- 1.262
Es ist für die liebhaber des stockkernels eine rom aufgetaucht die anscheinend auch das pro unterstützt. Hier der link [BETA ROM] TEAM Stock @Xperia 2011 [20-02-2012] - xda-developers auch wenn das pro nicht in der liste steht, stütze ich meine aussage dass das Pro unterstützt wird mit folgenden aussagen :
. Hier die komplette anleitung :
T.E.A.M. Stock Rom for 2011 Xperia devices
(Arc, Arc S, Ray, Active, Play, Neo, Neo V)
pvyParts and iridaki
Proudly Present you
T.E.A.M. Stock Rom
A Rom for the Community By the Community!
Make sure to read this post FULLY before you post any questions
First of all, hello 2011 Xperia Devices World!
We are coming from a galaxy far far away, where and when the X10 was a flagship!
We created the T.E.A.M ROM for the X10 and now we are taking the first step towards porting it to the next generation of devices.
The new TEAM ROM (currently in OPEN BETA stage) will be universal across the following devices:
1. Xperia Arc
2. Xperia Arc S
3. Xperia Active
4. Xperia Ray
5. Xperia Play
6. Xperia Neo
7. Xperia Neo V
* Bold means it has been tested to work!
( Devices with smaller screen resolution, such as Mini and Mini Pro will follow later on we didn't forget you! )
How we did that?
We have developed a Auto-Magic installation script that will work on any Xperia device by customising system files appropriately during flashing.
Some of the many new and unique features of the upcoming TEAM ROM:
1. Quick sound profiles integrated into the ROM -forget any 3rd party apps, now it's all accessible from the power menu
2. Brightness toggle control with a neat popup you can bring up any time from your statusbar
3. TEAM Tweaks (customise your clock/date/battery/signal text color/size/font, integrated battery bar)
4. Transparency everywhere you look!
5. Elegant TEAM theme
6. New Clock and Calendar from leaked Xperia S GB ROM
7. Tweaks for ambient sensor, minfree and more
8. Enhanced power menu with reboot options: Reboot, Reboot in Recovery, Reboot in Fastboot. If you choose the latter, you will be prompted to insert your USB cable and the procedure will complete only after you have! As convenient as it gets
9. Compatible with any 2.3.4 ROM, any kernel, any current setup. It will not wipe your data or intefere with the way you have been using the phone so far. It will only make it MUCH better
By this release, we are introducing the "ROM/AddOn" concept and we are looking forward to your feedback.
ROM/AddOn means:
* One Zip all Phones! with some Scripting magic we can keep all devices updated with a single zip.
And last but not least, don't forget we have great things in store for all of you:
* Full AppMan Support with 100% OTA Capable, Auto-Magicaly Flashed updates (comming soon)
You must also me on a 2.3.4 Stock Firmware
1. Boot into Recovery and make a NANDROID BACKUP ( This is really IMPORTANT, as we can't recover your data! If the fan gets soiled )
2. Flash the "TEAM_ROM.zip" via Recovery.
3. Reboot and let the phone do it's thing as it will be rebuilding caches and settling.
First boot can take up to 5 or 10 minutes so be patient!
If you want to use your own custom Clock font:
1. You should place your custom font in folder /system/TEAM/font and it should be a .ttf file named clock_font.ttf.
2. Go to Settings > Tweaks and check the option Custom Font for whatever element you wish (clock, battery, signal, date).
You can now also tweak the text size to your liking!!
Q & A
Q: Where is AppMan?
A: AppMan will suffer a full rewrite and will be ready for a future update!
Q: Can I use this or that kernel for unlock or locked bootloader?
ALL kernels built for stock ROMs WILL WORK on this rom. We have tested all of them so take our word for it. ( yes we are flash junkies )
Q: Can I use this or that theme?
A: Short answer, no. Unless of course it is built of our framework. We have made MASSIVE mods to the framework so most themes will disable most, if not all, options in the Tweaks app.
( unfortunatly themers dont like our framework as it changes too often )
Q: I am getting a FC on this or that, can you help me!
A: NO. We can't help you. Because what you just said means nothing to us.
We want to help you SO much, but in order to do that you need to report the bug properly.
We took care of that too, see here:
Q:OMG YOU STOLE MY WORK! YOU A!@#$!% etc etc etc
A: We kindly ask you that if you have an issue with any of the inclusions in the ROM to either PM me or iridaki so we can sort it out politely There is no need to flame in the thread. Also if we have forgotten credits, please let us know and we will add them immediately.
Q: This rom is stupid, I hope you fail, "that" ROM is better!
A: That's cool, use "that" ROM. There is absolutely no need to report your disgust unless of course you have constructive criticsm. Personal Preference isn't a bug or an issue
We encourage EVERYONE to use the ROM they feel is best for them
Q: This rom is stupid, I hope you fail, "that" ROM is better!
Q: wow this is cool can i...
A: HOLD UP read our rules
1- no whining about our work
2- no asking for eta's
3- no asking for eta's
4- no useless posts in development thread
5- logcat or GTFO
6- no asking for eta's
PvyParts and iridaki
PS: If think you have found a bug KUDOS! Please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ this thread then and ONLY THEN report it to me
Sarcasm will ensue should we find out you didn't read said thread...
quick video we made a while ago theme is old but menus are the same
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