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- 66

[ROM][KQB][cwm-aroma][12 AUG][final] GIGABREAD+ - xda-developers
~ original s+ bootanimation zip
~ extended powermenue with screenshot
~ extended statusbar with 13toggles
~ ics, sgs3 and iphone sounds
~ swipe to remove notifications
~ ics animations
~ based on gb 2.3.6 xxkqb value pack
~ ad free
~ root
~ busybox
~ deodexed
~ cm full apn list
~ wifi fix
~ disabled overall scroll cache
~ sony bravia engine
~ beats audio
~ zipaligned apks
~ optimized sqlite
~ system server android 4.0
~ fixed gps for accurate localization
~ bloatware free
~ dsp manager apk (sound equalizer app)
~ some minimal theme changes
~ cleaned lockscreen:
~ - no charging message (in stock is bug)
~ - no swipe to unlock message
~ - replaced arrow icons
~ - changed clockfont
~ - centered clock
~ - fixed date
~ google dns server
~ modded camera (can be use under 15% battery and high resolution media profiles)
~ crt-off animation
~ modded phone (removed increasing ringtone for incoming calls and removed delay after talk end)
~ bigger caller photo
~ modded sms/mms (disabled sms to mms autoconvert and increase the maximum size of send messages with 300kb to 1mb)
~ added more brightness steps
~ build.prop tweaks:
~ - improve general performance
~ - raise jpg quality to 100%
~ - save battery
~ - raise photo and video recording quality
~ - disable blackscreen issue after a call
~ - phone will not wake up from hitting the volume rocker
~ - force button lights on when screen is on
~ - wifi scan interval up to 180seconds
~ - render ui with gpu
~ - disabled sending usage data
~ - data and wifi tweaks
~ replaced stock wallpapers with jelly bean wallpapers
~ added ics ringtones
~ added sgs3 ringtones
~ arabic + rtl reading/writing patch
~ kies support
~ language fixes for face recognation
~ added more languages to samsung keyboard
~ and some more specials, i can't remember...
Installations-Anleitung:~ extended powermenue with screenshot
~ extended statusbar with 13toggles
~ ics, sgs3 and iphone sounds
~ swipe to remove notifications
~ ics animations
~ based on gb 2.3.6 xxkqb value pack
~ ad free
~ root
~ busybox
~ deodexed
~ cm full apn list
~ wifi fix
~ disabled overall scroll cache
~ sony bravia engine
~ beats audio
~ zipaligned apks
~ optimized sqlite
~ system server android 4.0
~ fixed gps for accurate localization
~ bloatware free
~ dsp manager apk (sound equalizer app)
~ some minimal theme changes
~ cleaned lockscreen:
~ - no charging message (in stock is bug)
~ - no swipe to unlock message
~ - replaced arrow icons
~ - changed clockfont
~ - centered clock
~ - fixed date
~ google dns server
~ modded camera (can be use under 15% battery and high resolution media profiles)
~ crt-off animation
~ modded phone (removed increasing ringtone for incoming calls and removed delay after talk end)
~ bigger caller photo
~ modded sms/mms (disabled sms to mms autoconvert and increase the maximum size of send messages with 300kb to 1mb)
~ added more brightness steps
~ build.prop tweaks:
~ - improve general performance
~ - raise jpg quality to 100%
~ - save battery
~ - raise photo and video recording quality
~ - disable blackscreen issue after a call
~ - phone will not wake up from hitting the volume rocker
~ - force button lights on when screen is on
~ - wifi scan interval up to 180seconds
~ - render ui with gpu
~ - disabled sending usage data
~ - data and wifi tweaks
~ replaced stock wallpapers with jelly bean wallpapers
~ added ics ringtones
~ added sgs3 ringtones
~ arabic + rtl reading/writing patch
~ kies support
~ language fixes for face recognation
~ added more languages to samsung keyboard
~ and some more specials, i can't remember...
1. Ihr solltet immer ein Backup anlegen, bevor ihr etwas installiert
2. Download siehe oben
3. Legt den zip-file auf der sd-Karte ab; startet in recovery und installiert den zip von der sd-Karte; danach folgt den Anweisungen
4. Solltet ihr feamod recovery benötigen, holt es euch hier
[Release]FeaMod Recovery 1.4 - based on CWM Recovery v. - xda-developers
- changed grey transparent background to black transparent background in notificationbar
- improved brightness steps
- improved notification icon display in statusbar
- fixed unlock/lock sound
- added helvetica font (jelly bean font)
- changed battery icon to cm9 icon
- changed default wallpapers
- changed wallpapers to jelly beans
- improved sony sketch font
- changed charging message icon
- fixed double sounds
- improved bigger caller photo
- added build.prop tweaks for wifi and data-connection
fixed pre-final
- replaced qq launcher with tw manager 4.5
- fixed volume steps
- changes on theme
- disabled overall scrolling cache
- improved volume steps
- changes for ram management
- replaced touchwiz 4 with qq launcher
- some more minor changes on build.prop and init.d
(for better battery drain, network and scrolling)
- minor changes on build.prop and init.d (for better battery drain and stability)
- removed roboto font
- bugfixes
- thunderbolt downgrade
- added roboto font
- added sgs3 ringtones/sounds
- updated thunderbolt script
- optimized build.prop for better battery and scrolling
- removed skyhigh kernel
- added to custom installation type:
- stock kernel xxkqe with init.d & custom bootanimation support and gigatweaks
- added more languages for samsung keyboard (available languages: bg, cs, da, de, el, en, es, et, fi, fr, hr, hu, it, ko, lt, lv, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, sk, sl, sr, sv, tr) -------------------------------------------------
- added sony bravia engine
- updated superuser & no-frills apk
- improved battery icon for the version without batterybar
- removed vitality kernel with exadrenaline
- added to custom installation type:
- feacore phoenix kernel with thunderbolt
- updated sgs2 weather widget
- updated busybox
- replaced wifi binaries with xxkqe binaries
- added to custom installation type:
disable or enable bootsound, go launcher ex v3,
grapic drivers i8150 or i9001, gps config for continents, batterybar
-------------------------------------------------grapic drivers i8150 or i9001, gps config for continents, batterybar
- integrated aroma installer
(custom choices between kernel, launcher, apps, fonts, widgets and tools)
- added to custom installation type:
stock kernel xxxkqb, vitaly kernel v26.23 + exAdrenaline v14 b11,
touchwiz launcher 4, samsung fonts, samsung apps,
google apps, samsung widgets
-------------------------------------------------touchwiz launcher 4, samsung fonts, samsung apps,
google apps, samsung widgets
- language fix for face recognation (de, ro, pt, nl)
- removed htc livewallpaper (lib's made lags)
- init.d optimization:
- disabled logcat
- build.prop optimization:
- removed faster scrolling (made lags)
- fixed gps for accurate and fast localization
- added htc livewallpaper
- added sgs2 digital clock widget
- updated ad free hostfile
- added build.prop tweaks:
- improve general performance
- faster scrolling
- disabled sending usage data
- improve 3g data speeds
- allow purging of assets
- removed all init.d scripts of v0.5.3- faster scrolling
- disabled sending usage data
- improve 3g data speeds
- allow purging of assets
- added one file init.d script:
- better battery and ram management
- optimize touchscreen sensitivity
- optimize journaling and dalvik
(note: most tweaks are integrated with skyhigh kernel)- optimize touchscreen sensitivity
- optimize journaling and dalvik
- fixed wifi finally
- added no-frills cpu control app
- removed battery drain app (out of date)
- arabic + rtl reading/writing patch
- added system server from android 4.0
- optimized sqlite
- some init.d scripts:
- ram cleaner
- cache cleaner
- zipaligning and defragging
- better memory and battery management
- optimized system process priority
- improving internet and sd-card speed
- optimized graphic/scrolling performance
- smooth livewallpaper tweak
- disabled logger
-------------------------------------------------- cache cleaner
- zipaligning and defragging
- better memory and battery management
- optimized system process priority
- improving internet and sd-card speed
- optimized graphic/scrolling performance
- smooth livewallpaper tweak
- disabled logger
- added 2g toggle
- fixed build.prop
- replaced stock wifi binaries with kq1 wifi binaries
- changed font of battery in percent
- zipaligned all apks for better ram usage
- replaced cm7 gallery with stock gallery (there were issues with imagesettings)
- udating apps
- replaced stock animations with ics animations
- replaced stock wallpapers with ics wallpapers
- replaced all stock sounds with a combinaton of ics and iphone sounds
- added ics ringtones
- google dns server
- removed livewallpaper
- replaced supersu with superuser app (only in cwm backup) (because multilanguage support)
base custom rom (siehe oben)
Vielen Dank an texten für diese geniale ROM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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