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ROM funktioniert bisher gut :)

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z.B. MIUI V4 Themes
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Hallo Leute,

habe 2 sehr wichtige Fragen an euch.

Ich hatte vorher die MiUi V7 Rom,in der Joker Edition drauf.Hab mir aber aufgrund von den ganzen App Abstürzen die WeUi v1.0 installiert.

1) Bevor ich die neue Rom draufgeflasht habe,habe ich im Recovery Modus ein Backup machen lassen.Da ich aber nicht wusste,wo dieses Backup bei MiUi V7 zu finden ist,habe ich sämtliche Ordner auf meinen PC kopiert.

Könnt ihr mir sagen welcher Ordner das ist?

2) Im Standard Browser von der alten MiUi v7 Rom,hatte ich einige Passwörter und Benutzernamen gespeichert.
Jetzt nachm Flashen sind die ja weg,doch sind die auch im Backup? Bzw. in welchem Ordner kann ich die Datei mit den gesp. Daten finden?

Schonmal danke im vorraus!
Hallo Dellwin, deine zwei erwähnten Roms basieren auf Gingerbread, der Inhalt im Backup lässt sich folglich nur unter GB wiederherstellen.

Wenn Du jetzt zu einem V4 (ICS) Rom wechseln willst, kann Du die Daten aus dem Backup nicht mehr nutzen.

Falls ein Wechsel zu V4 nicht in Frage kommt, dann besser in der Diskussionsplattform & Newsletter MIUI Rom - MIUI/CM7 Zubehör Übergreifend weiter diskutieren.

Edit: vermeide bitte in Zukunft an mehreren Stellen gleiche Anfrage zu stellen. Danke!

tobiasth hat Dir dort auch schon geantwortet:
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Okay danke dir!

Ich war mir nur im anderen Thread nicht mehr sicher,ob da jemand reinguckt,weil man ja da nicht mehr so aktiv war.
Verstehe! :winki:
Sprachpaket für Andy's MIUI V4 - auch für alle anderen 2.5.18 MIUI Roms einsetzbar

Macher: Benson bei MIUI Germany

Multi-Language-Pack für Andy's MIUI V4
(arabic, brazilian, czech, danish, dutch, french, german, greek, hebrew, hungarian, italian, korean, persian, polish, portugese, russian, slovak, slovenian, spanish, thai, turkish, vietnamese)
Die Sprachpakete sind nicht von mir und da ich nicht alle Sprachen beherrsche nicht auf ihre Vollständigkeit geprüft. Da es aktuelle und vollständigere Sprachpakete jeweils erst ab ca. Sonntag gibt, wird die V1 nur insofern vollständig sein, wie viel Translation-strings die neue MIUI-Version wieder hinzubekommen hat!

Danke an alle Übersetzer!

Vor dem flashen unbedingt ein Backup erstellen!!!
Funktioniert nicht mit der ODEX-Version!!!
Bei einer Installation des Roms zuerst einmal das Gerät komplett booten, dann das Sprachpaket installieren (direkte Installation endet in einem Bootloop!)

Download: MIUIv4_I9000_2.5.19_MULTIv1

frühere Version: Download: Download: MIUIv4_I9000_2.5.11_MULTIv1 MIUIv4_I9000_2.4.21v1_MULTIv1 MIUIv4_I9000_2.4.13v1_MULTI_V1 MIUIv4_I9000_2.4.6v1_MULTI_V1 MIUIv4_I9000_2.3.30v1.1_MULTI_V1
Fix für Kamera/Panorama FC: CameraFCfix_OriginalApk2.3.30
(Original apk von Andy's 2.3.30 Rom)

Backup machen, per CWM installieren, testen. Auch über Feedback, dass es funktioniert, freu ich mich.

Infos zur ROM gibts auf !!!

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
MIUI ROM 2.5.25 Preview change log

Recommended updates this week:

1. Improve the loading speed of the Albums in MIUI Gallery. Viewing of pictures in albums load up to 5 times faster than previously. The first time you open the app it will re-cache files so please give it a few minutes to do this.

2. Improvement to T9 search efficiency and overall memory footprint and space used for database reduced significantly.

3. New night mode. 50% improvement.

4. Text editor to add magnifying glass function. Long press text to have it appear in the magnified view. Function derivived from IOS.

5. System security layer using JINSHANSecurity provider. Providing Anti-Virus security to ensure the system stays clean and secured.

6. MI-ONE camera zoom functionality improved

Finally a new version of the traffic monitoring application will be included this week.

Full change log on Friday as usual.


MarkHUK, Today at 9:42 AM
MIUI ROM 2.5.25 Change log [ICS]


  • Added when manually installing an application the system will automaticall scan the app for viruses and security issues
  • New text editor function, press and hold on text to get magnifying glass
  • Optimisation to expand the m-key response range
  • Optimisation of the switch controls to replace the ideographic check controls
  • Fix panel (lower right corner) of current task list in "Task Manager" icon to click on a smaller area
  • Fix problem during call, cannot recognise some headphones when they are pulled out
  • Fix Exchange FC issues


  • Added support to make two short numbers
  • Optimisation of T9 to improve the search, synchronisation, update and import efficiency of contacts and reduce space and memory usage
  • Optimisation of number attribution input logic
  • Fix issues with SIP accounts causing FC
  • Fix in some cases the underlying state error leads to FC error in Phone
  • Fix in some cases sorting errors
  • Fix the number of contacts update error
  • Fix names which contain special characters (figures) cannot be directly searched for
  • Fix part of the multi-tone word problem of low-frequency sound
  • Fix in some cases the search will display repeated results
  • Fix cannot display SIP/Internet phone numbers
  • Fix in some cases strange numbers will be identified as contact problem
  • Fix problems where two SIP phone accounts causes FC if one is not set to main number
  • Fix FC error when invalid SIM is detected and attempting to set PIN lock code
  • Fix in some cases ringtone errors


  • Optimise the location and style of the contact details / avatar popup panel
  • Fix problem when setting large contact photo avatars leads to FC
  • Added new support (including Gregorian and Lunar calendars) to add birthday reminders

[Alarm Clock]

  • Optimise the alarm interface resources package is deleted will cause the alarm to FC


  • Fix problem with messages, forwarding and copying details will not automatically exit the edit mode
  • Fix issues being usable to set SMS notification tones

[Lock screen, Status bar and notifications]

  • Added support for facial unlock (FaceLock)
  • Added support to hide screenshot notifications (See Settings for details on disabling screenshot notifications on the status bar area)
  • Optimisation of clicking on the notification bar switch toggles
  • Fix lockscreen password protection, when screen automatically switches off and you wake the phone the lockscreen does not return to the initial state it was left in previously
  • Fix notification bar download progress bar background error


  • Optimisation of folder opening speed


  • Migration of V4 themes to new server
  • New support for themes to hide status bar lock screen icons
  • Optimise preview display effects for different devices


  • Add picture captured effects
  • Added two-finger pinch gesture zoom
  • Fix during focusing process, cannot exit the camera to view thumbnail previews


  • Fix FC issue for list of albums when pulling down list
  • Fix problems setting desktop and lock screen wallpapers when using third-party tools (unable to crop)
  • Viewing album picture optimised, significantly enhance the loading speed (up to 5 times more. First time app loads the cache will be rebuilt)
  • Fix part of the image size is displayed as a problem
  • Fix slideshow function causes FC error


  • Fix when pausing music via the status bar controller, the controller in some cases disappears


  • Optimisation of pattern lock UI (increase pattern drawing accuracy)
  • Optimise hardware keys light for 5 seconds then automatically turn off

[Download Manager]

  • Fix problem where files cannot be downloaded over 3GWAP/ CN WAP

  • Optimisation of new night mode interface, 50% reduction in power consumption

[Access Control]

  • Fix problem when access restriction is enabled the password can be bypassed in some cases

[LED lights]

  • Fix problem setting LED light colours do not take effect

Autor: MarkHUK, 55 minutes ago
Thisweeks recommended updates include the following new features:

1. Added 720P high-definition desktop icons and default lock screen, long a waited feature for high-resolution devices e.g. HTC One-X

2. New traffic monitoringapplication and improved UI

3. Added support to supressor show FCerrors(See Settings >Developer Settings)

Full listofchangeswill be postedon Friday as usual. Expect to see more stability focus on the ROM thisweek.

Thanks Mark
Miui 2.6.1 ICS Changelog

Fix some applications, pressing the back key player gif results in locking
Remove the "Disable" button to disable the system applications on app info page to prevent incorrectly shutting down core services which may lead to stability problems

Optimize light-sensor strategy to tackle screen lighting issues
Optimize (CDMA) call ended still shows the green return to call information
Fix problems leading to FC caused by database errors
Fix in some cases the answering interface, vertical slide does not show the correct details

Fix creating new message from the contact list of selectable contacts does not disappear after choosing contact(s)

[Lock screen, Status bar and notifications]
Added support for displaying music spectrograph animations
Optimization without SIM card will display the phone in Airplane mode
Optimization of lock screen to provide 720P HD support
Repair the wrong call in green text color problem

Added support for 720P resolution icons on desktop
Adding 4x4 Music Widget playing music sometimes leads to desktop not responding
Fix in some cases the Desktop widgets cannot be used
Fix in some cases long pressing the desktop (Home) button to open recent tasks list causes FC
Fix problem updating the default wallpaper

Optimize package download logic
Optimization of theme thumbnail masks, description text is now clearer
Fix in some cases online themes does not show listing
Fix in some cases theme manager FCs
Fix select "Ringtones" through other applications such as Music player cannot play problem

Fix in some cases the scene mode cannot be opened from the function menu
Fix open shutter for zero delay, restoring the default camera settings still sets size to 8M pixels
Fix restoring video mode default settings and returning to view finger screen leads to FC

Optimization of the image details page, double-click the small pictures are enlarged up to three times that of the original image
Optimization, the filter does not display the size of a picture of 0 bytes
Fix image details page animation when opening pictures

[Backup Manager]
Added support for backup and restore of emoticons, lunar calendar / birthdays and Network Assistant (Monitor)
Fix problems restoring MMS attachments

Optimization to indicate incoming Bluetooth file transfer interface layout
NEW Allow to show / hide system FC error messages (See developer options for further details)
Added restore factory default settings can be opened to delete application(s)
New Factory Settings
New Bluetooth information display and phone name info

[Download Manager]
Optimization to delete all entries, exit edit mode more efficiently
Repair the switch "To download / download / downloaded" leads to potential memory leak problems

Fix creating a birthday notice is not updated in calendar
Fix delete a contact's birthday calendar, birthday reminders to all empty (also requires you to manually clear the data: enter "calendar store" in the Application Manager, click the "Clear Data" button)

Optimized the default setting is turned off for "Automatically adjust page" feature to solve the wrong layout of web pages in some cases

[Traffic Monitor]
Optimization of traffic usage over limit, status bar prompts once per day only
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
nach lange lange erfahrungen sag ich nur eins: Miui v4 ist nicht für das Gerät Sgs 1 probleme ohne ende ich und ihr wissen ganz genau das wir uns anlügen MIUI v4 wird nie 80% gut laufen nicht 100% 80.

damit möchte ich niemand beleidigen oder niemand seine arbeit verderben aber ich teile nur meine erfahrungen mit und sage meine meinung.

Samsung Galaxy s9000 = Gingerbread....
Ich habe eine ältere Version von MIUIv4 oben und bei mir geht eigentlich alles... (mir wäre nicht aufgefallen, was nicht geht - was ich halt brauche/benutze)

Außer: Wifi-Tethering..

Ist die drzMIUIv10 MIUI Firmware
MIUI ROM 2.6.8 Preview Change log

Hi everyone,

The Chinese changelog mentions the new Music UI which we covered here:

Changes to expect this week since we can't talk about App SuperMarket (Chinese app market) so here goes:

  1. NEW MIUI Music Version 2 UI
  2. Added delay setting for long press back key to exit an application
  3. I9100 and LT18I updated to newer bases

Full list of changes will be posted on Friday as usual. Thanks to as always.

MarkHUK, Yesterday at 8:14 PM

NEW - MIUI Music Player v2 (ICS)

Hi all,

In keeping with tradition around here we LOVE to let you all know when we've found a new feature or application UI update in MIUI ROM.

As the news title suggests, this week you can expect to see the new MIUI Music Player v2 for MIUI V4 ICS. Screenshots below of what to expect!

MarkHUK, Yesterday at 8:05 PM
MIUI Themes online web market

Coming soon to a browser near you...

MIUI Theme Market


Once we have more information we will be sure to post it to the site here. Thanks to @miuirom for the news via twitter.

MarkHUK, Yesterday at 2:04 PM

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