KEIN DOPPEL-THREAD! (auch wenn es auf den ersten Blick so aussieht)
Ich möchte hier m3dd0g's Themes speziell für AOKP Build 28 vorstellen.
Der Thread ist neu (Stand 26.03) aus XDA übernommen.
DjSonix's Thread https://www.android-hilfe.de/forum/custom-roms-fuer-samsung-galaxy-note.683/theme-aokp-m4-v3-cna-1-5-5-real-ics-v2-invertus-v1-bl00dynote-20-03-12.218338.htmlenthält noch die (alte) Inventus V1 - hier wird u.A. V3 angeboten. Ich möchte keineswegs DjSonix's Thread abwerten, nur die Übersichtlichkeit verbessern, bzw. euch auf die neue Inventus Version hinweisen.
Hinweis: Die AOKP M4 V3 Themes funktionieren nicht auf Build 28 (gab bei mir eine Bootloop) - andersherum genauso. Sprich: Wer auf M4 V3 ist, den verweise ich auf DjSonix's Thread.
VIELEN DANK AN m3dd0g für diese spitzen Arbeit!
KEIN DOPPEL-THREAD! (auch wenn es auf den ersten Blick so aussieht)
Ich möchte hier m3dd0g's Themes speziell für AOKP Build 28 vorstellen.
Der Thread ist neu (Stand 26.03) aus XDA übernommen.
DjSonix's Thread https://www.android-hilfe.de/forum/custom-roms-fuer-samsung-galaxy-note.683/theme-aokp-m4-v3-cna-1-5-5-real-ics-v2-invertus-v1-bl00dynote-20-03-12.218338.htmlenthält noch die (alte) Inventus V1 - hier wird u.A. V3 angeboten. Ich möchte keineswegs DjSonix's Thread abwerten, nur die Übersichtlichkeit verbessern, bzw. euch auf die neue Inventus Version hinweisen.
Hinweis: Die AOKP M4 V3 Themes funktionieren nicht auf Build 28 (gab bei mir eine Bootloop) - andersherum genauso. Sprich: Wer auf M4 V3 ist, den verweise ich auf DjSonix's Thread.
I will post in this thread some ported and modded themes by me. All themes will be for the amazing AOKP/CNA and ICS Stunner Builds.
Original Thread by m3dd0g @XDA DEV's here: M3D0GG THEMES
......:::: InvertuS V3 Theme ::::......
What is done:
This things are all heavy modified and blacked out
- Framework-res
- SystemUI
- Softkeys modded
- Framework animation Stock
- Temperature and Weather in statusbar (AOKP only)
- New Bootanimation
- Camera
- Calender
- Contacts
- GMail
- Google Reader
- Google Voice
- ICS Keyboard blacked out
- Play Music
- Play Market
- Phone with T9 works on both modes tablet and phone
- Google+
- Google Talk
- YouTube
In Tablet mode some settings are not themed
Press THANKS button.
Simple flash the .zip file in CWM over stock AOKP build, after install, wipe cache/dalvik. If you are on my other theme mod simple flash over and wipe dalvik/cache.
Thanks goes to...
Download AOKP Build 28
......:::: ICS Bluez V1::::......
What is done:
- Framework-res
- SystemUI
- Glossy status bar
- Glossy navigation bar
- Temperature in statusbar
- Added themed AppWidget picker
- Themed Lockscreen
- Softkeys modded
- Semi transparent notification item backrounds
- Custom signal & wifi icons
- Calender
- Contacts
- GMail
- Google Reader
- Google Voice
- Keyboard
- Play Music
- Play Market now themed
- Phone with T9 works on both modes tablet and phone
- Google+
- Google Talk
- YouTube
In Tablet mode some settings are not themed
Press THANKS Button
Simple flash the .zip file in CWM over stock ICS Stunner, after install wipe cache/dalvik. Reboot...
If you don´t like my theme flash via CWM original ROM without Wipe.
Thanks goes to...
travp624 for inverted GaPPs
dustinb17 for awesome theme
natemz for theme
thepsyntyst for framework animation
Download AOKP Build 28
......:::: ICS BeaM V1::::......
What is done:
- Framework-res
- SystemUI
- New framework animation
- Themed Lockscreen
- Softkeys modded
- Semi transparent notification item backrounds
- Custom signal & wifi icons
- Calender
- Contacts
- GMail
- Google Reader
- Google Voice
- Keyboard
- Play Music
- Play Market now themed
- Phone with T9 works on both modes tablet and phone
- Google+
- Google Talk
- YouTube
In Tablet mode some settings are not themed
Press THANKS Button
Simple flash the .zip file in CWM over stock ICS Stunner, after install wipe cache/dalvik. Reboot...
If you don´t like my theme flash via CWM original ROM without Wipe.
Thanks goes to...
travp624 for inverted GaPPs
dustinb17 for awesome theme
thepsyntyst for framework animation
Download AOKP Build 28
Original Thread by m3dd0g @XDA DEV's here: M3D0GG THEMES
......:::: InvertuS V3 Theme ::::......

What is done:
This things are all heavy modified and blacked out
- Framework-res

- SystemUI
- Softkeys modded
- Framework animation Stock
- Temperature and Weather in statusbar (AOKP only)

- New Bootanimation
- Camera

- Calender
- Contacts
- GMail
- Google Reader
- Google Voice
- ICS Keyboard blacked out
- Play Music
- Play Market
- Phone with T9 works on both modes tablet and phone
- Google+
- Google Talk
- YouTube

In Tablet mode some settings are not themed
Press THANKS button.
Simple flash the .zip file in CWM over stock AOKP build, after install, wipe cache/dalvik. If you are on my other theme mod simple flash over and wipe dalvik/cache.
Thanks goes to...
Download AOKP Build 28
......:::: ICS Bluez V1::::......

What is done:
- Framework-res
- SystemUI
- Glossy status bar
- Glossy navigation bar
- Temperature in statusbar
- Added themed AppWidget picker
- Themed Lockscreen
- Softkeys modded
- Semi transparent notification item backrounds
- Custom signal & wifi icons
- Calender
- Contacts
- GMail
- Google Reader
- Google Voice
- Keyboard
- Play Music
- Play Market now themed
- Phone with T9 works on both modes tablet and phone
- Google+
- Google Talk
- YouTube
In Tablet mode some settings are not themed
Press THANKS Button
Simple flash the .zip file in CWM over stock ICS Stunner, after install wipe cache/dalvik. Reboot...
If you don´t like my theme flash via CWM original ROM without Wipe.
Thanks goes to...
travp624 for inverted GaPPs
dustinb17 for awesome theme
natemz for theme
thepsyntyst for framework animation
Download AOKP Build 28
......:::: ICS BeaM V1::::......

What is done:
- Framework-res
- SystemUI
- New framework animation
- Themed Lockscreen
- Softkeys modded
- Semi transparent notification item backrounds
- Custom signal & wifi icons
- Calender
- Contacts
- GMail
- Google Reader
- Google Voice
- Keyboard
- Play Music
- Play Market now themed
- Phone with T9 works on both modes tablet and phone
- Google+
- Google Talk
- YouTube
In Tablet mode some settings are not themed
Press THANKS Button
Simple flash the .zip file in CWM over stock ICS Stunner, after install wipe cache/dalvik. Reboot...
If you don´t like my theme flash via CWM original ROM without Wipe.
Thanks goes to...
travp624 for inverted GaPPs
dustinb17 for awesome theme
thepsyntyst for framework animation
Download AOKP Build 28
VIELEN DANK AN m3dd0g für diese spitzen Arbeit!
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