Seit euch bitte Bewusst das es sich noch um Beta Versionen handelt und es zu Problemen kommen kann.
Falls ihr wirklich flashen wollt haltet euch bitte an die Anweisungen da man bei einen Fehler sehr schnell einen teuren Briefbeschwerer haben kann.
Seit euch bitte Bewusst das es sich noch um Beta Versionen handelt und es zu Problemen kommen kann.
Falls ihr wirklich flashen wollt haltet euch bitte an die Anweisungen da man bei einen Fehler sehr schnell einen teuren Briefbeschwerer haben kann.
Wichtig bitte nach der Anleitung installieren hat bei mir super funtkioniert und man kann sagen das es wirklich toll läuft.
O.K. guys here comes our first ICS customer rom.
This will be a coproduction with eybee, Chrack, nobnut and me.
Pls, pls dont forget it, this is an open customer rom beta from the first leak of ICS 4.0.3@Samsung Galaxy Note.
If you dont make a fullwipe after the ics flash, so pls wait for the official ICS Rom by Samsung.
Note, from Android v2.3.6 to v4.0.3 its a huge step.
You have to make a fullwipe after the flash!
If you set all you like, pls reboot...
to-do and known issues:
fc = stock video editor
Swype still in English only (pls. dont update it!!!)
Special thX to batista70
How To get Root on ICS:
If you are already on Chinese ICS Stock ROM or any Custom ROM based on Chinese ICS, then first test if you are fully rooted. You can test that with Root Explorer by trying to copy/paste any file you have on your SD Card to you /system - if this copy/paste will be successful, you are already rooted properly.
If this test fails --> you are not on a proper rooted Chinese ICS ROM now!!! So follow each and every step from Reb0rn here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...&postcount=182
or from Chris X. here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...postcount=1259
After that you will definately have FULL ROOT!!
Installation Instructions for v1.5:
After you have checked being on a proper rooted Chinese ICS (see point above!), do the following steps:
- If you are not already on a proper rooted Team Rocket ROM v1.3 or v1.4, flash v1.4 first with FullWipe (Factory Reset) before and after flashing! Reboot your device afterwards and setup your Google Account! (If you are already on a proper rooted v1.3 or v1.4, you do not have to do that and can directly go to point 2.)
- After that boot back in Recovery and flash v1.5 without Wiping anything
- Reboot your System
- Now you have a fully working v1.5, bloody fast and ready for daily USE!
Changelog v1.5:
- Dialer working now - no more FC's
- Settings working now without FC's (Brightness, Volume, Tethering, Lockscreen Wallpaper)
- SMemo included and working
- DSP Manager now working - you can choose in Settings between FX and DSP
- changed Battery Icons to Jkays Green Circle (fits better imho)
- some more tweaks for more Smoothness and Speed
Download v1.5: http://rocket.ph0enyx.de/rom/TeamRoc...ev1.5_beta.zip
Mirror: https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B3jz3...xport=download
Mirror 2: TeamRocketRom_ICS_Notev1.5_…zip (363,04 MB) - uploaded.to
In cirka einer Stunde stelle ich einen Uploaded.to Link rein da die anderen Server etwas überlastet sind.
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