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Original XDA Thread: [ICS Android 4.0.4][Multi-Lang 17] MIUI v.4 2.8.10 RC4 - xda-developers
Port clean (Multi-Lang 17) RC 4.1 : miui-4-20120907-2.8.10 rc4.1-ariesve-multi.zip
Port clean (Multi-Lang 17) RC 4 :miui-4-20120902-2.8.10-ariesve-multi.zip
Port clean (Multi-Lang 17) RC 3 :MIUIAndroid 2.8.10 RC3 -- Ariesve -- Multi-Lang.zip
Viel Spass damit
Port clean (Multi-Lang 17) RC 4.1 : miui-4-20120907-2.8.10 rc4.1-ariesve-multi.zip
Port clean (Multi-Lang 17) RC 4 :miui-4-20120902-2.8.10-ariesve-multi.zip
Port clean (Multi-Lang 17) RC 3 :MIUIAndroid 2.8.10 RC3 -- Ariesve -- Multi-Lang.zip
What's working :
Receiving and making calls
Proximity sensor
USB mass storage
HW accelerated gui
HW accelerated video
Radio FM (use Spirit Radio)
SD Card visible at /mnt/external_sd/ in MIUI File Explorer or other Explorer App
USB Mass Storage for external_sd
USB tethering
Beinhaltete Sprachen:
English (MarkHUK & iBotPeaches)
Chinese (Xiaomi)
Polish (Acid)
Dutch (Kees-Jan)
Italian (Mish)
Korean (IAmGhost)
Spanish (Anonymous)
Danish (1982Strand)
Russian (KDG & malchik-solnce)
Arabic (silent_4)
Ukrainian (KDG & Vlaaaad)
German (Gerret84 & Marco)
Hebrew (roenano)
Hungarian (vagyula)
Slovak (ingbrzy & UFO & supersasho)
Czech (kynio & jomi)
Greek (FinN)
French (JuJu_des_highlands)
Don't install ICS ROM on FeaMod Recovery !
01. Use CWM5 or CWM6.
02. For flashing with Odin: recovery-clockwork- | recovery-clockwork- (Needs AriesVE.ops)
03. For using dd command to flash: recovery-clockwork- | recovery-clockwork-
Warning : Only use this recovery to flash CM9. Otherwise, you risk bricking your phone !
04. Wipe data and cache.
05. Flash MIUI Package.zip
06. Reboot phone.
07. Warning : Do not restore backup data of system apps !
Akku Kalibrierung
Please make you sure you have correctly calibrated your battery ! If it's not, read this :
01. Please turn off your phone and connect the charger.
02. Wait full charge 100% (Approximately 3Hours) --> Battery indicator doesn't work when phone is turn off. Please respect time.
03. Boot in Recovery.
04. Go in "Advanced" settings, and wipe battery stats.
05. Disconnect charger and boot your phone.
06. Don't wonnect to charger your phone and let discharge to 0%. To your phone will turn off.
07. Full recharge battery to 100%
Viel Spass damit
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