[THEME] Kalagas Grayscale Theme (All ICS ROMs) [Up: 04/07/2012]

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Cpt. Future

Moin moin, für jene die kein buntes Theme wollen hat Kalagas einen in Grau gekocht...


Take your Galaxy Note's amazing Display to another level...

This is a visual presentation with slideshow screenshots of Kalagas Grayscale Theme (be a little patient to see all my work):


***My phone has Greek Language but i suppose you can understand from which application is each screenshot...

For Full Size Screenshots and Better Quality take a look in this Slideshow...

Before doing anything take a Nandroid Backup just in case...

I must say a BIG THANK to:
1) he_stheone64 (for teaching me things about Apktool and all support he gives to me).
2) Developers who made the Ultimate Online Theme Kitchen.
3) All Developers and their Teams who giving us such beautiful ROMs
4) _Jkay_ (for made the Jkay Deluxe and JKay Mods).
5) nobnut (for remake CallRec Mod and many mores).
6) faby71 (for CallRec Mod).
7) Ken Ellinwood who made ZipThemer Application.

Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme Description:
1) Grayscale HD icons ....
2) All .apks are zipalligned and pngoptimized.
3) All statusbar icons and all other icons made by me from scratch, so if anyone wants to use them, needs to ask for MY PERMISSIONS.

Instalation Instruction for ZipThemer:
  • Download Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_ZipThemer_vx.x.zip and put it in the root folder of your sdcard
  • Download [URL="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=kellinwood.zipthemer"]ZipThemer Application
  • from Google Play
  • If you use a GB ROM Download kalagas_GT-N7000_ZipThemer_flash_scripts_for_GB.zip
  • If you use an ICS ROM Download kalagas_GT-N7000_ZipThemer_flash_scripts_for_ICS_v2.zip
  • With a file explorer go to internal sdcard/ZipThemer/edify folder and delete ANY file in that folder
  • Extract the kalagas_GT-N7000_ZipThemer_flash_scripts_for_GB.zip or the kalagas_GT-N7000_ZipThemer_flash_scripts_for_ICS_v2.zip and put the 2 files (phoneDatabase.xml and update-binary) in the internal sdcard/ZipThemer/edify folder
  • Open ZipThemer Application
  • Hit the Menu button and then choose Settings
  • In Create Undo Files choose Always
  • In Package Key Mode choose auto-testkey
  • In Update Zip Key Mode choose testkey
  • Tick the Allow new entries (this option must be enabled)
  • In Update Script Format choose Edify - GT-N7000
  • Go back and then hit the +Theme button and then find and choose the Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_ZipThemer_vx.x.zip
  • Let the Scanning Theme popup window finish. If you get a message of Skipping some apps, just ignore it by pressing the Back button
  • After the Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme appears in list, hit the Built It! button
  • After build of the Theme finishes, you will see a BUILD LOG with "Successfully created /sdcard/Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_vx.x-update.zip" title and 2 .zips files must be created in your sdcard: Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_vx.x-update.zip and Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_vx.x-undo.zip
  • The Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_vx.x-update.zip is for Applying my Grayscale Theme and the Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_vx.x-undo.zip is for Revert back if you want
  • Exit the ZipThemer Application
  • Reboot in Recovery Mode
  • From main menu of Recovery choose wipe cache partition
  • Then choose advanced - Wipe Dalvik Cache partition and then +++++Go Back+++++
  • Choose install zip from sdcard and then choose zip from internal sdard
  • Find and Apply the created zip Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_vx.x-update.zip
  • Reboot your phone
Now your Galaxy Note will open with your NEW Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme...
P.S. Please be patient, it may take some minutes (it depends on how many apps you have installed) to reboot....

Deutsche Anleitung danke an Fred

1. Ladet euch die Zip Themer App von Google PlayStore
2. Wenn ihr eine GB Rom habt ladet euch diese Datei
Wenn ihr eine ICS Rom habt ladet euch diese Datei
3. Öffnet die Zip Themer App und beendet sie sofort wieder damit wir auf
eurer SD Karte der Ordner ZipThemer/edify angelegt
4.extrahiert nun die im Punkt 2 runtergeladene Datei und kopiert die beiden
Dateien (phoneDatabase.xml und update-binary) in den Ordner edify
5.Öffnet nun wieder die Zip Themer App und geht im Menü auf Settings
6. bei Create Undo Files gebt ihr Always an
7. Allow new entries muss aktiviert werden
8. Geht auf Update Script Format und aktiviert Edify-GT-N7000
9. Ladet euch nun die richtige Kalagas Theme runter
Für GB Rom
Für ICS Rom
10. Geht nun im Zip Themer App auf +Theme und öffnet die im Punkt 9 runtergeladene zip Datei.
11. Die Datei wird nun gescannt und drückt auf Build it bestätigt bei einer Meldung mit okay.
12. Nach erfolgreichen bearbeiten habt ihr nun zwei Dateien auf eurer
internen Karte. Eine Kalagas_Mixed_Theme_vx.x-update.zip und Kalagas_Mixed_Theme_vx.x-undo.zip

13. Beendet die Zip Themer App und bootet in die Recovery.
14.Wipe Cache und Wipe Dalvik Cache ausführen
15.Jetzt könnt ihr die erstelle Kalagas update.zip flashen
16.Der erste Reboot dauert etwas länger
17. Wollt ihr wieder auf euer Originaltheme braucht ihr nur die erstellte Kalagas Undo.zip flashen.


Videoanleitung danke an Fred

Kalagas Theme - YouTube




Downloads for all ICS ROMs with TouchWiz:

Full Kalagas Grayscale Theme
1) Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_ICS_ZipThemer [v2.5 04/07/2012 - compatible with All ICS ROMs with TouchWiz].
***New more accurate battery icons, Fixed some glitches, Added some icons to be fully compatible with newest ROMs, Fully compatible with newest Play Store 3.7.11
MD5: B13993BCA99669B11C5EB162D2890F41
2) Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_ICS_ZipThemer [v2.4 28/06/2012 - compatible with All ICS ROMs with TouchWiz].
***New battery icons (now cycle empties duting discharging)
MD5: F736E3305CAC39E52C7B7F013D3A7628
3) Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_ICS_ZipThemer [v2.3 21/06/2012 - compatible with All ICS ROMs with TouchWiz].
***Added some icons to be 100% compatible with Criskelo ROMs and Mods
MD5: ECDF6B53E403127C63C3DD80E9B1F1AB
4) Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_ICS_ZipThemer [v2.2 12/06/2012 - compatible with All ICS ROMs with TouchWiz].
***Added some icons to be 100% compatible with RocketROM v5
MD5: 41E2A26E530645BC721DB956EE7B6B26
5) Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_ICS_ZipThemer [v2.1 08/06/2012 - compatible with All ICS ROMs with TouchWiz].
***Status bar toggles made Grayscale, Select and Pressed list .9.pngs made Grayscale, More overall Grayscale look
MD5: 887E3BAB7ADD8F77A47FD544D08987C7
6) Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_ICS_ZipThemer [v2.0 07/06/2012 - compatible with All ICS ROMs with TouchWiz].
***All icons from my Mixed Theme converted to Grayscale
MD5: 262FBEBA1E2A435169810FC913109C5B


Full Kalagas Grayscale Theme ICS BatteryPercentage (Use this Theme for ROMs or ΜODs that have 1% battery step)
1) Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_ICS_BatteryPercentage_ZipT hemer [v2.5 04/07/2012 - compatible with All ICS ROMs with TouchWiz].
***New more accurate battery icons, Fixed some glitches, Added some icons to be fully compatible with newest ROMs, Fully compatible with newest Play Store 3.7.11
MD5: 6CB5DDD1B2834A71AC5B01C1C7716174
2) Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_ICS_BatteryPercentage_ZipT hemer [v2.4 28/06/2012 - compatible with All ICS ROMs with TouchWiz].
***New battery icons (now cycle empties duting discharging), Fixed the battery glitch that was in some ROMs (no more battery icons without number inside)
MD5: 8B6528791B8E5DBE64276EA8FF39B46B
3) Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_ICS_BatteryPercentage_ZipT hemer [v2.3 21/06/2012 - compatible with All ICS ROMs with TouchWiz].
***Added some icons to be 100% compatible with Criskelo ROMs and Mods
4) Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_ICS_BatteryPercentage_ZipT hemer [v2.2 12/06/2012 - compatible with All ICS ROMs with TouchWiz].
***Added some icons to be 100% compatible with RocketROM v5
MD5: E7DD7EA46CDF202D37730C67FB2196A7
5) Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_ICS_BatteryPercentage_ZipT hemer [v2.1 08/06/2012 - compatible with All ICS ROMs with TouchWiz].
***Status bar toggles made Grayscale, Select and Pressed list .9.pngs made Grayscale, More overall Grayscale look
MD5: 234EB1744FC4CA94E00B04810992521D
6) Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_ICS_BatteryPercentage_ZipT hemer [v2.0 07/06/2012 - compatible with All ICS ROMs with TouchWiz].
***All icons from my Mixed Theme converted to Grayscale
MD5: D7C1D6396A2CB1C1F3E0B59B97F835D4




1) HTC_ringtones_for_Galaxy_Note [Contains all Ringtones from HTC Sensation - compatible with all ROMs].
MD5: FCCE112A810E8A97155336C6ABA0490C

[THEME] Kalagas Grayscale Theme (All ICS ROMs) [Up: 12/06/2012] - xda-developers
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Reddy, DjSonix, 149217 und 2 andere
Viper5 hoffe es ist dir recht

Neues Update

Ab sofort bekommt ihr die Themes auch im Kalagas FTP Ordner
und natürlich wie immer unter www.galaxyrom.com oder im neuen GalaxyRom App

Full Kalagas Grayscale Theme

Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_ICS_ZipThemer [v2.1 08/06/2012 - compatible with All ICS ROMs with TouchWiz].
***Status bar toggles made Grayscale, Select and Pressed list .9.pngs made Grayscale, More overall Grayscale look
MD5: 887E3BAB7ADD8F77A47FD544D08987C7

Full Kalagas Grayscale Theme ICS BatteryPercentage (Use this Theme for ROMs or ΜODs that have 1% battery step)

Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_ICS_BatteryPercentage_ZipT hemer [v2.1 08/06/2012 - compatible with All ICS ROMs with TouchWiz].
***Status bar toggles made Grayscale, Select and Pressed list .9.pngs made Grayscale, More overall Grayscale look
MD5: 234EB1744FC4CA94E00B04810992521D
Welch Frage Fred, natürlich ist es Recht!!!

kann man eigentlich kalagas theme auf kingdroid v3 mit s3 mod flashen????
Moin moin,
da Kalagas seine Theme für alles ICS Roms gemacht hat, sollte es auch mit der kingdroid v3 auch funktionieren. Ob es mit s3 mod geht...
kann ich Dir leider nicht beantworten, da ich weder das eine noch andere drauf habe.

  • Danke
Reaktionen: mazze67
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Reddy und 149217
Viper5 mein Freund ich bin so frei

[THEME] Kalagas Grayscale Theme (All ICS ROMs) [Up: 28/06/2012]

Full Kalagas Grayscale Theme
Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_ICS_ZipThemer [v2.4 28/06/2012 - compatible with All ICS ROMs with TouchWiz].
***New battery icons (now cycle empties duting discharging)
MD5: F736E3305CAC39E52C7B7F013D3A7628

Full Kalagas Grayscale Theme ICS BatteryPercentage (Use this Theme for ROMs or ΜODs that have 1% battery step)
Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_ICS_BatteryPercentage_ZipT hemer [v2.4 28/06/2012 - compatible with All ICS ROMs with TouchWiz].
***New battery icons (now cycle empties duting discharging), Fixed the battery glitch that was in some ROMs (no more battery icons without number inside)
MD5: 8B6528791B8E5DBE64276EA8FF39B46B

  • Danke
Reaktionen: 149217
Fred mein bester, danke dafür werde erst am WE alles UP To Date machen könner da ich unterwegs bin.

Moin moin,
erste Seite aktualisiert!

Full Kalagas Grayscale Theme
1) Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_ICS_ZipThemer [v2.5 04/07/2012 - compatible with All ICS ROMs with TouchWiz].
***New more accurate battery icons, Fixed some glitches, Added some icons to be fully compatible with newest ROMs, Fully compatible with newest Play Store 3.7.11
MD5: B13993BCA99669B11C5EB162D2890F41

Full Kalagas Grayscale Theme ICS BatteryPercentage (Use this Theme for ROMs or ΜODs that have 1% battery step)
1) Kalagas_Grayscale_Theme_ICS_BatteryPercentage_ZipT hemer [v2.5 04/07/2012 - compatible with All ICS ROMs with TouchWiz].
***New more accurate battery icons, Fixed some glitches, Added some icons to be fully compatible with newest ROMs, Fully compatible with newest Play Store 3.7.11
MD5: 6CB5DDD1B2834A71AC5B01C1C7716174
Wie aktualisier ich das Theme oder einfach drüber bügeln, habe die v2.4 drauf?

Und ist bei der v.2.5 die Uhr in der leiste wo die akku anzeige ist auch in dem Design?

Gesendet von meinem GT-N7000 mit Tapatalk 2
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