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EHNDROIX ist eine ROM basierend auf dem CyanogenMod, erstellt von dem Nitrox-developers Team. Bearbeitet und individuell bis ins kleinste Detail, wurde entwickelt, um Benutzern eine Ice Cream Sandwich benutzerfreundliche Erfahrung zu bieten und ist für eine vielzahl von Endgeräten erhältlich. ! Es wird derzeit vom Galaxy S Plus und Galaxy W unterstützt. !
Die ROM wurde optimiert, für maximale Geschwindigkeit und um gute Akkulaufzeit zu gewährleisten. Dank dem Nitrox Services, haben sie die Möglichkeit auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben über die neusten Nachrichten, Downloads, Themen "exklusiv" Mod und vieles mehr.
Für mehr Informationen über die ROM, besuchen sie: Official EhndroiX Website und die Official NitroX-developers Team Page !

Die ROM wurde optimiert, für maximale Geschwindigkeit und um gute Akkulaufzeit zu gewährleisten. Dank dem Nitrox Services, haben sie die Möglichkeit auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben über die neusten Nachrichten, Downloads, Themen "exklusiv" Mod und vieles mehr.
Für mehr Informationen über die ROM, besuchen sie: Official EhndroiX Website und die Official NitroX-developers Team Page !
- Basierend auf CyanogenMod
- Neues Theme
- Flashable Galaxy S III Theme
- Offziele Bootanimation
- Google Apps perfektioniert im Schwarzen Stil
- Apex Launcher
- Sende Nachrichten mit der exklusiven EhndroiX App mit sehr attraktiven Look und neuen Features
- Beats Audio Equalizer
- Flash Player integriert
- Optimiert für HD YouTube vidoes via 3G und WI-FI
- Exklusive EndroiX Wallpaper
- ROM in ständiger Entwicklung und mit der neuen Zählweise, wird es viel leichter sein, zu wissen, welche Version Sie haben
- Sichern sie ihre Daten mit der vorinstallierten Titian Backup App
- ... und vieles mehr!
New Beautiful Graphics whit a new exclusive EhndroiX Style
New StatusBar whitout bug or lag
New Message App Style
Android 4.2 Swype Keyboard
Better fluidity of the system
Android 4.2 Camera Icon
Android 4.2 Google Play Music
Better photo quality
Better touchscreen reactivity
Updated default apps
Updated Black Edition apps
Fixed other mini bug
Sync to latest CM Sources
And other...
Arco CyanogenMod Beta 3 base with my features and improvements of Ivendor RC5
CastagnaIT Kernel 7.3 BFS ( Undervolted,overclockable and changable governor )
New Beautiful Graphics whit a new exclusive EhndroiX Style
New Wonderful StatusBar whitout bug or lag
New Message App Style
Android 4.2 Keyboard
MIUI Sounds
Restored Jelly Bean Font
Better performance
Better fluidity of the system
Better battery drain
Better data signal
Better wi-fi signal
Better photo quality
Better touchscreen reactivity
Full Working Radio whitout any bug
Removed useless apps
Updated default apps
Updated Black Edition apps
Fixed other mini bug
Sync to latest CM Sources
And other...
12.10.29 ( + 12.10.28 )
CastagnaIT Kernel 6.9 Undervolted ( Overclock and changable governor )
New and Better Graphics whit new exclusive EhndroiX Styles
New Default Font
Better fluidity of the system
Better battery drain
Better data signal
Better wi-fi signal
Better photo quality
Better support to Zram
Added toggle for activate BLN in deep sleep mode (Settings->Device->Advanced)
Full Working Radio whitout any bug
Added Floating Touch in data and removed from system
Removed useless apps
Updated default apps
Updated and added new Black Edition apps
Fixed other mini bug
Sync to latest CM Sources
Updated CyanogenMod base ( ivendor RC5 )
CastagnaIT Kernel 6.7 Undervolted ( Overclock and changable governor )
New Graphics whit new exclusive EhndroiX Styles
Fluidity of the system improved
Better data signal
Better wi-fi signal
Better photo quality
Reverted wifi driver for fix 802.11n issue
Reworked VOIP audio routing
Fix audio on voip calls
Added Cleancache
Updated Zram and xvmalloc (updated and improved)
Updated LZO compression
Restored the default range for volume, seem to sound better
Reworked ramdisk
Added Jelly Bean GMail
Added Floating Touch
Updated default apps
Updated Black Edition apps
Sync to latest CM Sources
Fixed other mini bug
Updated CyanogenMod base ( ivendor RC3.1 )
CastagnaIT Kernel 6.4 Undervolted ( Overclock and changable governor )
New Graphics whit new exclusive EhndroiX Styles
New EhndroiX bootanimation
Added Geeky Engine
Added Jelly Bean Adreno Libs
Fluidity of the system improved
Better data signal
Better wi-fi signal
Fixed an issue with deep sleep and BLN
Fix Recent Remote USSD attack
Fixed deep sleep with bluetooth
Fixed crash with Samsung STK (credits @eBug)
Fixed BLN in deep sleep mode (WARNING! it means that BLN will stop deep sleep while the keyboard led is powered on)
Added option to disable BLN (Display->Notification Light)
Fix audio on voip calls
Updated S III style pack
Sync to latest CM Sources
CastagnaIT Kernel 6.3 Undervolted ( Overclock and changable governor )
Upgradable by OTA Update
New Graphics whit new exclusive EhndroiX Styles
Jelly Bean Statusbar Style
Jelly Bean Animations
FM radio available by default (no need for internet connection but it is the normal FM radio)
Modded Google Maps ( faster,navigator in all country and other news )
Fixed deepsleep problem with bluetooth on
Fixed CM BLN
Fixed BLNv9
Fixed backlight button problem
Fixed Flash Player problem present in some websites
Fluidity of the system improved
Updated S III Pack style whit framework-res reworked to improve the definition
Added support for OTA in the S III Style package
Updated default apps
Updated Black Edition apps
Fixed other mini bugs
CyanogenMod base updated ( ivendor RC2 )
CastagnaIT Kernel 6.2 ( Overclock and changable governor )
OTA Update ( now you can update EHNDROIX directly from your device )
Updated and added default High Photo Quality
New Graphics whit new exclusive EhndroiX Styles
Fluidity of the system improved
New script for best performance adn battery drain
More bitrate for 720p video recorded
Lowered haptic feedback strength
Powersave governor and limited min frequency in offline charging mode
Solved the problem about charging to 99% ( now 100% )
Updated default apps
Updated Black Edition apps
Fixed other mini bugs
CyanogenMod base updated ( ivendor RC1 )
CastagnaIT Kernel 6.0 ( Overclock and changable governor )
New Graphics whit new exclusive EhndroiX Styles
Fluidity of the system improved
Fixed force close camera after 5 photo whit stock camera app
Better battery drain
Better wi-fi connection
Fix battery drain when switching 2G/3G toggle
Smoother picture shot with camera
New graphics drivers
Video recording at 720p fully functional
Added High Photo Quality - without compression (default disabled)
Added Tun for OpenVPN
Increased audio loudness (thanks to Skywalker01, finally works!)
Adjusted PMEM values whit 358MB of memory
Optimized LMK value
Fixed non working zRam
Fixed USB tethering
Permanently disabled the SLQB, too slow for our devices
Updated default apps
Updated Black Edition apps
Updated S III Style extra package
Added extra package containing 4 flashable kernels
Added extra package containing 5 flashable bootanimations
Fixed other mini bugs
Aktuelles Release:
EhndroiX 12.11.15 (schneller download): http://www.xdafileserver.nl/index.ph...FNitroX+Galaxy
S III Style Pack: Zippyshare.com - EHNDROIX SIIISTYLE_12.11.15_GT-I9001.zip
ICS Kernel Pack: Zippyshare.com - EHNDROIX _Kernel_GT-I9001.rar
NitroX-developers Bootanimations: Zippyshare.com - EHNDROIX_Bootanimations.rar
XDA-Thread: [ROM][i9001][OTA] ~¤ EHNDROIX ¤ 12.9.30 ¤~ « INNOVATIVE ¤ BATTERY ¤ PERFORMANCE » - xda-developers
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