[ROM][4.4.2][Omni][Linaro]Team Asylum Omni 4.4.2 Naughties: Slim, Fast and Black Rum™

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Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140112_n7000.zip and new removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum 6587e7b58df02d480f05a70b3945a0b1

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

Seven exFat merges, it'll works time time round, hopefully
QuickSwipe was merged
Volume panel style change in Settings

Cherry picks:
Multi widows
All-in-one scrolling, keyboard and system animations
Navbar and navring customization
ICS blue replaced with white in Apollo
More smilies for keyboard
More white instead of ICS blue in UI
init: set permissions on governors
Performance menu revamp
Performance drawer blacked out

  • Danke
Reaktionen: Berlino, accatone, Karmo und 5 andere
Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140113_n7000.zip and fresh removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum 1a7bfc470822fa044ef6af58e35a6063

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

Cherry picks:
Multi widows
Unified scrolling, keyboard and system animations
More KK white in SystemUI and Apollo
More keyboard smilies
IncallUI back button disabled
init: set permissions on governors
Navbar and navring customization
Lockscreen notifications (Settings/Security) - these are new and have nothing to do with Active display

  • Danke
Reaktionen: CVH, plauzeee, sMiRgL und 4 andere
Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140114_n7000.zip and fresh removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum 6190dd826eccf7f6ef105aefdcb64c74

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

Flip to mute or reject phone calls
Apollo enhancements and fixes
Sleep mode QS tile added

Cherry picks:
Multi widows
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animations
Moar KK white in SystemUI and Apollo
Navbar and navring customization
Performance menu revamp

  • Danke
Reaktionen: Karmo, plauzeee, Jrp Defy und 4 andere
Bin ne Woche mit slimkat fremd gegangen. Jetzt wieder zur asylum omni zurück und überrascht was es schon wieder alles neues gibt. Ist schon geil zu sehen wie dieses Rom wächst und gedeiht.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Berlino, MichelFell und sMiRgL
Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140115_n7000.zip and new removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum cfedb3055c26114190853339995e2043

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

Fixes and under the hood enhancements

Cherry picks:
Multi widows
Lockscreen notifications
Navbar and navring customization
init: set permissions on governors
More KK white in UI and Apollo
More keyboard smilies

  • Danke
Reaktionen: hara74, CVH, Berlino und 4 andere
Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140117_n7000.zip and new removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum 1af44ae08b136bdd6eab37c5d0632725

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

Screenshot and rotation animation fix
New version of the DashClock
New ActiveDisplay and Performance icons in Settings
New national roamings for France, India, Finland and Italia

Cherry picks:
Multi widow
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
Navbar and navring customization
init: set permissions on governors

  • Danke
Reaktionen: plauzeee, CVH, Berlino und 6 andere
Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140118_n7000.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum ab898200c60e850e41e13d68ba1d6c1e

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

Flip to reject/mute call fixed and working
Launch SuperSU from Settings
More fixes for Active Display

Cherry picks:
Multi widow
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
Navbar and navring customization
init: set permissions on governors
Toggle lockscreen camera widget
Lockscreen blur and transparency


Allen ein schönes Wochenende
  • Danke
Reaktionen: CVH, sMiRgL, Jrp Defy und 4 andere
Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140119_n7000.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum 74871526e8dedad345859e06037ad2da

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

Settings: Add max widget to rest of lockscreens
Lots of System/Core and SEPolicy optimizations and enhancements
Long press back to kill foreground app

Cherry picks:
Multi widow
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
Navbar and navring customization
init: set permissions on governors
Toggle lockscreen camera widget
Lockscreen blur and transparency
First three MediaScanner/Provider commits here: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/statuspen+project:android_packages_providers_MediaProvider,n,z

  • Danke
Reaktionen: CVH, hara74, Berlino und eine weitere Person
Habe seit heute dieses update drauf: Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140119_n7000.zip

Das Handy startet ewig neu und lädt keine Widgets zu ende. Sprich es geht nichts.

Was kann ich machen? Neu geflasht habe ich es auch schon.

Überlege zur Stock Rom zurück zu gehen.
Dann spiel doch einfach das Nandroid Backup von der gestrigen Nightly ein.
Advanced Restore nur von /system
Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140121_n7000.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum cbdc4673f5d6f13a486788dc53358f65

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

vold: fix common flags
DeskClock: flip to snooze/dismiss alarm
Quick swipe fix
Busybox fixes and enhancements
QuickSettings Scrollview fix

Cherry picks:
Multi widow <--- new Xplod's patchset
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation <--- better control options than before
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
Navbar and navring customization <--- new patchset
init: set permissions on governors
Toggle lockscreen camera widget
Lockscreen blur and transparency
Hide/enable power menu on lockscreen <--- in Settings/Security
First three MediaScanner/Provider commits here: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/statuspen+project:android_packages_providers_MediaProvider,n,z

  • Danke
Reaktionen: xirusnet, Karmo, MichelFell und 5 andere
Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140123_n7000.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum 8c5b6edc40c23651f1e84a450011bf99

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

Smart pulldown
TWRP fixes and enhancements (UMS)

Cherry picks:
Multi widow
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
Navbar and navring customization
init: set permissions on governors
Toggle lockscreen camera widget
Lockscreen blur and transparency
Hide/enable power menu on lockscreen
MediaScanner/Provider fixes
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
ueventd.rc: Change owner of graphics drivers to system

  • Danke
Reaktionen: Jrp Defy, accatone, hara74 und 5 andere
Hy, gibt's ne Möglichkeit multiwindow zu deaktivieren? Sobald ich über den Homebutton in den Taskmanager wechsle und eine App öffne startet sie im multiwindow.
Thx ;-)
Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140124_n7000.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum a34c2ed361a19966cf1fb0a6f3683fee

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

QuickSettings Scrollview fixed
Allow devices to set the GMS client id

Cherry picks:
Multi widow

  • Danke
Reaktionen: plauzeee, Karmo, hansalbert und 4 andere
Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140125_n7000.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum a34c2ed361a19966cf1fb0a6f3683fee

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

Disable proximity sensor when screen goes on in ActiveDisplay/PocketMode

Cherry picks:
Multi widow
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
Navbar and navring customization
Clock tweaks (right/center clock, AM/PM/none, day of the week)

  • Danke
Reaktionen: plauzeee, CVH, Karmo und 3 andere
Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140126_n7000.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum 2c3345cceec2a08cbed13988ce0be727

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

QuickSettings Improvement
Fixed stylus eraser being rejected by palm rejection
Security: fix FC for security option

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
Navbar and navring customization
Clock tweaks (right/center clock, AM/PM/none, day of the week)
init: set permissions on governors
Toggle lockscreen camera widget
Lockscreen blur and transparency
Hide/enable power menu on lockscreen
MediaScanner/Provider fixes
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
ueventd.rc: Change owner of graphics drivers to system

SuperSU from now included in the build, no need to flash it after the Rom anymore; you'll have to update the su binary after a clean flash of this build, though, I'll try to fix it tomorrow

  • Danke
Reaktionen: Jrp Defy, hara74, Karmo und 4 andere
Eigentlich eine schöne Rom aber leider stürzt sie bei mir immer mal plötzlich ab und landet plötzlich beim Bootscreen und nach dem hochfahrenreagiert der Touchscreen auf nichts mehr .
Habe wieder die S4 Rom drauf gespielt die war stabiler .
Dann lief bei dir irgendwas beim flashen falsch, normalerweise laufen die DU und die Omni Roms alle Problemlos.

Die S4 Rom ist meines Wissens nach eine Touchwiz Rom, das kann man mit Omni eh nicht vergleichen, schon Alleine weil es ganz Unterschiedliche Android Versionen sind.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: AA1973

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