- 14.784
Vorstellung Vorschau auf LOS Oreo (von hennymcc)
LineageOS 15.0 ROM für Exynos3470 basierende Samsung Galaxy S5 mini (G800F/G800M/G800Y).
Diese ROM ist nicht für den Alltagsgebrauch und nicht für G800H, Brick in letzterem Falle vorhersehbar (andere Hardware)!
Funktonierende Features
Ungetestete Features:
Bekannte Probleme:
Hilfe anderer Entwickler willkommen. Hilfsangebote bitte im Originalthread oder bei xda per PM an hennymcc!
Bugs bitte im Originalthread melden, LOG-Dateien gern gesehen.
Dank an: spookcity138, ayke, mirhciulica, Psyafter and CTXz!
evDB Information
[G800F/M/Y][ROM][8.0][OPR1] LineageOS 15.0 for G800F/M/Y [Pre-Alpha 24/09/2017], ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini
hennymcc, spookcity138, ayke, psyafter, mirhciulica, CTXz
Source Code: cm-3470 · GitHub
ROM OS Version: 7.x Nougat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
ROM Firmware Required: TWRP Recovery [version >= 15/08/2015]
Based On: LineageOS
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2017-09-24
Last Updated 2017-10-25
Originalthread: [G800F/M/Y][ROM][8.0][OPR1] LineageOS 15.0 for G800F/M/Y [Pre-Alpha 24/09/2017]
aktualisiert auf 15.1 am 14.6.2018
-Video funktioniert nicht
-Speicherfehler möglich
LineageOS 15.0 ROM für Exynos3470 basierende Samsung Galaxy S5 mini (G800F/G800M/G800Y).
Diese ROM ist nicht für den Alltagsgebrauch und nicht für G800H, Brick in letzterem Falle vorhersehbar (andere Hardware)!
Funktonierende Features
- HW accelerated GUI
- Initiate and receive calls
- Camera (video recording is still buggy, try Footej)
- Flash Light
- Sound
- Fingerprint scanner
- Hardware sensors (Orientation, Compass, Proximity, Acceleration, Hall sensor, Step counter)
- Light sensor (needed for auto-brightness)
- Pulse sensor (preliminary and very inaccurate. Works with Apps like Kardiograph)
- Wifi
- Bluetooth (A2DP, HFP, HID)
- Mobile Data
- MTP storage
- USB-OTG (Keyboard, Mouse, USB-Audio)
- IR
- SD-Card as internal storage
Bekannte Probleme:
- USB-OTG (Mass-Storage): detected but the file-system is not usable and will be corrupted afterwards (--> do not connect your USB-stick at the moment)
- SELinux not enforcing
- USB-OTG (Mass-Storage): detected but the file-system is not usable and will be corrupted afterwards (--> do not connect your USB-stick at the moment)
- SELinux not enforcing
- Flash auf eigene Gefahr, keine Haftung für zerstörte Daten, Hardware etc
- Triggern des KNOX-counters führt zu Garantieverlust
- Anwendungen welche KNOX (zB "Private Mode") werden nie mehr funktionieren, nicht flashen, wenn diese Anwendungen benötigt werden
- Nur für Exynos3470 basierende Varianten des S5 Mini: SM-G800F/M/Y.
- Kann instabil sein, Gerät beschädigen, batteriebelastend sein,...
Before you start:
- Backup your data, like call history, contacts, sms, WhatsApp messages, favourite app settings that are on internal and external sd (by using Titanium Backup or other apps available on PlayStore). At least all internal data will be lost in any case. If you have bad luck you might also loose data from your external sd card.
- Important note: It is possible that flashing this ROM can cause efs partition issues. Therefore it is strongly recommended to make a backup of your efs partition before flashing this ROM. This can be done via TWRP.
- Link Odin3 3.13.1 Fehler
- neue, für Oreo überarbeitete Version TWRP
- LineageOS 15.1-20180610 by Andrea224
- OpenGapps arm 8.1 The Open GApps Project
Install recovery:
- Reboot your device into Download mode: turn off your device, then press Volume-Down + Home + Power button at the same time and release them.
- Confirm the following warning message with the Volume-Up button.
- Connect your device to your PC via USB
- Make sure the device driver's are installed on your PC
- Start Odin
- In Odin select "PDA" (in newer versions: "AP") and select the recovery image (recovery.tar.md5)
- Check that only "F. Reset Time" is set. "Auto Reboot" should be disabled to avoid a reboot into stock ROM.
- Click on "Start": the recovery image should be flashed now. By flashing the recovery, your warranty will be void.
- After the recovery flashing process was successful, reboot into recovery mode (see instructions below).
- Important: make sure not to boot into stock ROM, otherwise the stock ROM might remove the custom recovery again. If this happens, flash the recovery image again.
Flash ROM:
- Reboot into recovery mode (Press Volume-Up + Home + Power button)
- Make a Backup of your phone (Backup, then select Boot, System, Data, then swipe to backup). Note that the recovery might fail to restore the backup when you want to go back to the stock ROM.
- Copy GApps and LineageOS ROM zip to your device's internal or external SD card
- Connect your device via USB to a PC. You should see the device in the Windows File Explorer now.
- If you do not see the device in File Explorer, make sure that MTP is enabled (inside Mounts, click on Enable MTP).
- If MTP does not work from recovery, try to copy via MTP by booting your old Android ROM or just remove the external SD card and copy to it directly.
- Select one of the two drives (internal or external SD) and copy the files to it.
- Do not put the files into the data directory of the internal sd card, otherwise they will be wiped in the next step.
- Connect your device via USB to a PC. You should see the device in the Windows File Explorer now.
- Wipe Dalvik Cache, Cache, System and Data (inside Wipe -> Advanced Wipe).
- Do not report problems if you did not wipe those partitions as the problems are most probably related to this!
- Install the LineageOS ROM zip package
- Install the GApps zip package
How to root:
LineageOS does not have root support integrated by default. You have to download addonsu-arm-signed.zip for 14.1 from the Lineageos Extras download page and install it with TWRP.
After that root access is still disabled by default. If you want to activate root access for apps, do the following:
LineageOS does not have root support integrated by default. You have to download addonsu-arm-signed.zip for 14.1 from the Lineageos Extras download page and install it with TWRP.
After that root access is still disabled by default. If you want to activate root access for apps, do the following:
- Open the Settings menu, select "About Phone"
- Tap on the "Build number" entry seven times. You should be notified, that the developer settings are now active.
- Open the Settings menu, select "Developer options". Enable root access by selecting "Apps" in the "Root-Access" setting.
In case you want to go back to the stock ROM:
- Letzte aktuelle Firmware für G800F downloadbar bei SamMobile
- Reboot in Downloadmodus
- Odin auf dem PC starten, smartphone mit PC via USB verbinden
- zip-file auspacken um .tar.md5 file zu erhalten
- In Odin unter PDA .tar.md5 Datei wählen, "Start".
- Nach Stockrominstallation in Recovery booten, wipe data partition, dann wipe cache.
- Reboot
* Wake on Home button press
* Model string fixed ("G800F" instead of "G800")
* GPS fixed
* Bluetooth fixed
* Update to newest LineageOS sources
* Note: Android 8.0 requires a new TWRP recovery (build from 22/10/2017). otherwise you will not be able to flash the image ("E3004: This package is for device: kminiltexx,kminiltedv,kminilteub,kminilte; this device is .")
* telephone calls working
* Camera works (recording videos might still not work)
* LineageOS sources updated
* Initial test build
* Wake on Home button press
* Model string fixed ("G800F" instead of "G800")
* GPS fixed
* Bluetooth fixed
* Update to newest LineageOS sources
* Note: Android 8.0 requires a new TWRP recovery (build from 22/10/2017). otherwise you will not be able to flash the image ("E3004: This package is for device: kminiltexx,kminiltedv,kminilteub,kminilte; this device is .")
* telephone calls working
* Camera works (recording videos might still not work)
* LineageOS sources updated
* Initial test build
- https://github.com/cm-3470/android_d...msung_kminilte (Check README.md for build instructions)
Hilfe anderer Entwickler willkommen. Hilfsangebote bitte im Originalthread oder bei xda per PM an hennymcc!
Bugs bitte im Originalthread melden, LOG-Dateien gern gesehen.
Dank an: spookcity138, ayke, mirhciulica, Psyafter and CTXz!
[G800F/M/Y][ROM][8.0][OPR1] LineageOS 15.0 for G800F/M/Y [Pre-Alpha 24/09/2017], ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini
hennymcc, spookcity138, ayke, psyafter, mirhciulica, CTXz
Source Code: cm-3470 · GitHub
ROM OS Version: 7.x Nougat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
ROM Firmware Required: TWRP Recovery [version >= 15/08/2015]
Based On: LineageOS
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2017-09-24
Last Updated 2017-10-25
Originalthread: [G800F/M/Y][ROM][8.0][OPR1] LineageOS 15.0 for G800F/M/Y [Pre-Alpha 24/09/2017]
aktualisiert auf 15.1 am 14.6.2018
-Video funktioniert nicht
-Speicherfehler möglich
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