Datenbank JB & ICS (AOSP) * Mods-Apps-Widgets-Launcher-Fixes * Für Entwickler

  • 106 Antworten
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[APK][PORT] S Voice ported to all Samsung devices! [June 5][Initial release]

Hi there

As you know, S Voice from SGS III isn`t working on any other device because of checking device model. The bad solution is to mod your build.prop to make android think you are using SGS III, but it can cause incorrect work in some apps.

What I have Done
I have decompiled SVoice.apk, changed all checkings of device model to make app think it is SGS III, built and signed new apk.

So now all you have to do is:

1. Delete old S Voice

2. Revert your build.prop to stock, if you have modded it

3. Install new apk (as usual app) from Google Drive or Mediafire

Few actions aren`t working because of the incompatibility with some SGS III features.
Shortly, some apps or actions are not opening because S Voice can`t find Samsung`s Clock/Calendar/etc. It can be fixed only if these apps are ported to our devices.

Tested on my AOKP Galaxy S I with SGS III Addon (
Please, test it on other devices and write me, if app doesn`t work

[APP][ICS] Modded Mms.apk - Inverted/Original Time/No MMS Conversion/etc... (see OP)


This should work on any ICS rom.
Confirmed working on:
- Slim ICS
- CM9

(it has also been confirmed working on a SII rom)

This Mms.apk is the same as the stock one, except for the mods I applied. It is the most close to the stock Mms.apk, just with some better features! ;D

DOWNLOAD: There are currently two versions: one inverted and another non-inverted (with original white background). Check attachments for downloads.


- Inverted (optional): black background instead of white (check attachments to download the apk you want: inverted or non-inverted);

- No MMS conversion: you can type very long messages and it won't automatically convert it to a MMS;

- Unlimited Recipients list: you can now send your message to more than 20 people at the same time;

- Original Time Stamps: this makes original time stamps setting actually work: it shows the exact sent time of received messages, not the moment when you actually receive it on your phone;

- New Line Option: have you noticed that stupid ":)" key next to the space bar? Yeah, where the "new line" key should be? Google did it! But this mod changes that ":)" key to "new line" key as it should always be.

- Bigger Writing Window: if you notice, when you are typing long sms, you can only see 3 sentences of what you've typed. I've changed that value to 5 sentences and it feels much better. Now you can see 5 sentences of the message you're typing.

How to install:

1. Use something like root explorer
2. Go to /system/app and mount R/W
3. Rename current 'Mms.apk' to 'Mms.apk.bak' (this is a backup)
4. Copy the 'Mms_modded.apk' you downloaded to /system/app
5. Rename 'Mms_modded.apk' to 'Mms.apk'
6. Change 'Mms.apk' permissions to: rw-r--r--
7. Mount R/O
8. Reboot your phone.


- Added original white version (non-inverted), check attachments.

Future features:

- Select multiple recipients from contacts list: I really miss this tiny feature from GB. Instead of typing contacts name one by one, you could go to your contact list and select multiple contacts for mass sms. If someone has the time and knowledge to help me do this, I would be very thankfull.

(this is the inverted version)

I did not come up with these mods. I just put them together as I prefer.

Say thanks and enjoy!

Attached Files
Mms_modded_inverted.apk - [Click for QR Code] (1.25 MB, 66 views)
Mms_modded_non-inverted.apk - [Click for QR Code] (611.8 KB, 37 views)
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Samsung-Addon TouchWiz UX update 1.4 for Team Nyx RC5 (4.0.4)


After a long wait.... RC5 from Team Nyx (previously Team ICSGS) has been released! yeah!

I would like to know if anyone has successfully installed and used the Samsung Addon Touchwiz UX 1.4 from the thread on RC5?

If RC5 states it is a AOSP-build, would that naturally mean that if the Addon was designed to work on CM9/AOKP, it would be able to work on RC5?


I certainly think that the combination of TW and the quality of RC5 would make an awesome ROM..​
Hallo Community, Ich Danke allen Mitstreiter & Helfer für die Gute Zusammenarbeit!

Samsung Galaxy S Ich Verlasse Schritt für Schritt diesen Bereich

- wer Lust hat Beiträge zu Übernehmen, ist Hiermit dazu Eingeladen

Edit: Beitrag kann auch Überschrieben werden, einfach an einen Mod wenden

Spart nachfolgende Herangehensweise
- Einfach einen neuen Beitrag aufmachen, nach eigenem Befürworten Aktuelle Daten Übernehmen
- diesen in übernommenen Beitrag verlinken und einem Mod beautragen diesen zu schließen

Meine Projekte für das Samsung Galaxy S
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  • screenheutelxuyf.png
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  • Danke
Reaktionen: pannes und Radagast
Sauge ich mir zu Hause gleich mal :thumbup:

Danke Dir !!!!!
Von sunra gefunden, danke nochmal auch an dieser Stelle:

@MODS: Bitte hier nicht löschen, im anderen Thread .... da es hier besser paßt.
Anderer Thread:

Link: [App]Jelly Bean Stuffs (Apps + Boot Animation + Wallpapers) - xda-developers

Inhalt des Links:

[App]Jelly Bean Stuffs (Apps + Boot Animation + Wallpapers)

So, everyone is waiting for the Jelly Bean Port.....while you wait, enjoy these Jelly Bean stuffs from the system dump....

Apps Included

  • Google Books
  • Google Calendar
  • Google Currents
  • Email Client
  • Face Lock
  • Gallery
  • Google News
  • Gmail
  • Google Ears
  • Google Earth
  • Google Magazines
  • Google Maps
  • Google Music
  • Noise Field
  • Phase Beam
  • Google Play
  • Google+
  • Street View
  • Talk Back
  • Video Editor
  • Videos
  • Google Wallet

Most of the apps can be installed in the normal way....others need to push to /system/app
  • Danke
Reaktionen: pannes


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  • Danke
Reaktionen: pannes

Live Wallpaper Pack - 40 Live Wallpaper for Android !!
Posted by Xevez / xda

Die Live Wallpapers arbeiten auch mit unserem SGS

Download Links

*Pet Aquarium - *AvatarTrees - BinaryClock - Bubbles
InfernoGalaxy - Solarwind - Splatter - [FONT=&quot]TDC

Siehe Screenshots
* habe Ich mal selbst getestet bei den letzten zwei Sceens zu sehen


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  • Danke
Reaktionen: Radagast


- Themes - Mods - Apps - usw. werden hier eingefügt und sind dann über den Link in Post ein erreichbar (der dann zu diesem Post führt - logo :flapper:)

FMod v1.2
XDA-Thread hier: [MOD][JB] FMod v1.2 - Beats audio included!! - xda-developers


First Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Mod.

What's in the box?

  • Percent-battery icon
  • Transparent callscreen (full profile picture)
  • Great boot animation (CM10 version right now)
  • GB leftovers changed to ICS theme
  • ZSJPG modem as extra (was included in v1.0)
  • Launcher 5x4 with Google bar as extra
  • Beats audio
  • Powertoggle icons: holoblue on and white off. Extra Metamorph packs downloadable (coming soon)
What's coming?

  • Audio + Brightness bars/sliders (reloaded inspired) (not sure)
  • Metamorph packs for more Battery, WiFi, Network and Powertoggle icons
  • Your ideas!


Current Versions:

CM10 official 0729:

X-Vision Cyanogen Theme

XDA-Thread: HIER

Just starting a theme for the cyanogenmod theme chooser in CM9, AOKP and CM10 and although it should be backward compatible I will make it specifically for Jelly Bean only because it is the future. Only been able to make screenshots with Photoshop but I will put them here anyway and look out for future updates.


10/08/12 - Started thread and have roughly 70% of the hdpi images made for the initial base theme
10/08/12 - X-Vision.apk ready to be signed and alpha tested Attached Thumbnails

Genie Widget - transparent - für alle JB-Versionen:

HIER bitteschön

Alphelion Blue v1

XDA-Thread: HIER

Alphelion Blue is a theme for Amoled screen, and also for SLCD Screen too, but it's recommended for Amoled screen as it can save battery.

So What's Themed?
- Framework-res
- SystemUI
~ Toggles
~ Battery
~ Holo Blue
- Mms
~ Inverted
- Youtube

- And many more coming!

Todo list
- Retheme Youtube
- Lockscreen (WIP)
- Make Notification Background Transparent (WIP)


1.png 2.png

3.png 4.png
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AOPK JellyBean

- Themes - Mods - Apps - usw. werden hier eingefügt und sind dann über den Link in Post ein erreichbar (der dann zu diesem Post führt - logo :flapper:)

FMod v1.2
XDA-Thread hier: [MOD][JB] FMod v1.2 - Beats audio included!! - xda-developers


First Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Mod.

What's in the box?

  • Percent-battery icon
  • Transparent callscreen (full profile picture)
  • Great boot animation (CM10 version right now)
  • GB leftovers changed to ICS theme
  • ZSJPG modem as extra (was included in v1.0)
  • Launcher 5x4 with Google bar as extra
  • Beats audio
  • Powertoggle icons: holoblue on and white off. Extra Metamorph packs downloadable (coming soon)
What's coming?

  • Audio + Brightness bars/sliders (reloaded inspired) (not sure)
  • Metamorph packs for more Battery, WiFi, Network and Powertoggle icons
  • Your ideas!


Current Versions:
AOKP unoffical 24/07:

Genie Widget - transparent - für alle JB-Versionen:

HIER bitteschön
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für weitere JellyBean-Ports

- Themes - Mods - Apps - usw. werden hier eingefügt und sind dann über den Link in Post ein erreichbar (der dann zu diesem Post führt - logo :flapper:)

FMod v1.2

XDA-Thread: [MOD][JB] FMod v1.2 - Beats audio included!! - xda-developers


First Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Mod.

What's in the box?

  • Percent-battery icon
  • Transparent callscreen (full profile picture)
  • Great boot animation (CM10 version right now)
  • GB leftovers changed to ICS theme
  • ZSJPG modem as extra (was included in v1.0)
  • Launcher 5x4 with Google bar as extra
  • Beats audio
  • Powertoggle icons: holoblue on and white off. Extra Metamorph packs downloadable (coming soon)
What's coming?

  • Audio + Brightness bars/sliders (reloaded inspired) (not sure)
  • Metamorph packs for more Battery, WiFi, Network and Powertoggle icons
  • Your ideas!


Genie Widget - transparent - für alle JB-Versionen:

HIER bitteschön
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Vielleicht kann mir hier wer helfen:

Ich möchte gern die native Funktionalität für SIP-Konten nutzen. Mein Problem ist recht deutlich auf dem Screenshot erkennbar.

Unter dem Punkt "Nutzername" scheinen nur Zahlen und Buchstaben aber keine Sonderzeichen zulässig zu sein - Ich muss hier aber den Nutzernamen in Form von eingeben...Ergebnis ist dann die Fehlermeldung auf dem Screenshot.

Nun weiß ich nicht ob die Meldung nur unter JB auftritt oder aber unter jeder Version nur Eingaben ohne Sonderzeichen zulässig sind.


  • Screenshot_2012-08-06-10-39-15.png
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Neu gelistet: Hier

  • [MOD][JB] FMod v1.2 - Beats audio included!!

  • [MOD][JB] 720p Video Record/Playback on Jelly bean roms
  • Danke
Reaktionen: pannes
spellwave schrieb:
Vielleicht kann mir hier wer helfen:

Ich möchte gern die native Funktionalität für SIP-Konten nutzen. Mein Problem ist recht deutlich auf dem Screenshot erkennbar.

Unter dem Punkt "Nutzername" scheinen nur Zahlen und Buchstaben aber keine Sonderzeichen zulässig zu sein - Ich muss hier aber den Nutzernamen in Form von eingeben...Ergebnis ist dann die Fehlermeldung auf dem Screenshot.

Nun weiß ich nicht ob die Meldung nur unter JB auftritt oder aber unter jeder Version nur Eingaben ohne Sonderzeichen zulässig sind.
1. Bist du in diesem Thread falsch (könnte ein netter Mod die beiden Posts in einen passenderen Thread verschieben?)
2. unter Username trägst du nur die Nummer ein, die Domain (ohne das @-Zeichen) kommt in das Feld Server. Fertig!
[MOD][JB][4.1.1] "Super Launcher" Lock Home Launcher in Memory + Slimmer [ALL ROMs]
mnazim / xda

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