LineageOS 14.1 GT-N8000 GT-N8010 GT-N8013 GT-N8020 SCH-I915

  • 1.425 Antworten
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@Kkmm12 direkt nach einen Absturz bitte ein last_kmsg erstellen,
funktioniert es wieder?
@zaid1 die Hoffnung gibt es, ja, nur leider aktuell keine Zeit dafür.
Erstmal werden noch ein paar Ziele für LineageOS 14.1 erfüllt,
dann gehts weiter.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: PapaPinguin
No volvió a suceder desde el logotipo, el twrp no funciona cuando lo escribo, se reinicia e intenta flashear con diferentes roms y aunque Odin dice que todo está bien, reinicio la tableta y esto todavía no me deja instalar nada, para que muriera

Es ist nicht wieder vom Logo passiert, das Twrp funktioniert nicht, wenn ich es schreibe, es startet neu und versucht mit verschiedenen ROMs zu flashen und obwohl Odin sagt, dass alles in Ordnung ist, starte ich das Tablet neu und dies lässt mich immer noch nichts installieren, so dass es gestorben ist
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Bearbeitet von: hagex - Grund: Übersetzung ergänzt. Gruß von hagex
@Kkmm12 Das ist ein typisches Anzeichen für einen eMMC-write lock!
(Wenn ich es richtig übersetzt habe, lässt sich TWRP nicht mehr starten,
es lässt sich alles flashen, aber passiert nicht mehr)

Vermutlich weil die letzten freien Reserveblöcke augbebraucht sind.
In diesem Fall muss eine neue eMMC rein, ich mach das ständig noch für meine Kunden,
eventuell gibt es auch jemanden bei euch der das macht.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hello! Thanks for great rom. I have problem with sound though. From time to time (mostly in zoom app) sound stops until reboot. Is there fix for this?

Hi! Thanks for the great Rome. However, I have a problem with the sound. From time to time (mostly in the Zoom app) the sound stops until it is restarted. Is there a solution for this?

Hallo! Danke für das tolle ROM. Ich habe jedoch ein Problem mit dem Sound. Von Zeit zu Zeit (meistens in der Zoom-App) stoppt der Ton, bis er neu gestartet wird. Gibt es dafür eine Lösung?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Bearbeitet von: hagex - Grund: Übersetzung ergänzt. Gruß von hagex
html6405 schrieb:
Was ich jedoch noch viel besser finden würde, wär der HDMI-Support über die 30-Pin-Büchse und über die Dockingstationen.
Leider ist es fast ein Ding der Unmöglichkeit, einen passenden Adapter dafür zu bekommen.
Zumindest habe ich bis jetzt nichts finden können.

I believe I have 2 OEM adapters at home, as soon as I'm back (outside of the country at the moment), I would ping you to send you one of them for testing/development. Thank you very much for the hard work!

P.S. if you get HDMI running, I would send you another crate of beer via the donations :) (georg)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: html6405
wost schrieb:
I believe I have 2 OEM adapters at home, as soon as I'm back (outside of the country at the moment), I would ping you to send you one of them for testing/development. Thank you very much for the hard work!
Ok gib mir einfach Bescheid :),
wost schrieb:
P.S. if you get HDMI running, I would send you another crate of beer via the donations :) (georg)
Sehr gut und danke :D, sobald ich einen habe, mach ich mich an die Arbeit.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Mal eine wahrscheinlich ganz einfache Frage: wie macht man mit LiOS 14.1 nen Screenshot?

Mit der Custom ging es ja per Hand Geste. Habe jetzt schon ein paar Sachen ausprobiert aber nen Screenshot hab ich nicht geschafft.
Es gab auch die Funktion - unter S-Note glaub ich - mit dem Pen einen beliebigen Ausschnitt aus dem Screen auszuschneiden. Diese Funktion fand ich ziemlich klasse. Gibt es das noch?
Power + Volumen down = Screenshot.
Wie auf allen Androiden ^^

html6405 schrieb:
Also ich surfe auch gerade im Moment mit meinem N8000 mit dem Chrome,
Wo wir gerade bei dem Thema sind...
Was sind denn so eure Lieblings Browser?
Da der Exynos 4412 in diesem Tab hier doch recht veraltet und hoffnungslos über lastet ist selbst normale Webseiten anzuzeigen hilft ein optimierter Browser schon noch ein wenig.
Ich nutze momentan den Lightning Browser wegen seiner integrierten Addblock Funktion und weil er recht fix ist.
Kein Bock darauf einen extra VPN Addblocker zu installieren.
Beiträge automatisch zusammengeführt:

html6405 schrieb:
Nur mal so als Info in die Runde:
Es haben bestimmt schon viele von euch mit den CPU-Frequenzen und den CPU-Governor's herumexperimentiert,
für das beste Akkulaufzeit / Leistungsverhältnis kommt an den pegasusq meiner Meinung nach nichts ran...
Aber um ein bisschen schnelleres Reaktionsvermögen rauszuholen und trotzdem noch halbwegs mit dem Akku durchzukommen,
arbeite ich meist mit 1704MHz (1800MHz läuft auf manchen Geräten instabil, auf anderen jedoch gut, höher ist nicht zu empfehlen) und dem ondemand Governor (alle 4 Kerne auf aktiv setzen).
Ehrlich gesagt bin ich GOTTENFROH dass Android nun vorwiegend mit EAS läuft und die Scheduler Optionen nicht mehr so leicht angepasst werden können.
Was ich damals Tage.... Wochen..... Monate in neue Kernel investiert habe nur um verschiedene governor settings zu testen.... Nur damit dann Monate später ein neuer governor kommt der ja sooo viel besser sein soll.^^

Von Ondemand wat ich aber nie sonderlich begeistert. Frisst zu viel Akku und ein gut optimierter interactive schlägt ihn trotzdem um welten.

Was Reaktionszeit und Flüssiges UI angeht hab ich immer noch kein blassen was Liroka da gewurstelt hat aber es wirkt einfach wahre Wunder!


# cpu2 (500000/200000/100/100)

echo "800000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/pegasusq/hotplug_freq_1_1

echo "700000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/pegasusq/hotplug_freq_2_0

echo "100" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/pegasusq/hotplug_rq_1_1

echo "100" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/pegasusq/hotplug_rq_2_0

# cpu3 (500000/200000/200/200)

echo "1100000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/pegasusq/hotplug_freq_2_1

echo "1000000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/pegasusq/hotplug_freq_3_0

echo "300" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/pegasusq/hotplug_rq_2_1

echo "300" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/pegasusq/hotplug_rq_3_0

# cpu4 (500000/200000/300/300)

echo "1300000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/pegasusq/hotplug_freq_3_1

echo "1200000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/pegasusq/hotplug_freq_4_0

echo "400" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/pegasusq/hotplug_rq_3_1

echo "400" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/pegasusq/hotplug_rq_4_0

# 20

echo "10" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/pegasusq/cpu_down_rate

# 10

echo "10" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/pegasusq/cpu_up_rate

# 85

echo "85" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/pegasusq/up_threshold

# 37

echo "37" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/pegasusq/freq_step
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: html6405
Hallo zusammen (mein erster Post ), Hallo HTML6405, vielen Dank erst einmal für die Entwicklung des ROMS!
Ich habe ein Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 GT-N8010. Das Tablet lief auf dem "aktuellsten" Stock Rom, wurde vorher nie gerootet / geflasht.

Ich habe bereits vorher Custom Roms auf Android Geräte aufgespielt (HTC Desire, Google Nexus 4, Galaxy S3), so dass ich deiner Anleitung sehr gut folgen konnte.

Leider ist es mir nicht möglich mich mit meinem Router zu verbinden, das Tablet kommt nur bis "obtaining IP address" und scheitert dann immer wieder.

Mittlerweile habe ich das ROM mehrere male neu aufgespielt (nach deiner Anleitung,ohne GAPPS, mit SU,dirty, mit clean dalvik etc ...), es stellt sich leider kein Erfolg ein.

Mein Router ist eine EasyBox-804, dort habe ich zig verschiedene Einstellungen probiert (mit WPS, WPA statt WPA2, Gast-Wlan, 5ghz abgeschaltet, also meiner Meinung nach alle Tipps aus dem Thread XD ) nichts hat bisher gefruchtet.

Das was allerdings geht ist zu einem "Mobilen Hotspot" von Windows 10 zu verbinden, zu einem Firmen-Router funktioniert auch.

Ich habe zwei Logcats erstellt, eins wo eine Verbindung klappt, ein Log wo es scheitert (bei mir zuhause).
Die Logs schicke ich dir per PN wegen persönlicher Daten.

Ich hoffe du hast Zeit und Lust mir zu helfen. Vielen Dank im Voraus
gtn8010User123 schrieb:
Ich habe zwei Logcats erstellt, eins wo eine Verbindung klappt, ein Log wo es scheitert (bei mir zuhause).
Die Logs schicke ich dir per PN wegen persönlicher Daten.

Ich hoffe du hast Zeit und Lust mir zu helfen. Vielen Dank im Voraus
Ok, seltsam, sehe ich mir aber gerne an.

@html6405 hier mal ein anonymisiertes Logcat Log von einem gescheiterten Verbindungsversuch

2289-7232/system_process D/WifiService: setWifiEnabled: true pid=2627, uid=1000
    --------- beginning of main
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiMonitor: killSupplicant p2ptrue init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown init.svc.p2p_supplicant=unknown
1978-2081/? D/audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
1994-2285/? D/SoftapController: Softap fwReload - Ok
1994-2285/? D/CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
1994-2285/? D/CommandListener: Trying to bring down wlan0
1994-2285/? D/CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
2289-2361/system_process D/wifi: set interface wlan0 flags (UP)
2289-2361/system_process I/WifiHAL: Initializing wifi
2289-2361/system_process I/WifiHAL: Creating socket
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiHAL: Could not find group vendor
2289-2361/system_process I/WifiHAL: Initialized Wifi HAL Successfully; vendor cmd = 103
2289-2361/system_process D/wifi: Did set static halHandle = 0x6afcdad0
2289-2361/system_process D/wifi: halHandle = 0x6afcdad0, mVM = 0x42cf3000, mCls = 0x10265a
2289-2361/system_process D/wifi: array field set
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiMonitor: startMonitoring(wlan0) with mConnected = false
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiHW: Unable to open connection to supplicant on "@android:wpa_wlan0": No such file or directory
2289-8372/system_process I/WifiNative-HAL: Waiting for HAL events mWifiHalHandle=1794955984
2289-8372/system_process D/wifi: waitForHalEvents called, vm = 0x42cf3000, obj = 0x10265a, env = 0x696d0490
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Could not re-add multicast membership for vendor events: -2 (No such file or directory)
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Could not re-add multicast membership for vendor events: -2 (No such file or directory)
2289-2361/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: User band preference: 0
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiConfigManager: Loading config and enabling all networks
2289-2361/system_process W/WifiNetworkHistory: Upgrading network 0 to android.uid.system:1000
2289-2361/system_process W/WifiNetworkHistory: Upgrading network 1 to android.uid.system:1000
2289-2361/system_process W/WifiNetworkHistory: Upgrading network 2 to android.uid.system:1000
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiConfigManager: loaded 0 passpoint configs
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiNative-HAL: Setting external_sim to 1
2289-2361/system_process D/wifi: setting dfs flag to true, 0x6bbde0c0
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: Setting OUI to DA-A1-19
2289-2361/system_process D/wifi: setting scan oui 0x6bbde0c0
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiHAL: Sending mac address OUI
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiHAL: failed to set scanning mac OUI; result = -95
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=USER type=COUNTRY alpha2=GB
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiCountryCode: Succeeded to set country code to: GB
2289-2361/system_process D/wifi: android_net_wifi_get_firmware_version = 0x6bbde0c0
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiHAL: Failed to register debug response; result = -95
2289-2361/system_process E/wifi: Fail to get Firmware version
2289-2361/system_process D/wifi: android_net_wifi_get_driver_version = 0x6bbde0c0
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiHAL: Failed to register debug response; result = -95
2289-2361/system_process E/wifi: Fail to get driver version
2289-2361/system_process D/wifi: android_net_wifi_set_log_handler = 0x6bbde0c0
2289-2361/system_process D/wifi: android_net_wifi_get_ring_buffer_status = 0x6bbde0c0
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiHAL: Failed to register debug response; result = -95
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiLogger: no ring buffers found
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiHAL: Start get packet fate command
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiHAL: createRequest Monitor packet fate request
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiHAL: Failed to register get pkt fate response; result = -95
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiLogger: Failed to start packet fate monitoring
1994-2285/? D/CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
1994-2285/? D/CommandListener: Trying to bring up p2p0
2289-2359/system_process D/WifiMonitor: startMonitoring(p2p0) with mConnected = true
2289-2289/system_process D/RttService: SCAN_AVAILABLE : 3
2289-2364/system_process I/WifiScanningService: wifi driver loaded with scan capabilities: max buckets=16
2289-2365/system_process D/RttService: DefaultState got{ when=0 what=160512$SmHandler }
2289-2359/system_process D/WifiNative-HAL: p2pGetDeviceAddress
2289-2361/system_process D/wifi: android_net_wifi_setLinkLayerStats: 1
2289-2361/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: Set WiFi enabled
2289-2361/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: scheduleWatchdogTimer
2289-2359/system_process D/WifiNative-HAL: p2pGetDeviceAddress returning 5e:f8:a1:2f:07:b1
2289-2361/system_process E/wifi: wifi_get_supported_feature_set returned error = 0xffffffa1
2289-2306/system_process E/BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied
2289-2361/system_process E/wifi: wifi_get_supported_feature_set returned error = 0xffffffa1
2289-2306/system_process E/BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied
2627-8362/ D/Index: Deleting data for locale 'de_DE' took 51 millis
2289-2299/system_process I/art: Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 64488(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 23(544KB) LOS objects, 30% free, 12MB/18MB, paused 5.277ms total 78.326ms
2627-8362/ D/Index: Indexing locale 'de_DE' took 82 millis
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: MEINWLAN:0a:b0:91:55:d7:67 is in blacklist.
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: MEINWLAN:0a:b0:91:55:d7:69 is in blacklist.
2289-2361/system_process E/wifi: wifi_get_supported_feature_set returned error = 0xffffffa1
2289-2306/system_process E/BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied
2289-2306/system_process E/BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied
2598-2598/ E/PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] queryModemActivityInfo: Empty response
2289-2306/system_process E/BatteryStatsService: power: Missing API
2289-2306/system_process E/BatteryStatsService: modem info is invalid: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
2289-2303/system_process W/ProcessCpuTracker: Skipping unknown process pid 8384
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: MEINWLAN:0a:b0:91:55:d7:67 is in blacklist.
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: MEINWLAN:0a:b0:91:55:d7:69 is in blacklist.
3137-8286/ W/chya: [{0}] Failed to resolve name. status={1}
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: MEINWLAN:0a:b0:91:55:d7:67 is in blacklist.
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: MEINWLAN:0a:b0:91:55:d7:69 is in blacklist.
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: MEINWLAN:0a:b0:91:55:d7:67 is in blacklist.
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: MEINWLAN:0a:b0:91:55:d7:69 is in blacklist.
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: MEINWLAN:0a:b0:91:55:d7:67 is in blacklist.
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: MEINWLAN:0a:b0:91:55:d7:69 is in blacklist.
2627-2648/ I/art: Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 79252(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 27% free, 8MB/11MB, paused 909us total 211.830ms
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: MEINWLAN:0a:b0:91:55:d7:67 is in blacklist.
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: MEINWLAN:0a:b0:91:55:d7:69 is in blacklist.
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: MEINWLAN:0a:b0:91:55:d7:69 is in blacklist.
2289-2299/system_process I/art: Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 68334(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 5(116KB) LOS objects, 26% free, 13MB/18MB, paused 5.673ms total 215.203ms
1978-2081/? D/audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
1978-2081/? D/AudioFlinger: mixer(0x413831c0) throttle end: throttle time(33)
2405-2405/ W/InputMethodService: Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
2405-2405/ I/LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = 0,0
1978-2081/? D/audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
1978-2081/? D/AudioFlinger: mixer(0x413831c0) throttle end: throttle time(33)
2289-2360/system_process D/WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
2289-2360/system_process D/WiFiServiceImpl: SAVE nid=0 uid=1000 name=android.uid.system:1000
2289-2360/system_process D/WifiService: Connect with config* ID: -1 SSID: "MEINWLAN" PROVIDER-NAME: null BSSID: null FQDN: null PRIO: 0 HIDDEN: false
     NetworkSelectionStatus NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED
     hasEverConnected: false
     KeyMgmt: WPA_PSK Protocols:
     PSK: *
    Enterprise config:
    IP config:
    IP assignment: DHCP
    Proxy settings: NONE
     cuid=-1 luid=-1 lcuid=0 userApproved=USER_UNSPECIFIED noInternetAccessExpected=false isCarrierNetwork=false roamingFailureBlackListTimeMilli: 1000
    triggeredLow: 0 triggeredBad: 0 triggeredNotHigh: 0
    ticksLow: 0 ticksBad: 0 ticksNotHigh: 0
    triggeredJoin: 0
2289-2360/system_process D/WiFiServiceImpl: CONNECT  nid=-1 uid=1000 name=android.uid.system:1000
2289-2360/system_process D/WifiService: Connect with config* ID: -1 SSID: "MEINWLAN" PROVIDER-NAME: null BSSID: null FQDN: null PRIO: 0 HIDDEN: false
     NetworkSelectionStatus NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED
     hasEverConnected: false
     KeyMgmt: WPA_PSK Protocols:
     PSK: *
    Enterprise config:
    IP config:
    IP assignment: DHCP
    Proxy settings: NONE
     cuid=-1 luid=-1 lcuid=0 userApproved=USER_UNSPECIFIED noInternetAccessExpected=false isCarrierNetwork=false roamingFailureBlackListTimeMilli: 1000
    triggeredLow: 0 triggeredBad: 0 triggeredNotHigh: 0
    ticksLow: 0 ticksBad: 0 ticksNotHigh: 0
    triggeredJoin: 0
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: SAVE_NETWORK id=-1 config="MEINWLAN" nid=-1 supstate=DisconnectedState my state DisconnectedState
2289-2361/system_process I/WifiConfigStore: addOrUpdateNetwork created netId=3
1978-2081/? D/AudioFlinger: mixer(0x413831c0) throttle end: throttle time(30)
2405-2405/ W/InputMethodService: Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
2627-2627/ W/IInputConnectionWrapper: finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection
2627-2627/ W/IInputConnectionWrapper: finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiConfigManager: created new config netId=3 uid=1000 name=android.uid.system:1000
2289-8391/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:1 hasEverConnected: true
2289-8391/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK
2289-8391/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:0 hasEverConnected: true
2289-8391/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK
2289-8391/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "MEINWLAN"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:3 hasEverConnected: false
2289-8391/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "MEINWLAN"WPA_PSK
2289-8391/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:2 hasEverConnected: false
2289-8391/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK
2289-2361/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: connectToUserSelectNetwork: netId=3 persist=true
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: CONNECT_NETWORK updating existing config with id=3 configKey="MEINWLAN"WPA_PSK
2289-8392/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:1 hasEverConnected: true
2289-8392/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK
2289-8392/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:0 hasEverConnected: true
2289-8392/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK
2289-8392/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "MEINWLAN"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:3 hasEverConnected: false
2289-8392/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "MEINWLAN"WPA_PSK
2289-8392/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:2 hasEverConnected: false
2289-8392/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK
2289-8393/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:1 hasEverConnected: true
2289-8393/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK
2289-8393/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:0 hasEverConnected: true
2289-8393/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK
2289-8393/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "MEINWLAN"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:3 hasEverConnected: false
2289-8393/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "MEINWLAN"WPA_PSK
2289-8393/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:2 hasEverConnected: false
2289-8393/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK
2289-2361/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: connectToUserSelectNetwork: netId=3 persist=true
2289-8394/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:1 hasEverConnected: true
2289-8394/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK
2289-8394/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:0 hasEverConnected: true
2289-8394/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK
2289-8394/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "MEINWLAN"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:3 hasEverConnected: false
2289-8394/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "MEINWLAN"WPA_PSK
2289-8394/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:2 hasEverConnected: false
2289-8394/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK
2289-2361/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: scheduleWatchdogTimer
2627-2648/ I/art: Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 69771(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 1(20KB) LOS objects, 40% free, 9MB/15MB, paused 609us total 273.705ms
2289-2364/system_process W/AlarmManager: Unrecognized alarm listener$3@462ca72
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiStateMachine: Error! unhandled message{ when=-1ms what=0$SmHandler }
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Trying to associate with 0a:b0:91:55:d7:67 (SSID='MEINWLAN' freq=2462 MHz)
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Associated with 0a:b0:91:55:d7:67
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SUBNET-STATUS-UPDATE status=0
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 0a:b0:91:55:d7:67 [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 0a:b0:91:55:d7:67 completed [id=3 id_str=%7B%22creatorUid%22%3A%221000%22%2C%22configKey%22%3A%22%5C%22MEINWLAN%5C%22WPA_PSK%22%7D]
8373-8373/? W/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Failed to configure IGTK to the driver
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: RSN: Failed to configure IGTK
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=0a:b0:91:55:d7:67 reason=1 locally_generated=1
2289-2361/system_process D/ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CONNECTING, reason: (unspecified), extra: "MEINWLAN", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false]}  network{179}  nethandle{768815581918}  lp{{LinkAddresses: []  Routes: [] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0}}  nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps]}  Score{20}  everValidated{false}  lastValidated{false}  created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
2289-2366/system_process D/ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 179] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTING
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiHAL: Getting APF capabilities, halHandle = 0x6bbde0c0
2289-2361/system_process I/WifiHAL: createRequest: APF get capabilities request
2289-2361/system_process I/WifiHAL: Request Response failed for APF, result = -95
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: Start Dhcp Watchdog 80
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiHAL: Start get packet fate command
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiHAL: createRequest Get Tx packet fate request
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiHAL: Failed to register get pkt fate response; result = -95
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiNative-HAL: getTxPktFatesNative returned -95
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiHAL: Start get packet fate command
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiHAL: createRequest Get Rx packet fate request
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiHAL: Failed to register get pkt fate response; result = -95
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiNative-HAL: getRxPktFatesNative returned -95
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiNative-HAL: stopRssiMonitoring, cmdId 0
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=USER type=COUNTRY alpha2=GB
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiCountryCode: Succeeded to set country code to: GB
2289-2361/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: scheduleWatchdogTimer
2289-2362/system_process D/DhcpClient: doQuit
2289-2366/system_process D/ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 179] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to DISCONNECTED
2289-2366/system_process D/ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 179] got DISCONNECTED, was satisfying 0
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiNative-wlan0: configureNeighborDiscoveryOffload(true)
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiNative-wlan0: configureNeighborDiscoveryOffload(true) returned: -95
2289-8400/system_process D/DhcpClient: Receive thread started
2289-2366/system_process W/ConnectivityExtension: ConnectivityExt jar file not present
2289-8398/system_process D/DhcpClient: onQuitting
1994-2277/? E/Netd: Failed to destroy IPv6 sockets on fe80::5ef8:a1ff:fe2f:7b1: Invalid argument
1994-2277/? E/Netd: Error destroying sockets: Unknown error -22
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost
1994-2285/? D/CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
2289-8400/system_process D/DhcpClient: Receive thread stopped
2289-2299/system_process I/art: Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 54769(5MB) AllocSpace objects, 1(36KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 13MB/20MB, paused 8.627ms total 275.600ms
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: MEINWLAN:0a:b0:91:55:d7:69 is in blacklist.
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: CMD_AUTO_CONNECT sup state DisconnectedState my state DisconnectedState nid=3 roam=false
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: CMD_AUTO_CONNECT will save config -> "MEINWLAN" nid=3
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: CMD_AUTO_CONNECT did save config ->  nid=3
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Trying to associate with 0a:b0:91:55:d7:67 (SSID='MEINWLAN' freq=2462 MHz)
2289-8401/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:1 hasEverConnected: true
2289-8401/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK
2289-8401/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:0 hasEverConnected: true
2289-8401/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK
2289-8401/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "MEINWLAN"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:2 nid:3 hasEverConnected: false
2289-8401/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "MEINWLAN"WPA_PSK
2289-8401/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:2 hasEverConnected: false
2289-8401/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK
2289-8401/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:1 hasEverConnected: true
2289-8401/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK
2289-8401/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:0 hasEverConnected: true
2289-8401/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK
2289-8401/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "MEINWLAN"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:2 nid:3 hasEverConnected: false
2289-8401/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "MEINWLAN"WPA_PSK
2289-8401/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:2 hasEverConnected: false
2289-8401/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Associated with 0a:b0:91:55:d7:67
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SUBNET-STATUS-UPDATE status=0
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 0a:b0:91:55:d7:67 [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 0a:b0:91:55:d7:67 completed [id=3 id_str=%7B%22creatorUid%22%3A%221000%22%2C%22configKey%22%3A%22%5C%22MEINWLAN%5C%22WPA_PSK%22%7D]
8373-8373/? W/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Failed to configure IGTK to the driver
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: RSN: Failed to configure IGTK
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=0a:b0:91:55:d7:67 reason=1 locally_generated=1
2289-2361/system_process D/ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CONNECTING, reason: (unspecified), extra: "MEINWLAN", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false]}  network{180}  nethandle{773110549214}  lp{{InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: []  Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576}}  nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps]}  Score{20}  everValidated{false}  lastValidated{false}  created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
2289-2366/system_process D/ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 180] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTING
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiHAL: Getting APF capabilities, halHandle = 0x6bbde0c0
2289-2361/system_process I/WifiHAL: createRequest: APF get capabilities request
2289-2361/system_process I/WifiHAL: Request Response failed for APF, result = -95
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: Start Dhcp Watchdog 81
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:MEINWLANfalse,false
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiHAL: Start get packet fate command
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiHAL: createRequest Get Tx packet fate request
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiHAL: Failed to register get pkt fate response; result = -95
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiNative-HAL: getTxPktFatesNative returned -95
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiHAL: Start get packet fate command
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiHAL: createRequest Get Rx packet fate request
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiHAL: Failed to register get pkt fate response; result = -95
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiNative-HAL: getRxPktFatesNative returned -95
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiNative-HAL: stopRssiMonitoring, cmdId 0
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=USER type=COUNTRY alpha2=GB
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiCountryCode: Succeeded to set country code to: GB
2289-2361/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: scheduleWatchdogTimer
2289-2362/system_process D/DhcpClient: doQuit
2289-2366/system_process D/ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 180] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to DISCONNECTED
2289-2366/system_process D/ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 180] got DISCONNECTED, was satisfying 0
2289-2366/system_process W/ConnectivityExtension: ConnectivityExt jar file not present
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiNative-wlan0: configureNeighborDiscoveryOffload(true)
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiNative-wlan0: configureNeighborDiscoveryOffload(true) returned: -95
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost
2289-8407/system_process D/DhcpClient: Receive thread started
2289-8407/system_process D/DhcpClient: Receive thread stopped
2289-8405/system_process D/DhcpClient: onQuitting
1994-2277/? E/Netd: Failed to destroy IPv6 sockets on fe80::5ef8:a1ff:fe2f:7b1: Invalid argument
1994-2277/? E/Netd: Error destroying sockets: Unknown error -22
1994-2285/? D/CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
2289-2301/system_process D/WifiService: setWifiEnabled: false pid=2627, uid=1000
1978-2081/? D/audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
2289-2361/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: Set WiFi disabled
2289-2361/system_process D/wifi: android_net_wifi_reset_alert_handler = 0x6bbde0c0
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiHAL: failed to request reset; result = -95
2289-2361/system_process D/wifi: android_net_wifi_reset_log_handler = 0x6bbde0c0
2289-2361/system_process I/WifiHAL: Failed to remove command 19: 0x0
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiHAL: Success to clear alerthandler
2289-2289/system_process D/RttService: SCAN_AVAILABLE : 1
2289-2364/system_process I/WifiScanningService: wifi driver unloaded
2289-2364/system_process W/AlarmManager: Unrecognized alarm listener$2@7e21e70
2289-2365/system_process D/RttService: EnabledState got{ when=0 what=160513$SmHandler }
2289-2361/system_process E/wifi: wifi_get_supported_feature_set returned error = 0xffffffa1
2289-2306/system_process E/BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiNative-HAL: stopRssiMonitoring, cmdId 0
2289-2361/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: SupplicantStoppingState: stopSupplicant  init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown init.svc.p2p_supplicant=unknown
2289-2361/system_process E/wifi: wifi_get_supported_feature_set returned error = 0xffffffa1
2289-2306/system_process E/BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: deinit ifname=p2p0 disabled_11b_rates=0
1994-2277/? E/Netd: Failed to destroy IPv6 sockets on fe80::5cf8:a1ff:fe2f:7b1: Invalid argument
1994-2277/? E/Netd: Error destroying sockets: Unknown error -22
2582-3350/ W/Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
2627-8411/ D/Index: Deleting data for locale 'de_DE' took 36 millis
2627-8411/ D/Index: Indexing locale 'de_DE' took 25 millis
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: p2p0: CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE: Detach monitor that cannot receive messages: /data/misc/wifi/sockets/wpa_ctrl_2289-14\x00
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: deinit ifname=wlan0 disabled_11b_rates=0
8373-8373/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING
2289-2361/system_process D/wifi: In wifi stop Hal
2289-2361/system_process D/wifi: halHandle = 0x6afcdad0, mVM = 0x42cf3000, mCls = 0x10265a
2289-8372/system_process E/WifiHAL: wifi_event_loop: Read after POLL returned 4, error no = 0
2289-8372/system_process D/WifiHAL: Got a signal to exit!!!
2289-8372/system_process I/WifiHAL: Exit wifi_event_loop
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiHAL: wifi_cleanup: Read after POLL returned 4, error no = 0
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiHAL: Event processing terminated
2289-2361/system_process D/wifi: In wifi cleaned up handler
2289-2361/system_process I/WifiHAL: Internal cleanup completed
2582-3350/ W/Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
2627-8410/ D/Index: Deleting data for locale 'de_DE' took 36 millis
2289-8372/system_process D/wifi: set interface wlan0 flags (DOWN)
gtn8010User123 schrieb:
2289-2361/system_process E/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: MEINWLAN:0a:b0:91:55:d7:67 is in blacklist. 2289-2361/system_process E/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:: MEINWLAN:0a:b0:91:55:d7:69 is in blacklist.
Das fällt gleich als erstes auf,
Aber man sieht auch die ganzen Verbindungsversuche...

Hast du schon probiert, unter /data/misc
den kompletten wifi Ordner zu löschen?
Das kannst du mit TWRP machen, dann starte mal neu und ich bin gespannt was passiert.
Ansonsten hätte ich eine Idee, was ich noch im Code ändern könnte,
aber mal abwarten.
Beiträge automatisch zusammengeführt:

Anderer Lösungsvorschlag:

Protected Management Frames (PMF) im Router deaktivieren!
Wenn das die Lösung des Problemes ist, deaktiviere ich das im nächsten Update auf den Geräten selbst.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Haldi schrieb:
Wo wir gerade bei dem Thema sind...
Was sind denn so eure Lieblings Browser?
Da der Exynos 4412 in diesem Tab hier doch recht veraltet und hoffnungslos über lastet ist selbst normale Webseiten anzuzeigen hilft ein optimierter Browser schon noch ein wenig.
Ich nutze momentan den Lightning Browser wegen seiner integrierten Addblock Funktion und weil er recht fix ist.
Kein Bock darauf einen extra VPN Addblocker zu installieren.
Beiträge automatisch zusammengeführt:

ich nutze opera, und zwar auf allen android-geräten, nachdem ich diverse browser getestet habe.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Haldi schrieb:
Wo wir gerade bei dem Thema sind...
Was sind denn so eure Lieblings Browser?
Da der Exynos 4412 in diesem Tab hier doch recht veraltet und hoffnungslos über lastet ist selbst normale Webseiten anzuzeigen hilft ein optimierter Browser schon noch ein wenig.
Ich nutze momentan den Lightning Browser wegen seiner integrierten Addblock Funktion und weil er recht fix ist.
Kein Bock darauf einen extra VPN Addblocker zu installieren.
Ich teste diesen gerade,
was hält ihr davon, wenn ich zum Beispiel diesen Browser oder einen anderen standardmäßig anstatt den LineageOS-Browser gleich mitpacke?
html6405 schrieb:
Das fällt gleich als erstes auf,
Aber man sieht auch die ganzen Verbindungsversuche...

Hast du schon probiert, unter /data/misc
den kompletten wifi Ordner zu löschen?
Das kannst du mit TWRP machen, dann starte mal neu und ich bin gespannt was passiert.
Ansonsten hätte ich eine Idee, was ich noch im Code ändern könnte,
aber mal abwarten.
Beiträge automatisch zusammengeführt:

Anderer Lösungsvorschlag:

Protected Management Frames (PMF) im Router deaktivieren!

Hallo, danke für die schnelle Antwort:

habe den wifi Ordner umbenannt in _wifi und einen neuen wifi Ordner erstellt, jetzt lässt sich das WLAN nicht mehr starten (nach Klick auf den Schieberegler zum Einschalten des WLANS versucht er ifup , scheitert aber und das WLAN bleibt aus).

1981-2084/? D/audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
    --------- beginning of system
2296-2308/system_process I/ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x8000$WifiSettingsActivity (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
1981-2084/? D/AudioFlinger: mixer(0x414031c0) throttle end: throttle time(31)
3864-4371/ D/Index: Indexing locale 'de_DE' took 20 millis
3154-3154/ E/ActivityThread: Service has leaked IntentReceiver that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()? Service has leaked IntentReceiver that was originally registered here. Are you missing a call to unregisterReceiver()?
        at android.content.ContextWrapper.registerReceiver(
        at android.content.ContextWrapper.registerReceiver(
        at android.content.ContextWrapper.registerReceiver(
        at android.content.ContextWrapper.registerReceiver(
        at android.content.ContextWrapper.registerReceiver(
        at android.content.ContextWrapper.registerReceiver(
        at android.content.ContextWrapper.registerReceiver(
        at aqdl.a( (040300-306758586):2)
        at aqed.a( (040300-306758586):31)
        at (040300-306758586):8)
        at (040300-306758586):2)
        at ssd.b( (040300-306758586):12)
        at (040300-306758586):7)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
        at (040300-306758586):0)
3864-4371/ D/Index: Indexing locale 'de_DE' took 12 millis
3864-4371/ W/TileUtils: Found for intent Intent { } missing metadata
3864-4343/ D/Index: Deleting data for locale 'de_DE' took 13 millis
3864-4343/ D/Index: Indexing locale 'de_DE' took 7 millis
2296-2317/system_process I/ActivityManager: Displayed$WifiSettingsActivity: +604ms
3864-4344/ D/OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x52312900 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x524511d0
2580-4390/ E/WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched acquire!
2580-4390/ W/WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM counter does not exist
3154-4079/ W/chya: [{0}] Failed to resolve name. status={1}
2296-2319/system_process D/LuxLevels: bright hysteresis constant= 0.1, threshold=5.494647, lux=4.9951334
2296-2319/system_process D/LuxLevels: dark hysteresis constant= 0.2, threshold=3.9961069, lux=4.9951334
3154-4079/ W/chya: [{0}] Failed to resolve name. status={1}
2296-2296/system_process I/ActivityManager: Killing 3715:com.topjohnwu.magisk/u0a57 (adj 906): empty #17
2296-4042/system_process D/ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 3715
3498-3520/ I/Finsky: [144] Stats for Executor: BlockingExecutor kmi@b34f3be[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 28]
3498-3520/ I/Finsky: [144] Stats for Executor: LightweightExecutor kmi@ac3dc1f[Running, pool size = 3, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 292]
3498-3520/ I/Finsky: [144] Stats for Executor: bgExecutor kmi@1705b6c[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 596]
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] JobSchedulerEngine$PhoneskyJobSchedulerJobService.onStartJob(3): SCH: onJobSchedulerWakeup with jobId 9008
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] vab.a(9): Scheduling fallback in 43199994 (absolute: 43314897)
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] vab.a(9): Scheduling fallback in 64799997 (absolute: 64914903)
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] vak.handleMessage(6): SCH: DeviceState: DeviceState{currentTime=1588320243019, isCharging=true, isIdle=false, netAny=false, netNotRoaming=false, netUnmetered=false, batteryPercent=90.0}
3498-4404/ I/Finsky: [224] vcy.a(7): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 12-1 24-77777777 26-1414141414 29-29 34-1 34-2
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] val.a(18): SCH: Running job: 29-29
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] vak.handleMessage(57): SCH: RunningQueue size: 1, PendingQueue size: 0
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] vak.handleMessage(60): SCH: Running queue: 29-29
3498-4406/ I/Finsky: [225] abgl.a(1): ProcessRecoveryLogsUtil: No files in recovery directory
3498-4406/ I/Finsky: [225] vbv.a(16): SCH: jobFinished: 29-29. TimeElapsed: 13ms.
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] val.a(36): SCH: Job 29-29 finished. Not rescheduling.
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] vak.handleMessage(57): SCH: RunningQueue size: 0, PendingQueue size: 0
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] vak.handleMessage(23): Executor finished
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] vcy.a(7): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 12-1 24-77777777 26-1414141414 34-1 34-2
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] uyt.a(58): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 24-77777777,  -> L: 0ms, D: 82750226ms, C: false, I: true, N: 0
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] uyt.a(58): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-2, 12-1, 1-1337,  -> L: 0ms, D: 17114769ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] uyt.a(58): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-1,  -> L: 0ms, D: 1256825788ms, C: false, I: true, N: 2
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] uyt.a(58): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-1,  -> L: 0ms, D: 1256825788ms, C: true, I: true, N: 2
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] uyt.a(58): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414,  -> L: 7500156ms, D: 8400156ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] vbi.a(35): Cancelling existing jobscheduler jobs: 9003 9007 9002 9001
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] vbi.a(12): Throttling wakeup for job 9000 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] vbi.a(28): Scheduling job Id: 9000, L: 30000, D: 82750226, C: false, I: true, N: 0
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] vbi.a(12): Throttling wakeup for job 9004 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] vbi.a(28): Scheduling job Id: 9004, L: 30000, D: 17114769, C: false, I: false, N: 1
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] vbi.a(12): Throttling wakeup for job 9005 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] vbi.a(28): Scheduling job Id: 9005, L: 30000, D: 1256825788, C: false, I: true, N: 2
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] vbi.a(12): Throttling wakeup for job 9006 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] vbi.a(28): Scheduling job Id: 9006, L: 30000, D: 1256825788, C: true, I: true, N: 2
3498-3498/ I/Finsky: [1] vbi.a(28): Scheduling job Id: 9009, L: 7500156, D: 8400156, C: false, I: false, N: 0
2296-3390/system_process D/WifiService: setWifiEnabled: true pid=3864, uid=1000
1981-2084/? D/audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
1981-2084/? D/AudioFlinger: mixer(0x414031c0) throttle end: throttle time(33)
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiMonitor: killSupplicant p2ptrue init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown init.svc.p2p_supplicant=unknown
1992-2293/? D/SoftapController: Softap fwReload - Ok
1992-2293/? D/CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
1992-2293/? D/CommandListener: Trying to bring down wlan0
1992-2293/? D/CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
2296-2365/system_process W/ConnectivityExtension: ConnectivityExt jar file not present
2296-2370/system_process D/wifi: set interface wlan0 flags (UP)
2296-2370/system_process I/WifiHAL: Initializing wifi
2296-2370/system_process I/WifiHAL: Creating socket
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHAL: Could not find group vendor
2296-2370/system_process I/WifiHAL: Initialized Wifi HAL Successfully; vendor cmd = 103
2296-2370/system_process D/wifi: Did set static halHandle = 0x43164910
2296-2370/system_process D/wifi: halHandle = 0x43164910, mVM = 0x42c73000, mCls = 0x2021d6
2296-2370/system_process D/wifi: array field set
2296-2370/system_process D/WifiMonitor: startMonitoring(wlan0) with mConnected = false
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Unable to open connection to supplicant on "@android:wpa_wlan0": No such file or directory
2296-4409/system_process I/WifiNative-HAL: Waiting for HAL events mWifiHalHandle=1125533968
2296-4409/system_process D/wifi: waitForHalEvents called, vm = 0x42c73000, obj = 0x2021d6, env = 0x5f54c940
4410-4410/? W/wpa_supplicant: type=1400 audit(0.0:9): avc: denied { open } for name="entropy.bin" dev=mmcblk0p12 ino=538952 scontext=u:r:wpa:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
4410-4410/? E/wpa_supplicant: random: Could not open entropy file /data/misc/wifi/entropy.bin for writing
4410-4410/? I/wpa_supplicant: Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
4410-4410/? E/wpa_supplicant: Failed to open config file '/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf', error: Permission denied
4410-4410/? E/wpa_supplicant: Failed to read or parse configuration '/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf'.
4410-4410/? E/wpa_supplicant: random: Could not open entropy file /data/misc/wifi/entropy.bin for writing
4410-4410/? W/wpa_supplicant: type=1400 audit(0.0:10): avc: denied { write } for name="entropy.bin" dev=mmcblk0p12 ino=538952 scontext=u:r:wpa:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
4410-4410/? W/wpa_supplicant: type=1400 audit(0.0:11): avc: denied { open } for name="wpa_supplicant.conf" dev=mmcblk0p12 ino=538951 scontext=u:r:wpa:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
4410-4410/? W/wpa_supplicant: type=1400 audit(0.0:12): avc: denied { write } for name="entropy.bin" dev=mmcblk0p12 ino=538952 scontext=u:r:wpa:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2580-4419/ E/WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched acquire!
2580-4419/ W/WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM counter does not exist
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiMonitor: startMonitoring(wlan0) failed!
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiStateMachine: Failed to setup control channel, restart supplicant
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiMonitor: killSupplicant p2ptrue init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown init.svc.p2p_supplicant=unknown
2296-2370/system_process D/wifi: In wifi stop Hal
2296-2370/system_process D/wifi: halHandle = 0x43164910, mVM = 0x42c73000, mCls = 0x2021d6
2296-4409/system_process E/WifiHAL: wifi_event_loop: Read after POLL returned 4, error no = 0
2296-4409/system_process D/WifiHAL: Got a signal to exit!!!
2296-4409/system_process I/WifiHAL: Exit wifi_event_loop
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHAL: wifi_cleanup: Read after POLL returned 4, error no = 2
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHAL: Event processing terminated
2296-2370/system_process D/wifi: In wifi cleaned up handler
2296-2370/system_process I/WifiHAL: Internal cleanup completed
2296-4409/system_process D/wifi: set interface wlan0 flags (DOWN)
2296-2370/system_process D/WifiNative-HAL: HAL event thread stopped successfully
4421-4421/? V/macloader: Found CID type: 1
4421-4421/? I/macloader: Settting wifi type to murata in /data/
4421-4421/? D/macloader: Change permissions of /data/
4421-4421/? D/macloader: Using NVRAM calibration file: /system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt
4421-4421/? D/macloader: Changing NVRAM calibration file for murata chipset
4421-4421/? D/macloader: NVRAM calibration file set to '/system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt_murata'
3154-4079/ W/chya: [{0}] Failed to resolve name. status={1}
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiMonitor: killSupplicant p2ptrue init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown init.svc.p2p_supplicant=unknown
1992-2293/? D/SoftapController: Softap fwReload - Ok
1992-2293/? D/CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
1992-2293/? D/CommandListener: Trying to bring down wlan0
1992-2293/? D/CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
2296-2370/system_process D/wifi: set interface wlan0 flags (UP)
2296-2370/system_process I/WifiHAL: Initializing wifi
2296-2370/system_process I/WifiHAL: Creating socket
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHAL: Could not find group vendor
2296-2370/system_process I/WifiHAL: Initialized Wifi HAL Successfully; vendor cmd = 103
2296-2370/system_process D/wifi: Did set static halHandle = 0x431656d0
2296-2370/system_process D/wifi: halHandle = 0x431656d0, mVM = 0x42c73000, mCls = 0x21d6
2296-2370/system_process D/wifi: array field set
2296-4423/system_process I/WifiNative-HAL: Waiting for HAL events mWifiHalHandle=1125537488
2296-4423/system_process D/wifi: waitForHalEvents called, vm = 0x42c73000, obj = 0x21d6, env = 0x60acf1f0
4424-4424/? W/wpa_supplicant: type=1400 audit(0.0:13): avc: denied { open } for name="entropy.bin" dev=mmcblk0p12 ino=538952 scontext=u:r:wpa:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
4424-4424/? W/wpa_supplicant: type=1400 audit(0.0:14): avc: denied { write } for name="entropy.bin" dev=mmcblk0p12 ino=538952 scontext=u:r:wpa:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
4424-4424/? W/wpa_supplicant: type=1400 audit(0.0:15): avc: denied { open } for name="wpa_supplicant.conf" dev=mmcblk0p12 ino=538951 scontext=u:r:wpa:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
4424-4424/? E/wpa_supplicant: random: Could not open entropy file /data/misc/wifi/entropy.bin for writing
4424-4424/? I/wpa_supplicant: Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
4424-4424/? E/wpa_supplicant: Failed to open config file '/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf', error: Permission denied
4424-4424/? E/wpa_supplicant: Failed to read or parse configuration '/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf'.
4424-4424/? W/wpa_supplicant: type=1400 audit(0.0:16): avc: denied { write } for name="entropy.bin" dev=mmcblk0p12 ino=538952 scontext=u:r:wpa:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
4424-4424/? E/wpa_supplicant: random: Could not open entropy file /data/misc/wifi/entropy.bin for writing
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiStateMachine: Failed to start supplicant!
2296-2296/system_process E/WifiController: WifiControllerWifi turn on failed
3864-4428/ D/Index: Deleting data for locale 'de_DE' took 6 millis
3864-4428/ D/Index: Indexing locale 'de_DE' took 9 millis
2296-4041/system_process D/WifiService: setWifiEnabled: true pid=3864, uid=1000
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiMonitor: killSupplicant p2ptrue init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown init.svc.p2p_supplicant=unknown
1981-2084/? D/audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
1981-2084/? D/AudioFlinger: mixer(0x414031c0) throttle end: throttle time(33)
1992-2293/? D/SoftapController: Softap fwReload - Ok
1992-2293/? D/CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
1992-2293/? D/CommandListener: Trying to bring down wlan0
1992-2293/? D/CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
2296-2370/system_process D/wifi: set interface wlan0 flags (UP)
2296-2370/system_process D/wifi: array field set
2296-2370/system_process D/WifiMonitor: startMonitoring(wlan0) with mConnected = false
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Unable to open connection to supplicant on "@android:wpa_wlan0": No such file or directory
2296-4431/system_process I/WifiNative-HAL: Waiting for HAL events mWifiHalHandle=1125537488
2296-4431/system_process D/wifi: waitForHalEvents called, vm = 0x42c73000, obj = 0x21d6, env = 0x60ad0990
4432-4432/? W/wpa_supplicant: type=1400 audit(0.0:17): avc: denied { open } for name="entropy.bin" dev=mmcblk0p12 ino=538952 scontext=u:r:wpa:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
4432-4432/? W/wpa_supplicant: type=1400 audit(0.0:18): avc: denied { write } for name="entropy.bin" dev=mmcblk0p12 ino=538952 scontext=u:r:wpa:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
4432-4432/? E/wpa_supplicant: random: Could not open entropy file /data/misc/wifi/entropy.bin for writing
4432-4432/? I/wpa_supplicant: Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
4432-4432/? W/wpa_supplicant: type=1400 audit(0.0:19): avc: denied { open } for name="wpa_supplicant.conf" dev=mmcblk0p12 ino=538951 scontext=u:r:wpa:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
4432-4432/? E/wpa_supplicant: Failed to open config file '/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf', error: Permission denied
4432-4432/? E/wpa_supplicant: Failed to read or parse configuration '/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf'.
4432-4432/? W/wpa_supplicant: type=1400 audit(0.0:20): avc: denied { write } for name="entropy.bin" dev=mmcblk0p12 ino=538952 scontext=u:r:wpa:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
4432-4432/? E/wpa_supplicant: random: Could not open entropy file /data/misc/wifi/entropy.bin for writing
2296-4431/system_process D/wifi: set interface wlan0 flags (DOWN)
3154-3974/ I/CastDatabase: Saving the database
3154-3974/ I/SQLiteCastStore: [CastNetworkInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0, [CastDeviceInfo]: saved 0, skipped 0, [Paired Guest Mode DeviceInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0. [ProbedNetworks]: saved 0, skipped: 0, [ProbedSocketAddress]: saved 0, skipped: 0, [Network-Device pairs]: saved: 0
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2339/system_process W/ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { flg=0x4 (has extras) } U=0: not found
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2580-2580/ W/ChimeraUtils: Non Chimera context
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2580-3227/ E/Auth: [GoogleAccountDataServiceImpl] getToken() -> NETWORK_ERROR. Account: <ELLIDED:-2139193087>, App:, Service: oauth2: email
2580-3227/ W/Auth: [GetToken] GetToken failed with status code: NetworkError
3154-4448/ W/System: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/lib/arm
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHW: Supplicant not running, cannot connect
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiMonitor: startMonitoring(wlan0) failed!
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiStateMachine: Failed to setup control channel, restart supplicant
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiMonitor: killSupplicant p2ptrue init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown init.svc.p2p_supplicant=unknown
2296-2370/system_process D/wifi: In wifi stop Hal
2296-2370/system_process D/wifi: halHandle = 0x431656d0, mVM = 0x42c73000, mCls = 0x21d6
2296-4423/system_process E/WifiHAL: wifi_event_loop: Read after POLL returned 4, error no = 0
2296-4423/system_process D/WifiHAL: Got a signal to exit!!!
2296-4423/system_process I/WifiHAL: Exit wifi_event_loop
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHAL: wifi_cleanup: Read after POLL returned 4, error no = 2
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHAL: Event processing terminated
2296-2370/system_process D/wifi: In wifi cleaned up handler
2296-2370/system_process I/WifiHAL: Internal cleanup completed
2296-2370/system_process D/WifiNative-HAL: HAL event thread stopped successfully
4451-4451/? V/macloader: Found CID type: 1
4451-4451/? I/macloader: Settting wifi type to murata in /data/
4451-4451/? D/macloader: Change permissions of /data/
4451-4451/? D/macloader: Using NVRAM calibration file: /system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt
4451-4451/? D/macloader: Changing NVRAM calibration file for murata chipset
4451-4451/? D/macloader: NVRAM calibration file set to '/system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt_murata'
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiMonitor: killSupplicant p2ptrue init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown init.svc.p2p_supplicant=unknown
1992-2293/? D/SoftapController: Softap fwReload - Ok
1992-2293/? D/CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
1992-2293/? D/CommandListener: Trying to bring down wlan0
1992-2293/? D/CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
2296-2370/system_process D/wifi: set interface wlan0 flags (UP)
2296-2370/system_process I/WifiHAL: Initializing wifi
2296-2370/system_process I/WifiHAL: Creating socket
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiHAL: Could not find group vendor
2296-2370/system_process I/WifiHAL: Initialized Wifi HAL Successfully; vendor cmd = 103
2296-2370/system_process D/wifi: Did set static halHandle = 0x6b7f4a30
2296-2370/system_process D/wifi: halHandle = 0x6b7f4a30, mVM = 0x42c73000, mCls = 0x1021d6
2296-2370/system_process D/wifi: array field set
2296-4452/system_process I/WifiNative-HAL: Waiting for HAL events mWifiHalHandle=1803504176
2296-4452/system_process D/wifi: waitForHalEvents called, vm = 0x42c73000, obj = 0x1021d6, env = 0x60ad1020
4453-4453/? W/wpa_supplicant: type=1400 audit(0.0:21): avc: denied { open } for name="entropy.bin" dev=mmcblk0p12 ino=538952 scontext=u:r:wpa:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
4453-4453/? W/wpa_supplicant: type=1400 audit(0.0:22): avc: denied { write } for name="entropy.bin" dev=mmcblk0p12 ino=538952 scontext=u:r:wpa:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
4453-4453/? W/wpa_supplicant: type=1400 audit(0.0:23): avc: denied { open } for name="wpa_supplicant.conf" dev=mmcblk0p12 ino=538951 scontext=u:r:wpa:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
4453-4453/? I/wpa_supplicant: Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
4453-4453/? E/wpa_supplicant: Failed to open config file '/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf', error: Permission denied
4453-4453/? E/wpa_supplicant: Failed to read or parse configuration '/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf'.
4453-4453/? W/wpa_supplicant: type=1400 audit(0.0:24): avc: denied { write } for name="entropy.bin" dev=mmcblk0p12 ino=538952 scontext=u:r:wpa:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
4453-4453/? E/wpa_supplicant: random: Could not open entropy file /data/misc/wifi/entropy.bin for writing
2296-2370/system_process E/WifiStateMachine: Failed to start supplicant!
2296-2296/system_process E/WifiController: WifiControllerWifi turn on failed
3864-4427/ D/Index: Deleting data for locale 'de_DE' took 7 millis
3864-4427/ D/Index: Indexing locale 'de_DE' took 7 millis
2296-2319/system_process D/LuxLevels: bright hysteresis constant= 0.1, threshold=6.337444, lux=5.7613125
2296-2319/system_process D/LuxLevels: dark hysteresis constant= 0.2, threshold=4.6090503, lux=5.7613125

Hab den alten Ordner wieder umbenannt zurück nach "wifi", sodass sich das WLAN wieder einschalten ließ am Tablet. Habe jetzt am Router ein Gastzugang erstellt und alles ausgestellt was auszustellen ist (lediglich WPA und ein ultrakurzes Passwort ohne Sonderzeichen), dies klappt leider auch nicht. Logcat ist angehängt:

2293-2335/system_process W/ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { flg=0x4 (has extras) } U=0: not found
    --------- beginning of main
3146-3262/ I/CastDatabase: Saving the database
3146-3262/ I/SQLiteCastStore: [CastNetworkInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0, [CastDeviceInfo]: saved 0, skipped 0, [Paired Guest Mode DeviceInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0. [ProbedNetworks]: saved 0, skipped: 0, [ProbedSocketAddress]: saved 0, skipped: 0, [Network-Device pairs]: saved: 0
2293-2366/system_process D/WiFiServiceImpl: SAVE nid=0 uid=1000 name=android.uid.system:1000
1976-2079/? D/audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
2293-2366/system_process D/WifiService: Connect with config* ID: -1 SSID: "Gastzugang" PROVIDER-NAME: null BSSID: null FQDN: null PRIO: 0 HIDDEN: false
     NetworkSelectionStatus NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED
     hasEverConnected: false
     KeyMgmt: WPA_PSK Protocols:
     PSK: *
    Enterprise config:
    IP config:
    IP assignment: DHCP
    Proxy settings: NONE
     cuid=-1 luid=-1 lcuid=0 userApproved=USER_UNSPECIFIED noInternetAccessExpected=false isCarrierNetwork=false roamingFailureBlackListTimeMilli: 1000
    triggeredLow: 0 triggeredBad: 0 triggeredNotHigh: 0
    ticksLow: 0 ticksBad: 0 ticksNotHigh: 0
    triggeredJoin: 0
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: SAVE_NETWORK id=-1 config="Gastzugang" nid=-1 supstate=ScanState my state DisconnectedState
2293-2366/system_process D/WiFiServiceImpl: CONNECT  nid=-1 uid=1000 name=android.uid.system:1000
2293-2366/system_process D/WifiService: Connect with config* ID: -1 SSID: "Gastzugang" PROVIDER-NAME: null BSSID: null FQDN: null PRIO: 0 HIDDEN: false
     NetworkSelectionStatus NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED
     hasEverConnected: false
     KeyMgmt: WPA_PSK Protocols:
     PSK: *
    Enterprise config:
    IP config:
    IP assignment: DHCP
    Proxy settings: NONE
     cuid=-1 luid=-1 lcuid=0 userApproved=USER_UNSPECIFIED noInternetAccessExpected=false isCarrierNetwork=false roamingFailureBlackListTimeMilli: 1000
    triggeredLow: 0 triggeredBad: 0 triggeredNotHigh: 0
    ticksLow: 0 ticksBad: 0 ticksNotHigh: 0
    triggeredJoin: 0
2293-2367/system_process I/WifiConfigStore: addOrUpdateNetwork created netId=3
2401-2401/ W/InputMethodService: Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
2606-2606/ W/IInputConnectionWrapper: finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection
2606-2606/ W/IInputConnectionWrapper: finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiConfigManager: created new config netId=3 uid=1000 name=android.uid.system:1000
2293-4282/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:0 hasEverConnected: true
2293-4282/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK
2293-4282/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:1 hasEverConnected: true
2293-4282/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK
2293-4282/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Gastzugang"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:3 hasEverConnected: false
2293-4282/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Gastzugang"WPA_PSK
2293-4282/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:2 hasEverConnected: false
2293-4282/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK
2293-2367/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: connectToUserSelectNetwork: netId=3 persist=true
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: CONNECT_NETWORK updating existing config with id=3 configKey="Gastzugang"WPA_PSK
2293-4283/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:0 hasEverConnected: true
2293-4283/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK
2293-4283/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:1 hasEverConnected: true
2293-4283/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK
2293-4283/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Gastzugang"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:3 hasEverConnected: false
2293-4283/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Gastzugang"WPA_PSK
2293-4283/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:2 hasEverConnected: false
2293-4283/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK
2293-4284/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:0 hasEverConnected: true
2293-4284/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK
2293-4284/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:1 hasEverConnected: true
2293-4284/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK
2293-4284/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Gastzugang"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:3 hasEverConnected: false
2293-4284/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Gastzugang"WPA_PSK
2293-4284/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:2 hasEverConnected: false
2293-4284/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK
2293-2367/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: connectToUserSelectNetwork: netId=3 persist=true
2293-4285/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:0 hasEverConnected: true
2293-4285/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK
2293-4285/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:1 hasEverConnected: true
2293-4285/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK
2293-4285/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Gastzugang"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:3 hasEverConnected: false
2293-4285/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Gastzugang"WPA_PSK
2293-4285/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:2 hasEverConnected: false
2293-4285/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK
2293-2367/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: scheduleWatchdogTimer
2663-2663/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Trying to associate with b4:a5:ef:67:32:75 (SSID='Gastzugang' freq=2462 MHz)
2663-2663/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Associated with b4:a5:ef:67:32:75
2663-2663/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SUBNET-STATUS-UPDATE status=0
2663-2663/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with b4:a5:ef:67:32:75 [PTK=CCMP GTK=TKIP]
2663-2663/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to b4:a5:ef:67:32:75 completed [id=3 id_str=%7B%22creatorUid%22%3A%221000%22%2C%22configKey%22%3A%22%5C%22Gastzugang%5C%22WPA_PSK%22%7D]
2293-2367/system_process D/ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CONNECTING, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Gastzugang", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false]}  network{102}  nethandle{438103100126}  lp{{LinkAddresses: []  Routes: [] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0}}  nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps]}  Score{20}  everValidated{false}  lastValidated{false}  created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
2293-2372/system_process D/ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTING
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiHAL: Getting APF capabilities, halHandle = 0x6973ed20
2293-2367/system_process I/WifiHAL: createRequest: APF get capabilities request
2293-2367/system_process I/WifiHAL: Request Response failed for APF, result = -95
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: Start Dhcp Watchdog 3
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:Gastzugangfalse,false
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiNative-wlan0: configureNeighborDiscoveryOffload(true)
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiNative-wlan0: configureNeighborDiscoveryOffload(true) returned: -95
2293-4290/system_process D/DhcpClient: Receive thread started
2293-4288/system_process D/DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:Gastzugangfalse,false
2293-4288/system_process D/DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER
2293-2303/system_process I/art: Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 78170(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 32% free, 9MB/14MB, paused 6.440ms total 150.573ms
2293-4288/system_process D/DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER
2293-4288/system_process D/DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER
2293-4288/system_process D/DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER
2293-4290/system_process D/DhcpClient: Receive thread stopped
2293-2368/system_process D/DhcpClient: doQuit
2293-4288/system_process D/DhcpClient: onQuitting
2663-2663/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=b4:a5:ef:67:32:75 reason=3 locally_generated=1
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiNative-HAL: stopRssiMonitoring, cmdId 0
2293-2372/system_process D/ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to DISCONNECTED
2293-2372/system_process D/ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 102] got DISCONNECTED, was satisfying 0
2663-2663/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=USER type=COUNTRY alpha2=GB
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiCountryCode: Succeeded to set country code to: GB
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: Start Disconnecting Watchdog 1
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiNative-HAL: stopRssiMonitoring, cmdId 0
2293-2372/system_process W/ConnectivityExtension: ConnectivityExt jar file not present
1985-2282/? E/Netd: Failed to destroy IPv6 sockets on fe80::5ef8:a1ff:fe2f:7b1: Invalid argument
1985-2282/? E/Netd: Error destroying sockets: Unknown error -22
1985-2290/? D/CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
2293-2367/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: scheduleWatchdogTimer
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: CMD_AUTO_CONNECT sup state DisconnectedState my state DisconnectedState nid=3 roam=false
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: CMD_AUTO_CONNECT will save config -> "Gastzugang" nid=3
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: CMD_AUTO_CONNECT did save config ->  nid=3
1976-2079/? D/audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
1976-2079/? D/AudioFlinger: mixer(0x413031c0) throttle end: throttle time(33)
2293-2344/system_process D/WifiService: setWifiEnabled: false pid=2606, uid=1000
2663-2663/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Trying to associate with b4:a5:ef:67:32:75 (SSID='Gastzugang' freq=2462 MHz)
2293-4298/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:0 hasEverConnected: true
2293-4298/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK
2293-4298/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:1 hasEverConnected: true
2293-4298/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK
2293-4298/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Gastzugang"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:2 nid:3 hasEverConnected: false
2293-4298/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Gastzugang"WPA_PSK
2293-4298/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:2 hasEverConnected: false
2293-4298/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK
2293-4298/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:0 hasEverConnected: true
2293-4298/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "WIN10HOTSPOT"WPA_PSK
2293-4298/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:1 hasEverConnected: true
2293-4298/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "pcuie_01"WPA_PSK
2293-4298/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Gastzugang"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:2 nid:3 hasEverConnected: false
2293-4298/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Gastzugang"WPA_PSK
2293-2367/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: Set WiFi disabled
2293-2367/system_process D/wifi: android_net_wifi_reset_alert_handler = 0x6973ed20
2293-2367/system_process E/WifiHAL: failed to request reset; result = -95
2293-2367/system_process D/wifi: android_net_wifi_reset_log_handler = 0x6973ed20
2293-2367/system_process I/WifiHAL: Failed to remove command 1: 0x0
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiHAL: Success to clear alerthandler
2293-2293/system_process D/RttService: SCAN_AVAILABLE : 1
2293-2370/system_process I/WifiScanningService: wifi driver unloaded
2293-2371/system_process D/RttService: EnabledState got{ when=0 what=160513$SmHandler }
2293-2370/system_process W/AlarmManager: Unrecognized alarm listener$2@2430694
2293-2367/system_process E/wifi: wifi_get_supported_feature_set returned error = 0xffffffa1
2293-2310/system_process E/BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiNative-HAL: stopRssiMonitoring, cmdId 0
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: SupplicantStoppingState: stopSupplicant  init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown init.svc.p2p_supplicant=unknown
2293-4298/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:1 nid:2 hasEverConnected: false
2293-4298/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK
2663-2663/? I/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: deinit ifname=p2p0 disabled_11b_rates=0
2293-2367/system_process E/wifi: wifi_get_supported_feature_set returned error = 0xffffffa1
2293-2310/system_process E/BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied
1985-2282/? E/Netd: Failed to destroy IPv6 sockets on fe80::5cf8:a1ff:fe2f:7b1: Invalid argument
1985-2282/? E/Netd: Error destroying sockets: Unknown error -22
2663-2663/? I/wpa_supplicant: p2p0: CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING
2577-3328/ W/Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
2663-2663/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=b4:a5:ef:67:32:75 reason=3 locally_generated=1
2663-2663/? I/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE: Detach monitor that cannot receive messages: /data/misc/wifi/sockets/wpa_ctrl_2293-2\x00
2663-2663/? I/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: deinit ifname=wlan0 disabled_11b_rates=0
2663-2663/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING
2293-2367/system_process D/wifi: In wifi stop Hal
2293-2367/system_process D/wifi: halHandle = 0x42ca6440, mVM = 0x42cf3000, mCls = 0x100a56
2293-2658/system_process E/WifiHAL: wifi_event_loop: Read after POLL returned 4, error no = 0
2293-2658/system_process D/WifiHAL: Got a signal to exit!!!
2293-2658/system_process I/WifiHAL: Exit wifi_event_loop
2293-2367/system_process E/WifiHAL: wifi_cleanup: Read after POLL returned 4, error no = 0
2293-2367/system_process E/WifiHAL: Event processing terminated
2293-2367/system_process D/wifi: In wifi cleaned up handler
2293-2367/system_process I/WifiHAL: Internal cleanup completed
2577-3328/ W/Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
2606-2633/ I/art: Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 84213(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 36% free, 5MB/8MB, paused 481us total 102.151ms
2606-4301/ D/Index: Deleting data for locale 'de_DE' took 29 millis
2293-2658/system_process D/wifi: set interface wlan0 flags (DOWN)
2293-2367/system_process D/WifiNative-HAL: HAL event thread stopped successfully
2606-4301/ D/Index: Indexing locale 'de_DE' took 294 millis
4303-4303/? V/macloader: Found CID type: 1
4303-4303/? I/macloader: Settting wifi type to murata in /data/
4303-4303/? D/macloader: Change permissions of /data/
4303-4303/? D/macloader: Using NVRAM calibration file: /system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt
4303-4303/? D/macloader: Changing NVRAM calibration file for murata chipset
4303-4303/? D/macloader: NVRAM calibration file set to '/system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt_murata'
2606-4300/ D/Index: Deleting data for locale 'de_DE' took 58 millis
2606-4300/ D/Index: Indexing locale 'de_DE' took 16 millis
2293-2316/system_process D/LuxLevels: bright hysteresis constant= 0.1, threshold=7.3333697, lux=6.6666994
2293-2316/system_process D/LuxLevels: dark hysteresis constant= 0.2, threshold=5.3333597, lux=6.6666994
2577-4305/ E/WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched acquire!
2577-4305/ W/WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM counter does not exist
2293-2316/system_process D/LuxLevels: bright hysteresis constant= 0.1, threshold=10.278422, lux=9.34402
2293-2316/system_process D/LuxLevels: dark hysteresis constant= 0.2, threshold=7.475216, lux=9.34402
3513-3572/ I/PlayCommon: [165] anfu.c(26): Preparing logs for uploading
3513-3572/ I/PlayCommon: [165] anfu.c(148): Connecting to server for timestamp:
3513-3572/ E/PlayCommon: [165] anfu.c(149): Failed to connect to server for server timestamp: Unable to resolve host "": No address associated with hostname
2577-2577/ W/ChimeraUtils: Non Chimera context
2577-4036/ E/Auth: [GoogleAccountDataServiceImpl] getToken() -> NETWORK_ERROR. Account: <ELLIDED:-2139193087>, App:, Service: oauth2:
2577-4036/ W/Auth: [GetToken] GetToken failed with status code: NetworkError
2577-4036/ W/GLSActivity: NetworkError
        at glt.getAuthToken( (040300-306758586):29)
        at android.accounts.AbstractAccountAuthenticator$Transport.getAuthToken(
        at android.accounts.IAccountAuthenticator$Stub.onTransact(
        at android.os.Binder.transact(
        at dhe.onTransact( (040300-306758586):2)
        at android.os.Binder.transact(
        at aagd.onTransact( (040300-306758586):16)
        at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
3513-3572/ E/PlayCommon: [165] anfu.a(4): Failed to get auth token: NetworkError
3513-3572/ W/PlayCommon: [165] anfu.c(238): Deferring log upload because couldn't retrieve auth token
3513-3706/ I/PlayCommon: [200] anfu.c(26): Preparing logs for uploading
3513-3706/ I/PlayCommon: [200] anfu.c(148): Connecting to server for timestamp:
3513-3706/ E/PlayCommon: [200] anfu.c(149): Failed to connect to server for server timestamp: Unable to resolve host "": No address associated with hostname
3513-3706/ W/PlayCommon: [200] anfu.a(7): No account for auth token provided
3513-3706/ I/PlayCommon: [200] anfu.c(180): Connecting to server:
3513-3706/ E/PlayCommon: [200] anfu.c(186): Failed to connect to server for log upload.
2293-2316/system_process D/LuxLevels: bright hysteresis constant= 0.1, threshold=12.721182, lux=11.564711
2293-2316/system_process D/LuxLevels: dark hysteresis constant= 0.2, threshold=9.251769, lux=11.564711
2577-4314/ E/WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched acquire!
2577-4314/ W/WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM counter does not exist
2293-2316/system_process D/LuxLevels: bright hysteresis constant= 0.1, threshold=16.180548, lux=14.709589
2293-2316/system_process D/LuxLevels: dark hysteresis constant= 0.2, threshold=11.767672, lux=14.709589
2293-2316/system_process D/LuxLevels: bright hysteresis constant= 0.1, threshold=10.013681, lux=9.103347
2293-2316/system_process D/LuxLevels: dark hysteresis constant= 0.2, threshold=7.2826777, lux=9.103347
2293-2316/system_process D/LuxLevels: bright hysteresis constant= 0.1, threshold=12.9980345, lux=11.816395
2293-2316/system_process D/LuxLevels: dark hysteresis constant= 0.2, threshold=9.453116, lux=11.816395
2293-2316/system_process D/LuxLevels: bright hysteresis constant= 0.1, threshold=17.182453, lux=15.620412
2293-2316/system_process D/LuxLevels: dark hysteresis constant= 0.2, threshold=12.496329, lux=15.620412

Ich habe eine Easybox804, Einstellungen für PMF gibt es da nicht. Ich war allerdings vorher auch mit dem Router verbunden mit der Stock Version vom GT-N8010 und habe nach dem flashen auch nichts an der Konfiguration geändert.

Danke und liebe Grüße
html6405 schrieb:
Ich teste diesen gerade,
was hält ihr davon, wenn ich zum Beispiel diesen Browser oder einen anderen standardmäßig anstatt den LineageOS-Browser gleich mitpacke?

im grunde eine gute idee, aber es wird immer anwender geben, die einen anderen browser nutzen möchten. wäre ein auswahlmenü implementierbar?
gtn8010User123 schrieb:
habe den wifi Ordner umbenannt in _wifi und einen neuen wifi Ordner erstellt, jetzt lässt sich das WLAN nicht mehr starten (nach Klick auf den Schieberegler zum Einschalten des WLANS versucht er ifup , scheitert aber und das WLAN bleibt aus).
Hast du den selbst erstellt?
Das kann dann nicht funktionieren, da die Berechtigungen somit falsch sind.
Das System erstellt ihn automatisch neu, mit all den passenden Berechtigungen und den benötigten Dateien.
gtn8010User123 schrieb:
Ich habe eine Easybox804, Einstellungen für PMF gibt es da nicht. Ich war allerdings vorher auch mit dem Router verbunden mit der Stock Version vom GT-N8010 und habe nach dem flashen auch nichts an der Konfiguration geändert.
Ja das kann sein, dass es bei deinem Router die Option nicht gibt.
Dann müsstest du zumindest WPA2 deaktivieren.

Falls das auch nichts ändert (diese 2 Optionen), dann bau ich dir eine Testversion,
die hoffentlich das Problem einmalig für alle Nachfolger löst.
dtdoenertier schrieb:
im grunde eine gute idee, aber es wird immer anwender geben, die einen anderen browser nutzen möchten. wäre ein auswahlmenü implementierbar?
Ja das stimmt und nein nicht wirklich, also entweder ich packe gleich mehr mit und man wählt einen Standardbrowser,
aber das wäre unötig benutzter Speicherplatz.
Wenn zumindest der Großteil für einen Browser wär, dann würde das schon Sinn machen und der Rest,
kann sich ja einen anderen problemlos runterladen.
html6405 schrieb:
Hast du den selbst erstellt?
Das kann dann nicht funktionieren, da die Berechtigungen somit falsch sind.
Das System erstellt ihn automatisch neu, mit all den passenden Berechtigungen und den benötigten Dateien.

Stimmt danke! Ich habe den Ordner nun einfach nur entfernt und keinen neuen Ordner erstellt. Verbindung zum WLAN geht leider trotzdem nicht:

3161-4107/ W/chya: [{0}] Failed to resolve name. status={1}
2623-4311/ E/WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched acquire!
2623-4311/ W/WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM counter does not exist
    --------- beginning of system
2307-2318/system_process I/ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty #17
2307-2677/system_process D/ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 3708
2307-2698/system_process D/WifiService: setWifiEnabled: true pid=2666, uid=1000
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiMonitor: killSupplicant p2ptrue init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown init.svc.p2p_supplicant=unknown
1976-2092/? D/audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
1976-2092/? D/AudioFlinger: mixer(0x414031c0) throttle end: throttle time(33)
1994-2304/? D/SoftapController: Softap fwReload - Ok
1994-2304/? D/CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
1994-2304/? D/CommandListener: Trying to bring down wlan0
1994-2304/? D/CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
2307-2380/system_process D/wifi: set interface wlan0 flags (UP)
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiHAL: Initializing wifi
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiHAL: Creating socket
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiHAL: Could not find group vendor
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiHAL: Initialized Wifi HAL Successfully; vendor cmd = 103
2307-2380/system_process D/wifi: Did set static halHandle = 0x692d6010
2307-2380/system_process D/wifi: halHandle = 0x692d6010, mVM = 0x42c73000, mCls = 0x2021fa
2307-2380/system_process D/wifi: array field set
2307-4317/system_process I/WifiNative-HAL: Waiting for HAL events mWifiHalHandle=1764581392
2307-4317/system_process D/wifi: waitForHalEvents called, vm = 0x42c73000, obj = 0x2021fa, env = 0x5f54ce40
2307-2375/system_process W/ConnectivityExtension: ConnectivityExt jar file not present
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiMonitor: startMonitoring(wlan0) with mConnected = false
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Could not re-add multicast membership for vendor events: -2 (No such file or directory)
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: Could not re-add multicast membership for vendor events: -2 (No such file or directory)
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiConfigManager: Loading config and enabling all networks
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiNetworkHistory: readNetworkHistory: no config file, /data/misc/wifi/networkHistory.txt (No such file or directory)
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiConfigManager: loaded 0 passpoint configs
2307-2380/system_process E/IpConfigStore: Error parsing configuration: /data/misc/wifi/ipconfig.txt (No such file or directory)
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiConfigManager: --- Begin /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf ---
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiConfigManager: update_config=1
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiConfigManager: eapol_version=1
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiConfigManager: ap_scan=1
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiConfigManager: fast_reauth=1
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiConfigManager: pmf=1
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiConfigManager: --- End /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf Contents ---
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiConfigManager: --- Begin /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf.tmp ---
2307-2380/system_process W/WifiConfigManager: Could not open /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf.tmp, /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf.tmp (No such file or directory)
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiConfigManager: --- End /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf.tmp Contents ---
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiConfigManager: --- Begin /data/misc/wifi/networkHistory.txt ---
2307-2380/system_process W/WifiConfigManager: Could not open /data/misc/wifi/networkHistory.txt, /data/misc/wifi/networkHistory.txt (No such file or directory)
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiConfigManager: --- End /data/misc/wifi/networkHistory.txt Contents ---
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiNative-HAL: Setting external_sim to 1
2307-2380/system_process D/wifi: setting dfs flag to true, 0x6be8d780
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: Setting OUI to DA-A1-19
2307-2380/system_process D/wifi: setting scan oui 0x6be8d780
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiHAL: Sending mac address OUI
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiHAL: failed to set scanning mac OUI; result = -95
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=USER type=COUNTRY alpha2=DE
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiCountryCode: Succeeded to set country code to: DE
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: PNO settings: min5GHzRssi -82 min24GHzRssi -85 currentConnectionBonus 16 sameNetworkBonus 24 secureNetworkBonus 80 initialScoreMax 100
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: ConnectivityScanManager initialized and enabled
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: setUntrustedConnectionAllowed: allowed=false
2307-2380/system_process D/wifi: android_net_wifi_get_firmware_version = 0x6be8d780
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiHAL: Failed to register debug response; result = -95
2307-2380/system_process E/wifi: Fail to get Firmware version
2307-2380/system_process D/wifi: android_net_wifi_get_driver_version = 0x6be8d780
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiHAL: Failed to register debug response; result = -95
2307-2380/system_process E/wifi: Fail to get driver version
2307-2380/system_process D/wifi: android_net_wifi_set_log_handler = 0x6be8d780
2307-2380/system_process D/wifi: android_net_wifi_get_ring_buffer_status = 0x6be8d780
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiHAL: Failed to register debug response; result = -95
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiLogger: no ring buffers found
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiHAL: Start get packet fate command
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiHAL: createRequest Monitor packet fate request
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiHAL: Failed to register get pkt fate response; result = -95
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiLogger: Failed to start packet fate monitoring
2307-2380/system_process E/wifi: android_net_wifi_getLinkLayerStats: failed to get link statistics
2307-2307/system_process D/RttService: SCAN_AVAILABLE : 3
2307-2384/system_process D/RttService: DefaultState got{ when=0 what=160512$SmHandler }
2307-2383/system_process D/wifi: failed to get capabilities : -95
2307-2380/system_process D/wifi: android_net_wifi_setLinkLayerStats: 1
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: Set WiFi enabled
1994-2304/? D/CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
1994-2304/? D/CommandListener: Trying to bring up p2p0
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: scheduleWatchdogTimer
2307-2378/system_process D/WifiMonitor: startMonitoring(p2p0) with mConnected = true
2307-2380/system_process E/wifi: wifi_get_supported_feature_set returned error = 0xffffffa1
2307-2383/system_process I/WifiScanningService: wifi driver loaded with scan capabilities: max buckets=16
2307-2324/system_process E/BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied
2666-4324/ D/Index: Deleting data for locale 'de_DE' took 16 millis
2307-2380/system_process E/wifi: wifi_get_supported_feature_set returned error = 0xffffffa1
2307-2324/system_process E/BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied
2666-4324/ D/Index: Indexing locale 'de_DE' took 42 millis
2307-2378/system_process D/WifiNative-HAL: p2pGetDeviceAddress
2307-2378/system_process D/WifiNative-HAL: p2pGetDeviceAddress returning 5e:f8:a1:2f:07:b1
2307-2317/system_process I/art: Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 52080(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 15(608KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 9MB/13MB, paused 2.753ms total 201.948ms
3161-4107/ W/chya: [{0}] Failed to resolve name. status={1}
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] JobSchedulerEngine$PhoneskyJobSchedulerJobService.onStartJob(3): SCH: onJobSchedulerWakeup with jobId 9008
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] vab.a(9): Scheduling fallback in 43199990 (absolute: 43307482)
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] vab.a(9): Scheduling fallback in 64799990 (absolute: 64907494)
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] vak.handleMessage(6): SCH: DeviceState: DeviceState{currentTime=1588346621617, isCharging=true, isIdle=false, netAny=false, netNotRoaming=false, netUnmetered=false, batteryPercent=95.0}
3536-4331/ I/Finsky: [226] vcy.a(7): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 12-1 24-77777777 26-1414141414 29-29 34-1 34-2
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] val.a(18): SCH: Running job: 29-29
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] vak.handleMessage(57): SCH: RunningQueue size: 1, PendingQueue size: 0
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] vak.handleMessage(60): SCH: Running queue: 29-29
3536-4332/ I/Finsky: [227] abgl.a(1): ProcessRecoveryLogsUtil: No files in recovery directory
3536-4332/ I/Finsky: [227] vbv.a(16): SCH: jobFinished: 29-29. TimeElapsed: 24ms.
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] val.a(36): SCH: Job 29-29 finished. Not rescheduling.
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] vak.handleMessage(57): SCH: RunningQueue size: 0, PendingQueue size: 0
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] vak.handleMessage(23): Executor finished
2307-2713/system_process I/ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty #17
2307-2687/system_process D/ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 3764
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] vcy.a(7): SCH: Jobs in database: 1-1337 12-1 24-77777777 26-1414141414 34-1 34-2
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] uyt.a(58): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 24-77777777,  -> L: 0ms, D: 82758299ms, C: false, I: true, N: 0
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] uyt.a(58): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-2, 12-1, 1-1337,  -> L: 0ms, D: 42844467ms, C: false, I: false, N: 1
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] uyt.a(58): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-1,  -> L: 0ms, D: 1230447342ms, C: false, I: true, N: 2
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] uyt.a(58): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 34-1,  -> L: 0ms, D: 1230447343ms, C: true, I: true, N: 2
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] uyt.a(58): SCH: ConstraintMapping: 26-1414141414,  -> L: 39516274ms, D: 40416274ms, C: false, I: false, N: 0
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] vbi.a(35): Cancelling existing jobscheduler jobs: 9003 9002 9001 9007
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] vbi.a(12): Throttling wakeup for job 9000 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] vbi.a(28): Scheduling job Id: 9000, L: 30000, D: 82758299, C: false, I: true, N: 0
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] vbi.a(12): Throttling wakeup for job 9004 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] vbi.a(28): Scheduling job Id: 9004, L: 30000, D: 42844467, C: false, I: false, N: 1
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] vbi.a(12): Throttling wakeup for job 9005 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] vbi.a(28): Scheduling job Id: 9005, L: 30000, D: 1230447342, C: false, I: true, N: 2
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] vbi.a(12): Throttling wakeup for job 9006 (expected to run in 0 ms) due to recent wakeup
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] vbi.a(28): Scheduling job Id: 9006, L: 30000, D: 1230447343, C: true, I: true, N: 2
3536-3536/ I/Finsky: [1] vbi.a(28): Scheduling job Id: 9009, L: 39516274, D: 40416274, C: false, I: false, N: 0
3536-3571/ I/Finsky: [148] Stats for Executor: BlockingExecutor kmi@836164d[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 24]
3536-3571/ I/Finsky: [148] Stats for Executor: LightweightExecutor kmi@6612502[Running, pool size = 3, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 75]
3536-3571/ I/Finsky: [148] Stats for Executor: bgExecutor kmi@22f8e13[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 139]
1976-2092/? D/audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
1976-2092/? D/AudioFlinger: mixer(0x414031c0) throttle end: throttle time(33)
2415-2415/ W/SubtypeLocaleUtils: KeyboardLayoutSet not found, use QWERTY: locale=en_AU extraValue=TrySuppressingImeSwitcher,AsciiCapable,SupportTouchPositionCorrection,EmojiCapable
2415-2415/ W/SubtypeLocaleUtils: KeyboardLayoutSet not found, use QWERTY: locale=hu_ZZ extraValue=AsciiCapable,SupportTouchPositionCorrection,EmojiCapable
2415-2415/ W/RichInputMethodSubtype: Can't find emoji subtype
2415-2415/ W/RichInputMethodSubtype: No input method subtype found; returning dummy subtype: Multi-lingual subtype: android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodSubtype@d78b2ed0, zz
2415-2415/ I/EmojiCategory: Last Emoji category id is 8
2415-2415/ W/ViewPager: Requested offscreen page limit 0 too small; defaulting to 1
2415-2415/ I/LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = 0,0
    Device driver API version: 29
    User space API version: 29
2415-4337/ I/OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
2415-4337/ D/OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
1976-2092/? D/AudioFlinger: mixer(0x414031c0) throttle end: throttle time(33)
2423-2423/ I/SlideTouchEvent: vel=0.0, MinimumFlingVelocity=50
2307-2687/system_process I/ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10804000} from uid 10029 on display 0
2307-2317/system_process I/art: Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 20633(1168KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 33% free, 8MB/13MB, paused 4.785ms total 279.187ms
2307-2328/system_process I/ActivityManager: Displayed +521ms
2415-2415/ W/InputMethodService: Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
2666-2666/ W/IInputConnectionWrapper: finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection
2666-2666/ W/IInputConnectionWrapper: reportFullscreenMode on inexistent InputConnection
2666-2666/ W/IInputConnectionWrapper: finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection
2307-2687/system_process I/ActivityManager: START u0 {dat=// flg=0x10380000} from uid 10013 on display 0
2307-2677/system_process E/ActivityManager: applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animationType=0
2307-2677/system_process W/ActivityManager: Slow operation: 55ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
2307-2677/system_process W/ActivityManager: Slow operation: 55ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
2307-2677/system_process W/ActivityManager: Slow operation: 55ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message
2307-2677/system_process I/ActivityManager: Start proc for activity
2307-2677/system_process W/ActivityManager: Slow operation: 55ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
2307-2677/system_process W/ActivityManager: Slow operation: 55ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
2307-2677/system_process W/ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now at startProcess: done starting proc!
4362-4362/? E/cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
4362-4362/? E/patchoat: Failed to open output oat file /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@priv-app@DocumentsUI@DocumentsUI.apk@classes.dex: Permission denied(13)
4347-4347/ W/art: Failed execv(/system/bin/patchoat --instruction-set=arm --input-oat-file=/system/priv-app/DocumentsUI/oat/arm/DocumentsUI.odex --output-oat-file=/data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@priv-app@DocumentsUI@DocumentsUI.apk@classes.dex --patched-image-location=/system/framework/ because non-0 exit status
4347-4347/ W/System: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/DocumentsUI/lib/arm
4347-4363/ D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/
4347-4363/ D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/
2307-2446/system_process I/ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
4347-4363/ D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/
4383-4383/? E/cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
4383-4383/? E/patchoat: Failed to open output oat file /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@priv-app@ExternalStorageProvider@ExternalStorageProvider.apk@classes.dex: Permission denied(13)
4368-4368/ W/art: Failed execv(/system/bin/patchoat --instruction-set=arm --input-oat-file=/system/priv-app/ExternalStorageProvider/oat/arm/ExternalStorageProvider.odex --output-oat-file=/data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@priv-app@ExternalStorageProvider@ExternalStorageProvider.apk@classes.dex --patched-image-location=/system/framework/ because non-0 exit status
4368-4368/ W/System: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/ExternalStorageProvider/lib/arm
4368-4368/ D/ExternalStorage: After updating volumes, found 2 active roots
4368-4384/ D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/
4368-4384/ D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/
2307-2713/system_process I/ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
4389-4397/? E/art: Failed sending reply to debugger: Broken pipe
4389-4397/? I/art: Debugger is no longer active
4389-4397/? I/art: Starting a blocking GC Instrumentation
4368-4384/ D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/
4405-4405/? E/cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
4405-4405/? E/patchoat: Failed to open output oat file /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@priv-app@MtpDocumentsProvider@MtpDocumentsProvider.apk@classes.dex: Permission denied(13)
4389-4389/? W/art: Failed execv(/system/bin/patchoat --instruction-set=arm --input-oat-file=/system/priv-app/MtpDocumentsProvider/oat/arm/MtpDocumentsProvider.odex --output-oat-file=/data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@priv-app@MtpDocumentsProvider@MtpDocumentsProvider.apk@classes.dex --patched-image-location=/system/framework/ because non-0 exit status
4389-4406/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/
4389-4406/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/
2307-2446/system_process D/VoldConnector: SND -> {7 appfuse mount 10009 4389 MtpDocumentsProvider}
4389-4406/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/
2307-2372/system_process D/VoldConnector: RCV <- {200 7 AppFuse command succeeded}
2307-3038/system_process I/ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
4426-4426/? E/cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
4426-4426/? E/patchoat: Failed to open output oat file /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@priv-app@DownloadProvider@DownloadProvider.apk@classes.dex: Permission denied(13)
4412-4412/? W/art: Failed execv(/system/bin/patchoat --instruction-set=arm --input-oat-file=/system/priv-app/DownloadProvider/oat/arm/DownloadProvider.odex --output-oat-file=/data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@priv-app@DownloadProvider@DownloadProvider.apk@classes.dex --patched-image-location=/system/framework/ because non-0 exit status
4412-4412/? W/System: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/DownloadProvider/lib/arm
4412-4427/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/
4412-4427/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/
4428-4428/? E/cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
4428-4428/? E/patchoat: Failed to open output oat file /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@priv-app@MediaProvider@MediaProvider.apk@classes.dex: Permission denied(13)
4412-4412/? W/art: Failed execv(/system/bin/patchoat --instruction-set=arm --input-oat-file=/system/priv-app/MediaProvider/oat/arm/MediaProvider.odex --output-oat-file=/data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@priv-app@MediaProvider@MediaProvider.apk@classes.dex --patched-image-location=/system/framework/ because non-0 exit status
4412-4412/? W/System: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/MediaProvider/lib/arm
4412-4412/? D/ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/priv-app/MediaProvider/lib/arm:/system/priv-app/MediaProvider/MediaProvider.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a:/system/lib:/vendor/lib for namespace 0x400d4090
4412-4427/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/
    Device driver API version: 29
    User space API version: 29
4347-4434/ I/OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
4347-4434/ D/OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
2307-2328/system_process I/ActivityManager: Displayed +1s428ms
1976-2092/? D/audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
3161-4107/ W/chya: [{0}] Failed to resolve name. status={1}
2307-2349/system_process W/ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { flg=0x4 (has extras) } U=0: not found
2623-2623/ W/ChimeraUtils: Non Chimera context
2623-3209/ E/Auth: [GoogleAccountDataServiceImpl] getToken() -> NETWORK_ERROR. Account: <ELLIDED:-2139193087>, App:, Service: oauth2: email
2623-3209/ W/Auth: [GetToken] GetToken failed with status code: NetworkError
3161-4442/ W/System: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/priv-app/PrebuiltGmsCore/lib/arm
2623-2632/ I/art: Compiler allocated 5MB to compile void bxwc.a(java.lang.Object, bxwm, bxtp)
2623-4447/ E/WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched acquire!
2623-4447/ W/WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM counter does not exist

4463-4463/? E/cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
4463-4463/? E/patchoat: Failed to open output oat file /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@app@HTMLViewer@HTMLViewer.apk@classes.dex: Permission denied(13)
4449-4449/ W/art: Failed execv(/system/bin/patchoat --instruction-set=arm --input-oat-file=/system/app/HTMLViewer/oat/arm/HTMLViewer.odex --output-oat-file=/data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@app@HTMLViewer@HTMLViewer.apk@classes.dex --patched-image-location=/system/framework/ because non-0 exit status
4449-4449/ W/System: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/HTMLViewer/lib/arm
4449-4464/ D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/
4449-4464/ D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/
4449-4464/ D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/
4467-4467/? E/cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
4467-4467/? E/patchoat: Failed to open output oat file /data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@app@webview@webview.apk@classes.dex: Permission denied(13)
4449-4449/ W/art: Failed execv(/system/bin/patchoat --instruction-set=arm --input-oat-file=/system/app/webview/oat/arm/webview.odex --output-oat-file=/data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@app@webview@webview.apk@classes.dex --patched-image-location=/system/framework/ because non-0 exit status
4449-4449/ W/System: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/webview/lib/arm
4449-4449/ D/ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /system/app/webview/lib/arm:/system/app/webview/webview.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a:/system/lib:/vendor/lib for namespace 0x400d4090
4449-4449/ I/WebViewFactory: Loading version 80.0.3987.132 (code 398713200)
4449-4449/ I/cr_LibraryLoader: Loaded native library version number "80.0.3987.132"
4449-4476/ W/chromium: [] Failed to read DnsConfig.
4449-4478/ W/cr_media: Requires BLUETOOTH permission
4449-4485/ E/libEGL: validate_display:99 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
    Device driver API version: 29
    User space API version: 29
4449-4485/ E/chromium: [] eglChooseConfig failed with error EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE
4449-4485/ E/chromium: [] eglChooseConfig failed with error EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE
4449-4493/ I/OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
4449-4493/ D/OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
4449-4485/ W/VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 1/32 for video/mp4v-es
4449-4485/ W/VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/2 for video/mp4v-es
4449-4485/ W/VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/64 for video/mp4v-es
4449-4485/ I/VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es
4449-4485/ W/VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 1/32 for video/mp4v-es
4449-4485/ W/VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/2 for video/mp4v-es
4449-4485/ W/VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 32768/64 for video/mp4v-es
4449-4485/ W/AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/ac3
4449-4485/ W/AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/alac
4449-4485/ W/AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ape
4449-4485/ W/AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/ffmpeg
2307-2328/system_process I/ActivityManager: Displayed +1s542ms
4449-4485/ W/AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/dts
4449-4485/ W/AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L2
4449-4485/ W/AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/vnd.rn-realaudio
4449-4485/ W/AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ms-wma
4449-4485/ W/VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/divx
4449-4485/ W/VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-flv
4449-4485/ W/VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/vnd.rn-realvideo
4449-4485/ W/VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/vc1
4449-4485/ W/VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/ffmpeg
4449-4485/ W/VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv
4449-4485/ W/cr_MediaCodecUtil: HW encoder for video/avc is not available on this device.
2307-2698/system_process I/ActivityManager: Killing 3792:com.topjohnwu.magisk/u0a57 (adj 906): empty #17
2307-3038/system_process D/ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 3792
1976-2092/? D/audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
1976-2092/? D/AudioFlinger: mixer(0x414031c0) throttle end: throttle time(32)
4449-4493/ D/OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x6c1d0700 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x6c5ff370
1976-2092/? D/AudioFlinger: mixer(0x414031c0) throttle end: throttle time(32)
4449-4493/ D/OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x6c1d3f00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x6c1f7780
1976-2092/? D/audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
2423-2423/ I/SlideTouchEvent: vel=0.0, MinimumFlingVelocity=50
2307-3038/system_process I/ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10804000} from uid 10029 on display 0
2423-2441/ I/art: Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 49181(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 1(172KB) LOS objects, 39% free, 15MB/26MB, paused 1.255ms total 105.749ms
2307-3038/system_process I/ActivityManager: Killing 3824:org.lineageos.updater/u0a24 (adj 906): empty #17
2307-3045/system_process D/ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 3824
2307-2317/system_process I/art: Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 38829(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 10(220KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 9MB/13MB, paused 2.682ms total 203.974ms
3161-4087/ I/CastDatabase: Saving the database
3161-4087/ I/SQLiteCastStore: [CastNetworkInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0, [CastDeviceInfo]: saved 0, skipped 0, [Paired Guest Mode DeviceInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0. [ProbedNetworks]: saved 0, skipped: 0, [ProbedSocketAddress]: saved 0, skipped: 0, [Network-Device pairs]: saved: 0
2307-2446/system_process I/ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty #17
2307-2687/system_process D/ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 3849
2307-3045/system_process I/ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.settings.WIFI_SETTINGS flg=0x14100000$WifiSettingsActivity} from uid 10029 on display 0
2307-2687/system_process E/ActivityManager: applyOptionsLocked: Unknown animationType=0
1976-2092/? D/AudioFlinger: mixer(0x414031c0) throttle end: throttle time(33)
2666-4507/ D/Index: Indexing locale 'de_DE' took 46 millis
2666-4508/ D/Index: Indexing locale 'de_DE' took 15 millis
2666-4509/ W/TileUtils: Found for intent Intent { } missing metadata
2666-4509/ D/Index: Deleting data for locale 'de_DE' took 6 millis
2307-2328/system_process I/ActivityManager: Displayed$WifiSettingsActivity: +415ms
2666-4509/ D/Index: Indexing locale 'de_DE' took 71 millis
2666-2679/ I/art: Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 20178(929KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 22% free, 4MB/6MB, paused 6.914ms total 65.785ms
2666-4509/ D/Index: Deleting data for locale 'de_DE' took 3 millis
2666-4509/ D/Index: Indexing locale 'de_DE' took 13 millis
2415-2415/ W/InputMethodService: Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
2415-2415/ I/LatinIME: Starting input. Cursor position = 0,0
2666-2679/ I/art: Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 27088(1115KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 42% free, 5MB/9MB, paused 5.376ms total 124.285ms
2307-2379/system_process D/WiFiServiceImpl: SAVE nid=0 uid=1000 name=android.uid.system:1000
2307-2379/system_process D/WifiService: Connect with config* ID: -1 SSID: "Anderes_Wifi" PROVIDER-NAME: null BSSID: null FQDN: null PRIO: 0 HIDDEN: false
     NetworkSelectionStatus NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED
     hasEverConnected: false
     KeyMgmt: WPA_PSK Protocols:
     PSK: *
    Enterprise config:
    IP config:
    IP assignment: DHCP
    Proxy settings: NONE
     cuid=-1 luid=-1 lcuid=0 userApproved=USER_UNSPECIFIED noInternetAccessExpected=false isCarrierNetwork=false roamingFailureBlackListTimeMilli: 1000
    triggeredLow: 0 triggeredBad: 0 triggeredNotHigh: 0
    ticksLow: 0 ticksBad: 0 ticksNotHigh: 0
    triggeredJoin: 0
2307-2379/system_process D/WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: SAVE_NETWORK id=-1 config="Anderes_Wifi" nid=-1 supstate=DisconnectedState my state DisconnectedState
2307-2379/system_process D/WiFiServiceImpl: CONNECT  nid=-1 uid=1000 name=android.uid.system:1000
2307-2379/system_process D/WifiService: Connect with config* ID: -1 SSID: "Anderes_Wifi" PROVIDER-NAME: null BSSID: null FQDN: null PRIO: 0 HIDDEN: false
     NetworkSelectionStatus NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED
     hasEverConnected: false
     KeyMgmt: WPA_PSK Protocols:
     PSK: *
    Enterprise config:
    IP config:
    IP assignment: DHCP
    Proxy settings: NONE
     cuid=-1 luid=-1 lcuid=0 userApproved=USER_UNSPECIFIED noInternetAccessExpected=false isCarrierNetwork=false roamingFailureBlackListTimeMilli: 1000
    triggeredLow: 0 triggeredBad: 0 triggeredNotHigh: 0
    ticksLow: 0 ticksBad: 0 ticksNotHigh: 0
    triggeredJoin: 0
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiConfigStore: addOrUpdateNetwork created netId=0
2415-2415/ W/InputMethodService: Window size has been changed. This may cause jankiness of resizing window: -1 -> -2
2666-2666/ W/IInputConnectionWrapper: finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection
2666-2666/ W/IInputConnectionWrapper: finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiConfigManager: created new config netId=0 uid=1000 name=android.uid.system:1000
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: connectToUserSelectNetwork: netId=0 persist=true
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: CONNECT_NETWORK updating existing config with id=0 configKey="Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK
2307-4514/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:0 hasEverConnected: false
2307-4514/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK
2307-4514/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:0 hasEverConnected: false
2307-4514/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK
2307-4515/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:0 hasEverConnected: false
2307-4515/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: connectToUserSelectNetwork: netId=0 persist=true
2307-4516/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:0 hasEverConnected: false
2307-4516/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Trying to associate with 0a:b0:91:55:d7:69 (SSID='Anderes_Wifi' freq=5220 MHz)
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: scheduleWatchdogTimer
2307-2383/system_process E/SupplicantWifiScannerImpl: Failed to start scan, freqs=null
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiConnectivityManager: SingleScanListener onFailure: reason: -1 description: Scan failed
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Associated with 0a:b0:91:55:d7:69
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SUBNET-STATUS-UPDATE status=0
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 0a:b0:91:55:d7:69 [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 0a:b0:91:55:d7:69 completed [id=0 id_str=%7B%22creatorUid%22%3A%221000%22%2C%22configKey%22%3A%22%5C%22Anderes_Wifi%5C%22WPA_PSK%22%7D]
4318-4318/? W/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Failed to configure IGTK to the driver
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: RSN: Failed to configure IGTK
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=0a:b0:91:55:d7:69 reason=1 locally_generated=1
2307-2380/system_process D/ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CONNECTING, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Anderes_Wifi", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false]}  network{100}  nethandle{429513165534}  lp{{LinkAddresses: []  Routes: [] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0}}  nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps]}  Score{20}  everValidated{false}  lastValidated{false}  created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
2307-2385/system_process D/ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTING
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiHAL: Getting APF capabilities, halHandle = 0x6be8d780
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiHAL: createRequest: APF get capabilities request
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiHAL: Request Response failed for APF, result = -95
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: Start Dhcp Watchdog 1
2307-2380/system_process E/wifi: android_net_wifi_getLinkLayerStats: failed to get link statistics
2307-2380/system_process E/wifi: android_net_wifi_getLinkLayerStats: failed to get link statistics
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:Anderes_Wififalse,false
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiHAL: Start get packet fate command
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiHAL: createRequest Get Tx packet fate request
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiHAL: Failed to register get pkt fate response; result = -95
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiNative-HAL: getTxPktFatesNative returned -95
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiHAL: Start get packet fate command
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiHAL: createRequest Get Rx packet fate request
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiHAL: Failed to register get pkt fate response; result = -95
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiNative-HAL: getRxPktFatesNative returned -95
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiNative-HAL: stopRssiMonitoring, cmdId 0
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=USER type=COUNTRY alpha2=DE
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiCountryCode: Succeeded to set country code to: DE
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: scheduleWatchdogTimer
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiNative-wlan0: configureNeighborDiscoveryOffload(true)
2307-2385/system_process D/ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to DISCONNECTED
2307-2385/system_process D/ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] got DISCONNECTED, was satisfying 0
2307-2385/system_process W/ConnectivityExtension: ConnectivityExt jar file not present
2307-2381/system_process D/DhcpClient: doQuit
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiNative-wlan0: configureNeighborDiscoveryOffload(true) returned: -95
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost
2307-4523/system_process D/DhcpClient: Receive thread started
2307-4523/system_process D/DhcpClient: Receive thread stopped
2307-4521/system_process D/DhcpClient: onQuitting
1994-2296/? E/Netd: Failed to destroy IPv6 sockets on fe80::5ef8:a1ff:fe2f:7b1: Invalid argument
1994-2296/? E/Netd: Error destroying sockets: Unknown error -22
1994-2304/? D/CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
2307-2307/system_process I/ActivityManager: Killing (adj 906): empty #17
2307-2698/system_process D/ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 2832
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: CMD_AUTO_CONNECT sup state DisconnectedState my state DisconnectedState nid=0 roam=false
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: CMD_AUTO_CONNECT will save config -> "Anderes_Wifi" nid=0
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: CMD_AUTO_CONNECT did save config ->  nid=0
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Trying to associate with 0a:b0:91:55:d7:69 (SSID='Anderes_Wifi' freq=5220 MHz)
2307-4524/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:2 nid:0 hasEverConnected: false
2307-4524/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK
2307-4524/system_process D/WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:2 nid:0 hasEverConnected: false
2307-4524/system_process V/WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "Anderes_Wifi"WPA_PSK
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-ASSOC-REJECT bssid=0a:b0:91:55:d7:69 status_code=1
2307-2317/system_process I/art: Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 68212(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 3(60KB) LOS objects, 31% free, 9MB/13MB, paused 2.426ms total 100.204ms
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: trackBssid: disable 0a:b0:91:55:d7:69
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiHAL: Start get packet fate command
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiHAL: createRequest Get Tx packet fate request
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiHAL: Failed to register get pkt fate response; result = -95
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiNative-HAL: getTxPktFatesNative returned -95
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiHAL: Start get packet fate command
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiHAL: createRequest Get Rx packet fate request
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiHAL: Failed to register get pkt fate response; result = -95
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiNative-HAL: getRxPktFatesNative returned -95
2307-2380/system_process E/SupplicantStateTracker: Ignoring { when=-8ms what=147499$SmHandler }
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Trying to associate with 0a:b0:91:55:d7:69 (SSID='Anderes_Wifi' freq=5220 MHz)
2307-2383/system_process W/AlarmManager: Unrecognized alarm listener$3@6b4857c
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Associated with 0a:b0:91:55:d7:69
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SUBNET-STATUS-UPDATE status=0
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 0a:b0:91:55:d7:69 [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 0a:b0:91:55:d7:69 completed [id=0 id_str=%7B%22creatorUid%22%3A%221000%22%2C%22configKey%22%3A%22%5C%22Anderes_Wifi%5C%22WPA_PSK%22%7D]
2307-2380/system_process D/ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CONNECTING, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Anderes_Wifi", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false]}  network{101}  nethandle{433808132830}  lp{{LinkAddresses: []  Routes: [] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0}}  nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps]}  Score{20}  everValidated{false}  lastValidated{false}  created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
2307-2385/system_process D/ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 101] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTING
4318-4318/? W/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Failed to configure IGTK to the driver
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: RSN: Failed to configure IGTK
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=0a:b0:91:55:d7:69 reason=1 locally_generated=1
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiHAL: Getting APF capabilities, halHandle = 0x6be8d780
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiHAL: createRequest: APF get capabilities request
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiHAL: Request Response failed for APF, result = -95
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: Start Dhcp Watchdog 2
2307-2380/system_process E/wifi: android_net_wifi_getLinkLayerStats: failed to get link statistics
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: updateCapabilities for config:Anderes_Wififalse,false
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiHAL: Start get packet fate command
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiHAL: createRequest Get Tx packet fate request
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiHAL: Failed to register get pkt fate response; result = -95
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiNative-HAL: getTxPktFatesNative returned -95
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiHAL: Start get packet fate command
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiHAL: createRequest Get Rx packet fate request
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiHAL: Failed to register get pkt fate response; result = -95
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiNative-HAL: getRxPktFatesNative returned -95
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiNative-HAL: stopRssiMonitoring, cmdId 0
2307-2381/system_process D/DhcpClient: doQuit
2307-2385/system_process D/ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 101] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to DISCONNECTED
2307-2385/system_process D/ConnectivityService: NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 101] got DISCONNECTED, was satisfying 0
2307-2385/system_process W/ConnectivityExtension: ConnectivityExt jar file not present
2307-4535/system_process D/DhcpClient: Receive thread started
2307-4533/system_process D/DhcpClient: onQuitting
1994-2296/? E/Netd: Failed to destroy IPv6 sockets on fe80::5ef8:a1ff:fe2f:7b1: Invalid argument
1994-2296/? E/Netd: Error destroying sockets: Unknown error -22
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=USER type=COUNTRY alpha2=DE
1994-2304/? D/CommandListener: Clearing all IP addresses on wlan0
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiCountryCode: Succeeded to set country code to: DE
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: scheduleWatchdogTimer
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiNative-wlan0: configureNeighborDiscoveryOffload(true)
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiNative-wlan0: configureNeighborDiscoveryOffload(true) returned: -95
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost
2307-4535/system_process D/DhcpClient: Receive thread stopped
1976-2092/? D/audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
2307-2713/system_process D/WifiService: setWifiEnabled: false pid=2666, uid=1000
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiConnectivityManager: Set WiFi disabled
2307-2380/system_process D/wifi: android_net_wifi_reset_alert_handler = 0x6be8d780
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiHAL: failed to request reset; result = -95
2307-2380/system_process D/wifi: android_net_wifi_reset_log_handler = 0x6be8d780
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiHAL: Failed to remove command 1: 0x0
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiHAL: Success to clear alerthandler
2307-2307/system_process D/RttService: SCAN_AVAILABLE : 1
2307-2383/system_process I/WifiScanningService: wifi driver unloaded
2307-2384/system_process D/RttService: EnabledState got{ when=0 what=160513$SmHandler }
2307-2383/system_process W/AlarmManager: Unrecognized alarm listener$2@3b699e5
2307-2380/system_process E/wifi: wifi_get_supported_feature_set returned error = 0xffffffa1
2307-2324/system_process E/BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiNative-HAL: stopRssiMonitoring, cmdId 0
2623-3331/ W/Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiStateMachine: SupplicantStoppingState: stopSupplicant  init.svc.wpa_supplicant=unknown init.svc.p2p_supplicant=unknown
2307-2380/system_process E/wifi: wifi_get_supported_feature_set returned error = 0xffffffa1
2307-2324/system_process E/BatteryStatsService: no controller energy info supplied
2666-4508/ D/Index: Deleting data for locale 'de_DE' took 28 millis
2666-4508/ D/Index: Indexing locale 'de_DE' took 20 millis
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: deinit ifname=p2p0 disabled_11b_rates=0
1994-2296/? E/Netd: Failed to destroy IPv6 sockets on fe80::5cf8:a1ff:fe2f:7b1: Invalid argument
1994-2296/? E/Netd: Error destroying sockets: Unknown error -22
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: p2p0: CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: CTRL_IFACE: Detach monitor that cannot receive messages: /data/misc/wifi/sockets/wpa_ctrl_2307-2\x00
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: deinit ifname=wlan0 disabled_11b_rates=0
4318-4318/? I/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-TERMINATING
2307-2380/system_process D/wifi: In wifi stop Hal
2307-2380/system_process D/wifi: halHandle = 0x692d6010, mVM = 0x42c73000, mCls = 0x2021fa
2307-4317/system_process E/WifiHAL: wifi_event_loop: Read after POLL returned 4, error no = 0
2307-4317/system_process D/WifiHAL: Got a signal to exit!!!
2307-4317/system_process I/WifiHAL: Exit wifi_event_loop
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiHAL: wifi_cleanup: Read after POLL returned 4, error no = 0
2307-2380/system_process E/WifiHAL: Event processing terminated
2307-2380/system_process D/wifi: In wifi cleaned up handler
2307-2380/system_process I/WifiHAL: Internal cleanup completed
2623-3331/ W/Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
2666-4509/ D/Index: Deleting data for locale 'de_DE' took 20 millis
2307-4317/system_process D/wifi: set interface wlan0 flags (DOWN)
2307-2380/system_process D/WifiNative-HAL: HAL event thread stopped successfully
2666-4509/ D/Index: Indexing locale 'de_DE' took 287 millis
4537-4537/? V/macloader: Found CID type: 1
4537-4537/? I/macloader: Settting wifi type to murata in /data/
4537-4537/? D/macloader: Change permissions of /data/
4537-4537/? D/macloader: Using NVRAM calibration file: /system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt
4537-4537/? D/macloader: Changing NVRAM calibration file for murata chipset
4537-4537/? D/macloader: NVRAM calibration file set to '/system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt_murata'
3161-4107/ W/chya: [{0}] Failed to resolve name. status={1}

html6405 schrieb:
Ja das kann sein, dass es bei deinem Router die Option nicht gibt.
Dann müsstest du zumindest WPA2 deaktivieren.

Falls das auch nichts ändert (diese 2 Optionen), dann bau ich dir eine Testversion,
die hoffentlich das Problem einmalig für alle Nachfolger löst.

Ich habe ein Gastnetzwerk auf dem Router erstellt im 2,4 GHz-Band und WPA als Verschlüsselungsmethode, dies hat leider nicht gefruchtet. Mit der Einstellung WPA2/WPA klappte der Verbindungsaufbau ebenfalls nicht. Die Management Frame Protection oder FPM (802.11w) greift erst ab WPA2 oder?

Wenn du Lust und Zeit hast für eine Testversion und sogar eine Idee woran es liegen könnte, wäre ich dir sehr denkbar wenn wir das ausprobieren könnten.
Beiträge automatisch zusammengeführt:

Hallo, ich habe mal versucht in der wpa_supplicant.conf "pmf=0" zu setzen.
Anschließend hat die Verbindung sofort geklappt :)
Kannst du das vielleicht bei dir integrieren?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Noch n Crash bei tiefem Akku. Iwas um die 25% während dem Laden.


    250,4 KB · Aufrufe: 42
html6405 schrieb:
was hält ihr davon, wenn ich zum Beispiel diesen Browser oder einen anderen standardmäßig anstatt den LineageOS-Browser gleich mitpacke?
Einerseits coole idee, besonders da der Stock Lineage browser nicht so wirklich dolle ist.
Andererseits werden die meisten leute die andere browser nutzen eh ihren liebling haben und diesen nachträglich installieren. also vergebene Liebesmühe.

dtdoenertier schrieb:
im grunde eine gute idee, aber es wird immer anwender geben, die einen anderen browser nutzen möchten. wäre ein auswahlmenü implementierbar?
Lohnt sicht nicht. Man kann aus dem Playstore von Tausenden Browsern auswählen. Wieso sollte man nun den Download für die ROM um 100mb vergrössern nur um sich danach den Download aus dem Playstore zu sparen?

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