- 4.264
cornelia schrieb:Rofl, das wird nix helfen. Er ist inzwischen überzeugter Crapsung Hasser.
Gottseidank ist das Nexus4 immer noch beim Sohnemann in Wien.
Wenns nach mir geht kann es da auch bleiben
Asylum_CM10.1_20130106.zip posted in the OP.
Repo sync 13.23 CET.
Changelog: http://review.cyanogenmod.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z
I had chucked out Seeder binaries and implemented zeppelinrox's idea (a find by our inmate bartito, thank you).
Basically, there's a small script file in /system/etc/init.d (zepp) now, and it should make our Notes fly a little bit faster.
A clean install would be best IMO, but you can try to do a dirty one and tell us if you feel there's any improvement.
Also, you won't notice much change until you leave the system and kernel to settle down for a bit; however, after you leave your phone alone for some 10-15 minutes you should
notice that the apps, menus, drawers etc. launch quicker than before.

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