solk2 - ARM: DT: Remove heap-align from adsp help. Not used for DMA.
*Drew Davis - jf: wifi: dont wake for multicast; pass ip6
*Steve Kondik - asoc: wcd9320: Fix SVA runtime PM
*Bhalchandra Gajare - ASoC: msm-lsm-client: Handle close gracefully
*Aravind Kumar - ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: avoid null pointer dereference
*Gopikrishnaiah Anandan - ASoC: core: Add compat ioctl support for listen driver
*Venkat Sudhir - ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Fix event status issue for Sound Model V1
*Venkat Sudhir - ASoC : msm: Add IOCTL for Listen LookAhead Buffering
*Venkat Sudhir - ASoC: msm: Add MultiKeyword support for Listen
*Srikanth Uyyala - ASoC: msm: metaInfo support in acdb kernel driver
*Satya Krishna Pindiproli - ASoC: wcd9320: Set Audio MAD IIR coefficients from ACDB
*Takashi Iwai - ALSA: control: Fix missing VOLATILE flag at creating controls
*Vitalii Kulikov - bcmdhd/bluetooth: Use I9506 OSRC samsung drop with some fixes.
*Saravana Kannan - PM / devfreq: governor_bw_hwmon: Add suspend/resume support
*Laura Abbott - ion: Drop cache operation after zeroing
*solk2 - msm: mdss: Updates:

Project name: android
*Nico60 - Spirit stuff
*Danesh M - Android : Switch back to aosp mockito

Project name: system_core
*Steve Kondik - core: Correct the sensors UID
*Satya Durga Srinivasu Prabhala - system: core: Add Sensors group
*Peter Heatwole - adb/fastboot: Support SuperSpeed USB devices
*Nico60 - Spirit stuff
*Steve Kondik - fastboot: Add missing USB ID

Project name: android_external_sepolicy
*Stephen Smalley - sepolicy: Fix a few denials when debugging

Project name: android_external_stagefright-plugins
*James Sullins - ffmpeg_source: add url check to android_open
*James Sullins - ffmpeg_source: do not adjust offset on read error/eof

Project name: android_external_okhttp
*Neil Fuller - SCSV support

Project name: Superuser
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: openssl
*Ben Murdoch - Add client-side support for TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV.

Project name: android_external_chromium_org
*Ben Murdoch - Add client-side support for TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV

Project name: android_external_whispersystems_WhisperPush
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: external_openssl
*Bodo Moeller - Add support for TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV

Project name: android_external_libnfc-nci
*Jizhou Liao - Adding API for NXP specific NCI command

Project name: external_wpa_supplicant_8
*Avraham Stern - P2P: Fix segfault when PBC overlap is detected
*Jouni Malinen - X.509: Fix internal TLS/X.509 validation of PKCS#1 signature
*Rashmi Ramanna - P2P: Extend the listen time based on the active concurrent session

Project name: android_device_samsung_i9100
*Nico60 - Update dependencies
*Nico60 - Spirit stuff

Project name: android_device_samsung_d2lte
*Nico60 - Update dependencies
*Nico60 - Spirit stuff

Project name: android_device_samsung_jfltexx
*Nico60 - Spiritify

Project name: device_samsung_galaxys2-common
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Andrew Jiang - galaxys2-common: Update RIL header to v9 [2/2]
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_device_samsung_qcom-common
*Matt Filetto - overlay: mms: add overlay for US Cellular

Project name: android_device_samsung_msm8960-common
*Nico60 - Move dependencies to device repo

Project name: android_device_samsung_i9500
*Nico60 - Update and rename cm.mk to spirit.mk
*Nico60 - Spiritify
*Nico60 - Update vendorsetup.sh
*Nico60 - Update and rename cm.dependencies to spirit.dependencies

Project name: android_device_samsung_ks01lte
*solk2 - ks01lte: libril: cla now first int in parcel.
*solk2 - ks01lte: ril.h: Enable disabled SEEK commands.
*solk2 - ks01lte: bluetooth: Put back LPM via proc for bluesleep.
*solk2 - ks01lte: bluedroid: Set buildcfg accourding to stock.
*Jiangyi - Samsung libril: Update for kitkat.
*Nico60 - Update dependencies
*Nico60 - Spirit stuff
*Nico60 - Spiritify
*solk2 - ks01lte: Fix Compensetion engine of temphumidity sensor.
*solk2 - ks01lte: Disable cnd daemon.
*solk2 - ks01lte: power_ext: Remove SSP. Handled in HAL.
*solk2 - ks01lte: Force enable video snapshots.
*solk2 - ks01lte: Use unified full defconfig.
*solk2 - ks01lte: Added low-latency pathes. Fixed primary audio policy.
*solk2 - ks01lte: Added missing media system props.
*solk2 - ks01lte: Update BT config.
*solk2 - ks01lte: Fix VideoEncoderCaps.
*solk2 - ks01lte: Add Ultra low latency path.

Project name: android_device_samsung_msm8974-common
*Ethan Chen - msm8974-common: Fix boot jars classpath
*Nico60 - Move dependencies to device repo

Project name: android_device_asus_grouper
*Nico60 - Spirit stuff

Project name: android_device_lge_d802
*Georg Veichtlbauer - g2: update build fingerprint
*Nico60 - Spiritify

Project name: android_device_lge_g2-common
*Nico60 - Move dependencies to device repo

Project name: android_device_lge_hammerhead
*myfluxi - hammerhead: Update IPC router security configuration
*Nico60 - Spirit stuff

Project name: frameworks_base
*Oliver Middleton - Use actual storage type for format message strings
*Jorge Ruesga - linearlayout: fix measurement of childrens when parent and childrens have exactly the same pixels
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Roman Birg - frameworks: fix setting default ringtone for multi sim
*Nico60 - Fix for MIUI carrier not showing after a reboot
*PrimeDirective - Disable ticker preference [1/2]
*PrimeDirective - Wifi notifications: notify when wifi connects [1/2]
*cretin45 - SystemUI: Avoid NPEs during status bar recreation for MSIM
*cretin45 - SystemUI: Fix network label regression
*cretin45 - SystemUI: Status bar UI cleanup for MSIM and roaming
*Jmz - Force Expanded Notifications (1/2)
*Michael Bestas - Add support for single color notification LED (1/2)
*Scott Mertz - msim: initialize sim icon to the known state
*Michael Bestas - Move UICC storage string to cm_strings
*sarbyn - 'Delete application' development shortcut
*cretin45 - Keyguard: Change SUB label to SIM
*Maunik Shah - Add string resource for UICC storage
*Michael Bestas - symbols: Remove duplicate symbol
*Oliver Middleton - Rename "Wi-Fi AP" QS tile to "Wi-Fi hotspot"
*Stacy Devino - MTU should be 1358 as per 3GPP standards, especially for LTE radio interfaces.
*Michael Bestas - Keyguard: Move string to cm_strings
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Chitti Babu Theegala - lowmemorykiller: Overwrite LMK parameters for low-tier devices
*sanketk - Tethering: Enable NAT only when tether and upstream ifaces are different.
*Jon Eklund - AudioService: Fix monitorRotation for landscape applications
*Nian Sun - Fix memory leak in nativeDecodeFileDescriptor
*Haynes Mathew George - extmediaplayer: miscellaneous fix
*Nextbit - Support full size application screenshots
*Nextbit - Provide non-interactive APIs to BackupManagerService
*Nextbit - PackageManager: Add optional prelaunch check step
*Nextbit - Update SET_ACTIVITY_WATCHER protection to signature|system
*Ethan Chen - Revert "Avoid collision with RIL constant 1138, used in some Samsung devices for RIL_UNSOL_TETHERED_MODE_STATE_CHANGED."
*Samsung - Fixing memory leak in RenderBufferCache
*dankoman - Frameworks: clean up heads up text color code
*Abhisek Devkota - Revert "SystemUI: Fix missing top task in recent panel."
*Nico60 - Tinted: speed up more
*LorDClockaN - Halo: Fix NPE FC after tint
*Alex-Cruz - Rename the DCC tile (see pics below)
*Alex-Cruz - Dynamic Color Changer Tile [1/2]
*LorDClockaN - Tinted: Speed up with compromise
*cristianomatos - Take date into account to not overflow icons in stock or center clock - This commit complements this other: https://github.com/cristianomatos/a...mmit/0f1165e0149850107314b9781acf2c2b9994f8e7
*Alex - Fix statusbar/center clock icon showing up without any notifications
*Yanuar Harry - Tinted: Navbar color change fix
*Yanuar Harry - Allow to determine dominant color for notifications icon [Tinted Mod]
*LorDClockaN - Fix MIUI carrier color [Tinted Mod]
*Yanuar Harry - Squashed add support Tinted System bar [1/2]
*cristianomatos - Fix icons overflowing status bar view in center clock and date layout
*Sam Mortimer - Only start one WifiClientScanner
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*cretin45 - SystemUI: Fix data activity arrows for MSIM
*Clark Scheff - Themes: Force recompiling common resources when scanning theme
*cretin45 - SystemUI (MSIM): Add extra vaules for sim state ready
*Altaf-Mahdi - Left handed navbar: fix keyboard placement in immersive mode

Project name: frameworks_av
*Jia Meng - stagefright: Avoid querying time from AudioPlayer after audio EOS
*Steve Kondik - camera: Always enable preview metadata
*Srinu Gorle - libstagefright: use appropriate hevc decoder on 8916 and 8939
*vivek mehta - libstagefright: HSR: Read framerate from HSR key
*Steve Kondik - Revert "stagefright: Disable HSR for now"
*Steve Kondik - Revert "libmedia: Add flag for non-native FAST tracks."
*jin.seong - Remove potential cause of underrun.
*Steve Kondik - media: Cleanup some unnecessary old code
*Steve Kondik - stagefright: Fix crash if PCM offload gets a null source
*Patrik2 Carlsson - Support MPEG4 and H263 FourCC types in Matroska files
*Li Sun - libstagefright: extend the interface to switch rtp transport
*Sharad Sangle - libstagefright: Handle INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED for dolby clips
*Haynes Mathew George - effects: miscellaneous fixes

Project name: android_frameworks_opt_telephony-msim
*Chaitanya Saggurthi - Update phoneSubInfo properly

Project name: android_frameworks_opt_telephony
*Satish Singh - Correct order of parameter in iccExchangeApdu()
*Merudo - Telephony: Decode Virgin Mobile US MMS

Project name: android
*Nico60 - Spirit stuff
*Danesh M - Android : Switch back to aosp mockito

Project name: android_bootable_recovery-cm
*Steve Kondik - sr: Kill logspam
*henry j. mason - sr: Update header image
*Michael Bestas - sr: Fix incosistent menu options capitalization
*Ricardo Cerqueira - install: Properly mask the updater status before checking
*Tom Marshall - sr: Header and font images for 480/720/1080 widths
*Steve Kondik - minui: Asynchronous rendering for overlay mode

Project name: build
*Oliver Middleton - build: Fix some colored build issues
*Marcos Marado - Force colorsheme to SVG, since darkblue doesn't exist on X11
*Tom Marshall - build: recovery: Support target specific resource selection
*Michael Bestas - build: Enable Uyghur locale
*Nico60 - Spirit stuff
*Ethan Chen - build: Default to dtbToolCM

Project name: libcore
*Neil Fuller - Add support for TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV

Project name: vendor_spirit
*Nico60 - Bump to v1.6
*black - Add SoftBank(Japan) APN
*Oliver Middleton - APN: Giffgaff -> giffgaff
*Arne Coucheron - Migrate Telenor Norway APN to IPV6
*Merudo - added mvno matching for Canada
*Merudo - added mvno matching for Denmark
*Merudo - added Ringplus APN
*Merudo - added T-Mobile MVNO Wholesale apn
*Merudo - added Ooredoo Tunisie & Tunisie Télécom apns
*Nico60 - Spirit stuff

Project name: android_packages_apps_CMUpdater
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Matt Mower - CMUpdater: only list updates for current channel

Project name: android_packages_apps_LockClock
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_VoiceDialer
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_VideoEditor
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Mms
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Exchange
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Email
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_PackageInstaller
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_InCallUI
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*cretin45 - InCallUI: Minor UI cleanup for displaying sim name
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Stk
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Torch
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_CMWallpapers
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_CMHome
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Browser
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_UnifiedEmail
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Trebuchet
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Raj Yengisetty - Trebuchet: RTL support for Settings Screens
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Trebuchet: Add some padding to overflow icon in transition settings

Project name: android_packages_apps_Nfc
*Jizhou Liao - Adding MiFARE DESFire format support
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Calendar
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Settings
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Nico60 - Add back MIUI carrier color
*PrimeDirective - Disable ticker preference [2/2]
*PrimeDirective - Wifi notifications: notify when wifi connects [2/2]
*Jorrit Jongma - Launch SuperSU from Settings
*Jmz - Force Expanded Notifications (2/2) This will force expanded notifications for all apps that support expanded notifications
*Michael Bestas - Fix light preference padding
*Michael Bestas - Add support for single color notification LED (2/2)
*Adnan - Settings: Fix profiles volume override summary.
*Ricardo Cerqueira - DeviceInfoSettings: Update the cpuinfo parser
*sarbyn - Modify the Development shortcut help text
*cretin45 - Settings: Change labels for MSIM
*Oliver Middleton - Settings: Fix "Use actual storage type of sdcard/usb (1/2)."
*Oliver Middleton - Settings: Improve some strings
*Altaf-Mahdi - Profiles: fix expanded desktop settings not applying
*Raj Yengisetty - Launch Protected Apps
*Michael Bestas - Fix copyright headers
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Settings: Set untranslatable
*Adnan - Settings: Allow Regulator Information Dialog Title to be overlaid.
*Matthias Yzusqui - fix: Settings FC when WiFi tethering is active.
*Alex Cruz - Set traffic indicator to white
*Alex-Cruz - Dynamic Color Changer Tile [2/2]
*Nico60 - New spirit banner
*Yanuar Harry - Add support Tinted System bar [2/2]
*Raj Yengisetty - Change Regulatory Info Activity to prefer string over image
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Nico60 - Spirit stuff
*Nico60 - Revert "Add CM Legal (2 of 2)"
*Ricardo Cerqueira - Development: Root for apps is unavailable if the su daemon isn't running
*black - Settings: Improve AOSP JA translation

Project name: android_packages_apps_CertInstaller
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Apollo
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Calculator
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_DeskClock
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_CMAccount
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_BasicSmsReceiver
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_SoundRecorder
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_DSPManager
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Tag
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Camera2
*Michael Bestas - Revert "camera: add support for samsung and htc camcorder modes"
*Michael Bestas - Camera2: Remove CAF video duration code
*Suman Mukherjee - Camera: Don't enable shutterdown for count down timer
*Suman Mukherjee - Camera: Decrease downsample factor for smaller resolution
*Likai Ding - Camera2: enable WNR in video mode
*Kerong Sui - Camera: cancel auto focus after snapshot done if in CAF mode.
*Gaoxiang Chen - Camera2: enable antibanding when dis is enable
*Likai Ding - Camera2: fix sawtooth in camera preview
*kaiyiz - Camera2: Make menu not pop up in take picture interface
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Likai Ding - Camera2: correct image size recorded in media provider db
*kaiyiz - Camera2: fix camera has stopped" after long press camera key
*Arne Coucheron - Camera2: Fix crash on cameras with 6mp 16:9 resolution
*jumoog - Add 16:9 to strings
*Likai Ding - Camera2: disable the shutter button when not previewing
*Kerong Sui - Camera2: the menu button should not visible in some cases
*kaiyiz - Camera2: fix flash light turn on after resume camera activity
*Fei Zhang - camera2: Fix memory leak when suspend/resume camera
*Michael Bestas - Camera2: Add option to set max screen brightness
*Fei Zhang - Camera2: add new mime type for panorama picture
*Kerong Sui - Camera2: save the picture when rotate the device
*Fei Zhang - Camera2: wait for previous saving picture done during panorama capture
*Lars Greiss - Camera2: some aapt warnings cleanup
*kaiyiz - Camera2: fix white balance still work when turn on the HDR mode
*Michael Kolb - Fix WB indicator override
*Michael Bestas - Revert "Camera2: Fix WB onScreenIndicator when some are settings filtered out."
*kaiyiz - Camera2: fix The flashlight still is on after set scene mode not auto
*Kerong Sui - Camera2: update the flash icon when set HDR on
*Suman Mukherjee - Camera: Block HFR option for Video HDR
*Suman Mukherjee - Camera: Disable DIS option for unsupported resolution
*Suman Mukherjee - Camera: Block DIS and Timelapse for HFR
*Sai Kumar Sanagavarapu - Camera: Check if codec supports HFR resolution/fps.
*Suman Mukherjee - Camera: Change video capture duration with HFR
*Vladimir Petrov - Camera2: Fix ANR when switching camera during AF
*Steve Kondik - camera: Override color effect when scene mode is active
*Likai Ding - Camera2: fix unresponsive shutter button after failure
*Lars Greiss - Camera2: Don't report incorrect supported picture formats
*kaiyiz - Camera2: fix camera crash when mPieRender is null
*liangche - Camera2: Fix video duration is wrong issue
*Likai Ding - Camera2: fix a camera status bug
*kaiyiz - Camera2: Do not restart preview to update flip params during orientation change.
*Kerong Sui - Camera2: fix start preview when hdr is on issue
*kaiyiz - Camera2: Still popup tips when change scene to other after turn off HDR
*Santhosh Kumar Thimmanna Bhattar - Camera: Disable HDR when scene mode is other than auto
*Sai Kumar Sanagavarapu - Camera: open Camera and start Preview in a seperate thread.
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Camera: Add proper support for ListPreference
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Camera: Disable video HDR on devices that don't support it
*nuclearmistake - Add 15.9MP and 11.9MP picture size to arrays.
*Likai Ding - Camera2: fix a crash in taking picture

Project name: android_packages_apps_CellBroadcastReceiver
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_CMFileManager
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_HTMLViewer
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_SamsungServiceMode
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Contacts
*Roman Birg - Contacts: fix clicking on contact list item action with multi sim
*Adnan - Contacts: Don't show phone-local profile as null.
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Zyg0te - When recieving the intent we now check if the WANT_EXPORT extra is present
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Adnan - ContactsCommon: Add direct call from contact list feature. (2/2)
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Dialer
*Roman Birg - Dialer: do not assume which subscription to use in call detail header
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Ethan Chen - Dialer: Fix possible crash in call details
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*cretin45 - Dialer: Fix NPE in CallStats
*Ethan Chen - Fix uncaught exception when no location provider available
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*cretin45 - Dialer: Fix NPE in CallStats
*Ethan Chen - Fix uncaught exception when no location provider available
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_KeyChain
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_VoicePlus
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_Bluetooth
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_ContactsCommon
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Marcos Marado - Fixing Contacts crash when trying to merge two contacts
*pulser - Enable support for groups in External contacts accounts
*Adnan - ContactsCommon: Fix CONTACT_SNIPPET declaration.
*Zyg0te - Added a WANT_CONTACTS intent extra to indicate that we want to export...
*emancebo - ContactsCommon: Add PHOTO_ID to contact tile loader projection
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Adnan - ContactsCommon: Add direct call from contact list feature. (1/2)
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_ThemeChooser
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_apps_Gallery2
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Flamefire - Add record time to details view
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_apps_BluetoothExt
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_services_Telephony
*solk2 - Telephony: Fix NPE while opening allowed number.
*Adnan - Telephony: Disable MSISDNEditPreference until init complete.
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*cretin45 - TeleService: Make string translatable
*Quarx2k - Fix Quiet hours for MSim
*cretin45 - TeleService: MSIM UI clean up
*Shaleen Jain - TeleService: fix vibrate on answer
*cretin45 - TeleService: Change labels for MSIM
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Shaleen Jain - TeleService: use MSimPhoneFactory for MSIM devices
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_screensavers_PhotoTable
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_screensavers_Basic
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_inputmethods_LatinIME
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_PhaseBeam
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_NoiseField
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_PhotoPhase
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_MusicVisualization
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_HoloSpiral
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_Galaxy4
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_LivePicker
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_Basic
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_wallpapers_MagicSmoke
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_providers_ThemesProvider
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_providers_DownloadProvider
*James Sullins - DownloadProvider: fix secondary storage support
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_providers_MediaProvider
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_providers_UserDictionaryProvider
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_providers_CalendarProvider
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: packages_providers_ContactsProvider
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_packages_providers_TelephonyProvider
*Michael Bestas - Automatic translation import

Project name: android_hardware_samsung
*Andrew Jiang - XMM626x: Update RIL to V9 [1/2]

Project name: android_hardware_qcom_gps
*Ricardo Cerqueira - Destroy client handles after they're closed

Project name: hardware_qcom_media-caf
*Michael Bestas - mm-core: Enable HW wma10pro decoder for msm7x30
*Michael Bestas - mm-core: msm7x30: Fix code formatting
*Michael Bestas - mm-core: msm7x30: Enable HW mp3 decoder
*Michael Bestas - mm-core: msm7x30: Update copyright to The Linux Foundation

Project name: hardware_qcom_audio-caf
*Daniel Hillenbrand - hal: Support the audio amplifier hook
*Steve Kondik - Revert "hal: Don't mess with primary output"
*Unpublished - hal: Add get_sample_rate for 8960 platforms
*Steve Kondik - hal: Fixes for 8916 features
*Tom Marshall - hal: Update msm8916 library with new feature support
*Steve Kondik - hal: Featurize use of mdm_detect library
*Helen Zeng - hal: load CSD library by checking number of modems
*Helen Zeng - hal: add support for I2S based external modem
*Steve Kondik - hal: Don't mess with primary output
*Ethan Chen - hal: Allow msm8916 to enable compress voip/compress capture/dolby
*Sharad Sangle - mm-audio: aenc: make frame_count variable 64 bit
*Konsta - hal: expand ultra low latency guards

Project name: android_hardware_qcom_media-caf-new
*Balamurugan Alagarsamy - mm-video: vidc: Avoid setting invalid timestamp of eos NAL
*Maheshwar Ajja - mm-video: vdec: Get updated resolution along with output buffers
*Pushkaraj Patil - mm_video: vidc: Update buffer geometry with stride and scanline
*Maheshwar Ajja - mm-video: vdec: Correct video driver's crop parameters handling
*Maheshwar Ajja - Revert "mm-video-v4l2: Update video resolution when updating crop"
*Steve Kondik - venc: Set max supported AVC level to OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel42 on 8916
*Maheshwar Ajja - mm-video: venc: Fix CTS issues in 8916 target
*Steve Kondik - Don't build this dashplayer on 8916
*Rajeshwar Kurapaty - mm-video: vidc: Add OMX Vdec hevc component support for 8916
*Ricardo Cerqueira - Kernel 3.10 compatibility
*Arun Menon - mm-video: vidc: venc: add set ctrl to request sequence header
*Srinu Gorle - mm-video-v4l2: venc: Amend check for camera meta data buffer flags
*Maheshwar Ajja - mm-video: venc: Add property to enable narrow search range
*Praveen Chavan - mm-video: venc: handle zero-length invalid EOS buffers
*Srinu Gorle - mm-video: vidc: add support for 601 to 709 clamping in encoding
*Srinu Gorle - mm-core: vdec: Add HEVC Hw video decoder support
*Srinu Gorle - mm-core: Add mpeg2 secure component role in 8916 registry table
*Ravi Kiran Vonteddu - mm-core: 8916: Clean up HEVC hybrid and full DSP from registry table
*Maheshwar Ajja - mm-core: Add 8916 target specific registry files
*Srinu Gorle - mm-video-v4l2: venc: Add dynamic encoder settings support for 8916
*Ashray Kulkarni - mm-video-v4l2: venc: add support to configure initial qp
*Sivalatha Chakrala - media: Add initial support for msm8916

Project name: android_hardware_qcom_display-caf-new
*Naseer Ahmed - hwc: No idle fallback for single layers
*Saurabh Shah - hwc/qdutils/qservice: Add dynamic idle timeout support
*Tatenda Chipeperekwa - overlay: Remove overlay dumping code for 3D use cases
*Tatenda Chipeperekwa - hwc: vd: Dynamic dumping of frames for virtual displays
*Naseer Ahmed - display: Dynamic debug logging via binder
*Tatenda Chipeperekwa - hwc: vds: Add support to dump layers, FB and WB output buffer
*Tatenda Chipeperekwa - hwc: Fix debug message in uevent for external online
*Tatenda Chipeperekwa - hwc: Clean up scattered definitions of commonly used constants/values

Project name: android_hardware_qcom_keymaster
*Hariprasad Dhalinarasimha - qcom: keymaster: Include keymaster in all targets

Gruss Klaus


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Reaktionen: Truckerdidi und j1gga84
Ja vielen dank. Habs schon drauf läuft gut;-)

Frage zum Rom und kernel. Den dori kernel muss ich nach update immer neu installieren. Ist das bei euch auch so?

Liebe grüße
Ja das ist normal
Habe gestern die Spirit geflahst und bin von den vielen Einstellungen überwältigt. So nach und nach habe ich mich durch den Einstellungdschungel gekämpft und bin bis auf eine Einstellung zufrieden. Und nun zu meinem bisher einzigen Problem: Wie bisher bei allen ROMS bevorzuge ich die Annahme eingehender Anrufe durch die Hometaste. Unter Einstellungen/Tasten habe ich den Haken bei “Anruf beantworten durch Drücken der Hometaste“ gesetzt, funktioniert aber nicht.
Ist das evtl.ein Bug?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Muss wohl ein Bug sein, aber leider nur bei dir weil ich habs gerade ausprobiert bei mir klappts. Ich hatte es vorher nicht angehakt sondern erst auf deinen Post hin, dann angerufen und Home gedrückt und funzt. Tut mir leid, da musst wohl noch weiter in den Einstellungen suchen ob sich da irgendwo was überschneidet.

  • Danke
Reaktionen: achvio
Habe mal Einstellungen verändert, die Bezug zur Hometaste haben, ohne Erfolg. Hast du denn auch die 1.6 er Version installiert?
Also als ich das letzte Mal geguckt hatte wars noch die 1.6, schade das sich sonst niemand meldet obs geht oder nicht.



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  • Danke
Reaktionen: achvio
Ich hab die 1.6 noch gar nicht drauf, sorry !
Bin grad etwas im Stress.

Gruss Klaus

Mit der v1.5 geht es bei mir ohne Probs.
Ich klöppel jetzt mal die v1.6 drauf, dann sag ich Bescheid.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Tommi33
Ich war auch im Stress und hatte wenig zeit für das Forum. Werde es aber auch noch testen.
Ich habe es auch gerade getestet mit der 1.6 und Haken bei
"Anruf beantworten"
Eingehende Anrufe durch Drücken der Home-Taste annehmen,
geht nicht, keine Reaktion.
Gruß Dietmar
  • Danke
Reaktionen: achvio und KST66
Ist ja verrückt, sonst funzt bei mir irgendwas nicht wo ich erstmal rumbasteln muss. Hab noch nen Screen von meinen Einstellungen gemacht und sonst find ich auch nix wo sich was überschneiden könnte. Als Launcher nutze ich den Apex Pro aber da war auch nix zu finden.


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  • Danke
Reaktionen: achvio

Die v1.6 - DIRTY - ist jetzt drauf.
Gleich, ohne Neustart den 005 von DorimanX geflasht.
Dalvik gewiped.
Neustart, SU Binaries und Xposed aktualisiert, Neustart.

Die ROM läuft extrem laaangsam, alles funktioniert, aber es braucht ewig lange.
Das mag aber am dirty Install liegen.
Ich glaub, ich flash nochmal "clean"...

Mit der HOME Taste kann ich bestätigen.
Ich nutze den NOVA-Launcher, da kann man auch Aktionen der Hometaste konfigurieren.
Dies hab ich aber deaktiviert, und alle möglichen Kombinationen in den Einstellungen probiert.
Abnehmen mit der Hometaste funktioniert nicht.

Macht mal einen Dalvik-reset und schaut Euch mal die ANI während Aktualisierung des Dalvik an: hat man sich wirklich Mühe gegeben !
Hab ein schnelles Photo davon geschossen, nicht toll, aber man sieht auf jeden Fall was.

Liebe Grüsse


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  • Danke
Reaktionen: achvio und Truckerdidi

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