[ROM][G92xF][6.0.1][5DPL4] *03.01.2017* ALEXIS ROM 8.0 Beta1 [BOOM SOUND]

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Originaler Thread XDA-Developers: [ALEXIS ROM 8.0 BETA1][SM-G92xF/I/D/K/L/S/T/W8][03/01/2017][6.0.1 5DPL4][BOOM SOUND]


*/Fast Description/*
Based on latest firmware by Samsung with November Update (5DPL4)
Odexed, 100%Deknoxed, Zipaligned, SU.D tweaks...
Better performance with lowest battery usage
Pre-Rooted with SuperSU 2.79
Busybox Pre-Installed
Surround Mod
Ac Display Support (Ambient Display)
Csc Tweaks
Fast Bootanimation
Heavy debloated with aroma support where you can choose what you want!
SystemUI GraceUI Themed
And much more...

Wipes option
Wipe System, Data, Cache and Dalvik
Wipe Data and Cache

Select Kernel
Stock kernel for all devices

Select CSC Tweaks
Show on/off text on switch button
Data Usage in Notification Panel
Shutter Sound Option for Camera
Identify Numbers Unkowned
Block Notification Swiping on Notification Panel

Select Sound Mod
Alexis Surround Audio Mod (Only for SM-G92x F/K/L/S)
T-Mobile Surround Mod (by sshfranko) (for SM-G92x T/W8)

Select for S6, Note7/S7 or Google Apps
Phone and Contacts
Messages App
Smart Manager
Camera App
Clock App

Select Features Removed by default because unuseful
Edge Features
Ultra Power Saving Mode
All Android Smartwatch support
Beam Service
Car Mode Support
Easy Mode
USSD Codes
IMS Telephony Apks (for Volte)
Quick Connect
Samsung Themes
SPrint Support
GearVR Support
Smart Switch Support
VPN Support
Samsung Magnifier
Wifi Direct and AllShare Support
Mirror Link
Galaxy Themes
Accessibility Functions
Google Search and Google TTS

Select SystemUI Edits
Stock SystemUI
All Rounded SystemUI
SystemUI with 3Minit Battery Mod

Select System Animations
Stock Animations
iOS Animations
MIUI Animations
Note7 Animations

Select Apps Removed by Default
Samsung Memo
Samsung E-Mail App
Flipboard Briefing
Samsung Galaxy Apps
Peel Smart Remote
Sim ToolKit
S-Browser from Note7
S-Voice from Note7
Samsung Video App from Note7
Weather Widget from Note7
Samsung My Files
Samsung Galaxy Apps
Samsung Music App

Select Ported Features
Game Launcher
Galaxy Labs
Dual column settings
1060+ Fonts Mod
Viper and Dolby

Select Emojis
Stock Emoji
iOS 9.3 Emoji
iOS 10 Emoji (thanks to geiti94)
Android N Emoji

*/Supported Devices/*
This Rom works with every Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge
If audio doesn't work in T-Mobile find in XDA forums the fix!

If you have problems with VOLTE, you can go on this thread and use THIS AROMA TOOL for extract manually your csc country.

Version 8.0 BETA1
Based on Alexis 7.8 Odex firmware
Deleted su.d support and added init.d one, this prevent the slow boot
Added some init.d for performance and battery life
Improved RAM management
Fixed busybox installation
Added Samsung Cloud from S7 Nougat(Select in aroma, I'm not sure if will work)
Added fix for Screen Overlay detected and Scroll Capture fc
Re-moved Themes apps on main zip, this because Alexis Black Theme will be installed as default
Updated Alexis Black Theme, now it supports GraceUx Icons
Started partnership with @TheRoyalSeeker, all thanks to him for Divine Beats Sound Mod added on this Beta
Added for the first time in my ROM the Rom Control, at the moment I added only few things like:
- Network speed in statusbar
- Data Usage editable in Notification Panel
- And Device Informations in Notification Panel
All thanks go to @daxgirl, @Wuby986 and @theressaad that helped me a lot!
Then, removed Alexis Settings App and removed the option to choose the icons to see in Power Menu
Now in power menu there is shown : Power Off, Reboot, Screenshot and Screenrecorder; The Emergency Mode is now moved in settings
Edited Settings Apk with a tons of new features:
- Led Indicators options in Display Settings
- Toolbox, Adaway, RomControl and SuperSU are now in Settings Menu and deleted from Launcher (looks better)
- Added by default to choose, not more only 9 tiles, but 15 tiles in Quick Tiles
Added LTE Only Mode in Connections Settings
Updated GraceUi SystemUI now with:
- Colorized icons in statusbar like S7 Nougat
- 6 toggles in a column
- Empty Recent icon from S7 Nougat
Edited Extra Package, obviously removed the apps that now are by default on settings and removed FasterGPS that was useless at least for me!
Added the option for choose between SoundAlive and Divine Beats SoundMod
Added the option in Main Zip for choose between BlackTheme with GraceUx Icons and BlackTheme with 5.0.2 Icons

Version 7.8

Now the base is Odex:
-Better Performance
-Better Battery
-Apps open faster than deodex
Removed 'All Apps in multiwindows' won't work on odex
Added Dual Sim fix by default
Fixed 'Identify Numbers Unkown'
Fixed Screen Recorder
Switched to Stock Gallery App for fix photos switch after take it on camera app
Re-added Scroll Capture from Note7 (I forgot to add it in 7.7)
Allowed Google Play Services and Samsung Push Service to power saving

Version 7.7

Based on latest Samsung Update 5DPL4 with November Security Patch
Now heavy debloated, but don't worry, what I've removed is now on extra package
Fixed Secret Mode on S7 Nougat Browser (Thanks to Repulsa)
Re-removed DC Icon instead of H+ in statusbar
Fixed LTE icon instead of 4G icon in statusbar
Removed 1060+ fonts mod, it gives only more size to rom but isn't needed, you can find it easily on XDA.
Tweaked installation
Optimized Ram Management
Added more su.d tweaks for best performance and battery!!!

Version 7.6.1

Added fix for that apps downloaded from play store that force close
Fixed Messages App Fc
Added new Alexis Surround Mod v2:
Fixed echo during calls
Optimized Audio quality
Increased audio in headset/bluetooth

Version 7.6

Reverted to old UI and Fixed Unlock with Pin/Password/Pattern Fc
Updated SuperSU to Version 2.79 Stable
Fixed Wallpaper Choose options icons on Gallery
Changed Note7 Keyboard to S7 Nougat Keyboard
Updated S-Browser to S7 Nougat Version
Updated Google Keyboard to latest and newer version by Google
Updated all other Google Apps
Added option in Aroma for choose if you want LTE icon instead of 4G icon on statusbar
Removed my own theme because buggy (wait official release for it)
Removed DC icon instead of H+ icon on status bar

Version 7.5
Added Fix for USSD
Fixed App Lock
Improved Fingeprint Speed Unlock
Added ITV csc by default, and added in csc folder BTU and DBT csc too
Removed "Remove permanent notifications mod"
Re-added DualColumn Settings Option to Aroma
Added AirMessage support for Note7 and S6 Message App (doesn't work on Google Messages App)
Themed SystemUI to looks like GraceUI
Theme Store pre-installed for who had problems with my theme installation

With this version you can find at 99% a bug where you can't unlock your phone with pattern or pin
I'm sorry for this bug, but apktool made me crazy all day and I can't fix it, sorry again, I hope you can live with it.

Version 7.4

Deleted Note 7 Apps that had bugs, like Calendar and E-mail
Added Note7 Gallery by default (don't worry if it appear with old icon)
Updated Toolbox App (fix app selection bug with 640dpi)
Updated Google Play Store
Updated Google Play Services
Updated WebView Google
Updated Google Keyboard (aroma)
Updated Google Phone and Contacts App(aroma)
Updated Google Calculator (aroma)
Updated Google Messages (aroma)
Updated Google Pixel Launcher (aroma)
Removed some build.prop tweaks, was useless
Added new csc country, now VOLTE should be supported... repeating, I can't test so only you can say me if it is fixed (Thanks to a friend on telegram)
Fixed some problems related to aroma
Added fstrim, zipalign and sqlite tweaks.
Added new su.d tweaks
Improved general stability, battery and performance
Improved installation script
Fixed battery capacity and device model information in Settings

Alexis Black Theme will be applied automatically if you make a clean install and flash Main zip + Extra Package, selecting theme option in aroma.
Maybe you will find a little error on settings.. In informations about rom/date of release of this update there is written 5.11.2016 instead of 5.12.2016, I made a little mistake lol

Version 7.3
Fixed the option in aroma for Data Usage on Notification Panel that got installed without selecting it
Fixed Ac Display that was resetting its settings at every reboot
Added Google Assistant on Aroma (thanks to @thereassaad) (Don't update Google App or you will lose this feature)
Deleted more than 30 apks
Added more option in aroma for Debloat
Moved some options from First zip to Extra Package
Updated Note7 Camera App (Only selfie flash features from Note7 doesn't work)(thanks to @khongloi113)
Added a lot of tweaks for:
-Performance, now rom seems more smooth and fast!
-Ram Management, really optimized for best multitasking!
And there is much more..

Version 7.2

Based on latest DPJN base with November Security Update
Changed the build of aroma, now there are two zips:
-The first zip is already a ready ROM, with all important S6 Apps pre-installed with an aroma for choose Debloat and Mods
-The second zip is an Extra Package where you can choose N7 or Google Apps instead of pre-installed S6 and choose other apps debloated, you can choose your favourite emoji too..
Now Ac Display should be enabled by default
Fixed Screenrecorder App
Removed Emoji Switcher because fc
Removed OTA Update Center because was causing only problems XD
Fixed Note7 Keyboard problems with downloading languages
Fixed Call/Messages Blocking in Stock and Note7 Smart Manager
Re-added the option like on Note7 for screenshoots
Optimized general performance and optimized battery..
For better feeling with the ROM:
-Don't use some Note7 Apps, can cause incompatibilies
-Use less Viper and Dolby, are good but sucks battery
Report for battery after 2/3 complete cycles of battery

Version 7.1
Based on latest Samsung Firmware DPJ2 with October Security Update
Fixed Ac Display Fingerprint Unlock Bug
Reverted to Note5 Beta2 Touchwiz Launcher for better stability
Deleted Bootlogos from aroma (useless)
Added Note7 Animations in Aroma
New App for set up your Power Menu icons where there are OTA Support and Ac Display settings
Optimized updater-script and busybox installation
Optimized battery and general performance

Notes About battery life:
Report about battery life with this ROM after have done three cycles of battery..
If this won't work, try changing kernel with that you feel better

Version 7.0
After this, I optimized and clearified AROMA with less option, but you must know that all features that I removed from Aroma are added by default in system..
From Alexis Rom 6.3 I added new things like:
-iOS 10 Emoji
-Ota Updates
-Ac Display support
A part of this I optimized the installation of system and added newest tweaks for performance and battery

--Ac Display
This is a similar but more better feature than normal Ambient Display, on my rom you find it in Settings/Display
For activate it, you must open Ac Display, press 3dot menu and enter into settings of app; later you must navigate into Notification settings and active Quick Glance option, later reboot and you got this beautiful feature

--OTA Updates
This is a big feature, adapted by me for fix (when needed) some little bugs, but sometimes you will get MD5 error when updating; don't worry, you must wait some mins or some hours and you will get the ota update

I removed all csc choosing from AROMA for missing country, if your VOLTE doesn't work, extract or find in internet your csc country and VOLTE will work

Now this is the time to speak you about the bugs of this update (lol)
My ROM haven't serious bugs, but has some little bugs that are mentioned in AROMA, so as always READ CAREFULLY EVERY LINE OF AROMA for better and stable ROM!

Version 6.3
Completely redesigned Aroma with New Alexis Logo and:
- Option to select CSC country (choose one of 80+ countries)
- Option to Select CSC tweaks
- Option to Select Advanced or Stock Advanced Reboot Menu
- Option to return to Stock Bootlogo
- Option to select Emoji
- Option to select the Ringtones that you want (Added iOS 10 too, exclusive of Alexis Rom)
- Option to select new mods like Toolbox or AirMessage and AirCommand
- Option to select Google Phone and Contacts App
- Option to choose what you want!
Updated all Google Apps present in aroma
Fixed S-View Cover
Fixed S-Voice
Fixed almost all as well
Updated SuperSU to SR1 version (this can cause some delay in bootsplash at every reboot)
Selected tweaks accurately
Now better performance without loosing so much battery (Tested and had 5h Screen on time)
Remember more size means more stable

Version 6.2
Based on latest firmware DPGW with latest security update (01.08.2016)
Optimized aroma
Added AirCommand on aroma
Added Note7 Camera on aroma
Added Note7 bootlogo on aroma
Optimized battery and other things
Added Surround Mod Audio in aroma for T-Mobile device too

Version 6.1
Based on DPG2 Firmware from Italy with latest Security Patch
Added new option on aroma and reordered for better feel
Now Extra package is integrated in the same zip of system
Fixed all bugs presented on 6.0
Added multilanguage on some apps of NoteUX port
Tried to add support for all S6 and S6 Edge
Better performance and general optimizationes

Version 6.0
Based on newest Samsung base DPFX with July Security Patch
Optimized Aroma: Now you can choos more than 50 apps to debloat and mods, and you can choose what sound mod install
Updated Supersu at 2.76 and put on settings
Added all mods on services.jar
Added all mods on framework.jar
Added option in aroma to choose to install Ambient Display and Settings with Dual Colomn (with fixed option)
Added all apps from note ux firmware all fixed by Albe95's devs thread
So optimized for battery and performance
Added new Smart Manager from new NoteUX

BUGS: Private mode, maybe USSD and VOLTE with Wifi Calling..
If anyone know how to fix contact me on pm or by telegram group!


  • Custom-Recovery, vorzugsweise TWRP
  • 6.0.1 Bootloader und Modem
  • ROM und Extra Package downloaden und auf das S6 kopieren
  • in die Recovery booten
  • Factory-Reset (Wipe Data) durchführen
  • ROM auswählen und installieren
  • Extra Package auswählen und installieren
  • Reboot
  • Setup abschließen
Go into Recovery and Flash NougatGraceUI_For Alexis Rom 8.0
Select the UI that you want and later reboot
Now you can set fingerprint without having any issue!!!

  • Clean install this time is recommended
  • Keep the ROM more stock possible, sometimes Note7 Apps could give some lags/bugs
  • Find the 1060 Fonts mod here
  • If you select Google Assistant don't update Google App or you will lose Google Assistant
  • Try to don't use Xposed, it could be the first cause for your bugs
  • Keep Stock kernel if you don't want Private Mode/Viper, it gives best performance and battery
  • If you want Private Mode/Dolby use any custom kernel
  • If you have any problem with Accessibility Settings with apps like Greenify, install from Extra Package: Accessibility functions, Google Assistant and S-Voice
  • If anyone wants VOLTE working should select "IMS" in Extra Package and flash his country csc removing feature.xml added by me by default. (If this won't work, I don't know what to say because I can't test it with my carrier)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: chilabene und wohak
In der Aroma-Installation ist der S-Planner als Note7 - S-Planner auswählbar. Ja, mit dem S-Planner funktioniert der Kalender wieder. Ich habe die Rom seit Mitte Juli installiert, da war der "Bug" in der 6.0 auch schon drin, ansonsten bin mit der Rom sehr zufrieden. Die Version 6.2 läuft (bis auf die Sache mit dem S-Planner) bisher praktisch fehlerfrei.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hier gibt es auch den 3Minits Battery Mod für 6.2: AlexisV62_3minit..zip
(rounded rencents, aber keine rounded notifications)
Alexis 6.3 ist draußen!

Allerdings ist der Entwickler AlexisXDA momentan gesperrt, ich weiß nicht warum. Mir ein bisschen suspekt. Bin erst mal wieder auf die Unofficial XtreStoLite V1 umgestiegen.

Trotzdem hier die Download-Links und das Changelog.

Download link: Alexis Rom 6.3.zip | by AlexisXda for Galaxy S6

Mirror: https://mega.nz/#!GFwXgTjC!VdxuahCWv...sK5spB5muwmwnQ

[Completely redesigned Aroma with New Alexis Logo and:
- Option to select CSC country (choose one of 80+ countries)
- Option to Select CSC tweaks
- Option to Select Advanced or Stock Advanced Reboot Menu
- Option to return to Stock Bootlogo
- Option to select Emoji
- Option to select the Ringtones that you want (Added iOS 10 too, exclusive of Alexis Rom)
- Option to select new mods like Toolbox or AirMessage and AirCommand
- Option to select Google Phone and Contacts App
- Option to choose what you want!
Updated all Google Apps present in aroma
Fixed S-View Cover
Fixed S-Voice
Fixed almost all as well
Updated SuperSU to SR1 version (this can cause some delay in bootsplash at every reboot)
Selected tweaks accurately
Now better performance without loosing so much battery (Tested and had 5h Screen on time)
Remember more size means more stable
I added so much things that I don't remember lol
AlexisXDA ist ein Top Entwickler ich bin in der ofiziellen Telegram Gruppe mit über 850 Mitgliedern.
Der Grund weshalb er gesperrt wurde, ist nicht so schlimm wie man vielleicht vermutet.
Ein anderer Dev auf XDA namens Astrubale kopierte ihn mit der ROM "Movees Rom" und klaute alle Dateien von ihm ohne Credits zu geben.
Deswegen folgten immer mal wieder Sticheleien gegenüber beiden weshalb AlexisXDA dann gesperrt wurde. (bis 27.09.) (Ist alles eine längere Geschichte)
Für alle Interessierten, hier ist der Einladelink zur Gruppe: Join group chat on Telegram

Ich nutze gerade die neueste Version 6.3 und kann sie euch echt wärmstens empfehlen :)
AlexisXDA ist in meinen Augen der zweite edgarf28 mit seiner XtreStoLite Rom.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Gelangweilter
Funktionieren die EDGE Features auf dem g925f genau wie die stock?
Bei mir , ja.
Bin am Überlegen da ich ein edge noch im Schrank habe
Bin zwar abtrünnig geworden (schäm) und habe mir gerade ein Iphone - zunächst nur zum Probieren - zugelegt, aber habe eigentlich alle S6e Roms auf XDA durch. Mein - klarer! - Favorit wäre diese Alexis 7.0: benutze ich zufrieden als Every-Day-Version. Mehr kann ich dazu nicht sagen.
Alexis Rom 7.0: Alexis Rom 7.0.zip | by AlexisXda for Galaxy S6

Since yesterday new firmware with September update is out bySamsung and I used immediately it for my new update.
After this, I optimized and clearified AROMA with less option, but you must know that all features that I removed from Aroma are added by default in system..
From Alexis Rom 6.3 I added new things like:
-iOS 10 Emoji
-Ota Updates
-Ac Display support
A part of this I optimized the installation of system and added newest tweaks for performance and battery

So before to share the link I want to add some points about new features..

--Ac Display
This is a similar but more better feature than normal Ambient Display, on my rom you find it in Settings/Display
For activate it, you must open Ac Display, press 3dot menu and enter into settings of app; later you must navigate into Notification settings and active Quick Glance option, later reboot and you got this beautiful feature

--OTA Updates
This is a big feature, adapted by me for fix (when needed) some little bugs, but sometimes you will get MD5 error when updating; don't worry, you must wait some mins or some hours and you will get the ota update

I removed all csc choosing from AROMA for missing country, if your VOLTE doesn't work, extract or find in internet your csc country and VOLTE will work
Irgendwie kann man die Lautstärken kaum reduzieren. Jemand ne Idee, woran das liegt?
? Kann ich für mich nicht bestätigen. Aber es gibt so viele Installationsfaktoren, die bei dieser Rom Einfluß nehmen - Beispiel: clean Install, Viper (mit Custom Rom), welcher Sound Modus ist in Aroma gewählt worden, usw...!
Es lag wohl am Alexis Surround Mod, den ich zunächst mit installiert hatte. Hab die ROM nun nochmal drüber geflashed ohne den Mod - Problem gelöst ;)
...und ein kleiner Hinweis vom Dev selber. Wer Probleme mit den OTA-Updates (zur Zeit 7.0.2) sollte einfach "AlexisXDA" googlen und dann wird Dir geholfen (" In google search AlexisXda and open first link of AndroidFileHosts"). Den Zip.Download ganz normal über TWRP flashen, fertig.
...und Alexis vergaß den Videoplayer. App nachinstallieren - erledigt (Ich nahm VLC).
Gibt auch update auf die 7.4


Deleted Note 7 Apps that had bugs, like Calendar and E-mail
Added Note7 Gallery by default (don't worry if it appear with old icon)
Updated Toolbox App (fix app selection bug with 640dpi)
Updated Google Play Store
Updated Google Play Services
Updated WebView Google
Updated Google Keyboard (aroma)
Updated Google Phone and Contacts App(aroma)
Updated Google Calculator (aroma)
Updated Google Messages (aroma)
Updated Google Pixel Launcher (aroma)
Removed some build.prop tweaks, was useless
Added new csc country, now VOLTE should be supported... repeating, I can't test so only you can say me if it is fixed (Thanks to a friend on telegram)
Fixed some problems related to aroma
Added fstrim, zipalign and sqlite tweaks.
Added new su.d tweaks
Improved general stability, battery and performance
Improved installation script
Fixed battery capacity and device model information in Settings

Alexis Black Theme will be applied automatically if you make a clean install and flash Main zip + Extra Package, selecting theme option in aroma.
Maybe you will find a little error on settings.. In informations about rom/date of release of this update there is written 5.11.2016 instead of 5.12.2016, I made a little mistake lol

All links for download are here:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: maxe
Und die 7.5 ist da ...


Added Fix for USSD
Fixed App Lock
Improved Fingeprint Speed Unlock
Added ITV csc by default, and added in csc folder BTU and DBT csc too
Removed "Remove permanent notifications mod"
Re-added DualColumn Settings Option to Aroma
Added AirMessage support for Note7 and S6 Message App (doesn't work on Google Messages App)
Themed SystemUI to looks like GraceUI
Theme Store pre-installed for who had problems with my theme installation

With this version you can find at 99% a bug where you can't unlock your phone with pattern or pin
I'm sorry for this bug, but apktool made me crazy all day and I can't fix it, sorry again, I hope you can live with it.

Alexis Rom 7.8 CHANGELOG:
Now the base is Odex:
-Better Performance
-Better Battery
-Apps open faster than deodex
Removed 'All Apps in multiwindows' won't work on odex
Added Dual Sim fix by default
Fixed 'Identify Numbers Unkown'
Fixed Screen Recorder
Switched to Stock Gallery App for fix photos switch after take it on camera app
Re-added Scroll Capture from Note7 (I forgot to add it in 7.7)
Allowed Google Play Services and Samsung Push Service to power saving

- Clean install this time is recommended
- Keep the ROM more stock possible, sometimes Note7 Apps could give some lags/bugs
- Install GraceUI SystemUI Style only after the ROM is booted and you finished first Setup
- If you select Google Assistant don't update Google App or you will lose Google Assistant
- Try to don't use Xposed, it could be the first cause for your bugs
- Keep Stock kernel if you don't want Private Mode/Viper, it gives best performance and battery
- If you want Private Mode/Dolby use any custom kernel
-If you have any problem with Accessibility Settings with apps like Greenify, install from Extra Package: Accessibility functions, Google Assistant and S-Voice
- If anyone wants VOLTE working should select "IMS" in Extra Package and flash his country csc removing feature.xml added by me by default. (If this won't work, I don't know what to say because I can't test it with my carrier)Version 7.8

Download link: Androidfilehost Alexis Rom Ordner

Main zip: 7.8.zip
Extra Package zip: 7.8 Extra Package.zip


V8.0 BETA1 ist draußen..
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: maXTC

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