Ambitioniertes Mitglied
- 41
Und wieder was neues!
Diesmal mit 3G
, aber immer noch ohne Kamera
Bin nicht der Ersteller, habe ich nur hier gefunden!
Hi all,
this is a CM9 KANG built for the GT-P7500 (3G) model.
All credits to the CyanogenMod team and Pershoot, they're the real heroes.
Credits to isimobile as well for the 3G stuff. All you guys are great, keep up the awesome job!
What works:
- 3G
- HW video decoding
- Quite a lot more
- Voice Search (lib and apk from XWKK4 HC build) (see below for download)
Not working:
- Camera
- WiFi tethering
- For auto-brightness to work, lock/unlock the screen once.
- Searching for network providers doesn't work.
How to Install:
Do a FULL WIPE in CWM if coming from another ROM
If coming from any previous version of this ROM, full wipe/cache wipe shouldn't be necessary.
Then, flash in this order:
- Gapps
- Kernel modules (optional)
- Voice search fix (optional)
without rebooting between flashes.
Additional Info:
To get 3G working, make sure you have the right APN with the right settings for your network provider selected.
For the most part this is autodetected but sometimes it's not detected properly.
Kernel modules are optional. If you want support for things like nfs, ps3 controllers etc... flash this. You will have to do the modprobing yourself (in a terminal window: first get root access with su, then modprobe <modulename-without-.ko>)
cifs.ko, ntfs.ko and tun.ko got moved into the ROM, no need for modules zip if you just want those.
To get your Tab to show up on your computer when connected via USB, goto Settings -> Storage -> click the three dots in the upper-right corner. Enable MTP or PTP.
Looking for a changelog? There's no changelog in the traditional sense but the latest merged changes can be seen here: http://review.cyanogenmod.com/#q,sta...branch:ics,n,z (ignore all android_kernel_* and android_device_* projects) & https://github.com/pershoot/
Don't flash the kernel from Pershoots thread on this ROM. The latest kernel is included in this ROM already. The one in Pershoots thread is for Honeycomb.
Hier! Wird immer aktualisiert!
Gapps (with removed Wallet):
Gapps.zip - 77.4 MB
Gruß MOD
Diesmal mit 3G

Bin nicht der Ersteller, habe ich nur hier gefunden!
Hi all,
this is a CM9 KANG built for the GT-P7500 (3G) model.
All credits to the CyanogenMod team and Pershoot, they're the real heroes.
Credits to isimobile as well for the 3G stuff. All you guys are great, keep up the awesome job!
What works:
- 3G
- HW video decoding
- Quite a lot more
- Voice Search (lib and apk from XWKK4 HC build) (see below for download)
Not working:
- Camera
- WiFi tethering
- For auto-brightness to work, lock/unlock the screen once.
- Searching for network providers doesn't work.
How to Install:
Do a FULL WIPE in CWM if coming from another ROM
If coming from any previous version of this ROM, full wipe/cache wipe shouldn't be necessary.
Then, flash in this order:
- Gapps
- Kernel modules (optional)
- Voice search fix (optional)
without rebooting between flashes.
Additional Info:
To get 3G working, make sure you have the right APN with the right settings for your network provider selected.
For the most part this is autodetected but sometimes it's not detected properly.
Kernel modules are optional. If you want support for things like nfs, ps3 controllers etc... flash this. You will have to do the modprobing yourself (in a terminal window: first get root access with su, then modprobe <modulename-without-.ko>)
cifs.ko, ntfs.ko and tun.ko got moved into the ROM, no need for modules zip if you just want those.
To get your Tab to show up on your computer when connected via USB, goto Settings -> Storage -> click the three dots in the upper-right corner. Enable MTP or PTP.
Looking for a changelog? There's no changelog in the traditional sense but the latest merged changes can be seen here: http://review.cyanogenmod.com/#q,sta...branch:ics,n,z (ignore all android_kernel_* and android_device_* projects) & https://github.com/pershoot/
Don't flash the kernel from Pershoots thread on this ROM. The latest kernel is included in this ROM already. The one in Pershoots thread is for Honeycomb.
Hier! Wird immer aktualisiert!
Gapps (with removed Wallet):
Gapps.zip - 77.4 MB
Gruß MOD
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