- 572
[ROM][23/09]KA13.1 Xperia SSpeed released|smooth & Fast|Android 4.0.4|AROMA - xda-developers
Dear Xperia S users,
This rom is based on ICS 4.0.4 stock firmware. I tweaked it to have better performance and smoothness. Installation is very customizable and easy because of AROMA implementation
I hope you enjoy my rom
- Pre-rooted with Xperia SSpeed Kernel
- Xperia SSpeed Kernel Wifi modules included
- Lots of tweaks
- init.d support
- Statusbar toggles
- Swipe to remove notification
- 100% Image quality
- Hide data notifications
- All stock features
- Fully deodexed
- New phone off charging animation
== download == KA16 Xperia SSpeed (ICS) ==
- KA16 Xperia SSpeed: XDA Fileserver
- KA16.1 Surprise Update: mediafire Surprise Surprise
What will the update be??
I kindly ask everyone not to mirror my download links. Thank you
== download == KA08 Xperia SSpeed (GB) ==
- KA Xperia SSpeed: KA Xperia SSpeed
== download == Addons KA08 GB ==
- Battery % add-on: Battery % add-on
- Volume to Wake: Volume buttons to wake screen add-on
- Statusbar mod by PrimeDeluxe: Original thread
- ICS Theme by me: Original thread
Das passende Kernel:
[Kernel][Xperia S]Xperia SSpeed kernel v6 released|1899MHz, smooth and fast[03/09] - xda-developers

Dear Xperia S users,
This rom is based on ICS 4.0.4 stock firmware. I tweaked it to have better performance and smoothness. Installation is very customizable and easy because of AROMA implementation

I hope you enjoy my rom

- Pre-rooted with Xperia SSpeed Kernel
- Xperia SSpeed Kernel Wifi modules included
- Lots of tweaks
- init.d support
- Statusbar toggles
- Swipe to remove notification
- 100% Image quality
- Hide data notifications
- All stock features
- Fully deodexed
- New phone off charging animation
== download == KA16 Xperia SSpeed (ICS) ==
- KA16 Xperia SSpeed: XDA Fileserver
- KA16.1 Surprise Update: mediafire Surprise Surprise

I kindly ask everyone not to mirror my download links. Thank you
== download == KA08 Xperia SSpeed (GB) ==
- KA Xperia SSpeed: KA Xperia SSpeed
== download == Addons KA08 GB ==
- Battery % add-on: Battery % add-on
- Volume to Wake: Volume buttons to wake screen add-on
- Statusbar mod by PrimeDeluxe: Original thread
- ICS Theme by me: Original thread
Das passende Kernel:
[Kernel][Xperia S]Xperia SSpeed kernel v6 released|1899MHz, smooth and fast[03/09] - xda-developers
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