[ROM][G900F][5.0.2] *15.02.2015* CyanogenMod 12.0 [ALPHA]

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  • Built from CM source
  • Service
  • Text
  • Data
  • Call
  • Audio
  • WiFi
  • Google Now
  • Bluetooth
  • GPS
  • MMS
  • Video playback
  • Audio playback
  • Internal/External SDcard mounting
  • Camera
  • Video recording
  • IR Blaster
  • NFC


  • Touchscreen in manchen Spielen....
  • Viele CM features - daran wird jedoch gearbeitet
  • CM Camera App ist momentan sehr verbuggt, benutzt als Alternative die Google Camera


  • verwendet KEINE Superwipes
  • Wipe data, cache, and dalvik cache
    ** (für ein Update wird nicht unbedingt ein Wipe benötigt)
  • Flash ROM
  • Flash GAPPS (keine aktuellen GAPPs werden unterstützt!)
  • Neustart
  • ???
  • Profit


Jan 20
* Fixed Auto time zone from reseting
* Fixed incorrect time in recovery
* Add missing permissions for cpu parameters
* Remove gsiff_daemon (it's an ununsed binary left over from kitkat that was constantly crashing)
* Updated mixer_paths.xml to match stock lollipop release
* Updated media_profiles.xml to match stock lollipop release
* Updated thermal-engine configuration to match stock lollipop release
* Updated wifi configs to match lollipop release (should help battery drain from wifi)
* Upgraded most vendor libs to those of the lollipop release
* Updated audio_policy.conf with new audio features since we are using lollipop libs now.
* Added UHD video recording
* Greatly improved camera quality buy adding missing camera parameters
* Eneabled use of Wi-Fi tethering without provisioning app.
* Fixed MMS for U.S. Cellular users
* Added missing links to firmware files (this should help battery drain)
* A bunch of upstream updates

Jan 2
** So if this still has FC issues i'm stumped because it works great here **
* Fixed wifi issue (it was actually fixed in the 2nd release of the Jan 1 build but figured I would mention again)
* Reverted back to NuPlayer as it was causing issues in facebook and other things
* Cherry-pick a more correct bluetooth fix by Steve (cyanogen) so bluetooth *might* be fixed while still using NuPlayer now but I say might as I don't have a BT device to test right now
* Any Upstream changes at time of compile..

Jan-1, 2015
** Happy New Year **
* AudioFX works correctly now
* Enabled the "Low Latency Playback Primary" audio flag which seems to fix that random annoying buzzing that comes out of the speaker randomly when you unlock your device
* Major cleanup of the RIL code. Removed all the obsolete code, also removed a "hack" we all had to use when lollipop came out as a correct fix has been merged upstream
* Camera: added the parameter to enable taking snapshots while recording a video
* Re-Enabled Performance profiles/menu (although CPU settings are not there yet)
* Speed up boot by booting with "performance" profile and switching to balanced or user selected after boot is completed
* Enabled "Proximity Wake" Support although I don't know how to use it nor if it works.
* Fixed Bluetooth music playback underrun (stutter) issues by switching back to awesome playber in favor of NuPlayer. This will be revisited at a later date.
* Might be because I did a full wipe but the 3-dot overflow button for menu is back in Chrome
* Upstream: Feature to change illumination duration for the hardware keys has been added
* Any other upstream changes between the last release and time of compile

Dec 21
* Android 5.0.2 r1
* Option to change app switch/recents key to menu is back (check Settings>Buttons)
* Circle battery icon has been re-merged
* A lot of bluetooth fixes were merged including the ones I cherry-picked in the last release to fix the crashing
* Any changes in the past nightlies will be in this also any upstream changes at the time of compile.

Dec 14
* Cherry-picked a few changes to possibly fix the bluetooth bugs (I really think this will sort itself out as there are over 100 commits on gerrit related to audio/bluetooth/av playback waiting to be merged
* Switched A2DP output sampling rate to 48Htz has this is the default now
* Any upstream changes at time of compile (like battery percentage)

Dec 12
* Updated configuration for network services per other devices
* Fixed issue with CDMA devices where it would not find their APN or display carrier on lock screen. This should also fix some SMS/MMS issues on CDMA carriers.
* Cherry-picked a possible fix to the bluetooth manager crashing issue.
* Any other CM updates at time of build
***CDMA devices are compiling... If your device's build is not in the build archive simply check back later..

Dec 7
* Fixed the WiFi issue from previous build
* Volume wake added
* Adaptive brightness added
* Custom font size added
* Audio improvements
* Any other updates by CM

Dec 5
* Android 5.0.1
* Home wake was officially merged
* Updated bluetooth permissions to match other similar devices to try and narrow down the BT freezing issue
* Lowered bluetooth disable delay to the default AOSP value of 100ms
* Added MMS UAProf for Claro PR to try and resolve MMS messages failing to send.
* Fixed bug where APN Settings menu was missing on some CDMA carriers
* Weather info/conditions on notification panel (cherry-picked from CM gerrit)
* Browser drawables updated to "material design" (cherry-picked from CM gerrit)
* Any other upstream CM updates at the time of compile

Dec 1 - Build9

* After this build i'm gonna stop giving them numbers and just go by date....
* Added Home button wake

Nov 30 - Build8
* Fixed bootloops on some devices by mounting /efs and /persist later in boot sequence
* Removed depreciated WAKE_DROPPED flags from keylayout files
* Some minor GPS HAL updates (mainly for AGPS status)
* Enabled large memory heap for Trebuchet
* Updated Adreno Drivers to those from the 5.0 leak. These seem to fix the camera FC issue with dark shots. Also Google Camera seems a lot more stable... CM camera will get there...
* Enabled all the FFmpeg codecs
* Upstream: Fixed Dialer FC when you hang up before the other person answers

Nov 26 - Build7
* SMS FC fixed
* Other upstream updates
* FFmpeg has been added by CM team (re-added)
* Played around with wifi services to try and get Tethering working (no success here)
** NOTE: This is a staggered release... klte is first...then spr then usc.. i still have to do dv. I need to work out a better system for releasing so i can just release all 3 builds at once. I hate manual uploading... so as soon as the build is done its on the server and it seems some people like to check the server every 5 mins ::p so the cat always gets out of the bag before i post the links and then people are confused. So for now i'll just do it this way..

Nov 25 - Build6
* CDMA Support!!!! - initially only for kltespr but klteusc will be rolling out in the coming hours
* A few new(old) cm features like Double tap status bar to sleep
* Any other upstream changes by CM

Nov 24 - Build5
**** All my fixes have been merged by CM team. We are now using 100% STOCK CM SOURCE ****
* Updated NFC configs to conform with lollypop changes. Should help battery life
* Set Long-Press on HOME key to launch search assistant (google now)
* Add missing DivX DRM lib
* Cleanup Camera HAL code (camera starts faster)
* Updated audio_policy.conf to conform with lollypop standards (Just cleans up the log)
* Enabled Multiple user support
* Some more video playback fixes from upstream
* Updated media_codecs.xml to match others

Nov 21 - Build4
** NOTE ** : Today marks my parents 26th wedding anniversary make their day with a donation so I can take them out to dinner. I'm disabled and make $733 a month from the government... pffft
* Updated widevine drm libs to lollypop. This fixes video playback with Play Movies and TV and possibly FB and others.
* Trebuchet was merged (although the apk is still under the name of Launcher3) if you do a long press on your home screen you will see all the new settings come up
* Got to stop using some hacks in frameworks/av and a hack for mpdecision. So thats always nice

* Any other upstream changes..

Nov-20 - Build 3
* Was doing some cleanup and realized one of our adreno lib files was from an older release version. So fixed that up.
* More work on video playback
* Superuser got an icon! :p
* A lot of under-the-hood upstream frameworks changes. Probably nothing the end user will notice but they/we are gearing up in prep of adding all the old CM features back in...

** NOTE: i'll try and get it on the MIRROR ASAP... it will be under the klte/dev folder

* FLAC Audio and other audio formats besides MP3 should play now.
* Downloads App doesnt crash anymore
* Probably others i'm tired....


Team Hydra Github (main): https://github.com/Team-Hydra
CyanogenMod Github: https://github.com/CyanogenMod
XDA: [ROM][ALPHA] CyanogenMod 12.0 | Android 5.0 … | Samsung Galaxy S 5 | XDA Forums


If your specific model isn't listed above and is a CDMA device it is not supported. Otherwise flash the unified GSM build below....

G900* Unified-GSM : https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=95916177934529035 | Browse KLTE Build Archive

Download-Links für alle Versionen:

offizielle GAPPs in der Pico Version von Mediafire: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/xiabf9xbpucmf//S5
offizielle GAPPs in der Pico Version von Mega: https://mega.co.nz/#F!4BIjnLZR!b1vNj-xESBWseBHfQrxW_w


[FONT=&quot] Ich übernehme keine Haftung für eventuelle Schäden oder Fehler!! [/FONT]

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: enthusiast, tibbar4701, sinchris2000 und 3 andere
und wie tue ich bei der rom den root zugriff freischalten ??

Ok hat sich erledigt, es geht wieder
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Also ich bin bis jetzt mehr als zufrieden :)


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bin auch begeistert.... klar, fehlen noch viele Kleinigkeiten. Aber für das 2. Rom überhaupt ist das schon mal nicht schlecht. so schnell hab ich mir Android nicht vorgestellt. Weiter so. TW von Samsung kann mich mal ;)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Maki.
Also, ich habe es mir gestern Abend noch geflasht und muss sagen... ich bin begeistert.

Läuft wirklich sauber für eine Alpha :)

Und vor Allem läuft das ganze System flott. Kein Ruckler, gar nix.
die Build3 ist heute rausgekommen.. Link bei XDA
bin mal gespannt, ist aber noch lange nicht fertig. Menüs fehlen noch. Übersetzungen sind noch Beta... aber das Grundgerüst läuft ziemlich gut schon mal
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Maki.
Bin momentan unterwegs, werde den Beitrag heute noch auf den neuesten Stand bringen! Danke für den Hinweis! ;)

EDIT: Hab den Beitrag überarbeitet und die Links aktualisiert. Hier nochmal die Changelogs:
Nov-20 - Build 3
* Was doing some cleanup and realized one of our adreno lib files was from an older release version. So fixed that up.
* More work on video playback
* Superuser got an icon! :p
* A lot of under-the-hood upstream frameworks changes. Probably nothing the end user will notice but they/we are gearing up in prep of adding all the old CM features back in...

** NOTE: i'll try and get it on the MIRROR ASAP... it will be under the klte/dev folder

Unified-GSM : cm-12-20141120-UNOFFICIAL-klte.zip | MIRROR

Beste Grüße,
für eine beta absolut geil . kamera funktioniert nun auch .läuft schnell ohne ruckeln .
Fingerprint kann man wohl vergessen mit CM oder ?
Richtig. Ist m.E. in keiner CM-basierenden ROM vorhanden.
Build 4 steht zum download bereit :)
Alles klar, Beitrag wurde aktualisiert. Anbei die Changelogs:
Nov 21 - Build4
** NOTE ** : Today marks my parents 26th wedding anniversary make their day with a donation so I can take them out to dinner. I'm disabled and make $733 a month from the government... pffft
* Updated widevine drm libs to lollypop. This fixes video playback with Play Movies and TV and possibly FB and others.
* Trebuchet was merged (although the apk is still under the name of Launcher3) if you do a long press on your home screen you will see all the new settings come up
* Got to stop using some hacks in frameworks/av and a hack for mpdecision. So thats always nice

* Any other upstream changes..

Download: Unified-GSM : cm-12-20141121-UNOFFICIAL-klte.zip | MIRROR

Beste Grüße,
  • Danke
Reaktionen: tibbar4701 und Steveria
hmm, habe seit heute auch ein S5 und direkt gerootet, nun suche ich eine passende Rom.

bei den alten Galaxy Modellen hatte ich auch erst CM und später SlimKat. Aber SlimKat scheint es ja für das S5 nicht zugeben wie ich hier festellen konnte. Nun wird wohl meine Wahl auf CM fallen, da ich vorallem eine schlanke Rom suche. Nun ist halt die Frage weil es eine Alpha ist ob Apps, Games ect. problemlos darauf laufen, kann dazu schon jemand was berichten? Wollte mir mal ein Game besorgen was von der Grafik alles aus dem S5 herausholt, fragt sich halt ob die CM Alpha dafür geeignet ist oder ich erstmal ohne Rom ausprobiere.

teste die Fusion Rom ist slim kam gerecht.
ich kann nicht auf meine externe SD nicht zugreifen. Hat wer einen Tipp?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Wie sieht denn die Fehlermeldung aus? Oder wird sie einfach nicht erkannt? Vorher hat die SD Karte auf jeden Fall funktioniert? Eine Neuinstallation hast du versucht?
Meine 32 GB wird ohne Probleme erkannt


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Was mir aber seit der build 3 fehlt ist die Anzeige auf dem Sperrbildchirm wie lange es noch braucht bis der Akku voll wird.

Ne die ist doch vorhanden :)


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Zuletzt bearbeitet:
bei mir mit der build4 geht das
ja war zu voreillig, deshalb auch mein Beitrag editiert :thumbsup:
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