[OS] RootBox (AOKP / CM 10 / Paranoid) + PDroid-Patch

  • 75 Antworten
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ichhab erst das update und danach sofort restore installiert, jedoch wird immer noch 2.3v angezeigt. muss ich ein Wipe Data/Factory Reset machen?
und wie genau muss ich vorgehen ?
erste update dann neustarten und dann das andere oder beides gleich? :S

würd mich auf eine antwort freuen :)
Das restore ist zum Wiederherstellen, falls das Update schiefgelaufen ist. Du musst nur die update.zip flashen.

Was meinst du mit 2.3v?
müsste nicht v2.4 stehen nach dem update?
bei mir sieht das ganze jetz so aus:


Ja passt, steht bei mir auch. das hat der Dev nur vergessen zu ändern. Schau mal in den Settings unter "Rootbox Update", da steht die korrekte Version.

Wenn da auch 2.3 steht, hat das Flashen nicht funktioniert. Du hast schon das komplette ROM geflasht und nicht nur den PDroid-Patch?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
okay dort steht 2.4, hat der wirklich nur vergessen :)
hab nur den patch genutzt. muss ja nicht sein, dass man alle 2 wochen das handy neumacht ^^

aber dake für die antwort und die hilfe.
flix90 schrieb:
hab nur den patch genutzt.
Das ist nun wirklich Blödsinn. Wenn du nur den PDroid-Patch geflasht hast, dann hast du kein 2.4, auch wenn es da steht. Du musst natürlich vorher das 2.4 ROM flashen.

Und was meinst du mit "Handy neumachen"? Du musst nur Cache und Dalvik Cache wipen und das ROM flashen. Ist bei mir in 5 Min erledigt.
OTA sagt es ist aktuell. ich war der meinung ich hab sofort als das 2.4 kam geflasht so wie es im OTA steht. bei "Über as Telefon" steht halt nur V2.3 darum war ich durcheinander. jetz merk ich den fehler selber. :D ich hab die 2.4 und das update als rar auch drauf. xD seh ich das jetz richtig? ^^
Wenn du sowieso schon OTA das Update durchgeführt hast, brauchst du natürlich nicht das ROM noch mal flashen. Dann reicht der PDroid-Patch und PDroid sollte ohne Probleme laufen.
flix90 schrieb:
ich hab die 2.4 und das update als rar auch drauf. xD seh ich das jetz richtig? ^^
Du meinst die update.zip? Starte doch einfach PDroid und schau, ob er meckert. Wenn nicht, funktioniert alles.
v2.5 (20120918)

[B]Project name: android_device_samsung_i9100   
•Jorge Ruesga - Device i9100: Spanish translations  Project name: android_device_samsung_i9100g   
•Bajee11 - Remove had_led_flash from overlay   
•codeworkx - include torch app, add dock support  Project name: android_device_samsung_galaxys2-common   
•athurh - camera: Fix camcorder preview sizes  Project name: android_hardware_libhardware   
•Preetam Singh Ranawat - hardware/libhardware: Added string for handle a2dp device   
•Arun Kumar K.R - hwcomposer: Add sourceTransform to hwc_layer_t  Project name: android_hardware_qcom_audio   
•Giulio Cervera - audio/msm: fix 7x30 and 8660 voice call volume   •Ethan Chen - audio/msm8960: add ifdef for USB audio in FM audio ifdef   •cretin45 - audio/msm8660: re-add HTC acoustic audio/aic3254 support   •Ricardo Cerqueira - audio/8660: Add a couple more ACDB identifiers   •Steve Kondik - Revert "audio/8660: htc and aic3254 support"   
•cretin45 - audio/8660: htc and aic3254 support  Project name: android_hardware_qcom_display  
 •Steve Kondik - hwc: Close overlay when HWC disabled  
 •Jeykumar Sankaran - libhwcomposer: Close MDP PIPES in hwc_prepare.  
 •Amara Venkata Mastan Manoj Kumar - hwcomposer: keep secure content in an overlay when below skip layer   
•Jeykumar Sankaran - libhwcomposer: Reset layer list before clearing MDP states.  
 •Prabhanjan Kandula - libgralloc: Fix possible leak of fd  
 •Saurabh Shah - hwc: wait for fb_post, PAN only if target has overlay.   
•Amara Venkata Mastan Manoj Kumar - Overlay: Change MDP format for YV12 buffers   
•Saurabh Shah - hwc/overlay: Add premultiplied alpha support.   
•Saurabh Shah - hwc: video: Create crop and position structs only once.  
 •Arun Kumar K.R - display: Add support for video rotation on Ext display  
 •Pawan Kumar - copybit: Fix crash when copy_image is called with Tile format  Project name: platform_manifest  
 •Bajee11 - Track back AOKP Camera   
•Bajee11 - Fix some typo   
•Bajee11 - Update Google repo to 4.1.1_r4  Project name: vendor_aokp  
 •Bajee11 - Update android build name   •Bajee11 - Remove RootBox in ro.build.display.id   
•Bajee11 - Fix typo   •Bajee11 - Remove OTAUpdater.apk from build 
  •Bajee11 - Add Goo Manager to build for OTA  
 •Bajee11 - Modify ro.aokp.version for squisher to release properly   
•Bajee11 - Modify some Goo updater infos   
•Bajee11 - Add roo.goo.board to Goo updater   
•Bajee11 - Adding Goo.im updater   
•Bajee11 - Update OTA Updater to v1.0.2  
 •Bajee11 - Update to RootBox v2.5   
•rohan - Add more GSM APNs  Project name: proprietary_vendor_samsung  
 •codeworkx - p31xx/p51xx: added dock keyboard service  
 •Steve Kondik - P5 blobs  Project name: platform_development  
 •Xavier Ducrohet - Move SDK system image package to rev 2.  Project name: frameworks_native   
•Ramkumar Radhakrishnan - libgui: Add support to update buffer geometry.   
•Jeykumar Sankaran - frameworks/native: SF: Adapt vertices to GL co-ordinates   
•Arun Kumar K.R - SurfaceFlinger: update sourceTransform in hwc_layer_t  
 •Giulio Cervera - native: use standard cm qcom ifdef  Project name: frameworks_base   
•Andrew Dodd - wifi: Allow Settings to retrieve country code   
•BMc08GT - impl: Allow Rotation of Lockscreen (2/2)  
 •BMc08GT - IME Toggler as NavBar target (1/2)  
 •Petr Reznicek - framework_base: Updated czech translation   
•sethyx - Custom Vibrations (1/6) Frameworks part.  
 •Dirk Rettschlag - Lockscreen: add alternative music layout (2/2)   
•Stevespear426 - SystemUI: Custom Navbar ring targets   
•Ethan Chen - RIL: make data call APN a selectable RIL feature   
•Emerson Pinter - services: Fix tethering (softap) startup   
•dagr8 - Force TabletUI at any dpi based on the work of barrmulio @ XDA  
 •Jonathan Steadman - Revert "hwui: Disable QCOM tile renderer by default"  
 •Jake Hamby - Implement CMAS service category program results.   
•Jonathan Steadman - Revert "Triggering EarlySuspend based on BackLight brightness"  
 •Rajulu Ponnada - frameworks/base: fixes for tile rendering issues  
 •Wei Zou - Remove opaque check in GLRenderer when preparing dirty region. 
 •Denise Cheng - webkit: Multimedia feature port from ICS   
•Ebrahem Qassem - net: customize memory cache size   
•Pierre-Antoine LaFayette - [webkit] Runtime enablement of WebGL 
  •Sravan Kumar Ambapuram - Triggering EarlySuspend based on BackLight brightness  
 •Johan Redestig - onSavePassword dialog can leak when WebViewClassic is destroyed.  
 •Erik Ljungberg - Default WiFi sleep policy setting  
 •Johan Redestig - Make SimpleSessionDescription locale safe  
 •Johan Redestig - Make addAddress locale safe   
•Johan Redestig - Make setCaptureRate locale safe   
•Steve Pomeroy - Fixes relative time formatting issue for dates in future  
 •Johan Rosengren - Protecting more views from (bad) MotionEvents  
 •Arik Nemtsov - WifiStateMachine: ignore auth-fail event during WPS connection 
  •Chih-Wei Huang - Avoid system_server crashing due to mac address is null  
 •Steve Kondik - hwui: Add option to enable subpixel font positioning 
  •Ricardo Cerqueira - sensors: Add dummy light sensor   
•Oleksandr Byelkin - Add ability to answer call with hardware HOME button (1/2) 
  •Dirk Rettschlag - Add boot animation preview (1/2)   
•Mike Kasick - RILs: Eliminate repeated overrides of responseOperatorInfos.   
•Pawit Pornkitprasan - CatService: Handle CAT timeout  
 •Will Keaney - RIL for Samsung v6 RIL CDMA devices, based on SamsungRIL.   
•Zaphod - Fix for NavBar Hide  
 •Prateek Srivastava - Fix for phone rebooting when unlocking in landscape  Project name: android_bionic  
 •Prachee Ramsinghani - msm8660: Add neon based pow() function for Scorpion  Project name: android_kernel_samsung_smdk4210 
  •athurh - config: Add SIO I/O scheduler   
•Gokhan Moral - Add SIO I/O scheduler  
 •Andrew Dodd - config: enable KSM for n7000  Project name: android_build   
•BMc08GT - JRO03L 4.1.1_r4  Project name: packages_providers_ContactsProvider  
 •sethyx - Custom Vibrations (2/6) ContactsProvider part.  Project name: packages_apps_ROMControl   •Jonathan Steadman - ROMControl: Fixed czech typo  
 •Jonathan Steadman - RC: fix build   
•Petr Reznicek - ROMControl: Updated czech translation   •BMc08GT - Lockscreens: Allow Rotation of Lockscreen (2/2)   •BMc08GT - IME Toggler as NavBar target (2/2)   •Petr Reznicek - ROMControl: Updated czech translation   
•sethyx - Custom Vibrations (6/6) ROMControl part.   
•Kyle Teague - Clean-up/organize General UI section of ROM Control   
•Dirk Rettschlag - Lockscreen: add alternative music layout (1/2) 
  •Stevespear426 - NavBar: Custom NavBar Ring Targets   
•sethyx - Fix CPU and LED layouts on hdpi devices (added scrollview)   
•princess - Spanish translation ROMControl.   
•dagr8 - ROMControl: Add Force Tablet UI & DPI changer  
 •Dirk Rettschlag - Add boot animation preview (2/2)   
•sethyx - ROMControl: Hungarian translation by Klasszsrac   
•Roman Birg - add daily reboot option  Project name: packages_apps_Settings   •Bajee11 - Replace OTA app to GooManager in settings_headers   •YULIANGMAX - Updated simplified Chinese translations   
•Petr Reznicek - Settings: Updated czech translation  
 •Oleksandr Byelkin - Adds ability to answer call with hardware HOME button (2/2)  Project name: packages_apps_DeskClock   •Petr Reznicek - DeskClock: Updated czech translation  
 •Dirk Rettschlag - Add option to set the color of the digital clock widget  Project name: packages_apps_Camera   •Jonathan Steadman - Camera: fix NPE   •Jonathan Steadman - Camera: streamline settings 
  •jared waters - Camera: Add JPEG Quality settings.  
 •athurh - VideoCamera: Do not use continuous autofocus in time-laspe mode  
 •Danesh Mondegarian - Camera : Timer Snapshot   
•Jonathan Steadman - Camera: Add volume zoom  
 •XpLoDWilD - Camera: add burst mode (up to 20 shots) Rebased for jellybean.  Project name: packages_apps_Contacts   •Petr Reznicek - Contacts: Updated czech translation   
•sethyx - Custom Vibrations (4/6) Contacts part.  Project name: packages_apps_Browser  
 •Abhimanyu Garg - Adding exception handler for voice recognition activity  
 •Pierre-Antoine LaFayette - Runtime enablement of WebGL   
•Denise Cheng - Multimedia feature port from ICS  Project name: packages_apps_Phone 
 •Petr Reznicek - Phone: Updated czech translation   
•sethyx - Custom Vibrations (3/6) Phone part.  
 •Petr Reznicek - Phone: Updated czech translation  Project name: external_webkit  
 •Pierre-Antoine LaFayette - WebGL implementation for Android   
•Naiem Shaik - DOM traversal optimizations DOM Core optimizations Prefetch optimization for DOM Tree Traversal  
 •Ebrahem Qassem - webkit: networking optimizations   
•Denise Cheng - webkit: HTML5 video user experience and stability fixes   
•Denise Cheng - webkit: Multimedia feature port from ICS   
•Yida Wang - Implement requestAnimationFrame   
•Yaroslav Miroshnychenko - Remove inconsistency between HistoryItem writing/reading   
•Anders Edenbrandt - Crash on Orange media portal   
•xqian6 - Fix memory leak caused by CSSRuleList wrapper  
 •Yuyang Du - Fix browser rendering issue: pure color tiles are rendered black  Project name: external_skia  
 •bungeman@google.com - Squashed commit of font rendering fixes from Skia master  
 •djsollen@google.com - Landing arm patch from contributor.  
 •borenet@google.com - Implementing Color32 functions for Neon platforms.  Project name: external_chromium 
  •Ebrahem Qassem - net: networking optimizations  Project name: android_system_core   
•Ramkumar Radhakrishnan - system/core: Add command NATIVE_WINDOW_UPDATE_BUFFERS_GEOMETRY  
 •Steve Kondik - rootdir: Update cpufreq permissions when governor changes   
•David Ng - init: Add support for properties expansion in exec command   
•David Ng - init: Add "export_rc" command to export env from a specified file  
 •Jonathan Steadman - Revert "window: Add API to set the min undequeued buffer count"[/B]

komisch bei mir sagt OTA Updater leider nichts :(
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
ich denk mal, dass dieses OTA auch nicht richtig benutzt werden kann. dürfte schwierig sein, dass alles immer auf dem neuesten stand zu halten und dazu OTA zu machen.

ich empfehle da einfach zwischendurch mal nach updates gucken und diese wie gewohnt zu updaten! ob nun OTA oder nicht macht doch nun auch keinen großen unterschied solange man ein laufendes system hat, oder? klar, es wäre schöner wenn das so geht... aber ein bisschen dürfen die user auch ruhig mal mitmachen ;)

und nöööö, nicht böse gemeint. nur meine meinung. ich guck auch jeden tag nach superICS und horsepower ob da was neues ist im thread. weil mich das interessiert und das um meinen/meine kernel geht. die ich entweder habe oder haben will.
vollkommen richtig. es gibt nun auch nicht mehr den OTA Updater dieser nennt sich jetz GooManager.

ich gucke auch täglich.
mir ist nur ledeglich aufgefallen, dass er keine meldung wie üblich von sich gab.
aber wie zu erwartet geht die neue version 1a und der neue updater sieht dazu auch noch schick aus.
wie immer ein erfolg :)
Ich flashe sowieso immer per Recovery, da ich gleich den PDroid Patch applye. Bin gerade am versuchen, hatte gerade Android System FC, hab jetzt noch mal neu geflasht, mal schauen, obs diesmal klappt ^^
Nope, jetzt Bootloop. PDroid-Patcher scheint noch nicht zu funzen mit dieser Version. Ich gehe jetzt auf 2.4 zurück.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
4ndr0 schrieb:
Ich flashe sowieso immer per Recovery, da ich gleich den PDroid Patch applye. Bin gerade am versuchen, hatte gerade Android System FC, hab jetzt noch mal neu geflasht, mal schauen, obs diesmal klappt ^^
Nope, jetzt Bootloop. PDroid-Patcher scheint noch nicht zu funzen mit dieser Version. Ich gehe jetzt auf 2.4 zurück.

ich bin jetz nicht der ober pro und muss dies auch zugeben.
aber was bitte ist:
PDroid Patch applye?
System FC?

würd mich freuen wenn du mich ein wenig aufklären könntest. :)

Ich flashe den PDroid-Patch gleich, nachdem ich das ROM geflasht habe.
FC = Force Close
2.4 = Die ROM-Version vor 2.5

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag 18.09.2012 von 23:52 Uhr wurde 19.09.2012 um 01:04 Uhr ergänzt:

Scheinbar habe ich mir da doch mehr geschrottet als gedacht. Hatte ständig FC's, Phone war kaum noch benutzbar, auch nach format /system und neu flashen keine Besserung.

Habe jetzt einen Factory Reset gemacht, zum Glück habe ich automatisiert 2x die Woche Backups mit TB machen lassen, die stelle ich gerade wieder her.

Ich kann daher die 2.5 für PDroid-Nutzer derzeit NICHT empfehlen!


v2.6 (20120922)

Project name: android_device_samsung_i9300
  •PhantomGamers - move all overlays from vendor to device tree
  •PhantomGamers - Remove unneeded CM files
  •Bajee11 - Add Advanced Settings
  •Bajee11 - Revert "uncomment config_deviceHardwareKeys"
  •PhantomGamers - uncomment config_deviceHardwareKeys
  •codeworkx - removed gralloc overlay, moved bits to hardware/libhardware
  •codeworkx - updated extract script
  •Bajee11 - Disable intrusiveBatteryLed and multiColorBatteryLed overlay
  •Bajee11 - Disable CM nfc_enhanced
  •Bajee11 - AOKP Compatibility

Project name: android_device_samsung_i9100g
  •Andrew Jiang - pt-BR: Underp translations (i9100g Devicesettings)
  •Gustavo Rosa - PT-BR: Added missing translations
  •Pierpaolo Pernici - derp
  •Bajee11 - Add I9100G Hardware Info and remove duplicate density
  •Bajee11 - Disable backuptool
  •Pierpaolo Pernici - Added Advanced Settings Signed-off-by: Pierpaolo Pernici <pierpaolo@gmail.com>
  •Bajee11 - Remove hardware key overlay
  •Bajee11 - Fix non-declared values in base.

Project name: android_device_samsung_galaxys2-common
  •codeworkx - removed gralloc overlay, moved bits to hardware/libhardware
  •Andrew Dodd - power_profile: Bring a sane one from a Samsung firmware

Project name: android_hardware_samsung
  •Michael Brehm - exynos3: Implement custom VSYNC IOCTL

Project name: android_hardware_libhardware
  •codeworkx - gralloc: added exynos4 specific usage bits

Project name: android_hardware_qcom_display
  •Jeykumar Sankaran - libqdutils: Add copybit support to qdutils
  •Arun Kumar K.R - display: Add support for video rotation on Ext display
  •Prashant Surana - libgralloc: Add RGB_888 format as BUFFER_TYPE_VIDEO
  •Steve Kondik - gralloc: Don't use FB metadata on gimpy targets
  •Jeykumar Sankaran - libgralloc: Set alpha mode for MDP base pipe.
  •Amara Venkata Mastan Manoj Kumar - hwcomposer: Remove vsync event control for WFD External Display
  •Ricardo Cerqueira - liboverlay: Make sure the crop rectangles' dimensions are even
  •Lalit Maganti - gralloc: stop the log spam

Project name: android_hardware_qcom_media
  •Maheshwar Ajja - vidc: Align ion buffer length before allocating it
  •Rajeshwar Kurapaty - mm-video: vidc: suppress non-fatal error messages.
  •Vinay Kalia - mm-video: vidc: Try to open secure video decoder again.
  •Eric (Quic - mm-video: vidc: Add support for Smooth streaming for secure mode playback.
  •Eric (Quic - mm-core: Add support for Smooth streaming for secure mode playback.
  •Shobhit Pandey - mm-core: Add MPEG-2 extension and user data types

Project name: platform_manifest
  •Bajee11 - Change i9300 revision to jb
  •Bajee11 - Tracking changes
  •Bajee11 - Track i9300 device tree and smdk4412 kernel

Project name: vendor_aokp
  •Bajee11 - Upgrade RootBox V2.6
  •Arnav Gupta - add ssh protocols
  •Bajee11 - Removing i9300 overlays
  •Bajee11 - Remove Advanced Settings from i9300 vendor overlay
  •Bajee11 - Fixing typo in PRODUCT_NAME and updating build fingerprint
  •Bajee11 - Modify product release name
  •Bajee11 - Add i9300 support
  •Bajee11 - Update android build name
  •Bajee11 - Remove RootBox in ro.build.display.id
  •Bajee11 - Fix typo
  •Bajee11 - Remove OTAUpdater.apk from build
  •Bajee11 - Add Goo Manager to build for OTA
  •Bajee11 - Modify ro.aokp.version for squisher to release properly

Project name: proprietary_vendor_samsung
  •codeworkx - i9100g: fix typo
  •codeworkx - i9300: back to LG8 gps
  •codeworkx - i9300: blobs from LH4 (mali r3p0)

Project name: frameworks_av
  •Ravi Kumar Alamanda - libstagefright: LPA: Fix for delay in stopping LPA playback
  •Quarx2k - AudioFlinger: Fix compile with enabled debug flag.
  •cretin45 - camera: allow proper preview window updates to be disabled

Project name: frameworks_native
  •Steve Kondik - surfaceflinger: Fix ifdeffing
  •Jeykumar Sankaran - frameworks/native: Add support for copybit in Surfaceflinger.
  •XpLoDWilD - i9300: Clean up a bit usage flag hack
  •XpLoDWilD - Fix gralloc private flag for video playback
  •Krylon360 - SurfaceFlinger: Removal of NO_RGBX_8888 flag for OMAP3

Project name: frameworks_base
  •Corey Garst - Ported: Bluetooth Message Access Profile (MAP) from CM9
  •Boris Bershadskiy - Navring IME Switcher & Ring/Vib toggle (1/2)
  •Jonathan Steadman - framework: revert data icons back to stock jellybean
  •Zaphod - Alternate Signal Layout (1/2)

Project name: android_bootable_recovery
  •Koushik Dutta - rev

Project name: android_kernel_samsung_smdk4412
  •Gokhan Moral - fix permission issue which prevents "active tasks" shown in
  •codeworkx - applied patches from i9305 jb sources, updated mali to r3p0

Project name: android_packages_apps_Mms
  •Corey Garst - Ported: Bluetooth Message Access Profile (MAP) from CM9

Project name: packages_apps_ROMControl
  •Boris Bershadskiy - Navring IME Switcher & Ring/Vib Toggle (2/2)
  •BMc08GT - ROMControl: Clean up and reorganize Lockscreen
  •Dirk Rettschlag - About: fix retrieving twitter profile image
  •xoomdev - Add landscape specific layout for ColorPicker dialog

Project name: packages_apps_Settings
  •Petr Reznicek - Settings: Updated czech translation
  •sethyx - Custom Vibrations (5/6) Settings part.
  •Bajee11 - Replace OTA app to GooManager in settings_headers

Project name: packages_apps_Camera
  •Jonathan Steadman - Revert "Camera: fix NPE"
  •Roja Rani Yarubandi - Camera: Fix issue with restore default camera parameters

Project name: packages_apps_Phone
  •sethyx - Custom vibs: make sure cache is updated if contact has a custom vib.
  •sethyx - Fix setting ringtone.

Project name: platform_manifest
  •Bajee11 - Change i9300 revision to jb
  •Bajee11 - Tracking changes
  •Bajee11 - Track i9300 device tree and smdk4412 kernel

Project name: android_system_core
  •Ramkumar Radhakrishnan - system/core: Add command NATIVE_WINDOW_UPDATE_BUFFERS_GEOMETRY

Pdroid-Patch für die 2.6.1 wie immer im Start-Post

Project name: device_samsung_i9100
  •Pierpaolo Pernici - i9100: minor cleanup

Project name: device_samsung_i9300
  •Bajee11 - Enable LED notification
  •Gergely Szell - remove redundancy
  •codeworkx - set permissions on flash device for torch
  •codeworkx - updated extract script
  •codeworkx - jellybean cleanup

Project name: device_samsung_i9100g
  •Pierpaolo Pernici - i9100g: minor cleanup

Project name: android_device_samsung_galaxys2-common
  •codeworkx - removed gralloc overlay, moved bits to hardware/libhardware
  •Andrew Dodd - power_profile: Bring a sane one from a Samsung firmware
  •athurh - camera: Fix camcorder preview sizes
  •codeworkx - enable samsung stk
  •Pierpaolo Pernici - Fixing releasetools for galaxys2: disable backuptool for AOKP
  •Bajee11 - Add Advanced Settings
  •Bajee11 - AOKP compatibility

Project name: android_hardware_libhardware
  •Steve Kondik - power: Add POWER_HINT_CPU_BOOST

Project name: android_hardware_qcom_display
  •Rajulu Ponnada - hardware/qcom/display: avoiding tile rendering when render target changes for the same fbo

Project name: platform_manifest
  •Bajee11 - Track AOKP proprietary vendor_samsung
  •Bajee11 - Change remote frameworks/base
  •Bajee11 - RootBox changes
  •Bajee11 - Fix typo
  •Bajee11 - Remove unused devices
  •Bajee11 - Update Google repos to android-4.1.1_r6
  •Pierpaolo Pernici - Clean up platform_manifest 1st step
  •Bajee11 - Track AOKP Mms

Project name: vendor_rootbox
  •Bajee11 - Update RootBox V2.7
  •Bajee11 - Update i9300 fingerprint
  •Pierpaolo Pernici - Nova Launcher: upgraded to version 1.3.1
  •Pierpaolo Pernici - Nova Launcher: upgraded to version 1.3
  •Bajee11 - Fix i9100 & i9100g RC overlay
  •Bajee11 - Upgrade RootBox V2.6.1

Project name: vendor_samsung
  •PhantomGamers - i9300: remove lines from BoardConfigVendor.mk
  •Pierpaolo Pernici - i9100: bcm4330B1.hcd - Bluetooth prop realigned to upstream version
  •Gergely Szell - i9300 merge
  •codeworkx - i9300: remove legacy hostapd
  •codeworkx - i9300: update blobs to LI8, except NFC firmware
  •codeworkx - i9300: back to LG8 gps
  •codeworkx - i9300: blobs from LH4 (mali r3p0)
  •codeworkx - i9300: back to LG4 hwcomposer
  •codeworkx - i9300: updated tvout blobs from LH4
  •codeworkx - i9300: updated ril and hwcomposer from LH4
  •codeworkx - galaxys2/i9300: libsecion
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9300: LG8 ril
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9300: use prebuilt ics hostapd
  •codeworkx - i9300: build libsecril-client-sap.so from sources
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9300: updated camera firmware
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9300: updated camera firmware
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - Revert "i9300: LG8 blobs"
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9300: LF6 hwcomposer
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - galaxys2/i9100g/i9300/p31xx/p51xx: libwvm
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9300: LG8 blobs galaxys2-common: removed libGLES_android.so
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9300: LG3 blobs
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9300: samsung ion
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9300: jellybeaned
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9300: drop audio blobs
  •XpLoDWilD - Fixed all the things
  •XpLoDWilD - doin' it wrong
  •XpLoDWilD - Derp
  •XpLoDWilD - Derp
  •codeworkx - galaxys2-common: remove legacy hostapd
  •Gergely Szell - Add back crespo4g and update crespo
  •Gergely Szell - still fixing
  •sethyx - Fix toroplus props
  •Randall Rushing - New toroplus jb proprietary resources from ota.
  •Randall Rushing - bring in lib from toro fixing gps
  •Randall Rushing - fix prop apks and change to platform signature for mms and telephony
  •KalimochoAz - Initial spring galaxy nexus prop addition
  •Tom Parkison - New Toro JRO03O Binaries
  •sethyx - final cleanup after i9100 merge
  •Gergely Szell - Merge i9100g props into AOKP (TheMuppets).
  •Gergely Szell - Merge i9100 props into AOKP (TheMuppets).
  •Gergely Szell - Merge galaxys2-common props into AOKP (TheMuppets).
  •codeworkx - i9100g: fix typo
  •codeworkx - i9100g/p31xx/p51xx: remove prebuilt hostapd
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9100g: fix typo
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9100g: prebuilt ics hostapd
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - galaxys2/i9100g/i9300/p31xx/p51xx: libwvm
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9100g: camerawrapper
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9100g: updated egl blobs from tuna
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9100g: hwcomposer
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9100g: tvout
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9100: updated blobs from LPT
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - galaxys2: device specific libakm
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - galaxys2: device specific gps
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - galaxys2: cleanup
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9100: audio
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9100: disable audio
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - derp
  •sbrissen - gs2-common: copy hwcomposer
  •sbrissen - d710: fix using common props
  •codeworkx - galaxys2/i9300: libsecion
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - galaxys2: prebuilt ics hostapd
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - galaxys2: device specific libakm
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - galaxys2: device specific gps
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - galaxys2/i9100g/i9300/p31xx/p51xx: libwvm
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9300: LG8 blobs galaxys2-common: removed libGLES_android.so
  •sethyx - delete .orig file
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - galaxys2: cleanup
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9100: hwcomposer
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - derp
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9100g: camera and omx
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9100g: sensors, removed audio files, lpm
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9100g: back to old egl and prop hwcomposer
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9100g
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9100g: throw shitz out
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9100g: pvr update from tuna
  •Daniel Hillenbrand - i9100g: rename camera module for use with wrapper
  •codeworkx - i9100g: tuna egl blobs
  •codeworkx - i9100g: lpm
  •codeworkx - i9100g: more updates from LPQ
  •codeworkx - i9100g: updated from LPQ
  •codeworkx - added i9100g

Project name: frameworks_av
  •Tyler Luu - CameraService: Disable capture message types before stopping preview
  •Tyler Luu - Add CAMERA_MSG_RAW_BURST handling to CameraService
  •x0118064 - CameraService: Adds support for burst compressed images
  •Ricardo Cerqueira - stagefright: OMXCodec: Re-enable OMX.TI.Video.encoder's quirks
  •codeworkx - camera: added weather key for samsung cameras
  •x0118064 - CameraService: Add compatibility for OMAP ICS blobs
  •Dejan Ivanovski - Camera Service: Change max number of cameras to 3
  •Ricardo Cerqueira - libmedia: Add ICS audiotrack constructor
  •Y Mehta - libstagefright: Fix for LPA playback not resuming after pause
  •Laxminath Kasam - framework/av: port change for vocoders support
  •Edwin Wong - Fixed sample video corrupted in MediaCodec mode.

Project name: frameworks_native
  •Edwin Wong - Fixed sample video corrupted in MediaCodec mode.

Project name: frameworks_base
  •Bajee11 - Framework: Add Quick Message Support (2/2)
  •Shareef Ali - Phone: Sprint MWI Quirk: Phantom message wait indicator workaround (2/2)
  •Bajee11 - Revert "Framework: Add Quick Message Support (2/2)"
  •Gergely Szell - colors are negative :)
  •YULIANGMAX - Updated simplified Chinese translations
  •sethyx - Fix NavBar ring's center layout on lowered DPIs
  •Steve Kondik - input: Add option to toggle pointer icon when using stylus
  •Bajee11 - Revert "Ported: Bluetooth Message Access Profile (MAP) from CM9"
  •Boris Bershadskiy - NavRing: make all icons look the same as the Google Now icon

Project name: android_bionic
  •Andrew Hsieh - Unhide rtld_db_dlactivity()

Project name: android_kernel_samsung_smdk4412
  •Andrew Dodd - bcmdhd: change packet filter settings to block multicast
  •codeworkx - mali: fix getting subversion revision number
  •Andrew Dodd - GT-N80XX defconfig
  •Andrew Dodd - tspdrv: Add missing ISA1200 file
  •Andrew Dodd - synaptics: Add S7301 touchscreen driver
  •codeworkx - merge opensource jb u5

Project name: android_build
  •The Android Automerger - JRO03R

Project name: packages_apps_ROMControl
  •Pierpaolo Pernici - ROMControl: Sort the array containing CPU STEPS
  •BMc08GT - Navbar: fix setting of custom icons for navbar targets
  •Gergely Szell - Hungarian translations by Klasszsrac
  •Krzysztof B - Fixed navbar issue on MDPI devices It was caused by missing images in drawable-mdpi, ROM Control gave FC while I was entering navbar submenu. Signed-off-by: Krzysztof B <pikpoczek12@gmail.com>
  •YULIANGMAX - Updated simplified Chinese translations
  •Mirko Dimartino - ROMControl: Updated italian translation
  •sethyx - Fix NP check in CPUSettings

Project name: packages_apps_Gallery2
  •YULIANGMAX - Updated simplified Chinese translations for Camera

Project name: packages_apps_DeskClock
  •Petr Reznicek - DeskClock: Updated czech translation
  •Jorge Ruesga - DeskClock: Fix pending bugs
  •Jorge Ruesga - Stopwatch & Countdown
  •YULIANGMAX - Updated simplified Chinese translations

Project name: packages_apps_Camera
  •Ricardo Cerqueira - Camera: Prevent double-stops on preview for some HALs

Project name: packages_apps_Contacts
  •YULIANGMAX - Updated simplified Chinese translations

Project name: packages_apps_Phone
  •Petr Reznicek - Phone: Updated czech translation
  •Gergely Szell - Hungarian translations by Klasszsrac
  •Shareef Ali - Phone:  fix runtime error when attempting enter setting
  •nullghost - Phone: Sprint MWI Quirk: Phantom message wait indicator workaround
  •YULIANGMAX - Updated simplified Chinese translations

Project name: packages_input_LatinIME
  •Tadashi G. Takaoka - Initialize SubtypeLocale from Settings (DO NOT MERGE)
  •Jean Chalard - Fix a bad interaction with mmap

Project name: platform_manifest
  •Bajee11 - Track AOKP proprietary vendor_samsung
  •Bajee11 - Change remote frameworks/base
  •Bajee11 - RootBox changes
  •Bajee11 - Fix typo
  •Bajee11 - Remove unused devices
  •Bajee11 - Update Google repos to android-4.1.1_r6
  •Pierpaolo Pernici - Clean up platform_manifest 1st step
  •Bajee11 - Track AOKP Mms

Project name: android_system_core
  •Tyler Luu - Add RAW burst message
  •x0118064 - Camera: Adds burst camera message type
  •Steve Kondik - init: Set the "ro.boot.emmc" property

Project name: platform_dalvik
  •Elliott Hughes - Avoid sign extension in packed-switch.

Habe noch keinen PDroid-Patch erstellt, deshalb gibts immer noch nen Link zur 2.6.1.

Project name: device_samsung_i9100
  •rheeze - i9100 Advanced Settings: Added italian translation

Project name: device_samsung_i9300
  •Bajee11 - i9300: Enable Download mode in reboot option
  •PhantomGamers - i9300: enable UMS
  •PhantomGamers - i9300: add download to reboot options
  •codeworkx - build libsync
  •codeworkx - build libsync
  •pvolkov - Added Russian Translation-Galaxy S III Settings-CM10
  •codeworkx - init: start p2p supplicant with proper arguments
  •codeworkx - init: start p2p supplicant with proper arguments

Project name: device_samsung_i9100g
  •Bajee11 - i9100g: Enable Download option in reboot

Project name: android_device_samsung_galaxys2-common
  •Espen Fjellvær Olsen - galaxys2-common: Update for JB/Mali r3p0
  •Bajee11 - i9100: Enable Download option in reboot

Project name: android_hardware_samsung
  •Pawit Pornkitprasan - Power HAL: Remove sampling rate change
  •Pawit Pornkitprasan - s5pc110: Add Power HAL (userspace CPU boosting)

Project name: android_hardware_qcom_display
  •Steve Kondik - hwc: Support VSYNC notification via sysfs

Project name: platform_manifest
  •Bajee11 - Track RootBox packages_apps_Settings
  •Bajee11 - Track CM Mms
  •Bajee11 - Track AOKP packages_apps_Bluetooth
  •Bajee11 - Track RootBox wallpapers
  •Bajee11 - Track AOKP/external_dnsmasq
  •Bajee11 - Track AOKP proprietary vendor_samsung
  •Bajee11 - Change remote frameworks/base

Project name: vendor_rootbox
  •Bajee11 - Update RootBox V2.8
  •codeworkx - apns: more love for Zain JO
  •codeworkx - apns: update Zain JO
  •Bajee11 - Update RootBox V2.7
  •Bajee11 - Update i9300 fingerprint
  •Pierpaolo Pernici - Nova Launcher: upgraded to version 1.3.1
  •Pierpaolo Pernici - Nova Launcher: upgraded to version 1.3
  •Bajee11 - Fix i9100 & i9100g RC overlay

Project name: vendor_samsung
  •Espen Fjellvær Olsen - Update with mali r3p0 libraries
  •noobnl - d2usc: track proprietary files
  •Desterly - d2vzw: Update Sensors/Camera to VRLG7 blobs
  •Will DeBerry - Toro: Update binaries to JRO03R
  •Jonathan Steadman - hercules: update prop

Project name: frameworks_av
  •Andreas Schneider - libmedia: Fix build on non qcom hardware.
  •Tejas Shikhare - audioflinger: Add support for post proc effects in Direct Track
  •Vidyakumar Athota - frameworks/av: Syncronize resume and onPauseTimeOut

Project name: frameworks_native
  •Andrew Dodd - exynos: Apply format usage flag hack to YUV420P

Project name: frameworks_base
  •Jorrit Jongma - Add simple caching to XML compilation
  •Pawit Pornkitprasan - Allow mounting of multiple volumes via mass storage (framework part)
  •Stevespear426 - NavRing: Fixes layouts lastone, Promise.
  •Gergely Szell - Revert "ril: avoid sending null aid string in getIMSI"
  •Reid Holland - SmsUsageMonitor: Increase default # of sms sent in checking period
  •dagr8 - Adds the ability to force dual panel at any dpi (2/3)
  •Hashcode - ril: avoid sending null aid string in getIMSI
  •Gergely Szell - NavRing: fix layouts
  •Stevespear426 - Tablet Love: Navring, Kill all, more..
  •Steve Kondik - am: Allow more hidden apps on devices with lots of RAM
  •Petr Reznicek - Add application shortcuts to toggle torch & Navbar
  •Chuck Haines - Added config file for Tegra3 devices
  •Chuck Haines - Add support for and show dock battery levels
  •K900 - input: Dock keyboard support for ASUS TF series * Adds KEYCODE_VOLUME_MUTE support * Adds external input decoder libraries * Minor input fix for HW keyboard detection Original code by CyanogenMod, rebased by termleech and me
  •Pawit Pornkitprasan - Fix automatic brightness
  •Stevespear426 - SystemUI: add screenshot to navbar
  •Jorrit Jongma - Add simple caching to XML compilation
  •Corey Garst - Ported: Bluetooth Message Access Profile (MAP) from CM9
  •Espen Fjellvær Olsen - Add option for switching between UMS and MTP/PTP mode. (1/2)
  •Steve Kondik - Add CPU boosting hooks
  •Steve Kondik - power: Add CPU boosting interface
  •codeworkx - input: fix recents opening when waking the device with the home button without lockscreen
  •codeworkx - input: fix recents opening when waking the device with the home button without lockscreen
  •Bajee11 - Framework: Add Quick Message Support (2/2)

Project name: android_kernel_samsung_smdk4210
  •Andrew Dodd - configs: Update for r3p0 Mali
  •Espen Fjellvær Olsen - Update mali based on I9305 JB sources
  •Gokhan Moral - modem_if: make modem driver silent
  •Andrew Dodd - Revert "modem_if: Quiet down a chatty driver"

Project name: android_kernel_samsung_smdk4412
  •Espen Fjellvær Olsen - Remove isx012 ratio check as it crashes the n80xx
  •codeworkx - modem_if: disable printing of IPC-RX/TX messages
  •codeworkx - max77693: fix debugging
  •codeworkx - max77693: fix overbloated debug message
  •codeworkx - max77686: disable debugging code
  •codeworkx - mms_ts: comment some debugging code

Project name: android_build
  •Chris Yeninas - Revert "build: fix device assertions"

Project name: android_packages_apps_Mms
  •Robert Burns - Prevent QuickMessage popup when Mms is active application
  •Jeff Wright - Mms:  Prevent QuickMessage popup force closing when receiveing Mms
  •gzfighter - Mms: added the option to change the soft keyboard type when composing messages
  •Igor - Mms: updated romanian translation

Project name: packages_apps_ROMControl
  •Gergely (sethyx) Szell - Navbar: Fix Custom icons
  •Petr Reznicek - ROMControl: Updated czech translation
  •BMc08GT - NavBar: Fix Target Selection
  •dagr8 - Adds the ability to force dual panel at any dpi (1/3)
  •KAsp3rd - LED Settings:
  •xoomdev - Fix up fast charge code in BootService.java
  •Will DeBerry - RC: Fix typo with setting strings
  •Chuck Haines - Fixed CPUPerformance Tegra3 issue and code cleanup
  •Petr Reznicek - ROMControl: Navbar height more dimensions
  •Stevespear426 - NavBar: Add screenshot to navbar
  •Pierpaolo Pernici - ROMControl: Refactoring Italian Translation after /c/3708
  •Petr Reznicek - ROMControl: Refactored czech translation
  •Dirk Rettschlag - Refactor array.xml to use @string resources
  •gdanko - If no custom app is selected for Weather, the custom app field will show something like "#Intent blah blah". Add a regex to check the custom app and blank it out if it's this bogus text.
  •Kyle Teague - Add xhdpi sysbar images and add correct size icons for other resolutions.

Project name: packages_apps_Settings
  •Espen Fjellvær Olsen - Add option for switching between UMS and MTP/PTP mode. (2/2)
  •Petr Reznicek - Settings: Updated czech translation
  •Petr Reznicek - Settings: Updated czech translation
  •Gergely Szell - Hungarian translations by Klasszsrac
  •Petr Reznicek - Settings: Updated czech translation
  •YULIANGMAX - Updated simplified Chinese translations
  •dagr8 - Settings toggle pointer icon when using stylus (Dependant on http://gerrit.sudoservers.com/#/c/3016/)

Project name: packages_apps_DeskClock
  •Petr Reznicek - DeskClock: Updated czech translation
  •Achep - clock: added flip and shake features both the actions flipping the phone, and shaking the phone can do one of the following operations 1. do nothing 2. snooze the alarm 3. dismiss the alarm

Project name: packages_apps_Bluetooth
  •Corey Garst - Ported: Bluetooth Message Access Profile (MAP) from CM9
  •Vianney le Clément - Accept all mimetypes for inbound bluetooth file transfers
  •Marco Brohet - Bluetooth: Fix translatables

Project name: packages_wallpapers_SwagPapers
  •Bajee Baskararasa - Update to RB string
  •Bajee - Initial commit RB Wallpapers
  •Bajee Baskararasa - Initial commit

Project name: external_skia
  •Xin Qi - skia: Several tunings

Project name: external_dnsmasq
  •Chih-Hung Chou - fix memory leaking

Project name: external_bluetooth_bluez
  •Corey Garst - Ported: Bluetooth Message Access Profile (MAP) from CM9

Project name: platform_manifest
  •Bajee11 - Track RootBox packages_apps_Settings
  •Bajee11 - Track CM Mms
  •Bajee11 - Track AOKP packages_apps_Bluetooth
  •Bajee11 - Track RootBox wallpapers
  •Bajee11 - Track AOKP/external_dnsmasq
  •Bajee11 - Track AOKP proprietary vendor_samsung
  •Bajee11 - Change remote frameworks/base

Project name: android_system_core
  •David Ferguson - charger: make default to not suspend in charge mode
  •Pawit Pornkitprasan - charger: suspend when not animating

Project name: system_bluetooth
  •Bill Crossley - re-do of the bluetooth fix. This should now properly parse the bluetooth MAC found on toro and maguro devices as well.

Hatte nach dem Flashen des PDroid-Patches einige Reboots, nach erneutem Cache Wipe scheint es jetzt zu funzen. Ich verlinke die aber erst im Haupt-Post, wenn ich sicher bin, dass alles stabil läuft.

Habe den Patch aber hier schonmal angehängt.

Funzt immer noch nicht vernünftig, ab und zu rebootet das Phone einfach so. Ich lasse daher Link und Patch zu der 2.6.1 im Startpost stehen. Vermutlich würde es nach nem Factory Reset funktionieren, aber habe keinen Bock, das jetzt auszuprobieren. Bin per CWM zurück zur 2.6.1.


  • update.zip
    5,3 MB · Aufrufe: 194
  • restore.zip
    6,3 MB · Aufrufe: 163
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Project name: device_samsung_i9100
  •Niko Koivu - i9100 devicesettings: added finnish translations
  •Gustavo Rosa - PT-BR: Added missing translations
  •Marek Walczak - Replace old libion.so with libsecion.so

Project name: device_samsung_i9300
  •codeworkx - update extract script
  •R. Andrew Ohana - move macloader to hardware/samsung
  •Andrew Jiang - I9300: Simplified Chinese Translations
  •Fábio Silva - Fixed missing back button on ActionBar (default Settings behavior on submenus). (indentation-fix again)
  •Bajee11 - i9300: Enable Download mode in reboot option

Project name: device_samsung_i777
  •Marek Walczak - Replace old libion.so with libsecion.so
  •Bajee11 - Remove CM dependencies
  •Bajee11 - Include SGH-I777 Hardware Info
  •Bajee11 - Disable CM nfc_enhanced
  •Bajee11 - Revert "i777: Add reboot options"
  •Bajee11 - i777: Add reboot options

Project name: device_samsung_i9100g
  •Andrew Jiang - I9100G Devicesettings: Revise strings
  •Bajee11 - i9100g: Enable Download option in reboot

Project name: android_device_samsung_galaxys2-common
  •Andrew Dodd - power_profile: Add cpu.awake parameter
  •Andrew Dodd - Do not build libsync
  •Espen Fjellvær Olsen - galaxys2-common: Update for JB/Mali r3p0
  •Bajee11 - i9100: Enable Download option in reboot

Project name: android_hardware_samsung
  •R. Andrew Ohana - Move macloader to hardware/samsung

Project name: android_hardware_qcom_audio
  •Mike Kasick - alsa_sound: Force calling of setVoiceVolume at the start of every call.
  •David Ferguson - msm8660 audio: fix BT in-call routing on non-HTC phones

Project name: platform_manifest
  •Bajee11 - Fix typo
  •Bajee11 - Track back CM Mms
  •Bajee11 - Fix manifest
  •Bajee11 - Track 4.1.2_r1 tags
  •Bajee11 - Track own Samsung SGH-I777
  •Bajee11 - Track RootBox packages_apps_Settings
  •Bajee11 - Track CM Mms

Project name: vendor_rootbox
  •Bajee11 - Update RootBox V2.9
  •Bajee11 - Update Android Version & Build 4.1.2 JZO54K
  •Bajee11 - Include device name in build package
  •Bajee11 - i9100p: Update PRODUCT_BUILD_PROP_OVERRIDES
  •Bajee11 - i9100p: Use NFC prebuilts
  •Bajee11 - i9100p: Change PRODUCT_RElEASE_NAME
  •Bajee11 - Add i9100p overlay
  •Bajee11 - Add i9100p support
  •Bajee11 - Update Android Build (JRO03R)
  •Bajee11 - Add SGH-I777 support
  •Bajee11 - i9300: Include RootBox bootanimation
  •Bajee11 - Update RootBox V2.8

Project name: vendor_samsung
  •Gergely Szell - Update to 4.1.2 (JZO54K) binaries from Google
  •XpLoDWilD - i9300: Add back hostapd as a temporary workaround for tethering
  •codeworkx - i9300: libsync is opensource
  •Espen Fjellvær Olsen - Update with mali r3p0 libraries

Project name: frameworks_av
  •Tejas Shikhare - libaudioflinger: fix crash in LPA effects due to multiple tracks
  •Chaithanya Krishna Bacharaju - libmedia: Fix for LPA audio loss issue
  •Chaithanya Krishna Bacharaju - libstagefright: Fix for clips getting skipped during playback

Project name: frameworks_base
  •gdanko - So I am un-fixing something I "fixed". If all toggles are disabled, none should be displayed. But I had it displaying the stock toggles if all are unchecked.. d'oh!
  •gdanko - Un-hard-code default toggles and remove vibrate from default. Add a string-array with the default toggles and read the array to populate default toggles. Signed-off-by: gdanko <gdanko@gmail.com>
  •Petr Reznicek - Fixed 2GToggle longpress action
  •Rick C - ime switcher notification: remove reboot requirement (1/2)
  •codeworkx - Smdk4210RIL: block unsupported requests to avoid RIL wakelocks
  •BMc08GT - Menu UI Overflow Toggle (2/2)
  •Lee Chu - Debug RILJ wakelocks on Smdk4210Ril:

Project name: android_kernel_samsung_smdk4210
  •Andrea Arcangeli - wakelock: use single threaded workqueueus
  •Andrew Dodd - configs: Regenerate for optional vsync uevents
  •Andrew Dodd - s3cfb: Make vsync uevents optional
  •Andrew Dodd - configs: Update for r3p0 Mali
  •Espen Fjellvær Olsen - Update mali based on I9305 JB sources

Project name: android_kernel_samsung_smdk4412
  •Andrew Dodd - bcmdhd: Reenable IPv6, disable multicast in suspend
  •Andrea Arcangeli - wakelock: use single threaded workqueueus

Project name: android_build
  •The Android Automerger - JZO54K

Project name: CalendarProvider
  •Sara Ting - Fix event color query (which fixes the failing CTS test).

Project name: packages_apps_Mms
  •elektroschmock - German: Add missing strings
  •Gustavo Rosa - PT-BR: Added Missing Translations
  •Kyle Teague - Allow full themeing of mms via theme chooser
  •LeoColomb - FR: Update Translations MMS App
  •DvTonder - QuickMessage: Prevent the screen from locking while user is typing
  •DvTonder - QuickMessage: Fix screen relocking on 'View' after auto unlock
  •plitshec - Mms: Make Quickmessage cursor visible in "light theme"
  •elektroschmock - Mms: Fix deprecation
  •djMesias - es_ES: Added translations for recent options
  •elektroschmock - Mms: Remove untranslatable strings
  •plitshec - Mms - Insert Emoji and Smiley at Cursor position
  •DvTonder - Mms: Set the proper API versions

Project name: packages_apps_ROMControl
  •Stevespear426 - Toggles: fix brightness bar on tabs
  •Rick C - ime switcher notification: remove reboot requirement (2/2)
  •BMc08GT - Menu UI Overflow Toggle (1/2)
  •Petr Reznicek - ROMControl: Updated czech translation
  •YULIANGMAX - Updated simplified Chinese translations
  •Petr Reznicek - ROMControl: Updated height order

Project name: packages_apps_Settings
  •Gergely Szell - fix duplicate derp, also #blamekhasmek
  •YULIANGMAX - Updated simplified Chinese translations
  •Espen Fjellvær Olsen - Add option for switching between UMS and MTP/PTP mode. (2/2)
  •Petr Reznicek - Settings: Updated czech translation

Project name: platform_manifest
  •Bajee11 - Fix typo
  •Bajee11 - Track back CM Mms
  •Bajee11 - Fix manifest
  •Bajee11 - Track 4.1.2_r1 tags
  •Bajee11 - Track own Samsung SGH-I777
  •Bajee11 - Track RootBox packages_apps_Settings
  •Bajee11 - Track CM Mms

Basis ist jetzt Android 4.1.2.

PDroid-Patch wie immer im Startpost.

AOKP Project name: android_device_samsung_d2-common
  •Mike Kasick - audio: Reduce "Voice Earpiece" gain to stock levels

AOKP Project name: device_samsung_qcom-common
  •KAsp3rd - qcom: fix gfx glitches

 Project name: android_kernel_samsung_d2
  •Greg Kroah-Hartman - Linux 3.0.48
  •Greg Kroah-Hartman - Revert "block: fix request_queue->flags initialization"

AOKP Project name: packages_apps_ROMControl
  •BMc08GT - GeneralUI: Give TabletUI its own category
  •BMc08GT - Lockscreens: Remove dupe preference (Quick Unlock)

RootBox Project name: packages_apps_Settings
  •Bajee11 - Fix derp
  •Bajee11 - Update About RootBox
  •Bajee11 - Add about to android manifest
  •Bajee11 - Remove unneeded boolean
  •Bajee11 - Derp
  •Bajee11 - Use android settings resources
  •Bajee11 - Add About RootBox string
  •Bajee11 - Include missing ressources
  •Bajee11 - Another derp!
  •Bajee11 - Fix android:key

 Project name: device_samsung_i9100
  •thunderger - i9100: updated german translation
  •Petr Reznicek - i9100: Updated czech translation
  •Niko Koivu - i9100 devicesettings: added finnish translations
  •Gustavo Rosa - PT-BR: Added missing translations

AOKP Project name: device_samsung_i9300
  •PhantomGamers - i9300: gps.conf: don't assume NA server
  •codeworkx - audio: lower speaker volume slightly
  •codeworkx - change network location provider package
  •Petr Reznicek - i9300: Updated czech translation

AOKP Project name: device_samsung_d2att
  •Bajee11 - Include SGH-I747 hardware infor
  •Bajee11 - Remove overlay and cleanup
  •Bajee11 - Remove uneeded vendorsetup.sh
  •Bajee11 - Remove CM files
  •Bajee - Disable preferred APN overlay

AOKP Project name: android_device_samsung_d2-common
  •Mike Kasick - audio: Reduce "Voice Earpiece" gain to stock levels
  •codeworkx - change network location provider package
  •KAsp3rd - d2-common: liblights
  •KAsp3rd - liblights: Enable Charging LED
  •Mike Kasick - liblights: Support prioritized multiplexing of LEDs.
  •Steve Kondik - lights: Revert to previous button backlight behavior
  •Steve Kondik - lights: Fix the blinkenlights on D2

AOKP Project name: android_device_samsung_msm8960-common
  •Mike Kasick - Resync headers with d2 kernel.
  •Steve Kondik - msm8960: Update headers to match kernel

AOKP Project name: device_samsung_qcom-common
  •KAsp3rd - qcom: fix gfx glitches

AOKP Project name: device_samsung_i9100g
  •athurh - I9100G: Add ISO Support

AOKP Project name: android_device_samsung_galaxys2-common
  •codeworkx - change network location provider package

CyanogenMod Project name: android_hardware_samsung
  •jt1134 - exynos3: power HAL: add support for interactive governor

CyanogenMod Project name: android_hardware_qcom_audio
  •Joerie de Gram - msm7x30/AudioPolicyManager: remove erroneous QCOM_FM_ENABLED ifdef
  •Chaithanya Krishna Bacharaju - audio/msm7627a: Handle error cases during postproc enable
  •Shashi Kumar - audio/msm7627a: Derive AudioPolicyManager and add FM device

CyanogenMod Project name: android_hardware_qcom_display
  •Ricardo Cerqueira - hwc_external: Support auto-setting of HDMI resolution
  •Prabhanjan Kandula - hwcomposer: 7x30: disable overlays for video playback
  •Saurabh Shah - overlay: mdprot: Call rotator start only on config change.
  •Arun Kumar K.R - libhwcexternal: remove unnessary ioctls
  •Pawan Kumar - libhwcomposer: Fix UI freeze on 8660 on HDMI cable connect
  •Mathew Karimpanal - libhwcomposer: Correct an enum mismatch in the HAL.
  •Ramakant Singh - HWC/copybit::Add condition for video layer composition
  •Amara Venkata Mastan Manoj Kumar - hwcomposer: Add secure intents to support Secure Playback

RootBox Project name: platform_manifest
  •Bajee11 - Track own android_system_core
  •Bajee11 - Track AOKP vendor_samsung & d2att
  •Bajee11 - Remove i777 device tree
  •Bajee11 - derp
  •Bajee11 - Tracking changes
  •Bajee11 - Track CM d2 kernel
  •Bajee11 - Track AOKP TelephonyProvider
  •Bajee11 - Track own d2att vendor
  •Bajee11 - Track repos for d2att (i747) support
  •Bajee11 - Fix typo
  •Bajee11 - Track back CM Mms
  •Bajee11 - Fix manifest
  •Bajee11 - Track 4.1.2_r1 tags

RootBox Project name: vendor_rootbox
  •Bajee11 - Include DPI requirements
  •David Gasaway - Remove duplicate openvpn
  •Bajee11 - Fix duplicate setting
  •Bajee11 - Add d2-common.conf
  •dagr8 - Bringing Paranoid Android Features to AOKP (2/5)
  •dagr8 - Bringing Paranoid Android Features to AOKP (2/5)
  •BMc08GT - Update NovaLauncher to 1.3.2
  •Bajee11 - Remove i777 support
  •Bajee11 - Fix configs path
  •Bajee11 - Fix typo
  •Bajee11 - Add d2att (i747) support
  •Bajee11 - Include RB_BUILD for RootBox Nightlies
  •Bajee11 - Update RootBox V2.9
  •Bajee11 - Update Android Version & Build 4.1.2 JZO54K
  •Bajee11 - Include device name in build package

AOKP Project name: vendor_samsung
  •codeworkx - i9300: downgrade wifi blobs to LG8
  •cyanogen - d2att: add required blobs
  •dagr8 - Introduce Gnote LTE to the GAME (Latest quincyatt blobs)
  •Shareef Ali - d2-common: update blobs to LIH update
  •Shareef Ali - d2-common: update blobs to li3.
  •qnhoang81 - Update to new Toroplus Binaries from Google (JZO54K)
  •Tom Parkison - New Samsung TORO Binaries from 4.1.2
  •Gergely Szell - Update to 4.1.2 (JZO54K) binaries from Google

RootBox Project name: frameworks_base
  •Boris Bershadskiy - Lockscreen Targets: fix unlock and homescreen icons
  •Boris Bershadskiy - Lockscreen targets: make separate targets for Unlock and Homescreen (1/2)
  •Gergely Szell - Navbar: adjust max width for portrait tabUI
  •DAGr8 - Bringing Paranoid Android Features to AOKP (1/5)
  •Stevespear426 - Lockscreen Targets: Make unlock customizable
  •YULIANGMAX - Updated simplified Chinese translations
  •Boris Bershadskiy - Add Ring/Vib/Silent & Homescreen toggles to the lockscreen
  •YULIANGMAX - Updated simplified Chinese translations
  •Kyle Teague - SystemUI:Make alt GB layout look like GB
  •Gergely Szell - Fix++ for landscape ring: Add more width
  •Gergely Szell - Fix landscape ring position (was cut-off)
  •Stevespear426 - Lockscreen Targets: Fix for camera on Grouper
  •Stevespear426 - SystemUI: Recents Ram Bar
  •Petr Reznicek - Base: Updated czech translation
  •Kyle Teague - Fix H+ and add new navbar widget icon
  •Zaphod - SystemUI - Fix menu button in landscape
  •Danesh M - Framework: Custom targets WIP!
  •KhasMek - Revert "Policy: Add lockscreen timeout overrides (Part 2/2)"
  •YULIANGMAX - Updated simplified Chinese translations
  •gdanko - Add Nexus 7 stock toggles overlay (1/2) Add vibrate back to the stock toggles. Signed-off-by: gdanko <gdanko@gmail.com>
  •Tom Parkison - VPN Traffic Amount in Human Readable Format
  •BMc08GT - PWM: Fix launch of home button when screen times out
  •Zaphod - Resizable NavBar Widgets [1/2] WIP
  •KhasMek - Lockscreen: Add timeout and instant lock option to slide lock (2/2)
  •Bajee11 - Frameworks: Add new sets of weather icons
  •Petr Reznicek - Base: Updated czech translation
  •Stevespear426 - SystemUI: CustomNav bar for Tablets / TabletUI
  •Zaphod - NavBar Widgets (1 of 2) Frameworks side of Widgets
  •Bajee - Replace weather icons with CM's
  •Zaphod - Alt Signal Layouts
  •xoomdev - Add option for vibrate on notif expand (1/2)
  •gdanko - So I am un-fixing something I "fixed". If all toggles are disabled, none should be displayed. But I had it displaying the stock toggles if all are unchecked.. d'oh!

CyanogenMod Project name: android_bootable_recovery
  •Ricardo Cerqueira -
  •FUKAUMI Naoki - mtdutils: fix crash on large erase block
  •Kyle Laplante - touch up the pictures, remove the leftover
  •Bumble-Bee - recovery : add minadbd and sideload from AOSP
  •Koushik Dutta - fix lack of null termination being written to the lun file

CyanogenMod Project name: android_kernel_samsung_smdk4210
  •Andrew Dodd - mali: switch clksrc back to MPLL
  •Andrew Dodd - config: Print cpuid on printk()s
  •Russell King - ARM: SMP: use a timing out completion for cpu hotplug
  •Alan Orth - ump: Fix for getting the subversion revision
  •Alan Orth - mali: Fix for getting the subversion revision
  •Andrew Dodd - stand-hotplug:  Add enhanced tunables
  •Andrew Dodd - mali: Update platform code.
  •Andrew Dodd - mali: Fix bad file formatting.
  •Andrew Dodd - mali: Clean up arch

CyanogenMod Project name: android_kernel_samsung_smdk4412
  •codeworkx - bcmdhd: enable p2p interface
  •codeworkx - bcmdhd: restore state from edd8a9171858fad7713b8fc07b158df5114b3c1a (samsung update 4)

 Project name: android_kernel_samsung_d2
  •Greg Kroah-Hartman - Linux 3.0.48
  •Greg Kroah-Hartman - Revert "block: fix request_queue->flags initialization"
  •Greg Kroah-Hartman - Linux 3.0.47
  •Maxim Kachur - ALSA: emu10k1: add chip details for E-mu 1010 PCIe card
  •Takashi Iwai - ALSA: ac97 - Fix missing NULL check in snd_ac97_cvol_new()
  •Nikola Pajkovsky - udf: fix retun value on error path in udf_load_logicalvol
  •Peter Huewe - tpm: Propagate error from tpm_transmit to fix a timeout hang
  •H. Peter Anvin - x86, random: Verify RDRAND functionality and allow it to be disabled
  •H. Peter Anvin - x86, random: Architectural inlines to get random integers with RDRAND
  •Jan Kara - jbd: Fix assertion failure in commit code due to lacking transaction credits
  •Egbert Eich - drm/radeon: Don't destroy I2C Bus Rec in radeon_ext_tmds_enc_destroy().
  •Jean-Christian de Rivaz - Add CDC-ACM support for the CX93010-2x UCMxx USB Modem
  •Jan Engelhardt - netfilter: xt_limit: have r->cost != 0 case work
  •Florian Westphal - netfilter: limit, hashlimit: avoid duplicated inline
  •Pablo Neira Ayuso - netfilter: nf_ct_expect: fix possible access to uninitialized timer
  •Patrick McHardy - netfilter: nf_nat_sip: fix via header translation with multiple parameters
  •Lin Ming - ipvs: fix oops on NAT reply in br_nf context
  •Pablo Neira Ayuso - netfilter: nf_nat_sip: fix incorrect handling of EBUSY for RTCP expectation
  •Jozsef Kadlecsik - netfilter: nf_ct_ipv4: packets with wrong ihl are invalid
  •Pablo Neira Ayuso - netfilter: nf_conntrack: fix racy timer handling with reliable events
  •Julian Anastasov - ipvs: fix oops in ip_vs_dst_event on rmmod
  •Matt Carlson - tg3: Apply short DMA frag workaround to 5906
  •Amerigo Wang - pktgen: fix crash when generating IPv6 packets
  •Hildner, Christian - timers: Fix endless looping between cascade() and internal_add_timer()
  •Daniel Drake - viafb: don't touch clock state on OLPC XO-1.5
  •Alexander Holler - video/udlfb: fix line counting in fb_write
  •Matthew Garrett - module: taint kernel when lve module is loaded
  •Ian Kent - autofs4 - fix reset pending flag on mount fail
  •Tejun Heo - block: fix request_queue->flags initialization
  •Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk - xen/bootup: allow read_tscp call for Xen PV guests.
  •Konrad Rzeszutek Wilk - xen/bootup: allow {read|write}_cr8 pvops call.
  •Trond Myklebust - SUNRPC: Ensure that the TCP socket is closed when in CLOSE_WAIT
  •Stefan Richter - firewire: cdev: fix user memory corruption (i386 userland on amd64 kernel)
  •Simon Horman - ARM: 7541/1: Add ARM ERRATA 775420 workaround
  •Hugh Dickins - tmpfs,ceph,gfs2,isofs,reiserfs,xfs: fix fh_len checking
  •Jason Wessel - mips,kgdb: fix recursive page fault with CONFIG_KPROBES
  •Feng Tang - ACPI: EC: Add a quirk for CLEVO M720T/M730T laptop
  •Feng Tang - ACPI: EC: Make the GPE storm threshold a module parameter
  •Stanislav Kinsbursky - lockd: use rpc client's cl_nodename for id encoding
  •Russell King - ARM: vfp: fix saving d16-d31 vfp registers on v6+ kernels
  •Steve Kondik - msm_fb: display: Allow vsync_show_event to timeout
  •Siddhartha Agrawal - msm_fb: display: Timeout pan display if time greater than 100ms
  •Kuogee Hsieh - msm_fb: display: check pipes queued before enter wait_for_completion
  •Steve Kondik - Revert "Revert "msm: Add sysfs interface for mfreq""
  •Steve Kondik - cpufreq: interactive: Enable CPU utilization statistics
  •Narayanan Gopalakrishnan - cpufreq: interactive: add boostpulse duration
  •Todd Poynor - cpufreq: interactive: run at fraction of hispeed_freq when load is low
  •Arve Hjønnevåg - staging: android: lowmemorykiller: Change default debug_level to 1
  •Arve Hjønnevåg - staging: android: lowmemorykiller: Don't count reserved free memory
  •Colin Cross - timekeeping: fix 32-bit overflow in get_monotonic_boottime
  •Arve Hjønnevåg - staging: android: lowmemorykiller: Add config option to support oom_adj values
  •Todd Poynor - cpufreq: interactive: always limit initial speed bump to hispeed
  •Adrian Salido-Moreno - msm: rotator: update user session parameters for all rotator start calls
  •Steve Kondik - msm_rotator: Fix a mismerge
  •Adrian Salido-Moreno - msm: rotator: add YUV444 interleave format support
  •Kuogee Hsieh - msm_fb: display: add checking y direction for alpha drop
  •Kyong Hwa Bae - msm: rotator: add YUV444 interleave format support
  •Kalyan Thota - msm_fb: Use background alpha for all destination alpha enable cases
  •Kuogee Hsieh - msm_fb: display: check base layer pipe at irq handler
  •Kuogee Hsieh - msm_fb: display: add fput_light to frame buffer
  •Huaibin Yang - msm_fb: display: remove background invert alpha option for alpha drop pipe
  •Siddhartha Agrawal - msm_fb: display: Timeout pan display if time greater than 100ms
  •Kuogee Hsieh - msm_fb: display: empty pending queue during suspend
  •Kuogee Hsieh - msm_fb: display: remove extra dmap irq disable
  •Kuogee Hsieh - msm_fb: display: add pipe commit ioctl
  •Carl Vanderlip - video: msm: Enable mdp clock for histogram and histLUT
  •Mayank Chopra - msm_fb: display: Program source address registers correctly
  •Mayank Chopra - msm_fb: display: Add pseudo-planar 422 H1V2 support in the MDP4
  •Mayank Chopra - msm: rotator: Add pseudo-planar 422 H1V2 dst format for MDP4
  •Carl Vanderlip - video: msm: Ensure idle state before enabling histogram
  •Carl Vanderlip - video: msm: Defer histogram reset to workqueue
  •Carl Vanderlip - video: msm: Dynamically toggle histogram interrupt
  •Pradeep Jilagam - msm_fb : display : Block RGB downscale in MDP 4.0 and 4.1
  •Kuogee Hsieh - msm_fb: display: turn vsync irq off at suspend
  •Mayank Chopra - msm_fb: display: Send vsync events using sysfs for MDP3 targets
  •Mayank Chopra - msm_fb: display: Send vsync events using sysfs for MDP4 targets
  •Padmanabhan Komanduru - msm_fb: Return pan_display call on Vsync interrupt
  •Padmanabhan Komanduru - msm_fb: Make Vsync IOCTL during disable sequence as NO WAIT
  •Steve Kondik - Revert "video: msm: Add support for VSYNC notify via sysfs"
  •Greg Kroah-Hartman - Linux 3.0.46
  •Andreas Bießmann - mtd: omap2: fix module loading
  •Andreas Bießmann - mtd: omap2: fix omap_nand_remove segfault
  •Shmulik Ladkani - mtd: nand: Use the mirror BBT descriptor when reading its version
  •Richard Genoud - mtd: nandsim: bugfix: fail if overridesize is too big
  •Alexander Shiyan - mtd: autcpu12-nvram: Fix compile breakage
  •Srivatsa S. Bhat - CPU hotplug, cpusets, suspend: Don't modify cpusets during suspend/resume
  •Mel Gorman - mempolicy: fix a memory corruption by refcount imbalance in alloc_pages_vma()
  •KOSAKI Motohiro - mempolicy: fix refcount leak in mpol_set_shared_policy()
  •Mel Gorman - mempolicy: fix a race in shared_policy_replace()
  •KOSAKI Motohiro - mempolicy: remove mempolicy sharing
  •KOSAKI Motohiro - revert "mm: mempolicy: Let vma_merge and vma_split handle vma->vm_policy linkages"
  •Devendra Naga - r8169: call netif_napi_del at errpaths and at driver unload
  •Julien Ducourthial - r8169: fix unsigned int wraparound with TSO
  •Francois Romieu - r8169: 8168c and later require bit 0x20 to be set in Config2 for PME signaling.
  •Francois Romieu - r8169: Config1 is read-only on 8168c and later.
  •françois romieu - r8169: runtime resume before shutdown.
  •Francois Romieu - r8169: missing barriers.
  •françois romieu - r8169: fix Config2 MSIEnable bit setting.
  •Francois Romieu - r8169: Rx FIFO overflow fixes.
  •hayeswang - r8169: increase the delay parameter of pm_schedule_suspend
  •Francois Romieu - r8169: expand received packet length indication.
  •Francois Romieu - r8169: jumbo fixes.
  •Francois Romieu - r8169: remove erroneous processing of always set bit.
  •Hayes Wang - r8169: don't enable rx when shutdown.
  •Hayes Wang - r8169: fix wake on lan setting for non-8111E.
  •Paul E. McKenney - rcu: Fix day-one dyntick-idle stall-warning bug
  •Alex Deucher - drm/radeon: force MSIs on RS690 asics
  •Alex Deucher - drm/radeon: Add MSI quirk for gateway RS690
  •Alex Deucher - drm/radeon: only adjust default clocks on NI GPUs
  •Marko Friedemann - ALSA: USB: Support for (original) Xbox Communicator
  •David Henningsson - ALSA: usb - disable broken hw volume for Tenx TP6911
  •Omair Mohammed Abdullah - ALSA: aloop - add locking to timer access
  •Andrea Arcangeli - mm: thp: fix pmd_present for split_huge_page and PROT_NONE with THP
  •Hugh Dickins - mm: fix invalidate_complete_page2() lock ordering
  •Mark Brown - ASoC: wm9712: Fix name of Capture Switch
  •Jan Kara - ext4: fix fdatasync() for files with only i_size changes
  •Bernd Schubert - ext4: always set i_op in ext4_mknod()
  •Dmitry Monakhov - ext4: online defrag is not supported for journaled files
  •Yinghai Lu - PCI: Check P2P bridge for invalid secondary/subordinate range
  •Martin Peschke - SCSI: zfcp: only access zfcp_scsi_dev for valid scsi_device
  •Steffen Maier - SCSI: zfcp: restore refcount check on port_remove
  •Julia Lawall - SCSI: zfcp: remove invalid reference to list iterator variable
  •Steffen Maier - SCSI: zfcp: Do not wakeup while suspended
  •Steffen Maier - SCSI: zfcp: Make trace record tags unique
  •Matt Carlson - tg3: Fix TSO CAP for 5704 devs w / ASF enabled
  •Ed Cashin - aoe: assert AoE packets marked as requiring no checksum
  •Ed Cashin - net: do not disable sg for packets requiring no checksum
  •Alan Cox - netrom: copy_datagram_iovec can fail
  •Eric Dumazet - l2tp: fix a typo in l2tp_eth_dev_recv()
  •Eric Dumazet - ipv6: mip6: fix mip6_mh_filter()
  •Eric Dumazet - ipv6: raw: fix icmpv6_filter()
  •Eric Dumazet - ipv4: raw: fix icmp_filter()
  •Eric Dumazet - net: guard tcp_set_keepalive() to tcp sockets
  •Chema Gonzalez - net: small bug on rxhash calculation
  •Xiaodong Xu - pppoe: drop PPPOX_ZOMBIEs in pppoe_release
  •Thomas Graf - sctp: Don't charge for data in sndbuf again when transmitting packet
  •Michal Kubeček - tcp: flush DMA queue before sk_wait_data if rcv_wnd is zero
  •Gao feng - ipv6: release reference of ip6_null_entry's dst entry in __ip6_del_rt
  •Antonio Quartulli - 8021q: fix mac_len recomputation in vlan_untag()
  •Lennart Sorensen - sierra_net: Endianess bug fix.
  •Paolo Valente - pkt_sched: fix virtual-start-time update in QFQ
  •Eric Dumazet - net-sched: sch_cbq: avoid infinite loop
  •Nikolay Aleksandrov - netxen: check for root bus in netxen_mask_aer_correctable
  •Florian Fainelli - ixp4xx_hss: fix build failure due to missing linux/module.h inclusion
  •htbegin - net: ethernet: davinci_cpdma: decrease the desc count when cleaning up the remaining packets
  •Mathias Krause - xfrm_user: ensure user supplied esn replay window is valid
  •Mathias Krause - xfrm_user: don't copy esn replay window twice for new states
  •Mathias Krause - xfrm_user: fix info leak in copy_to_user_tmpl()
  •Mathias Krause - xfrm_user: fix info leak in copy_to_user_policy()
  •Mathias Krause - xfrm_user: fix info leak in copy_to_user_state()
  •Mathias Krause - xfrm_user: fix info leak in copy_to_user_auth()
  •Li RongQing - xfrm: fix a read lock imbalance in make_blackhole
  •Mathias Krause - xfrm_user: return error pointer instead of NULL #2
  •Mathias Krause - xfrm_user: return error pointer instead of NULL
  •Steffen Klassert - xfrm: Workaround incompatibility of ESN and async crypto
  •Tejun Heo - workqueue: add missing smp_wmb() in process_one_work()
  •Martin Michlmayr - drivers/scsi/atp870u.c: fix bad use of udelay
  •Shawn Guo - kernel/sys.c: call disable_nonboot_cpus() in kernel_restart()
  •Davidlohr Bueso - lib/gcd.c: prevent possible div by 0
  •Bjorn Helgaas - PCI: acpiphp: check whether _ADR evaluation succeeded
  •Ben Hutchings - media: rc: ite-cir: Initialise ite_dev::rdev earlier
  •Sascha Hauer - kbuild: make: fix if_changed when command contains backslashes
  •Geert Uytterhoeven - mn10300: only add -mmem-funcs to KBUILD_CFLAGS if gcc supports it

CyanogenMod Project name: packages_apps_Mms
  •blackhand1001 - Fix cropping on MMS inline thumbnails
  •rheeze - Mms: Updated italian translation
  •Kyle Ladd - QuickMessage: preserve reply text on "View" press
  •Niko Koivu - mms: updated finnish translations
  •kushdeck - Mms: adds the option to hide sprints vm text messages, but still allows sprints vvm to receive messages.
  •DvTonder - QuickMessage: Performance tweak

AOKP Project name: packages_apps_ROMControl
  •BMc08GT - GeneralUI: Give TabletUI its own category
  •BMc08GT - Lockscreens: Remove dupe preference (Quick Unlock)
  •Boris Bershadskiy - Lockscreen targets: make separate targets for Unlock and Homescreen (2/2)
  •Stevespear426 - Lockscreen Targets: Make Unlock Customizable
  •YULIANGMAX - Updated simplified Chinese translations
  •Gergely Szell - Really fix the vibration fragment launch.
  •Gergely Szell - Hungarian translations by Klasszsrac
  •Gergely Szell - Fix Vibrations fragment when using dual-panel
  •Stevespear426 - GeneralUI: Recents RamBar
  •Kyle Teague - New Icons and add missing assets
  •YULIANGMAX - Updated simplified Chinese translations
  •Kyle Teague - Holo-fy navbar widgets
  •Petr Reznicek - ROMControl: Fixed arrays.xml from Lockscreen targets
  •Stevespear426 - Lockscreen Targets: > 6 target fix for Phones in Landscape
  •Stevespear426 - Lockscreen Targets: WIP!
  •Zaphod - NavBar Widgets sizing fix
  •KhasMek - Revert "ROMControl: Add lockscreen timeout overrides (Part 1/2)"
  •Przemysław Błaszków - Add polish translations to ROMControl Signed-off-by: Przemysław Błaszków <pblaszkow5@gmail.com>
  •Petr Reznicek - ROMControl: Updated czech translation
  •Stevespear426 - GeneralUI: Hide ugly Compat Mode Button
  •Zaphod - Navbar Widgets (2 of 2)
  •gdanko - When all toggles are removed, "" is stored in the setting. This creates a single empty toggle when you select Toggle order. This can cause ROMControl to FC. Only add toggles here if the string is not null and not empty. Signed-off-by: gdanko <gdanko@gmail.com>
  •xoomdev - Add option for vibrate on notif expand (2/2)

RootBox Project name: packages_apps_Settings
  •Bajee11 - Fix derp
  •Bajee11 - Update About RootBox
  •Bajee11 - Add about to android manifest
  •Bajee11 - Remove unneeded boolean
  •Bajee11 - Derp
  •Bajee11 - Use android settings resources
  •Bajee11 - Add About RootBox string
  •Bajee11 - Include missing ressources
  •Bajee11 - Another derp!
  •Bajee11 - Fix android:key
  •Bajee11 - Derp
  •Bajee11 - Fix png name
  •Bajee11 - Include About RootBox
  •Bajee11 - Settings: Paranoid configuration
  •DAGr8 -     Bringing Paranoid Android Features to AOKP (4/5)
  •YULIANGMAX - Updated simplified Chinese translations
  •Kyle Teague - Settings: Change device icon
  •Zaphod - Fix Widget Picker text color
  •KhasMek - Lockscreen: Add timeout and instant lock option to slide lock (1/2)
  •Gergely Szell - fix duplicate derp, also #blamekhasmek

AOKP Project name: packages_apps_DeskClock
  •YULIANGMAX - Updated simplified Chinese translations
  •Petr Reznicek - DeskClock: Updated czech translation
  •Austen Dicken - DeskClock: Updated czech translation
  •Austen Dicken - add increasing volume option for alarm clocks

AOKP Project name: packages_apps_Contacts
  •Gergely Szell - Hungarian translations by Klasszsrac

AOKP Project name: packages_apps_Browser
  •YULIANGMAX - Updated simplified Chinese translations

AOKP Project name: packages_apps_Phone
  •Shruthi N.K - Phone: Enable audio & call related logs
  •Gergely Szell - Hungarian translations by Klasszsrac
  •YULIANGMAX - Updated simplified Chinese translations
  •Mike Wilson - Landscape while in call.

 Project name: packages_wallpapers_SwagPapers
  •Bajee11 - Fix RootBox icon for RB wallpapers (xhdpi devices)

CyanogenMod Project name: android_external_openvpn
  •Andrew Dodd - Revert "unmask SIGCHILD so waitpid won't return -ECHILD"

RootBox Project name: platform_manifest
  •Bajee11 - Track own android_system_core
  •Bajee11 - Track AOKP vendor_samsung & d2att
  •Bajee11 - Remove i777 device tree
  •Bajee11 - derp
  •Bajee11 - Tracking changes
  •Bajee11 - Track CM d2 kernel
  •Bajee11 - Track AOKP TelephonyProvider
  •Bajee11 - Track own d2att vendor
  •Bajee11 - Track repos for d2att (i747) support
  •Bajee11 - Fix typo
  •Bajee11 - Track back CM Mms
  •Bajee11 - Fix manifest
  •Bajee11 - Track 4.1.2_r1 tags

CyanogenMod Project name: android_system_su
  •Andrea Arcangeli - avoid altering the SIGCHLD handler before execve

RootBox Project name: android_system_core
  •DAGr8 -     Bringing Paranoid Android Features to AOKP (3/5)

PDroid-Patch wird im Startpost verlinkt, sobald ich ihn erstellt und getestet habe.

Bad news. PDroid meckert "not compatible". Ich lasse daher den Patch zur 2.9 im Startpost stehen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
So, neuer Versuch mit neuer Patcher-Version, PDroid funktioniert jetzt mit der 3.0.

Patch wie immer im Startpost.

Ähnliche Themen

  • Papillon0305
Oben Unten