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broodROM Jellybean
Release 3
Release 3
XDA Link zum broodROM Jellybean Release
- Basiert auf Android v4.1.2 AOSP and CM10
- Rooted / Deodexed (duh).
- Powered by broodKernel v3.3 OCUV (Christopher branch / toolchain)
- Benutzerdefinierte Boot-Animation
- Angepasster Launcher2, 3 homscreens, keine Suchleiste, geändertes standart Layout. schöne Wallpaper von ytok
- Abgepasstes Einstellungs Menü (hinzugefügt CPU/RAM/broodROM Version, broodROM Stats, AngryGPS)
- Erweitertes Power Menu (hinzugefügte Screenshots)
- Angepasste Status Bar Toggles (7 toggles: wifi/data/2g,3g/bluetooth, gps, soundvib toggle, auto rotate toggle, brightness toggle, sync toggle)
- Entferntes USB Confirm dialog
- Batterie mit Prozentanzeige
- Neue Wifi Module mit WEP fix
- Seamlessly integrated into settings, under Additional Settings:
-- AriesParts
--- Backlight activation
--- Toggle USB Fast Charge
--- Change vibration sensitivity
-- broodParts
--- Set CPU Governor
--- Set CPU Min/Max Freq
--- Set I/O Scheduler
--- Set readahead (sdcard cache size)
--- Battery info
--- Usage statistics
--- ADB Notification toggle
--- Update hosts file
--- Dalvik (VM) Tweaks
--- CPU Gov Tweaks
--- I/O Scheduler Tweaks
--- Network Tweaks
--- Zipalign
--- Vacuum (defragment databases)
--- Clear Ram Cache
--- Clear Dalvik Cache
--- Hard Reset
--- Automated Cleaner
--- Init.d extension
--- Choose between NonOC, NonOCUV, OC and OCUV Kernel
-- ThemeManager
--- Use any CM10 theme that you like
- DSPManager
- RomStats (ROM Statistics)
- All providers APNS-CONF
- Patched hosts file (no adds)
Was funktioniert:
Receiving and making calls
Proximity sensor
USB mass storage
HW accelerated gui
HW accelerated video
Wifi and USB tethering
720p Recording / Playback
Was funktioniert nicht:
FM Radio (benutze Spirit FM als Alternative)
Panorama Bilder (Sehr schlecht)
Release 3:
Mirror #1 Mediafire
Ältere Releases:
Release 2 R2:
Mirror #1 Mediafire
Release 2:
Mirror #1 Mediafire
Mirror #2 Zippyshare
Release 1:
Mirror #1 Mediafire
Mirror #2 Zippyshare
Also download gapps
Gapps for JB v4.1.2
Make sure you use CWM6 (home button select) / CWM6 (menu button select) or TWRP (important!)
- Immer wipe cache/dalvik-cache im Recovery ausführen, wenn du von GB/ICS oder JB 4.1.x kommst führe zusätzlich wipe data(Factory reset) aus.
- Flashe broodROM.zip
- Flashe gapps-jb-20121011-signed.zip
- Neustarten des Systems
Release 3
- Complete rebuild
-- After about 10 tries (with make clean) finally found the right one
-- Resulting in a butter smooth ROM with a good battery life
--- An 8 hour workday with average use drains about 20% battery, total time is 48h+
- New kernel (broodKernel v3.3) based on Christopher83's branch
-- Linux Kernel Version 3.0.72
-- Compiled with Christopher83's latest linaro build
-- Bigmem 369MB
-- OC/UV
-- Support for Vibration Sensitivity Changing (Check Device specfic settings)
-- O3 Optimization
- Launcher2
-- New awesome default wallpaper by ytok
-- Removed wallpapers of other resolutions to save space
- Settings
-- Integrated AngryGPS in Localization Settings
-- Extended broodParts
--- Choose between OC, OC/UV, NonOc and NonOc/UV kernel
- Rom optimization
-- Services.jar patch (Hard to kill Launcher)
--- HOME_APP_ADJ = 0x1
--- SERVICE_ADJ = 0x6
--- BACKUP_APP_ADJ = 0x7
Release 2
- Added: Brightness Toggle and Sync toggle
- Removed: USB Confirmation Dialog
- Changed: Percent battery as default now
- Integrated DSP Manager and broodROM Stats into settings.
- Added many new features!
- Hidden the launcher icons of RomStats and DSP Manager
- Removed crap
- New kernel (broodKernel v3.2_RC1) based on Christopher83's branch
- Included new wifi modules
- Updated init.d script.
Release 1
- Initial Release
Arco68 / Ivendor - for CM10/device repo's and all other great work
Christopher83 - for Kernel branch/toolchain
CyanogenMod Team - for the actual base
AOSP Team - for the great light system apps
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