[ROM] Android Nougat 7.0 Official-Stable [DPLT] ODEX/ROOT/BUSYBOX [v7.0]

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Fortgeschrittenes Mitglied
* Based on samsung official android 7.0 - G935FXXU1DPLT Firmware!
* Encrypted S7 Flat / S7 Edge kernel includded
* Latest DPLT bootloader/modem S7 Flat / S7 Edge includded (automatic flash only when detected G9350F or G935F no risk of brick)
* Removed 100% Knox and Fota Client
* Rooted by SuperSU v2.79 (system-less modded by me)
* Busyboxed v1.25.1


* fixed permissions for external storage r/w
* private mode fixed
* keep current csc or select region from aroma!
* added reboot to recovery button to power menu
* enabled fingerprint unclock after reboot without pattern or pin
* enabled duration keys lighting in the setting
* enabled secret mode in samsung browser
* disabled high volume warning for head phones
* enabled ambient display
* 1060 Fonts Pack mod
* iOS Emoji mod
* viper4a and dolby atmos sound booster!

* bulid.prop tweaks for best results:
disable secure storage
faster boot animation
screen mirroring fix
battery improvment
lags and glitches reduced
and more...

* csc features like:
call recording
identify unsaved numbers
receive MMS without mobile data on
support recent app protection
enable LTE mobile data icon instead 4G
enable data usage information under brightness slider
enable multi user support
enable flipboard briefing visilibity on page tw launcher
Vo-LTE support
real-network speed meter in network settings
and more...

* optimization tweaks for best results:
fstrim command on every boot
logs cleaner on every boot
zippaling on every boot
sqlite3 v3.12.1 optimization on every boot

Download ROM

old version rom:

Rom Control

SystemUI Mods
* Stock Battery (Show/Hide)
* 3Minit Battery (Show/Hide)
* Display Battery Percentage (Show/Hide)
* Stock Clock (Show/Hide)
* 3Minit Clock (Show/Hide)
* Network Traffic Preference
* Custom Text (On/Off)
* Virtual Buttons (On/Off)

Notification Panel Mods
* Data Usage Preference
* Device Info Preference
* Carrier Label Preference
* Custom Panel Background
* Single Swipe for right side (On/Off)

Phone Mods
* Custom Background for IncallUI

Other Mods
* Ambient Display (On/Off)
* Lockscreen Rotation (On/Off)
* USB plug in/out wakeup (On/Off)
* Extended Power Menu
power off (Show/Hide)
mobile data (Show/Hide)
airplane mode (Show/Hide)
restart menu (Show/Hide)
multiuser menu (Show/Hide)
reboot recovery (Show/Hide)
quick reboot (Show/Hide)
emergency mode (Show/Hide)
torchlight (Show/Hide)
screenshot (Show/Hide)
screen recorder (Show/Hide)
google assist menu (Show/Hide)

Apps Control
* 3Minit Battery Settings
* 3Minit Clock Settings
* Root Explorer
* AdAway
* SuperSU
* Dolby Atmos
* ViperFX

Fix & Varius Mods

SystemUI Mod For v4.1

SystemUI Mod For v4.1 - version 2

How to install
Recommended installation when we come from 6.0.1 MM or stock nougat rom:

1 - download TWRP (herolte) for S7 Flat or TWRP (hero2lte) for S7 Edge
2 - download Odin v3.12.3
3 - download no-verity-opt-encrypt-2.2.zip file and then copy to the memory card EX-SDCARD
4 - activate developer mode on the current system and turn on the option 'enable OEM' - VERY IMPORTANT!
5 - reboot phone mode to 'download mode' and flash using Odin (position AP) TWRP recovery [ATTENTION you must turn off autoreboot options in odin and after flash manually reboot the phone into recovery mode]
6 - go to options and select wipe data format - write "yes" then after finishing wipe necessarily restart phone to recovery mode [ATTENTION this operation will clear the memory of the phone without touching the data contained on the ex-scdard]
7 - confirm "allow modifications" if recevory ask
8 - flash in the recovery file no-verity-opt-encrypt-2.2.zip
9 - reboot phone to recovery mode
10 - confirm "allow modifications"
11 - go to wipe option and do all wipes: data, cache, system , dalvik-chace
12 - install rom from zip
13 - restart phone and wait for system booting
14 - there is no need to upload the bootloader for Nougat 7.0! we remain on the current version 6.0.1!


  • Danke
Reaktionen: shamanous
Hallo @Showalie

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  • Danke
Reaktionen: shamanous und controlled
7.1 steht zum Update bereit
  • Danke
Reaktionen: neocomp und Scoty
So liebe Leute,

da der Threadersteller seinen OP, nach ausreichend Zeit, nicht ändern möchte, schließe ich nun diesen ROM-Thread.

Falls jemand anderes in diesen ROM-Thread Zeit investieren möchte und sich bereit erklärt ihn zu pflegen, darf er sich gerne bei mir oder einem anderen Team-Mitglied melden. Interessierte können meinem oben angegebenen Link folgen um zu sehen was an Arbeit auf sie zukommt.

Danke für euer Verständnis!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: shamanous und gedhe
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