[ROM][G92xF][5.1.1][XXU3COI9] *11.10.2015* XtreStoLite Deodexed Mod Edition v2.4 [Debloated]

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Das kann sein. Ändert aber nichts daran, dass ich in dieser Richtung noch keinerlei Problem hatte.
Update ;-)

edgarf28 schrieb:
XtreStoLite Deo Mod Edition ROM + Aroma add-on package v.2.2 RELEASED!!!​

Changelog for the ROM:

- Updated ROM to firmware base XXU2BOGG (G925F) Android 5.1.1 (Build date July 24th)
- Updated the UniKernel to v.6-0001 (Much smoother now!)
- Deodexed the ROM using the latest oat2dex.jar (v.0.83)
- Done the mods using the latest Apktool.jar (v.2.0.1)
- Added Dual-sim (G920FD) support (make sure that you select the dual-sim option while installing the ROM)
- Fixed the extra quick toggles
- Removed 3 files from /system/bin
- Fixed different Catlog warning/error messages
- Added log cleaning init.d script
- Added 'Disable SMS -> MMS conversion when exceeds 480 characters' Mod for the Samsung Messaging app at default
- Removed the TCP4 & Google DNS tweaks (because these were giving issues for some people)
- Removed the FHA/DHA tweaks option, because it's now fully controlled by the Unikernel
- Moved the 'Disable scrolling cache' & 'Disable keyboard notification switcher' mods from the ROM to the Aroma add-on package
- Updated T/W8 audio fix files to the ones from the COF8 T firmware
- Updated Google Play Services to v.7.8.95
- Updated Google System WebView to v.45.0.2454.19
- Updated Sqlite3 binary to v.
- Various optimisations/fixes that I doesn't remember anymore...

Changelog for the Aroma add-on package:

- Re-based to the G925F XXU2BOGG firmware (build date July 24th)
- Re-added the Alliance Framework (v.3.0 for BOGG)
- Added 'Disable screen wake when unplug/plug-in' Mod
- Moved the 'Disable scrolling cache' & 'Disable keyboard notification switcher' mods from the ROM to the Aroma add-on package
- Above 2 mods are now also comptible with the 'Edge features' add-on
- Added Modded Samsung Messages app with the 'Disable turn on screen when receiving message' mod (+ the default 'SMS -> MMS conversion mod)
- Added Video Telephony add-on
- Added Vindicator (R3) universal custom kernel option (by [MENTION=4517211]Xileforce[/MENTION])
- Updated S-Health to v.
- Updated Google Search app to v.
- Updated Theme Store & Samsung Billing apps to their latest versions
- Updated UniKernel (to: v.6-0001) and UniBase kernel (to: BOG8 v2)

Download links of both packages are now online in the first & second posts!

Also the BOGG & BOGH Bootloaders/modems are uploaded for the G920F & G925F models here.

And welcome to the G920FD Dual-sim users! :good:

XtreStoLite 2.2 Download: XtreStoLite_ROM_v2.2_XXU2BOGG_S6_G92xF-I-T-W8-K-L-S.zip | XtreStoLite_ROM_v2.2_XXU2BOGG_S6_G92xF-I-T-W8-K-L-S.zip | by Edgarf28 for Galaxy S6
Aroma Add-on Package 2.2: XtreStoLite_Aroma_Add-on_Package_v2.2_XXU2BOGG_S6_G92xF-I-T-W8-K-L-S.zip | XtreStoLite_Aroma_Add-on_Package_v2.2_XXU2BOGG_S6_G92xF-I-T-W8-K-L-S.zip | by Edgarf28 for Galaxy S6
  • Danke
Reaktionen: GonzoR
Also erster Eindruck von der 2.2er Version is super! Schon auf Anhieb läuft sie deutlich flüssiger als die 2.1 und der neue Kernel ist wie beschrieben deutlich schneller. Sie läuft stabil ohne Abstürze oder sonstige Probleme. Ich schau mir die Rom in den nächsten Tagen mal genauer an und Berichte über die Akkulaufzeit.

Also ich habe sie ebenfalls seit gestern Abend und bin auch sehr zufrieden. Akku hält gefühlt ne Ewigkeit. ;)
Mehr aber morgen bzw die Tage...
Bin auch endlich zum flashen gekommen. Läufst bisher sehr rund. Habe vorerst mal den UniKernel drauf gelassen.

Das Aroma Addon hat wieder ein kleines Update erhalten:
edgarf28 schrieb:
Forgot to mention...

XtreStoLite Aroma add-on Package v.2.2b is Released!!


- Updated Alliance Framework to v.3.1 (Fixed volume warning, Fixed data toggle warning, Swapped square toggle bg type for indent)
XtreStoLite_S6_Odexed_Pure_Aroma_Add-on_Package_XXU2BOFJ_v.2.0.zip | XtreStoLite_S6_Odexed_Pure_Aroma_Add-on_Package_XXU2BOFJ_v.2.0.zip | by Edgarf28 for Galaxy S6
Hab mir die Akkulaufzeit mal näher angesehen und ich find se super! Schaff es bei Starker Nutzung ganz locker durch den Tag, und ich stand Heute um halb 9 auf, bis jetzt um 2 Uhr Nachts. Und ich habe noch immer 32%! Eines muss ich zu sagen: Die Nutzung war nicht Intensiv und eher selten.
Du installierst am besten GSam Battery Monitor und lädst davon Screenshots hoch. Das ist etwas aussagekräftiger. ;-)
Die firmware basiert ja jetzt auf die 925, funktioniert die rom jetzt auch mit dem s6 edge? Muss ich was beim flashen beachten( anderes Modem oder bootloader?) Vielen dank :)
Vielen dank
Ein kleiner Ausblick auf die kommende Version ;-)

ROM changelog:
COH2/9 V.2.3 Deodex Mod Edition:
- Updated ROM to firmware bases XXU2COH2 (apps/lib/framework files) &; KKU2COH9 (bin, vendor firmware files etc)
- Updated UniKernel to latest v.7 test version
- Added 4 different choosable Kernel profiles for the UniKernel (The Performance profile were the default settings of the kernel in the previous releases)
- Fixed Stagefright bug
- Re-added DHA & FHA Multi-tasking tweaks
- Better memory management (hopefully apps gets no longer closed at the background, and no more loading lag with keyboards)
- Fixed Banking apps that require KNOX
- Added LTE only network mode option in Settings
- Optimized build.prop tweaks
- Fixed G920FD bug where you could only send messages from SIM 1, so messaging from both sim cards should work now!
- Fixed MMS receiving bug which some users were experiencing with v.2.2
- Updated Android System WebView to v.45.0.2454.64
- Updated Google Play Services to v.7.8.99
- Miscellaneous speed/smoothness optimizations
- Optimized Installer script

Aroma Add-on Package changelog:
- Updated Adblock Hosts file
- Updated Edge apps (latest from the Galaxy app store), including Apps Edge
- Updated all the Extra Camera modes
- Updated Beam services apk files
- Updated SideSync apk files
- Updated Google Search
- Updated Google Messenger
- Updated Samsung Push service ( G925K COH9)
- Updated S-Browser (G925K COH9)
- Updated Smart Manager (G925K COH9)
- Fixed Samsung TTS High quality voices
- Added SLocation to the S-Health add-on, so that your location shows up on the S-Health map
- Updated UniKernel to latest build
- Added 4 choosable kernel profiles for the UniKernel
- Added optimized DHA & FHA Multi-tasking tweaks
- Removed Find My Mobile (works only on stock kernel, and it's not possible to run the stock kernel + root on 5.1.1, so it's useless)
- Optimized the Aroma installer
  • Danke
Reaktionen: asi1903ruh
Warte schon sehnsüchtig drauf . Bin z.Z auf der VaderRom, ist nicht schlecht gerade was Akku betrifft aber XtreSto war bis jetzt die beste
Morgen kommt die 2.3!
Yes, Sir!
Lade die ROM gerade...:)
Kann man den AEL Kernel noch weiterhin nutzen ?
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Iluminatus23
2.3 ist jetzt auch offiziell raus. Gibt noch kleine Änderungen:
edgarf28 schrieb:
I've token the RC6 build offline (the one from my signature)

Because I'm zipping up the public release build right now, will upload it right after it.

You can find the final public release build in the OP in an hour or something.

The Final public release build have these changes in comparison to the RC6 build from my signature:

- Fixed Samsung Test applications add-on (forgot to add 2 CSC files to the /system/etc folder in the Rc6 build) (ROM)
- Fixed wrong string in the Unikernel.prop file when using the DHA/FHA tweaks, so that the optimized VM tweaks are working now. (ROM & Aroma add-on package)
- Updated Vindicator kernel in the Aroma add-on package to R4 T20 (Aroma add-on package)

Der komplette, offizielle Changelog:

Changelog for the ROM:
- Updated ROM to firmware bases XXU2COH2 (apps/lib/framework files) & KKU2COH9 (bin, vendor firmware files etc)
- Updated UniKernel to latest v.7 test version
- Added 4 different choosable Kernel profiles for the UniKernel (The Performance profile were the default settings of the kernel in the previous releases)
- Fixed Stagefright bug
- Re-added DHA & FHA Multi-tasking tweaks
- Better memory management (hopefully apps gets no longer closed at the background, and no more loading lag with keyboards)
- Fixed Banking apps that require KNOX
- Added LTE only network mode option in Settings
- Optimized build.prop tweaks
- Fixed G920FD bug where you could only send messages from SIM 1, so messaging from both sim cards should work now!
- Fixed MMS receiving bug which some users were experiencing with v.2.2
- Fixed NetFlix streaming (changed Model name to the default one of the firmware (G925F))
- Updated Android System WebView to v.45.0.2454.84
- Updated Google Play Services to v.7.8.99
- Made the Samsung Messaging app CSC tweaks & the Extra Quick toggles tweak optional in the ROM installer
- Miscellaneous speed/smoothness optimizations & fixes
- Optimized Installer script

Changelog for the Aroma add-on package:
- Updated Adblock Hosts file
- Updated Edge apps (latest from the Galaxy app store), including Apps Edge
- Added YouTube Live broadcasting camera mode to the extra camera modes add-on
- Updaetd also all the other Extra Camera modes
- Updated SideSync apk files
- Updated Google Search
- Updated Google Messenger
- Updated Samsung Push service ( G925K COH9)
- Updated S-Browser (G925K COH9)
- Updated Smart Manager (G925K COH9)
- Updated Beam services apk files
- Fixed Samsung TTS High quality voices
- Added SLocation to the S-Health add-on, so that your location shows up on the S-Health map
- Updated UniKernel & Vindicator kernel to latest builds
- Added 4 choosable kernel profiles for the UniKernel
- Added optimized DHA & FHA Multi-tasking tweaks
- Removed Find My Mobile (works only on stock kernel, and it's not possible to run the stock kernel + root on 5.1.1, so it's useless)
- Removed Simpl custom Kernel (development has stopped)
- Optimized the Aroma installer

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