- 5.012

Entwickler-Thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1749863
General Features:
- Built from latest samsung Note sources
- Multiboot InitramFS for all rom types
- Patches for full functionality for all rom types
- Supports Touchwiz ICS, AOKP, AOSP, CM9 , CM10, JellyBean, ParanoidAndroid, MIUI roms
- OC/UV version and a Standard frequencies/voltages version
- Full root
- Magical elves and wizardry**
- Noop scheduler default
- Tweaked OnDemand governor default
- Lots of IO tweaks
- Lots of kernel scheduler tweaks
- Adjusted all cpu voltage tables (OC kernel only)
- Realtime cpu temperature, board temperature readouts and VoltGroup information in settings>about>kernel version
- Optimised VM memory setting
- Optimised Global block readahead
- CIFS support with UTF8
- Voltages and frequencies now in userspace for Voltage Coltrol app / AOKP direct support
- lots, and lots of other tweaks (see full source)
CWM Features:
- External SD cards mount properly within cwm for USB Mass Storage mode / PC connection
- Select between .dep and .tar backups. TAR backups recommended!
- Fully working
Known Issues:
OC-Version, overclocked & undervolted (1600Mhz)
v7.0 CWM Zip - http://hecubus.com/xda/kernel/HydraCore/GL_HYDRACORE_v7_OC.zip
Mirror: https://www.hidrive.strato.com/lnk/qMOR4iGm
(remember this is an overclocked kernel so it wont work for everyone - if you get no boot reboot to download mode and flash the ODIN version of the STANDARD kernel below)
Standard nicht übertaktet, also 1400Mhz
v7.0 CWM Zip - http://hecubus.com/xda/kernel/HydraCore/GL_HYDRACORE_v7_STD.zip
Mirror: https://www.hidrive.strato.com/lnk/KeOxYDpU
This will work on all phones, even those incapable of running the universal version
HydraCore Test-Versionen: test
Hydracore-FTP-Server: Downloadübersicht der Versionen (danke an Fredi bzw. Phoenyx)
Kernel Installation
Install either through CWM or PC/Mobile ODIN in the usual manner. Wiping Cache and Dalvik Cache is unnecessary and wont make any difference. Flash only with 25% or more charge on the phone
Installation routine for the rom of your choice
- Either flash HydraCore or have a kernel installed with CWM
- Download your ROM of choice, follow any specific rom installation instructions (in the ROM thread OP) and flash with CWM
- Flash HydraCore in CWM or with Mobile / PC Odin
v7.0 Hydra Core
- Based off official CM10 kernel source, with MALI R3P0 drivers
- Included mali driver files for TW roms in ZIP kernels only
- Increased free memory for all roms, around 873mb available for the android system
- Fixed TW button lights
- Fixed TW vibration intensity
- Fixed AOSP user selectable vibration intensity
- Removed all non-standard cpu governors
v5.3 HydraCore
- Dropped new source while i investigate camera
- Fixed video camera
- Fixed Microphone
- All other fixes and improvements from 5.1
v5.1 HydraCore
- Updated to latest Note 2 N7100 official kernel source, 3.0.31
- Bluetooth fixes for non TW roms
- USB fixes for non TW roms
- lots of things i cannot remember!
v4.3b HydraCore
- Fixed ROOT
v4.3 HydraCore
- USB driver changes (again!)
- Some performance improvements in initramFS
- JellyBean initialisation file changes
v4.2 HydraCore
- Fixed TW camera
- VFS Cache Pressure increased to 30
- Fixed 1080p video playback for non TW roms
- Some minor memory tweak changes (vfs cache pressure 100 > 15)
- SWAP support
- Reverted to kernel 3.0.15 for patch compatability and some fixes
- Completely fixed all bootanimation problems with non TW roms (uses roms own bootanimation binary now) - will fix never ending bootanimations, bootloops and long delays
- Fixed bootsound on TW roms
- Changes to initramfs, cleanup
- VM settings changed
- Some USB driver changes for better compatability
- Reverted to MDNIE from speedmod k3-9
- stuff i have forgotten
- Rebuilt from scratch
- Addressed lag problems
- Voltage Control apps / AOKP built in "performance" tab now fully working
- Android logger built in (not a module any more)
- Fixed Button lights in non TW roms
- Removed all undervolting from STD kernel - now completely stock frequencies and voltages
- OC kernel min GPU now set to 267mhz @ 925mv (barely more than old kernels @ 160mhz)
- Re added all standard kernel debugging for full application support (logging is not used by the kernel but is available for apps, particurlarly debugfs)
- Updates to hardcore's k3-11 MDNIE settings
- SLQB allocator
full kernel source & initramfs is downloadable from this tar package - Dev-Host - kernel.rar - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service
Credits and thanks:
Donations are gratefully accepted but never requested!
you can make donations to me HERE
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