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Almost 3 Weeks ago there's release by someone called "AR" to be name contact one of our site
moderator and submit a non-working build to us where all were going wrong in the term of progress!
This time i took sometime to look over the build and the complain where many occur bootloops/stuck
Might even occur to return to previous rom? Well i am not pretty sure due to the problem occur as
i don't own a GT9001 (SGS Plus) incase any build of mine are not bootable then will need to have adblogcat(Dont ask me How) or other dev to teach me (Learning is a part of daily life)
I do ported from other device due to the fact i am not with my desktop and left with my [1.6Ghz N455 Atom with 2gb Ram <Compiling with this takes ages]
Faq (Read Properly and stop questioning)
Credit :
-Skywalker (CM7 Kernel & CM7 Build Awesomeness)
-CM Team
-Nexx (Based Port)
BUILD 1 [26/02/2012] (Link deaktiviert, da hohe Brickgefahr -> Nutzt den Thread erstmal, um über diese Rom bzw. die Builds zu diskutieren)
BUILD 2 [13/03/2012]
Infos zum ersten Build:
moderator and submit a non-working build to us where all were going wrong in the term of progress!
This time i took sometime to look over the build and the complain where many occur bootloops/stuck
Might even occur to return to previous rom? Well i am not pretty sure due to the problem occur as
i don't own a GT9001 (SGS Plus) incase any build of mine are not bootable then will need to have adblogcat(Dont ask me How) or other dev to teach me (Learning is a part of daily life)
I do ported from other device due to the fact i am not with my desktop and left with my [1.6Ghz N455 Atom with 2gb Ram <Compiling with this takes ages]
Faq (Read Properly and stop questioning)
- We shall not responsible any brickage/data lost/exploding or etc happening physical or software based on your phone
- I don't know whether it works nor bootable so if it does then is great!If isn't bootable or working then is not anyone fault thus if you need to let the whole world to know (Comment below)
- This a [PORT] so is not compiled on source so no source code or whatever(Want to learn compiling do search on WWW.XDA-DEVELOPER.COM
- Posting on other site are permitted but we doesn't endorsed any build downloaded or uses apart from our site.
- Isn't our responsible to port for SGS+ in any term but we do it as favour of learning thus any complain or report on this build just left a comment about it
- We do repeat no bullshiting & trolling such as thread like this ([dev][rom][i9001]ics nightly build[pre-alpha][26/2/2012] - xda-developers
- Asking Release and ETA are RUDE
Credit :
-Skywalker (CM7 Kernel & CM7 Build Awesomeness)
-CM Team
-Nexx (Based Port)
- Rom downloaden
- Zip-Datei nach clockwordmod/backup entpacken
- FeaMod Recovery (bzw. CWM) starten
- Gerät komplett wipen (factory reset + mount & storage -> format /system + advanced > erase dalvik cache)
- Backup and Restore > Restore
- Reboot
BUILD 1 [26/02/2012] (Link deaktiviert, da hohe Brickgefahr -> Nutzt den Thread erstmal, um über diese Rom bzw. die Builds zu diskutieren)
BUILD 2 [13/03/2012]
Infos zum ersten Build:
Erstes Ice Cream Sandwich Rom für das Samsung Galaxy S Plus! DroidXDA's Entwickler, der eigentlich an dem ICS-Port fürs SGS+ arbeiten sollte, konnte nicht genug Zeit dafür aufbringen, deshalb hat die Portiererung ein andere Entwickler übernommen, der nichtmal ein SGS+ besitzt, sondern nur ein Samsung Galaxy W, welches jedoch dem SGS+ sehr ähnelt. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine ungetestete Pre-Alpha!
Ich habe selbst nichts mit dieser ROM zu tun und die Installation erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr.
Quelle: [DEV][ROM][I9001]ICS NIGHTLY BUILD[PRE-ALPHA][26/2/2012] - DroidXDA
Ich habe selbst nichts mit dieser ROM zu tun und die Installation erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr.
- DroidXDA möchte mit dem Release nicht direkt in Verbindung gebracht werden (nicht vom Haus-eigenen Entwickler)
- Es handelt sich um ein ungetestetes Pre-Alpha Release
- Brickgefahr -> Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr!
- Bugs & Feedback als Comment hier posten
- Das Release ist nicht für den Otto-Normal-User gedacht (eher für Entwickler)
- Wenn ihr das Projekt unterstützen wollt, klickt auf Werbung bei DroidXDA!
- Es handelt sich um ein Work-In-Progress (WIP) Build und es kann sein, dass es nicht funktionsfähig ist
- Rom downloaden
- Zip-Datei auf SD-Karte kopieren
- FeaMod Recovery (bzw. CWM) starten
- Gerät komplett wipen (factory reset + mount & storage -> format /system + advanced > erase dalvik cache)
- "install zip from sd-card" wählen, Zip-Datei auswählen und bestätigen
Previously Project Have Been delay due to our dev couldn't able spare much time in the progress then step in a new guy who willing to work as he has more suitable device to port.With much effort we manage to get a up to date pre-alpha build from him (Remember To Read FAQ and Instruction properly)
"He doesn't own an SGS+ but he does own an SGW which he now porting ICS to it as well"
Working/Not Working/Broken:
• Download the ROM
• Copy Zip to Memory Card
• Start CWM
• Make a Full Wipe (factory reset, mount & storage > format /system , advanced > Erase Dalvik cache)
• Start the install
• Enjoy!
CM Team and Other
"He doesn't own an SGS+ but he does own an SGW which he now porting ICS to it as well"
: FAQ :
- This Build/Releaseis in no way related to or endorsed byDroidXDA
- This is a very pre-alpha which is untested build released
- It may break your device and use it at your own risk
- Any Bugs/Result Do Report in the comment below
- Preferable user with adb and debugging experience to work on it
- Don't report bug to any our DroidXDA Pages neither XDA(PM)
- To Help The Project Do Clicks Our Advert/Ads to support thanks!
- This is Work-In-Progress(WIP) BUILD and it might not even worked
- Avoid this post if you not willing to brick you device
Working/Not Working/Broken:
- Unknown (Untested)
• Download the ROM
• Copy Zip to Memory Card
• Start CWM
• Make a Full Wipe (factory reset, mount & storage > format /system , advanced > Erase Dalvik cache)
• Start the install
• Enjoy!
CM Team and Other
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