[ROM][G935F][6.0.1][XXU1BPLB][LAST UPDATE] SuperMan-Rom V1.19.1 [AROMA][KERNEL][OTA][STABLE]

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!!! Knox 0x1 wird ausgelöst und Samsung Pay ist nicht mehr nutzbar !!!

WICHTIG : Ihr handelt auf eigene Gefahr! Ich übernehmen keinerlei Haftung für euer Handeln oder einen Brick!!!

Wenn ihr der Anleitung folgt, gehen alle eure Daten verloren!!! Vorher absichern



by TKKG1994

- G935FXXU1BPLB Base
- Prerooted with SuperSU V2.79 SR1, Phh root r275 or magisk phh r266-2
- Latest Busybox installed (1.25.1)
- Aroma installer!
- Full edge support!
- Xposed V87.1 is installed (choose in aroma)
- Magisk V9 (aroma selectable)
- Adblocker enabled or disabled (choose in aroma)
- Viper4Android included
- Full rom control!! V2.1
- Zipaligned
- Rom informations and logo
- choose IOS or nougat emojis in aroma
- Init.d support in Kernel
- DM-Verity disabled
- Force encrypt disabled
- ADB fully working
- Rounded UI (SystemUI tweaks if you choose in aroma)
- Applock feature build in
- Many csc tweaks!
- No sms to mms auto convertion
- Allow all apps in multiwindow
- Removed Grey statusbar in powersaving mode
- Updated all samung apps to recent version
- USB Plug/Unplug disable wake up
- Remove high volume warning for headphones
- Emergency mode in Settings/Lock screen and security
- Private mode fixed
- Enable Display Scaling in Settings
- Enable TouchKey light duration in settings
- Enable OutdoorMode
- Fully Deodexed with latest smali/baksmali method
- Removed low battery warning
- Knox stuff is removed
- Stock BPLB Kernel, SuperStock or SuperMan-Kernel (which version you choose in aroma)
- Latest TouchWiz Sources!
- Debloated, but fully functional (all removed apps can be install with playstore) - >now new! choose in aroma which bloat to install!
- Selinux permissive on custom kernels
- UDS - Ultra Data Saving
- quicklauncher in recents app
- rambar in recent
- double tap to sleep on statusbar
- re-enabled LED indicator settings
- added torch into settings
- toolbox added
- Sound Mod V18 with lot improvements! (choose in aroma)
- December Security Patches
- Many other features, please read changelog to see what changed over the time

Was ihr benötigt:



Samsung Mobile USB Driver


TWRP 3.x.x-x


Latest Bootloader


Latest Modem


SuperMan ROM

( wenn ihr TWRP schon habt, könnt ihr weiter machen mit Rom-Install )

Anleitung TWRP:

- geht zuerst in eure Einstellungen / Geräte Information / Softwareinfo und tippt 7 mal auf die Buildnummer um die Entwickleroptionen freizuschalten. Diese findet ihr dann unter Einstellungen / Entwickleroptionen.


!!! - aktiviert dort die [ OEM- Entsperrung ] und das [ USB-Debugging ] !!!

- entpackt jetzt ODIN auf eurem Computer

- installiert die Samsung Mobile Phone Driver auf eurem PC
- schaltet euer Smartphone aus und startet den Downloadmodus [ Lautstärke-Taste nach unten + Home-Button + Power-Taste ] gleichzeitig gedrückt halten und dann beim Warnhinweis die [ Lautstärke-Taste nach oben ] drücken

- ODIN als Administrator starten, AP anklicken und die TWRP.tar.md5 Datei auswählen. Sonst nichts an den Einstellungen ändern!!!

- Smartphone per USB-Kabel an den PC anschließen und START anklicken

Anleitung Rom-Install:

- Ladet auch die SuperMan-Rom herunter und kopiert sie auf eure externe Speicherkarte

- schaltet euer Smartphone aus und startet den Downloadmodus durch [ Lautstärke-Taste nach unten + Home-Button + Power-Taste ] gleichzeitig gedrückt halten und dann beim Warnhinweis die [ Lautstärke-Taste nach oben ] drücken

- Bootlaoder und Modem herunterladen und ODIN als Administrator starten, BL anklicken und die BL_XX.tar Datei auswählen, CP anklicken und die CP_XX.tar Datei auswählen.

- geht bei ODIN auf Optionen und wählt das Häkchen bei Auto-Reboot ab. steckt euer Smartphone an den PC per USB-Kabel und drückt START bei ODIN

- nach erfolgreichen Flash schaltet ihr euer Smartphone manuell aus indem ihr [ Lautstärke-Taste nach unten + nach oben + Power-Taste ] gleichzeitig gedrückt haltet und sobald das Display aus geht, haltet ihr [ Lautstärke-Taste nach oben + Home-Button + Power-Taste ] gleichzeitig gedrückt um in den Recovery Modus zu kommen

- im TWRP-Hauptmenü auf [Wipe] klicken, weiter auf [Advance-Wipe] und dort Dalvik / System / Data / Internal Storage / Cache auswählen, mit [Swipe to Wipe] bestätigen

- danach bleibt ihr im TWRP und geht zurück ins Hauptmenü mit der [Zurück-Taste]

- geht auf Install und klickt dort [Select Storage] an und wählt [Micro-SDCard] aus, sucht das Verzeichnis aus wo ihr die SuperMan-Rom abgespeichert habt und klickt die Rom an. Dann [Swipe to confirme Flash] und folgt den Aroma-Installer Anweisungen

Reboot dauert bis zu 10 min.


Original SuperMan Thread bei XDA



freue mich über jedes Danke ;)
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  • Danke
Reaktionen: SneaZy, shamanous, Rintenfinten und 10 andere
SuperMan-Rom V1.19.1:

- Updated magisk to V10.2
- Updated Magisk apk to version from playstore
- Updated phh magisk to r2 version by topjohnwu
- Updated phh superuser apk to latest beta
- Updated SuperSU V2.79 SR2
- Readded normal logo in settings (christmas is over
- Added an option in aroma to keep force encryption enabled
- Updated SuperStock Kernels to V1.6.5 with new base
- Updated SuperKernel to V1.9.7 with new base
- Updated sqlite binary
- Readded max build.prop tweak (removed a few critical, you tell me how they work)
- Added init.d script for sqlite and zipalign only (no more issues)
- Updated iOS emojis to latest update
- Some scripts clean up


S7 Edge Rom V1.1:
- Initial Release!

S7 Edge Rom V1.2:
- Added 5way reboot
- fixed SD card RW permission
- updated xposed to v 81
- added some CSC tweaks
- updated sound mod to V13.5

S7 Rom Edge V1.2.5:
- Gear VR fixed
- Photo editor crash fixed
- Samsung autobrightness fixed
- Build.prop tweaks (multi user)

S7 Rom Edge (now named SuperMan-Rom) V1.3:
- fully rebased on ADP3 release from samsung!
- added aroma installer, choose between: xposed or not, which variant (g930f or g935f), supersu 2.71 or 2.68, and busybox or not
- fixed adb not working for some people
- updated sound mod to V15
- updated busybox

SuperMan-Rom V1.3.1:
- Fixed Camera can not save photos to SD (Instead ADB (RSA key) wont work anymore, adb OR sd card is working, not both together...)
- made some csc changes so we don't have that odd flipboard briefing (now we got the normal one again)
- added sound mod to aroma installer, you can choose now
- some other aroma improvements

SuperMan-Rom V1.3.5:
- sound mod updated to V16
- Xposed updated to V83
- Removed sd card notification on every reboot (credits to @ervius)
- added new csc features
- Added AppLock to the rom

SuperMan-Rom V1.4:
- applock really fixed

- added choice in aroma to install IOS emoji
- updated all installed apps (shealth, voice recorder, samsung push, billing and so on)
- added samsung music as user app (can be uninstalled)
- Finally fixed adb AND sd card, now both working great!
- if you install busybox, you will also get the busybox user app now
- some more csc tweaks
- Updated xposed to V84
- Rounded recent panel view
- Remove gray statusbar when activated PowerSaveMode
- Rounded Notifications
- Bringing buttons "only once / always" to select when the task application "Open With."
- all apps in multiwindow
- USB Plug/Unplug disable wake up
- Remove high volume warning for headphones
- Emergency mode" in "Settings/Lock screen and security
- private mode fixed
- Enable Display Scaling in Settings
- Enable TouchKey light duration in settings
- Enable OutdoorMode
- special thanks to @ervius for helping me out very much!!!

SuperMan-Rom V1.4.1:
- Settings fixed (which was already present in the reuploaded file on androidfilehost)
- Removed kiosk apk which will may install carrier specific apps to your phone
- Added a choice in aroma for systemUI rounded mod
- Added samsungs good lock to aroma as well

SuperMan-Rom V1.5:
- Fully rebased on latest APDN release from samsung (build date 28.4)
- remade all mods again! (all mods present from previous releases)
- may security patches
- updated supersu to v2.73
- updated busybox
- added su support
- removed good lock, you can find it in the third post
- added to aroma: csc choice of over 15 different csc (I included all you sent to me!)
- disabled sms to mms convertion
- because of base update. autobrightness fix could not be applied (many things changed in that file) maybe samsung fixed it itself?
- removed battery warning at 15%
- you can now remove notification that where made by system (example: powersaving mode is on)
- Stock SystemUI is now 100% stock (the one to choose in aroma)
- added 2 build.props, one for G935F and one for G930F
- updated AOD !
- some more things I may forgot

SuperMan-Rom V1.5.1:
- removed AT&T and USA T-Mobile from aroma section (Snapdragon CSC FILES!)
- fixed not booting with 2.68 supersu
- fixed xposed app not included after installation

SuperMan-Rom V1.5.2:
- Reuploaded because of problems with ATT and TMB still being present
- updated supersu to V2.74
- made AUT as default CSC (and also described that in aroma), because we never had issues with it
- added CTI and BRI csc codes
- If I add anymore csc files we can't flash the rom anymore (gives ERROR 1 in TWRP), because the max size of the zip is 2GB...

SuperMan-Rom V1.6:
- Rebased on latest G935FXXU1APE9 which was released today
- Remade all mods on this now APE9 base
- Updated G930F and G935F kernel to APE9 base
- Updated Aroma installer to V3.0b
- Fixed wrong colours in aroma installer
- Aroma installer is now bigger (fit our resolution)
- added INS (indian) csc files for FD users and ITV (italian csc)
- clearified csc selection (some are multi-csc files, so you can grab them!)
- added auto EFS backup before each flash, so you can restore your IMEI!
- Fixed camera fc's
- updated sound mod to V16.3

- Samsungs changelog for this base was:

-improved permformance
-Icon location cycle has been changed to improve screen clarity in AOD
-videoplayback filcker has been fixed
-cover regocnition has been fixed
-an issue that users could not save files to SD card has been fixed
-an issue with powersaving mode and google now has been fixed

SuperMan-Rom V1.6.1:
- Added OTA support for next coming versions
- Updated aroma installer
- Updated VD2 csc to PD2 version
- added following csc files: EUR, LUX, ATO, IUS, TSI and VDS

SuperMan-Rom V1.6.5:

- Updated Xposed to V85
- csc selection is now moved to a seperate zip file! csc V1.0
- Added VAU, ZTO csc files to csc selection
- updated TEL csc
- default csc is now ZTO (as this is the stock csc for APE9)
- added Viper4Android (aroma selection)
- Aroma will now ask, if you want to make a clean install, full wipe or dirty flash, so no wipe in TWRP needed!
- I added a debloat menu for this rom, you can now get zero bloatware!
- Google now added to aroma (fixes now on tab not working for everyone)

SuperMan-Rom V1.7:

- Fully rebased on G935FXXU1APER firmware (build date Fri May 27)
- remade all mods to new one
- June security patches
- CSC has changed to IUS (because this is the default csc, change it using this)
- updated xposed to V85.1
- changed aroma installer look
- "CLEAR" button to Power Saving Notification
- opaque Status Bar Icons In Marshmallow
- there are now more than only 3 notifications on the lockscreen
- add quicklauncher in recents app
- you can now choose in aroma if you want to have all notifications removable or not
- re-enabled LED indicator settings
- 0.25x anmimation scale in developer options (not for all languages sadly...)
- Emergency mode" in "Settings/Lock screen and security/
- add Toolbox Controller to Settings (fully supports toolbox now)
- add logo and rom info to settings / about device

SuperMan-Rom V1.8:

- Rebase on latest APF2 base
- again, remade all mods, phuuu
- fixed the always/once selection not working in settings
- csc changed to XEF
- added a selection for kernel (S7 or V1.3 superkernel, prerelease on superman rom!)
- added a third selection for Systemui (with our without quicklaunch)
- probably fixed volte (needs testing from your side, I don't have this anyway)
- added more language support for 0.25 animation
- some other things I may forgot LOL

SuperMan-Rom V1.8.1:

- update superkernel to V1.3.1 (fixes random reboots)
- added a google wakelock fix script
- fixed adblocker app not installing the right way
- added a fully modded systemUI (in aroma) which features:
- Next alarm on the lock screen
- 6 toggles in a row
- add virtual lock button in statusbar
- add Service Provider ( Carrier Label ) to Status Bar

SuperMan-Rom V1.9:

- Fully rebased on APFG release
- This includes July security patches
- All mods remade by zero
- Added Superman control (big thanks to @Gayos24 and @daxgirl)
- Added new superman boot/shutdown animation and aroma theme (big thanks to @myellow !!)
- New: added 3 kernel options for each version: Superkernel 1.5 (prerelease), modified stock (with permissive kernel so private mode will work) and full stock kernel
- Switched to systemless xposed (thanks to @topjohnwu for this) you have the aroma option between V85.7 and V86.0 since V86.0 needs 2.76 supersu to work probably
- updated supersu to STABLE V2.76
- updated sound mod to V17
- added more options in debloat menu (mainly for google apps, like google drive, hangouts etc)
- Now let's come to the main features!!
- Next alarm can be set in rom control
- quick launch in recent can be set in rom control
- Single swipe for quickpanel can be enabled in rom control
- Network speed can be enabled in rom control
- virtual lock button can be enabled in rom control
- battery bar can be enabled in rom control
- power saving notification can be enabled in rom control
- scrollable toggles and visible toggles can be set in rom control
- brightness slider enable/disable in rom control
- removable notification can be set in rom control
- usb wake/plug can be set in rom control
- in reboot menu: reboot directly into recovery mode can be set via rom control
- launcher: double tab, wipe up and down can be set as actions via rom control, also you can set your touchwiz page effect
- added aroma selection for services.jar, launcher and settings (dual settings or stock settings)
- added supersu and rom control to main settings

SuperMan-Rom V1.9.1:

- Fix synapse support for SuperKernel
- Since sound mod V17 has the choice between 4 different level, let you choose too!
- fixing that toolbox can only display 5 apps (now can be 15)
- added samsungs music player to aroma choice
- added 3 minit battery mod (controllable via superman control, I updated the app but if you already installed it may need a manual update /system/priv-app/Romcontrol)
- added dualsettings / stock settings also to superman control instead of aroma

SuperMan-Rom V1.9.2:

- Added Weather notification to lookscreen (and colour edit in rom control)
- Added fully working floating messages (SMS application updated)
- Added smart block menu (fully working)
- updated xposed to V86.1
- added Increase Lock Screen visible notifications (with rom control)
- added back toolbox and multiwindow toggles in statusbar
- quick edits in settings can now be hidden in superman control
- fix S7 flat been recognized as s7 edge on first set up
- removed fingerprint module in xposed (since not many people read what it actually does and they get high battery drain)
- added new splash logo with superman rom at startup (thanks to @myellow and @BenjaminW8)
- fixed overlay problem wohoo, it was a google thing, so this was introduced by google with july update

SuperMan-Rom V1.10:

- Rebased on G935FXXS1APG5 firmware
- all mods remade by zero
- added potato clock into aroma options
- updated xposed to V86.2
- updated xposed application
- fixed s7 splash screen not centred
- fixed USSD codes not working for some users
- removed weather on lockscreen (could not find a good way for romcontrol)
- update OTA icon and romcontrol icon in settings (thanks to @myellow)
- added screenshot and screenrecorder buttons to reboot menu
- added settings and qs observer
- Added aroma option for stock or new message app
- some more things I may forgot

SuperMan-Rom V1.10.5:

- Added new RomControl V2.0
- LockScreen Timeout adjustable
- Updated battery bar to V2
- Updated traffic manager (network speed)
- added a button to statusbar (so reboot menu will appear)
- added data usage to statusbar
- added a switch in rom control for multi user avatar
- made a switch for heads up notifications
- added a switch for on ongoing charging and media connected
- enable gear device infos
- enabled carrier lable (color and custom can be set)
- Notification panel background can be set
- rounded or stock notifications can be set in romcontrol (also background of them)
- custom background for incall UI
- Added weather on lockscreen to rom control
- Next alarm will now only be displayed if a new alarm is set (and the icon will not be there if no alarm is set)
- Many more things I may forgot

SuperMan-Rom V1.11:

- Fully rebased to APGO firmware (not rebased to BPH6, reason: no kernel source, not rootable and no edge build...)
- fully remade all mods from scratch
- 3dot lag solved, finally!
- added torch to reboot menu (rom control entry)
- battery percentage is now colorable (rom control)
- added ram bar to recent (rom control)
- enabled lockscreen rotation (rom control)
- low battery warning is now adjustable (rom control)
- flashlight on camera can now be used on low battery too
- Updated SuperKernel to 1.6
- SuperStock updated to 1.2
- private mode now fully working, even after reboot
- fully customize the brightness slider in statusbar (rom control)
- network speed has now two separate colors for up and download
- magisk v3 with PHH's root added (this option needs a FULL WIPE)
- Xposed V86.4 added (only works with magisk)
- long press back key to kill application (rom control toggle)
- cleaned up rom control in general, was a bit messy
- added adaway and ota to settings (thank to @myellow for the icons!)
- added new modded camera thank to @zeroprobe
- updated CSC to APG1
- updated 3minit app
- added f2fs/ext4 selection to aroma. If you do not understand this, just keep default ext4 and change nothing, f2fs is applied to cache and data, system does result in a bootloop
- more things I may forgot
- I did not have time yet to fix the white on white background on notification, for this just change general background in rom control. same for the weather widget, will do this in next release!

SuperMan-Rom V1.12:

- Fully rebased and remodded on BPH6 source (flat users can use the new BL since we got a twrp update)
- removed colorable battery percentage (because of issues with white on white background)
- new gallery app included
- august security patches applied
- superkernel updated to V1.7 and superstock to V1.3
- Added a toggle to remove emergency mode from reboot menu
- Added rom control option to enable music skip
- Update notification background, it can now also be transparent (should fix white on white issue)
- Added carrier label is now colorable on lockscreen
- you can now change the size of the font in settings (so you can read it better when you got two sections)
- magisk updated to V6
- phh's root updated
- xposed updated to V86.5
- added magisk compatible supersu zip
- virtual lock buttons updated
- weather on lockscreen updated, thanks to @tamirda for his help!
- csc updated to ITV BPH1

SuperMan-Rom V1.13:

- Rebased on official BPHJ base
- all mods remade from scratch
- stock kernel updated (BPHJ), superkernel and superstock updated with latest ramdisk
- added autostart option to settings
- removed FOTA (since we don't get any official updates)
- updated supersu to V2.78
- added magisk busybox
- added magisk viper4android
- updated romcontrol to V2.1
- colorable wifi, LTE, airplane, roaming toggle
- added toast notification who are configurable (romcontrol)
- Superkernel has for this special version NO OC and UC (for testing) if it get's better with freezing
- fixed quicklaunch in recent not appearing
- Fix problem that incallui bg is the same as notification bg
- Camera mod to V5 updated
- September patches

SuperMan-Rom V1.13.1:

- fixed 2 times autostart
- fixed gallery crashing
- fixed gear vr crashing

SuperMan-Rom V1.14:

- Fully rebased and remodded on BPIF
- latest BPIF ZTO csc included
- updated supersu to SR1
- updated xposed installer application
- autocall recorder fixed
- Superstock updated to 1.4 (including BPIF ramdisk)
- SuperKernel updated to 1.8 (Prerelease on rom)
- Enabled launcher rotation
- colorable clear and notif buttons
- colorable user text on lockscreen
- hopefully fix applock
- add torch into settings
- last but best feature: use fingerprint after a reboot, biggest thanks to @mwilky for his awesome work he did there!

SuperMan-Rom V1.14.5:

- iOS 10 emojis added
- screenshots are colorable now in romcontrol
- reworked xposed/supersu selection in aroma
- added phh latest supersuser
- updated magisk to V7
- Updated xposed to V86.6
- Updated all magisk mods
- Added TW swipe to modded launcher
- Updated superkernel to 1.8.5
- Updated superstock 1.4.5
- Romcontrol default values adjusted
- zubis sound mod updated to V18
- Adblocker updated
- Phh's apk updated to latest beta (looks much nicer now)
- xposed apk updated
- magisk apk updated
- samsung music apk updated

SuperMan-Rom V1.15:

- Rebased on latest BPJ7
- Remodded and retweaked everything
- Fixed volume rocker problem
- Install supersu before magisk so magisk is compatible now with supersu
- Magisk updated to V8
- Magiskmanager updated
- Remade aroma installer, hopefully little bit clearer now
- UDS and Screencast toggle in statusbar
- InCallUI colorable
- Fixed superman control FC
- Updated both kernels with latest ramdisk base
- Fixed some synapse stuff (eg after clean flash no UCI support showed)
- October security patches included
- CSC updated to latest INS one
- Replaced potato clock with 3minit clock
- Many more things I already forgot again lol

SuperMan-Rom V1.15.5:

- Fixed toast message not working in romcontrol
- fixed contacts crash
- updated sms application (the patched one, should now support more lanuages)
- updated applock
- updated floating message
- added network powersaving
- updated all kernels (except stock) to fix the urgent security issue
- updated phh superuser apk
- changed to DBT csc as default, hopefully for those who had problem with volte it will work now
- changed debloat title, was confusing before
- remind users at the end of installation to flash csc

SuperMan-Rom V1.16:

- Update to base BPJG
- November security patches
- remodded from scratch
- busybox updated to 1.25
- busybox app updated
- launcher rotation disabled (no one seems to like it)
- magisk app updated
- magisk phh root updated to r266-2
- updated all kernels to BPJE source drop base
- Xposed apk updated
- new smali/baksmali method used for deodex
- hidesu phh root added (r266)
- OperaMax apk as debloat in aroma (and without any launcher icon now)
- UPSM apk as debloat app in aroma (to control apps on UPSM)
- added double tap to sleep on statusbar (credits to @tamirda)
- adaway enabled or disabled in aroma (because of 3minit battery)
- fixed AppLock fcs because of signature
- fixed sms patch apk scheduled settings
- added samsung nougat emojis
- added aroma selection for csc. Default would be ITV as it is the base for it. You can also chose to install no csc when you flash the csc selection right after rom install
- eventually some more things I don't remember

SuperMan-Rom V1.17:

- Based on BPKA firmware
- Remodded and retweaked from scratch
- Updated Magisk to V9
- Updated Magisk Manager to V2.5
- Updated SuperSU to SR4 (I know there is SR5 now but I don't want to reupload the rom just cause of this)
- Updated AdBlocker apk to latest official release
- Updated Host file
- Ask in aroma if you want to update modem, will be flashed if you like (BPJG is still latest), so Modem is now updatable in TWRP
- Added BL (bootloader) update to aroma (I added a warning, WHEN UPDATING BL, PHONE DOES AUTOREBOOT AFTER SUCCESSFUL INSTALLATION) Means you need to flash csc after first boot, so my suggestion is: flash rom without BL and flash it in odin. So you can set up your csc correctly
- All ramdisks updated to BPKA
- Changed CSC to AUT (since we never had issues with it)
- Updated baksmali/smali
- Added some files which will may help for wifi calling (please tell me if it worked)
- Changed operamax with official one from playstore (many of you thought it is a spam app)
- Updated Xposed Installer APK
- Updated Xposed Framework to V87
- some things I forgot

SuperMan-Rom V1.18.1:

- Updated SuperStock Kernel to V1.6
- Updated SuperKernel to V1.9.6
- Updated SuperSU to V2.79
- Added W8 bootloader and modems to aroma installation as well (auto update), that's why the zip got bigger again lol
- Updated viper4android magisk installation
- Added magisk viper4android apk file
- Added viper4arise sound mod (untested)
- Good lock SystemUI added in aroma
- Updated Xposed to 87.1 by topjohnwu (xposed will show 87.0 but magisk 87.1)

SuperMan-Rom V1.19:

- Fully rebased and remodded on BPLB base
- Probably the most annoying bug: fixed superman romcontrol not working from stock settings (due to package change)
- fixed not installing synapse and kernel adiutor
- added build.prop tweaks selectable in aroma
- Only display csc warning if you did not install default csc which comes with the rom
- Changed ARISE to deuterium which you guys reported working fine
- Updated samsung browser with fixed secret mode thanks to @mwilky
- Some other scripts cleanups
- Changed xposed 87.1 in xposed.prop as well (87.1 will now be display in xposed app
- Updated phh superuser apk to latest beta 10 (material)
- Updated adblocker hostfile
- Added phone info app as user app
- Updated Samsung music app (and install as user app as well)
- Updated SuperSU to V2.79 SR1
- Another attempt to fix magisk viper4android.. (included a modded audioconfig file)
- Added TWRP recoveries to aroma. You can now choose if you want to update your recovery during aroma or not!
- Updated nougat emojis from latest samsung beta
- Updated BL's to BPLB (CP is still the same)
- Updated stockkernel to BPLB
- Updated Ramdisk of SuperKernel and SuperStock to BPLB (no source code yet)
- Added scrolling launcher background to romcontrol
- Updated Kernel adiutor
- Check rom info tab for little christmas easer egg by @myellow
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Reaktionen: vietnam, mystery007, Darkman und 2 andere
Update zu 1.5 based on APDN
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Darkman
Update zu 1.5.1
  • Danke
Reaktionen: vietnam
Update zu 1.6 ist da
[doublepost=1464074246,1464074106][/doublepost]Ich arbeite schon länger mit dieser Rom und muß sagen,,, einfach super und nicht zu verbastelt..
Ich hoffe das Update behebt den Voll-Zoom fehler den ich hatte..
  • Danke
Reaktionen: vietnam und bodyXY
Update 1.6.1
  • Danke
Reaktionen: vietnam
Hi! Also wenn ich diese GANZE Anleitung hier oben durchgehe, dann bin ich mit dem S7E doch ...
a) gerootet
b) habe TWRP drauf
c) habe das ROM drauf
d) SU installiert
..., richtig oder muss ich noch einen anderen Tut vorher machen?

Des Weiteren noch folgende Fragen:
a) Wenn ein ROM-Update rauskommt, kann ich das dann einfach über das bestehende ROM flashen OHNE Datenverlust?
b) Kann man nach erfolgreich installiertem ROM noch OTA-Updates fahren?
c) Kann man nach erfolgreich installiertem ROM einen anderen Launcher installieren/nutzen?
d) Was ist mit den anderen hier oben angepinnten 'Wichtigen Themen'? Muss man davon auch noch Etwas installieren/flashen?
d-1) ... Secure Policy Fix (CF-Auto-ROOT) - wozu benötigt?
d-2) ... Secure Policy Fix (ROOT) - wozu benötigt?
d-3) ... TWRP-Recovery ist doch hier im Tut enthalten, richtig?
d-4) ... Wanam Xposed? - ist das nach diesem ROM-Tut nicht mit drauf?

Merci Euch
A, B , C, D: Ja

Mit der neuen OTA Funktion sollte drüber flashen gehen, wenn man auf der gleichen Base ist, sollte es auch per TWRP gehen.

OTA von Samsung geht nicht mehr, dafür ab 1.6.1 OTA über die Rom selber (Rom Updates).

Anderer Launcher sollte immer möglich sein.

Den rest an Anleitungen brauchste nicht, da schon alles mit an Bord.

Xposed kannst du als Option über Aroma gleich mit installieren.

1.6.5 ist draußen!

Ist das die gleiche BASE?
Denn wenn ich mich recht entsinne geht ein 'Rom-Update-einfach-drüber-installieren' nur wenn es die gleiche Base ist, richtig? Bei einer neuen Base müsste man ja komplett neu installieren (also ALLES löschen, etc.)!
Ggf. die BASE immer mit aufführen und bei BASE-Wechsel nochmal explizit drauf hinweisen?

Einfach drüber installieren klappt bisher immer ;-)
Die Devs schreiben immer rein, dass man wipen sollte, weil nur so ordentliche Fehleranalyse klappen kann, wenn denn Fehler auftreten.
Anscheind klappt das 'einfach drüberinstallieren' wohl nicht! Bei XDA haben zahlreiche User Probleme damit bekommen!
Funktioniert bei euch der Private Mode?
Es steht bei den Rom Features zwar "Private mode fixed", funktioniert allerdings nicht.
Hallo, habe die Rom jetzt auch drauf, soweit alles ok., es ist mir allerdings aufgefallen, dass Samsung TTS high quality german male/female nicht im Galaxy Store angeboten wird!
Wie komme ich an eine TTS in high quality ?
Hab zum vergleich in das S6 meiner Frau geschaut , dort kann ich es installieren!
Liegt das am ROM oder ist TTS high quality für das S7 nicht zur Verfügung ?
Apps füt den Seitenbildschirm lassen sich nicht installieren

vielen dank für den thread,

bin ganz neu hier und habe mich das erste mal am rooten und aufspielen einer rom versucht.
laut twrp sollte alles einwandfrei geklappt haben, nach dem ersten reboot habe ich jetzt folgendes problem.

es kommt eine passwort abfrage und ich komme nicht weiter :) egal was ich eingebe

download bootloader etc klappt alles noch einwandfrei, es war kein passwort eingestellt...
auch nach komplett neuem aufsetzen, erst dbt firmware und danach nochmal von vorne gleiche prob..der aroma installer läuft fehlerfrei durch....

mfg meikel

ps bei twrp bei swipe kamen mehrere fehlermeldungen


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jemand nen plan???

dm-verity and force encryption disabler damit habe ich das system encrypted, nach erneuter rom installation startet das handy jetzt automatisch immer im twrp recovery

was mache ich falsch?
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Ich vermute mal das du vergessen hast deinen InternenSpeicher zu entschlüsseln.

Ich würde folgendes Versuchen:

Erstmal dein Handy wider auf das Original ROM zurück bringen:

[Anleitung][G935] Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge - Flashen einer Firmware mit Odin (1-teilige / 4-teilige)

Bitte genau lesen! Und am besten die 4. Teilige FW flashen. Daten gehe allerdings verloren.

Handy nach dem flashen einmal starten lassen bis du in der First Setup rauskommst.

Dann Rooten am besten nach dieser Anleitung:

[Anleitung][ROOT][Secure Policy Fix] *22.05.2016* Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge / G935F/FD/X

Da ist auch das File dabei um den Speicher zu entschlüsseln.

Auch hier genau lesen!!!

Wenn du alles richtig gemacht hast sollten die roten Fehler weg sein. Wenn du nach dem Rooten das Handy einmal booten lässt kannst du es nochmal mit dem ROM hier versuchen.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: meikelspoint
vielen dank für die hilfe
firmware und root sind drauf, ist grad am booten, ich hoffe das es danach geht

vielen dank für die hilfe

der root im ersten schritt hatte funktioniert und handy hat gebootet.
bootloader und cp wieder drauf gemacht, direkt danach ins recovery, advanced wipe ohne fehler ausgeführt...
custom fw drauf, nach neustart wieder direkt ins receovery :(
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Bearbeitet von: bandit1976 - Grund: Direktzitat entfernt.
Dumme Frage hast du auch den Bootloader für dieses from wieder neu geflasht
[doublepost=1466066858,1466066787][/doublepost]Hoch da habe ich was überlesen hast du ja geschrieben. Dann weiß ich auch nicht weiter ich habe dieses Rom noch nie ausprobiert und kann daher nicht mehr dazu sagen.
vielleicht wei ja jemand anderes noch rat...hab alles eingehalten, auch oem und debbugging aktiviert

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