- 670

Schaut mal, was ich schönes gefunden habe.
[i9001][ROM][AOKP][ICS] Android Open Kang Project - xda-developers
What's working:
- Anrufe und SMS
- Wlan
- 3G
- Bluetooth
- BT handset
- Kamera
- Themes
Not working:

build 5
(new) modded kernel (compiled with gcc 4.4.3, based on ivendor) smartass2/sio/vr
(removed) Trebuchet Launcher
(fixed) Bluetooth deepsleep problem (thanks @ivendor)
(new) inverted Mms (thanks @speedydaniel)
(new) inverted Contacts (thanks @speedydaniel)
(new) inverted Email (thanks @speedydaniel)
(new) inverted Calendar (thanks @speedydaniel)
(fixed) wrong translation in ROMControl
(added) ability to disbale/enable BLN in Settings->Display (thanks @ivendor)
(fixed) USSD bug (thanks @ivendor)
(Fixed) an issue with deep sleep and BLN (thanks @ivendor)
(Fixed) BLN in deep sleep mode (WARNING! it means that BLN will stop deep sleep while the keyboard led is powered on) (thanks @ivendor)
(Fixed) audio on voip calls (thanks @ivendor)
(fixed) OTAUpdater manually flashing
changed some repos
more to come
build 4
(fix) init.d support
(new) BurstMode Feature for Camera (merged from CM9)
(new) Big Caller Photo (Credits mnazim)
(new) Hardware Info in Settings
(new) added OTAUpdater in Settingsmenu
added latest changes by arco/ivendor:
Lowered haptic feedback strength (credits @arco)
Powersave governor and limited min frequency in offline charging mode (credits @arco)
Updated wifi driver and changed wifi country code to ALL (credits @arco)
Fixed issue with turning on phone when charging (credits @arco)
Fixed non working zRam (credits @arco)
Kernel improvements from arco's trunk
More bitrate for 720p video recorded.
New static boot logo with cyanogen logo
build 3
-(new) added CM9 Browser to sources
-(Removed) AOKP Browser from sources
-(new) added CM9 MMS to sources
-(Removed) AOKP MMS from sources
-(Removed) Achromatic theme from sources
-(new) added German Translation to AriesParts
-(new) added DockSettings
-(new) added OTAUpdater Support
-Synced with latest ivendor sources:
-Fix battery drain when switching 2G/3G toggle
-Added Hungarian translation for Backlight Timeout Credits @czobor
-Smoother picture shot with camera
-Fixed issues with 5-picture camera crash
-Revert lastest Adreno libs to fix 720p video recording
Build 2
-(fixed) Date not shown in Notification
-(new) LongPressToKillApplication
-(removed) NovaLauncher.apk
-(added) HoloLauncherHD.apk
Build 1
Changelog(Oisis Releases) :
- New apps: Launcher2.apk, OiSiSPapers.apk
- New bootanimation
- New media_profiles.xml
- Libs for camera
- Changes in build.prop
- Latest HAL wrapper(ivendor)
- Latest AOKP sources
- New bootanimation
- New graphics drivers
- New wallpaper - if you don't like it or want AOKP just delete /system/app/OiSiSPaper.apk
- In-call volume - not tested
- Kamera fixes
- [U]UNSTABLE[/U] (Nehmt Beta 11)
- Fixed WiFi thetering
- New kernel drivers(BT, WiFi)
- Data meter fixed
- basierend auf AOKP Build #40
- Incall volume patch included
- Added nano
- Added wireless-tools
- Build 39 - [URL="http://aokp.co/site/index.php?/topic/437-release-build-39/"]AOKP Build 39 Changelog[/URL]
- Added apps: (GanOptimizer, Provision, QuickSearchBox, SpeechRecorder, Stk, Tag, VoiceDialer, DreamTheater)
- AOKP Stats
- Camera test 01 included(use Camera360 or PuddingCamera)
- New build.prop tweaks
- OiSiS kernel 01 included

Build 5
- Dev-Host - aokp_ariesve_milestone-6_build_5.zip - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service
Build 4
- Dev-Host - aokp_ariesve_milestone-6_build_4.zip - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service
Build 3
- Zippyshare.com - aokp_ariesve_milestone-6_build3.zip
Build 2
- aokp_ariesve_milestone-6_build2.zip
Build 1
- Zippyshare.com - aokp_ariesve_milestone-6_build1.zip
Beta 11
- http://www.broken-arrow.pl/oisis/aokp/i9001-aokp-beta-11.zip
RC 1
- http://www.broken-arrow.pl/oisis/aokp/i9001-aokp-RC1.zip
Beta 10
- http://www.broken-arrow.pl/oisis/aokp/i9001-aokp-beta-10.zip
Beta 9
- http://www.broken-arrow.pl/oisis/aokp/i9001-aokp-beta-09.zip
Beta 8
- http://www.broken-arrow.pl/oisis/aokp/i9001-aokp-beta-08.zip
Beta 7
- http://www.broken-arrow.pl/oisis/aokp/i9001-aokp-beta-07.zip
Beta 6
- http://www.broken-arrow.pl/oisis/aokp/i9001-aokp-beta-06.zip
Addons/Patches(Nur für Oisis-Releases):
- In-call-audio-patch:
- http://www.broken-arrow.pl/oisis/aokp/aokp-soundpatch-01.zip
- Kamerapatch 01:
- http://www.broken-arrow.pl/oisis/aokp/aokp-camtest-01.zip
- Oisis-Kernel 01
- http://www.broken-arrow.pl/oisis/aokp/kernel-aokp-01.zip
- Arcos Standard CM9-Kernel
- http://www.broken-arrow.pl/oisis/aokp/kernel-arco-cm9.zip
crybert schrieb:Hey,
ich habe mittels des PDroid-ICS-Patchers von Pastime1971 (xda) einen Patch für die AOKP Beta07 erstellt.
Funktioniert bei mir ohne Probleme. Der Patch enthält einige veränderte jar Dateien, die PDroid benötigt um richtig zu funktionieren. Näheres dazu hier: [APP] PDroid - The Better Privacy Protection [2012-03-18: Bugfixes in Patch 1.32] - xda-developers
1. Downloade den Patch
2. Flashe die zip via Recovery
3. Reboote
4. Downloade PDroid aus dem PlayStore
Mit der Restore.zip könnt ihr wieder den Ursprungszustand herstellen.

1. Arcos CWM verwenden Anhang anzeigen CM9_Recovery.zip (zip, welche im Feamod installiert wird und diesen durch CWM ersetzt) Alternative Installationsmöglichkeit per ODIN als one-package: recovery-clockwork-
2. Wipe: data, cache, dalvik-cache
3. Installation von i9001-aokp-alpha
4. Wipe: data, cache, dalvik-cache
5. Google Apps flashen Google Apps Download (CWM-package)
6. Wipe: data, cache, dalvik-cache
7. Fix permissions
8. Viel Spaß!
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